
the people in arms, kobane

At 1 a.m. on Monday 7 July, artillery bombardment shook Kunaftar Hill. When the shelling ceased, about 300 IS fighters that had crawled close in the cover of the night charged forward. Thirty-two fighters from YPG and YPJ took up positions inside and on top of a makeshift fortress, but they all went inside when their enemies edged closer. Crouching in narrow corridors, they kept firing from holes in the wall until the fortress was completely overrun.

From cleverly built “shelves” above the entrance, the defenders shot dead the first IS fighter that attempted to get in. Unable to force their way into the structure, IS fighters started throwing in hand grenades. One exploded next to 20-year-old Xemlîn, and the shock wave smashed her head against the concrete wall so she passed out. While tended to by her comrade Dicla, Xemlîn did not wake up again until after the battle was over.

Later an IS fighter screamed: ”Hand over your weapons! You are women, you cannot fight!” ”Do you want to go to paradise?” responded Dicla, “I will send you to hell!” The trapped defenders could now hear why the IS fighters went to get fuel – to burn them alive. The battle had been so drawn out, however, that the YPG and YPJ had had time to organize a counter-attack. They now charged up the hill from two sides, and at 8 a.m. had driven away the last attackers.

Two Kurdish fighters were killed this night. Şoreş was inside the fortress when he was shot through the eye, but continued firing his weapon until he was hit a second time. Mohamed fell when he charged up the hill: the survivors renamed it in his memory. After the battle, spotlights and rolls of barbed wire were placed around the outer perimeter. Despite these preparations, the fortress finally fell into IS hands last week, and the YPJ unit pulled back towards Kobanî town.

In countless battles, the mostly very young and poorly equipped fighters of YPG and YPJ have prevailed against the world’s most ruthless jihadist group. How is this possible?

There are a number of reasons. When trapped, YPG and YPJ fighters have no other option than victory or death. Knowing that IS will show them no mercy, they save the last bullet or hand grenade to kill themselves rather than be captured alive. Also their military training, although short in duration, is of a high standard. In combat, they act in a disciplined, coordinated fashion (unlike many other armed groups in Iraq and Syria, they aim before they shoot). They receive education along the lines of the secular left-wing ideology of Abdullah Öcalan, the imprisoned leader of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). YPG and YPJ are not only fighting IS, but for their vision of a democratic society. Less openly pronounced, but perhaps more strongly felt, is the idea of the Kurdish nation.

Also, most fighters were born and brought up in the same area, where their units operate. Even those who come from elsewhere are bound by a sense of “in-group solidarity” with their ethnic kin. And since they usually remain in the same small unit over time, fighters develop strong bonds to their comrades. In social scientific research, this kind of “primary group cohesion” is often described as key to success on the battlefield.

Lastly, “martyrs” are certainly mourned and honoured, but fighters neither seek nor celebrate death. On the contrary, frontline troops maintain a tangible joyfulness and love of life, and are often seen singing and dancing together.

The forces of YPG and YPJ have had their boots on the ground for over two years. They have substantial “fighting power” but limited firepower, and are now facing an enemy with vastly superior resources of arms and armour at its disposal (some of which was captured from the Iraqi army, and originally supplied by the USA). Unless reinforcements, armaments and supporting air strikes arrive very soon, Kobanî looks doomed to fall to IS.


Against all odds: solidarity, agitation and anti-authoritarian attack.

A new text released by the comrades in Chile regarding the International Week for Anarchist Prisoners.

This publication aims to defend and spread our ideas and practices of freedom and continuous attack against all authority, in a context in which the state makes visible its repression and desire to gestate new attacks against the anarchist / anti-authoritarian environment, four of “Operation Salamandra” in the context of the” Bombs Case “.

With this we aim to propagate tensions, arguments and debates that encourage individual and collective reflection and to expand and strengthen the struggle, to nurture the path of total liberation in confrontation with the domain values​​.

We consider this necessary effort, particularly at a time when anarchists algunxs autodenominadxs strive to show a “clean” image of anarchy, trying to disassociate themselves ideologically from those arising in direct offensive by the destruction of the state, capital and all authority, favoring and legitimizing strategy of repression.

