Socialist Alternative 0 Christopher Pyne 1

On August 29, my favourite Tory politician (and federal education minister) Christopher Pyne wrote an article for Uncle Rupert’s The Australian decrying anti-Semitism on Australian university campuses and identifying the neo-Cliffite political organisation Socialist Alternative as a major culprit. Subsequently, the SAlt club at Monash University has been deregistered and a SAlt member at LaTrobe University faces disciplinary action as a result of alleged harassment of a fellow student. Note that in WA, the SAlt club at the University of Western Australia has also been deregistered.

This isn’t the first time SAlt have been accused of anti-Semitism, previous allegations having surfaced in September 2006 (see : Anti-Semitism on campus?), March 2009 (see : Socialist Alternative: socialist jihadists of the far Left subsisting on a diet of anti-Semitism, lentils and tofu) and March 2014 (see : Socialists deny anti-Semitism slander, Mel Barnes, Green Left Weekly, March 22, 2014): SAlt deny all such allegations.

SAlt has issued a public statement on the decision and there’s an online petition calling on the Monash Student Association to rescind their decision; in related news, the AUJS is celebrating the defeat of a motion to support the BDS campaign at Monash: “The Australasian Union of Jewish Students has welcomed the Monash Student Council’s rejection of the highly offensive and unproductive Boycott Divestment Sanctions propaganda movement. The rejection of BDS, which came after extensive AUJS advocacy, was overwhelming. Just 4 councillors voted in favour, 2 abstained, and 11 voted against.”

See also : Max Brenner, chocolate and blood (September 13, 2011) | The Man Who Wants To Smash My Face With A Baseball Bat, Michael Brull, New Matilda, September 5, 2014.

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2015 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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2 Responses to Socialist Alternative 0 Christopher Pyne 1

  1. Brendan says:

    Oh, sucked so very much in. Ha ha ha ha. This is just too rich. Well, clearly Socialist Alternative has learned what some of their hated right wing foes have been well aware of for a long time — the Jew is very powerful. There goes their place as the CFMEU thugs of the Monash campus.

  2. Butt Darling says:

    Cliffite meaning Marxist-Leninist or left-fascist. Lets be honest!
    Groups like Cliffs UK SWP and todays WSWS tend to revolve around bourgeois capitalist printing businesses – with sometimes humorous results.
    Oh and please check out ” More Years for the Locusts”
    Its a hoot mon!

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