alt-J - Hunger Of The Pine (Official Video)
Ben Howard - Old Pine
Basement - Pine
Horrible Bosses 2 Official Trailer #3 (2014) - Chris Pine, Jennifer Anniston Comedy HD
Wescott Logging - Cutting Some Pine
Eat The Weeds: Episode 92: The Pine Tree, Pinus
alt-J - Hunger Of The Pine ( Lyrics )
Yankees Pitcher Ejected for Pine Tar on Neck vs Red Sox
Kiss at Pine Lake (2014) - USA ( Romance | TV Movie ) - Full HD
Pine-Sol® Pranked
Horrible Bosses 2 Official Trailer (2014) Jennifer Aniston, Chris Pine HD
Alt-J - Hunger Of The Pine Lyrics
Ellen Tries to Make Chris Pine Cry
Gearhart's Father: [In reference to Gearhart's father beating up Gearhart's younger brother] Little prick! I could whup your ass six weeks from Christmas!::Claude Gearheart: You had enough practice. [He drives away]::Gearhart's Father: Good luck in Aggieville! God knows you ain't good enough to play for Texas!
Bear Bryant: I ain't never seen players this bad! Half the players are smaller than monkey cojones, and the other half are slower than smoke off shit! Where did you get these turds?
Bear Bryant: I don't care who your daddy is. I don't care what kind of All-Conference bullshit you were in high school. I don't care what the last coach promised you. Y'all been fartin' up wind too long.
Bear Bryant: There's something you need to know, aside from the fact that we're likely to throw the ball maybe twice a decade. I was an end at 'Bama and I played four quarters against Tennessee dragging a broken leg around. Now what's this shit I hear about an elbow?
Bear Bryant: [after Skeet has been injured] Ahhh, what now?
Bear Bryant: I didn't work my pecker raw at Maryland and Kentucky to sit up and die at this miserable cow college!
Bear Bryant: [as Hinshaw's broken arm is being mended] Serves you right for getting married, Hinshaw. All your football's runnin' out the end of your prick!
Luke Mason: [Smokey tries to fix Hinshaw's arm] I think you're supposed to turn it the other way, sir.::Smokey Harper: You act like some damn pre-med kid.::Luke Mason: I am.::Smokey Harper: Well, you fix him then! His yelling's gonna break my hearin' aid.
Bear Bryant: [to his assistant coaches] Coaches, gassers!::Betch: [whistle blows] Line up! Backs and ends! Prepare for gassers, boys! Move!::Skeet Keeler: Jeez, wind sprints before breakfast?
Bear Bryant: You all know when you're ready to be your best? When you ain't got nothin' left to fear. We came to Junction to find out who wanted to play football. We know now. Johnny Haynes wants to play. Hell, he's played six different positions already. Skeet Chaney- he wants to play. He'll play with a broken back. Now, I know this ain't been no picnic. Some heat, couple of stickers, fire ants. Smokey tells me y'all dropped some weight. But I will tell you one thing- you boys who are left, you are players. One heartbeat. That's what we've been looking for since we arrived. Today, we got one heartbeat. We got a team. Now, we ain't never, never gonna quit workin'. Y'all get a good night's rest. Be ready for practice tomorrow.
They Imprisoned Her Body, But Freed Her Mind.
D: Don't Scream!::Rowena Le Vay: Then don't hit me again!
Rowena Le Vay: Who... Who are you?::D: We are the gun to your head!
The story of a murder trial where a Mexican boy is accused of the death of a Caucasian girl. The two-faced attorney (Arthur Kennedy) who takes the boy's case is only interested in defending him so he can exploit his Communist-backed organization for their own underhanded purposes. He and his organization bring in an idealistic law professor (Glenn Ford) who agrees to represent the boy in court.
Keywords: airport, attorney, based-on-novel, beach, cemetery, cigarette-smoking, courtroom, courtroom-drama, cross-examination, crying-man
Tense! Timely! Thrilling!
David Blake: I learned a long time ago that when someone says 'decide right now' that that's the time to take your time.
David Blake: [Blake and Castle are discussing the fund-raising for Angel Chavez's defense fund] Look, it's not only the way you are raising the money, it's the people that are raising it.The All Peoples Party. Barney, half of them are a bunch of Communists, you know that!::Bernard 'Barney' Castle: I'd say sixty percent, and some of the others are cheating the Party out if its dues.
Mytyl and her brother Tyltyl, a woodchopper's children, are led by the Fairy Berylune on a magical trip through the past, present, and future to locate the Blue Bird of Happiness.