Shaking and showing solidarity in the context of the call for a week of solidarity agitation anarchist / anti-authoritarian prisoners (23 to 30 August), we wanted to spread the voices of our imprisoned comrades, spread their ideas about the nature of the fight against power. Solidarity affinity, informal organization, permanent tension and anarchic projectuality are some of the topics covered through the quotes and words of our comrades.

Answering the call of solidarity we break the isolation the state seeks to impose on our comrades, the condition of enemy prisoners, throughout the world. However, our perspective of solidarity as anarchists / anti-authoritarians is that it should go beyond the ideological issues, so we define our common bonds based on irreducible positions, confrontation with not necessarily identical domain, but immersed in the same revolutionary struggle.

We hope that the content of this anarchic gesture of agitation nurtures individual and collective journeys for those who, against all odds, have taken fierce steps along the path of permanent insurrection against power, for total liberation.

With our hearts and our actions salute all the comrades who face the power within and outside prisons, either in cages of the State, still in the open field, or from underground.

We remember Claudia López, Jonny Cariqueo, Mauricio Morales and Sebastian Oversluij.


“Contra viento y marea”: Folleto impreso por la solidaridad y el ataque antiautoritario (pdf):

Contra Viento y Marea: Solidaridad, Agitación y Ataque Antiautoritario

Semana de Agitación por los/as Presos/as Anarquistas del 23 al 30 de Agosto

Contra Viento y Marea: Solidaridad, Agitación y Ataque Antiautoritario (sola página)


This foldout began to spread from hand to hand between compas, also through libraries and points of anarchist / anti-authoritarian diffusion during the recent week of solidarity with anarchist agitation / anti-authoritarian prisoners. It contains reflections on the struggle in Chile, a selection of quotes from fellow prisoners in the world dealing with the nature and objectives of the struggle against power, and inside contains a poster that highlights the importance of the offensive solidarity.

reposted from ContraInfo

Statement from Revolutionary Anarchist Action, militia volunteers in Kobane

rob los ricos:

Below is a Statement from Revolutionary Anarchist Action- Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet:

In Kurdistan, people are fighting against ISIS, “the procreated violence” given birth by capitalism and the states that start wars for their own benefits. ISIS, subcontractor of the states that pursue income strategies on the region, is attacking people while yelling “islamic state!” and “holy war, jihad!”. People are suffering from hunger and thirst, getting ill, getting injured; migrating and dying. They are still fighting in that struggle for existence. People are fighting not for the schemes and strategies around meeting tables, not for income, but for their freedom.

As freedom is to exist in danger of being non existant. As freedom is to live. Like the fight of Kawa, defending the life by resisting against Dehaks.

And now, USA, EU, Turkey; all the states that have expectations of income from the region, are establishing coalitions against ISIS, the “procreated violence” which in reality isn’t a disturbance to them at all. The ones who don’t like their position in the coalition start scheming, relations are getting tense and loose, and then tense again, while all the sides are changing their speech from dawn to dusk and acting inconsistent.

After all, this is the most obvious feature of any state. States can’t be expected to stand straight because states are spineless. Spineless states whose only expectation is income, would be founding ISIS yesterday, repenting it today and recognizing the islamic state tomorrow. And people will always be fighting for their future and their freedom, just like in the past.

Salutations to everyone who fight and defend the life in Rojava.

All the plots of states and capitalism will be destroyed, procreated violence will be extinguished, ISIS will lose against the freedom fighters and the people will be victorous as always. We take our belief in freedom from Kawa that stood against Dehak. And we take our belief from many comrades fighting against Dehaks.


Originally posted on KARAKÖK AUTONOME tr/ch:

*I am sending the interview of Ajansa Nûçeyan a Fırat (Kurdish News Agency)
with DAF…*

Revolutionary Anarchist Action at the border guard

URFA/ANF 29.09.2014 08:17:20


Revolutionary Anarchist Action (DAF/Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet) is taking
part in ongoing people’s resistance at the Kobanê border. DAF members are
making a call, stating “Whoever calls themselves a revolutionary should
feel each bullet fired at Kobane as a bullet fired at themselves, and
should defend Kobane”.

To defend the Kobane resistance, different organizations from different
sections are taking place at the guard action along 25km long border. DAF
members are among them.

