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slackbastard Anarchy and apathy battle it out on @ndy’s blog.
slackbastard · 2d ago

#HeyASIO dox on protest and/or terrorism : July 1969 — July 1972

#HeyASIO, below is a transcription of ASIO dox from the National Library. It provides an account of a number of actions classified by the agency as ‘terrorist’. This one’s for disaccords — e...
slackbastard · 1w ago

antifa notes (september 30, 2014)

Briefly: Australian Defence League/Patriots Defence League Australia I wrote a piece about the Australian Defence League (ADL) for New Matilda. You can read it here. The Patriots Defence Lea...
slackbastard · 1W ago

The SUWA Show, Friday, September 26, 2014 + Strategies of Resistance: Beyond the Border

On Friday’s SUWA Show Dr Cam & I have a chat with Liz Thompson about borders and things. On Monday, Liz is part of a panel at The Wheeler Centre to discuss: Strategies of Resistance: Beyond ...
slackbastard · 1W ago

“Anti-Terror Raids Embolden Australian Defence League And Far Right Groups”

I wrote an article for New Matilda on the Australian Defence League et al. You can read it here. I’ll probably add a few more thoughts here laters probably …
slackbastard · 3W ago

Briggs : Bad Apples + #ShepLife

Briggs — Shepparton’s finest rapper, unofficial mayor, and winner of the 2014 National Indigenous Music Award’s National New Talent of the Year award — has a new album out on Golden Era Reco...
slackbastard · 3W ago

Squadron 88 + The Skull = lulz

“Hi, I’m Squadron 88. You may remember me from such media headlines as ‘Wake up white Australia’: Anti-Semitic flyers distributed in Sydney and Right to be a bigot comments have emboldened r...
slackbastard · 4W ago

La Revolución de Octubre 1934 (José Muñoz Congost)

On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Asturian October 1934 revolution Exilio Libertario, a Melbourne-based group of Spanish anarchist exiles, have published in PDF format a booklet...
slackbastard · 4W ago

Socialist Alternative 0 Christopher Pyne 1

On August 29, my favourite Tory politician (and federal education minister) Christopher Pyne wrote an article for Uncle Rupert’s The Australian decrying anti-Semitism on Australian universit...
slackbastard · 1M ago

Australian government supporting terrorists (PKK)?

Update (September 16) : Is Australia arming ‘terrorist’ PKK fighters?, The Age, September 15, 2014. Huh. The Australian government has announced it will be transporting arms to Kurdish group...
slackbastard · 1M ago

antifa notes (august 26, 2014) : golden dawn + squadron 88

Huh: it never rains, it pours. 1) Golden Dawn Yesterday the ABC published a report on the upcoming Australian tour by two Golden Dawn (GD) MEPs, Eleftherios Synadinos and Georgios Epitideios...