Revolutionary Anarchist Action member A. Melik Yalçın that joined the
border guard thats been going on for 6 days, stated that they joined the
action at Kobane border because they see the Kobane struggle as the
struggle of oppressed.
“ISIS mobs will lose against the freedom fighters. Struggle of our comrades
that resist…

View original 82 more words


Indigenous Anarchist Critique of Bolivia’s ‘Indigenous State’

Originally published on June 7, 2014 at World War 4 Report, with a shorter version on May 26, 2014 at Indian Country Today Media Network.

Bolivian historian and social theorist Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui is author of the classic work Oppressed But Not Defeated: Peasant Struggles Among the Aymara and Quechua in Bolivia, and has recently emerged as one of the country’s foremost critics of President Evo Morales from an indigenous perspective. Indian Country Today Media Network spoke with her in New York City, where she recently served as guest chair of Latin American studies at New York University’s King Juan Carlos Center. The complete text of the interview appears for the first time on World War 4 Report.

I am part of a collective that produced hand-made books and hand-woven bags frmo recycled plastic, as well as lettuce and potatoes and fava beans and sweet peas and medicinal herbs. Grown in community gardens in La Paz. And we sell them at the traditional markets in La Paz.

And we have made campaigns—a campaign against plastic bags, a campaign to promote walking instead of taking trucks or buses or cars. Walking is very difficult in La Paz if it’s uphill, because of the altitude. So we have a slogan, Camina La Paz, aun que sea la bajada—Walk through La Paz, even if it’s only downhill! At least just get a bus ticket one way!

So we try to link every public issue where human rights, indigenous rights, and the rights of the Pachamama are involved. So we joined with TIPNIS, we joined CONAMAQ, we joined the support network for the human rights office that was almost taken over by the government. We are defending the CONAMAQ people who were kicked out of their office… We are just there for them, if they need shelter for the night or a good breakfast, we go and do that. We are not many, but we do whatever we can.

We call ourselves Colectivo Ch’ixi—from the Aymara word meaning “stain.” We are mestizos, but we have a strong Indian stain in our souls. We are “impure.” We are not “pure” people. And we have to recognize also that there is a European stain in our bodies and in our subjectivities. And the good part of that stain is the idea of freedom and individual rights. From the Indian part we get the idea of community and of cycle, intimacy with the cycles of nature. But we do recognize the value of individual freedoms and rights—sexual rights, the right to have a sexual identity that is different from the rest, or of abortion. All this comes from the best contributions of European civilization and the Enlightenment.

riverabolivia2I would say that the strength of Bolivia is not the state but the people. And the people have been strong and stubborn enough to be what they are, and to put their own desires as the terms and conditions of what is going to be the change. And that is what saves this process of Evo. What saves him is that there are people behind him who have not been bought completely, and they rely upon themselves.

There is a peculiarity of the Bolivian people in general, with a lot of diversity, a lot of community, a lot of locality, a lot of ability to network and to make friendships. There is also a huge diasporic Bolivianess. I would say half the population of Bolivians live outside Bolivia. There are probably 9 million Bolivians in the diaspora—in Argentina, in Spain, in Italy, Chile, the United States. All over the place—even China now!

But you cannot say that we Bolivians are being well-treated by whatever strength our state has. It is not the weakness of the state that has thrown people away—it is the strength of the state that has thrown people away! Because they are starting to normalize, homogenize, totalize, control and make difficult the lives of the people.

The most important asset that the Bolivian people has is knowledge of the environment. The environment of Bolivia is very rare. Only two peoples in the world live at such high altitudes—the Tibetan people, and we. For this land, you don’t need tractors. You don’t need huge harvesters or huge machines. For that, you need to know what the weather is going to be next month. And for that, you need the people who know how to look to the stars. That is the big asset. The stars and other predictive knowledge tell you when to sow, and when an early rain is coming. The ability to understand nature and its cycles and its messages.

We still have the culto de los muertos—the cult of the dead. You should come to my house in Bolivia and meet the skull of my ancestor. I am one of many, many, many paceños, many people from La Paz, who has this Cult of the Dead, very, very strong. Now a skull is a thing, you can just see it as inert material. But it’s not… There is a spirit there; there is a spirit everywhere. You have to be attuned to that. And Marxists don’t believe in that shit. [Laughs.]

And that is completely outside the ideas of Marxists. But it is part of the Indian epistemic that we, the mestizos, have within our bodes.

there’s much more, on indigenous and mestizo identity, the bolivian state, and the revolutionary imperative, from upside-down news, Interview with Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui



Más allá de la compartición

La compartición es algo más allá.

Compañeras y compañeros de la Sexta de México y del mundo.

Para nosotras y nosotros la compartición fue un darnos las manos, un vernos de cómo estamos y qué pensamos.

Un conocernos las y los que somos de abajo y originarios de estas tierras.

No representantes, no líderes, nosotras y nosotros de las bases de los pueblos, naciones y tribus, las y los que no habíamos tenido la oportunidad de darnos las manos y conocernos y tocarnos nuestros corazones desde hace más de 520 años.

ezlnCrisisEn La Realidad, Caracol de los zapatistas, se hizo realidad nuestra convivencia de indígenas originarios, se hizo realidad lo de cruzar las palabras de unos y otros, de unas y otras. Cuando hablamos nosotras y nosotros y no líderes, nos entendemos las bases, nos comprendemos, nos sentimos en lo común. Y no es otra cosa lo que nos hace que nos entendemos tan pronto, es por la vida en que nos está pasando, de la vida tan mala que vivimos, ya no solamente nosotras y nosotros estamos ya así, sino también los hombres ciudadanos pobres y las mujeres ciudadanas pobres.

Nos platicamos cómo nos tienen el capitalismo y por qué así nos tienen, y qué es lo que va a pasar de nosotras y nosotros, si vamos a seguir estando como nos tienen los capitalistas.

En 5 días nos pusimos de acuerdo en las 28 lenguas que hablamos los que nos reunimos, para ver cuál va ser nuestro caminar con los pueblos explotados del campo y la ciudad.

Se hicieron grandes nuestras miradas y llegamos de acuerdo que tenemos que unirnos de la ciudad y del campo. Necesitamos compartirnos con las y los compañeros de la Sexta de México y del mundo. Para saber cómo son sus luchas de rebeldía y cómo es su lucha de resistencia. Queremos que lleguen a compartirnos las compañeras meras de bases y de compañeros meros de bases. Es ahí donde les decimos que los mero de base de abajo son los que saben cómo debe ser nacido una nueva sociedad. No saben ni viene en partidos políticos, ni en nuevos partidos políticos, ni en personas politiqueros, servidores del capitalismo.

Pueblos, nación, tribus. Barrios pobres, las y los pobres trabajadores(as) explotadas del campo y de la ciudad son los que saben cómo debe ser un nuevo mundo, un nuevo sistema de gobernar. ¿Por qué? Porque ellas y ellos han padecido injusticia, miseria, desigualdad. Han padecido tristeza, el dolor, la amargura, la soledad. Han padecido las cárceles, torturas, las desapariciones. Han padecido siglos y siglos de engaños, discriminación, cosas muy horribles, crueldades inhumanas, han padecido humillaciones, han padecido despojos y desalojos, son siglos y siglos de burlas y de vida sin paz, por culpa de los de arriba, el sistema capitalista. Y ahí están embarrados ya los partidos políticos de políticos. Nuestras espaldas ya está hecha escalera sólo para que ahí suben los políticos al poder, trillada las tienen ya nuestras espaldas por tanto subir y bajar en el poder esos mafiosos.

Muchas otras cosas más platicamos, salió cientos de propuestas y uno sólo lo principal que tomamos acuerdo para trabajar, que es: regresar en nuestros pueblos, naciones y tribus y hacer grande esta primera compartición, es decir a multiplicar la compartición y preparar la otra compartición con las compañeras y compañeros de la Sexta nacional y mundial.

Muchas otras cosas más tan ricas y a la vez tan claras y verdades la compartición de las bases de pueblos, naciones y tribus.

En la compartición se compartió ahí que siempre estuvieron alguien que hablaba por nosotras y nosotros, diciendo que luchan por nosotras y nosotros y fue 520 años de mentira y de explotación. Se compartió ahí, que la lucha del pueblo pobre de México de 1810 y de 1910 fue aprovechada para subir al poder los hacendados terratenientes, y son los tataranietos que hoy están en el poder jodiendo y destruyendo nuestra madre tierra de este país que se llama México. Todas y todos nos regresamos con fuerza y con dignidad como los compañeros GALEANO Y DAVID, que siempre estarán con nosotros. Al igual que tod@s nuestr@s caíd@s en la lucha.

Nos regresamos con trabajos para buscar un camino mejor para nuestro futuro.

Hoy ya nos conocimos y se aprende mucho, pero mucho, y nos hace falta mucho más para conocernos los originarios de esta tierra, tanto nacional y mundial y para allá va este caminar. Queremos luchar juntos aunque no sean indígenas, compañeras y compañeros de la Sexta, hermanas y hermanos del campo y la ciudad, sólo que los queremos para luchar, porque nadie va a luchar por nosotras y nosotros.

Así que a prepararse compañeras y compañeros, por el encuentro de compartición mundial del 22 de diciembre del 2014 al 3 de enero del 2015.

Ahí con nuestra sabiduría saldrá y nos dirá cómo va seguir nuestra lucha en esa compartición.

Que sean nuestras bases que mandemos en esa compartición y que ellas y ellos hablen, platiquen, expliquen nuestras luchas que hacemos allá donde cada quien estamos viviendo, trabajando y luchando. Porque ya se vio que es la más mejor que las bases hablen. No lo decimos nosotros las y los zapatista. Lo dice la realidad de lo que se hizo en la compartición del caracol de La Realidad, que las bases que hablaron y salió como debe de ser. Pueblo manda.

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés

México, agosto del 2014. A veinte años del inicio de la guerra contra el olvido.

republished from censored news



Prisoners refuse to leave prison: ‘no work, no hope…’

The ACAIP union warns that Valencian prisons do not have enough space for inmates who, for fear of not being able to subsist in the streets, are rejecting the ‘third grade’ provisional freedom.  

office workplace incarceration
office workplace incarceration

The situation is so desperate that prisoners also ask their lawyers not to seek bail for them, because in the street they have nothing. Moreover, some inmates waive their freedom rights, since if they stay six months behind bars and if they have dependants, they may be entitled to a small unemployment benefit when they are released.

Inmates ask their lawyers not to seek bail to prolong their stay in prison, police report. Having a job is no longer a requirement for the granting of the ‘third grade,’ although it may help. And those who agree to go out fail to find employment and voluntarily re-jail themselves because “there is no reason to go back out,” explained union sources.

The prisons of the province of Alicante exceed 150% capacity of accommodating prisoners, according to a report on the situation in Acaip Valencian prisons.

A national problem

college dormitory incarceration

The problem of prisoners who did not want to leave for the wider ‘society prison’ exacerbates a situation throughout Spain. The number of prisoners and the length of stay in prison has doubled in two decades to saturate prisons. According to data from Inside, the number of prisoners in Spain has soared over the past 20 years to move from the 33,058 it had in 1990 to 73,929 in 2010, ie more than double.

With a whole raft of draconian control laws now being implemented by the far right regime the prison population is set to explode even further.

Spain has already become the Western European country with the highest percentage of itspopulation in prison, with 159 prisoners per 100,000 population compared with the European average of 96, according to the Ministry of Interior. Only countries like Montenegro, Latvia or Lithuania exceed Spanish rates.

free range incarceration
free range incarceration

The prison overcrowding occurs not only due to the increase in the prison population, but also the lengthening of their sentences.

The hardening of the Criminal Code has made the average stay in prison double in two decades, to move to the current 18 months, triple our neighboring countries and twice the EU average.

reposted from the free, who passed it on from:

Vox Populi
– See more at:        

prison tourists check out housing options

preventing cable company fuckery

Cable companies are trying to create an unequal playing field for internet speeds, but they’re doing it so boringly that most news outlets aren’t covering it.

John Oliver explains the controversy and lets viewers know how they can voice their displeasure to the FCC.

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Having covered conflicts in distant lands, we now turn our attention to our own native homeland, the Internet; where the battle for the hypersphere has reached new heights, as netizens take up arms against Telcoms and the FCC, to preserve the fundamental ethos that made the Internet what it is today: Net Neutrality. What is Net Neutrality, and why is it so important to the future of the Internet? Find out by joining Robert Foster as he takes a whimsical trip into the World Wide Web, with its founder Tim Berners-Lee. Let’s just hope no shady mega-corporatist, elite oligarchic malefactors pop up to mess with us on the way…

Written & created by Giordano Nanni & Hugo Farrant in a suburban backyard home studio in Melbourne, Australia, on Wurundjeri Land.

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The colonies are collapsing – it's a scorched earth policy, a war of attrition, so the survivors are left with NOTHING!


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