Keywords: 1800s, animal-as-human, animal-in-title, barefoot, based-on-play, bird, bird-in-title, blue-bird-of-happiness, bluebird, brat
Mrs. Berlingot: Angela! Angela, close that window! You know better than that!::Angela Berlingot: But it's Mytyl. She's got a bird.::Mrs. Berlingot: Yes, yes, but you're sick enough, dear, without catching your death of cold. Now close the window.::Angela Berlingot: Oh, Mother, I've always wanted a bird like this. Please ask her to give it to me.::Mrs. Berlingot: That one, she'd never give anybody anything.
Mytyl: Angela Berlingot wanted me to give it to her.::Mummy Tyl: Well, why didn't you? She needs something to cheer her up. Poor child, sick in bed all winter.::Mytyl: It's not my fault she's sick.::Mummy Tyl: It's your fault you're selfish.::Daddy Tyl: You have so much that she hasn't, Mytyl.::Mytyl: What do I have?::Daddy Tyl: Health, for one thing. You can run around and play.::Mytyl: Oh, that isn't anything.::Tyltyl: I wouldn't like to stay in bed all day.::Mytyl: I wouldn't mind.
Mytyl: Mummy, why do we have to be so poor all the time?::Mummy Tyl: Poor? Us?::Mytyl: Well, we are. We can't even have a party for Christmas.::Daddy Tyl: You have a roof over your head, haven't you? And warm clothes.::Mytyl: These old things?::Daddy Tyl: And plenty to eat.::Mytyl: Nothing I like! Nothing good! Not like those rich children have. Cakes, candies, dolls to play with, pretty dresses - everything! I have nothing.::Mummy Tyl: You have plenty.::Mytyl: What do I have?::Mummy Tyl: A father who works hard for you.::Daddy Tyl: And a mother who cooks and cleans and mends.
Mytyl: Oh Daddy, I don't want you to go.::Daddy Tyl: I have to go, darling.::Mytyl: Why do they have to have war? What makes war, anyway?::Daddy Tyl: The same things that make trouble everywhere. Greed. Selfishness. Those who aren't content with what they have.::Mytyl: But you're not like that, Daddy. Why should you have to go?::Daddy Tyl: That's what's wrong about it, Mytyl. You can't be unhappy inside yourself without making others unhappy, too.
Mytyl: Mummy, I'm sorry for the way I behaved at supper.::Mummy Tyl: That's what you always say, Mytyl, that you're sorry. But the next day you do the same thing right over again.::Mytyl: I know I do, and I don't know why.::Mummy Tyl: Well, you must find out why. Otherwise you'll always be unhappy and discontent. You don't want that, do you? You want to be happy, don't you?::Mytyl: Yes, Mummy. Like you. You're happy all the time, aren't you?::Mummy Tyl: Nearly all the time, dear.::Mytyl: Don't worry, Mummy. Daddy will be back.
Mytyl: Who are you?::Fairy Berylune: Haven't you got eyes? Can't you see? I'm Berylune!::Mytyl: Berylune?::Fairy Berylune: Yes, Berylune! The fairy! Hurry now, quick! Get into your clothes and be off! You've got to find the blue bird!::Mytyl: The blue bird?::Fairy Berylune: Yes, the bird that's blue! The blue bird!::Mytyl: But why? Why should we find it?::Fairy Berylune: You want to be happy, don't you?::Mytyl: Of course, but what do I want with an old blue bird?::Fairy Berylune: What a stupid girl you are! Don't you know that the blue bird means happiness?
Mytyl: Can she talk, too?::Tylette: Well, naturally. If the dog can.::Mytyl: Oh, Tylette, I'm so glad! We've got to find the blue bird!::Tylette: The blue bird?::Tylo: I'll come! I'll help you!::Tylette: You'll come too, won't you, Tylette?::Tylette: Why not? It might be amusing.::Tylo: I don't like the way she said that.::Mytyl: Why, Tylo!::Tylo: We shouldn't take Tylette along. She's treacherous.
Fairy Berylune: What silly children you are not to know this lady! You've seen her hundreds of times. This is Light. Light, may I present Mytyl and Tyltyl.::Mytyl: How do you do, Light?::Tyltyl: How do you do?::Light: There's no need to be formal. We're old friends. Where would you like to go? I shall be your guide.::Mytyl: We're not sure where to go.::Fairy Berylune: Why don't you use your head? Hasn't it occurred to you that the blue bird might be hiding in the Past?::Mytyl: But where is the Past? Do you know the way?::Light: Why, of course. The Past is right behind us.
Tylette: I know we've never been friends, but now we've got to work together. We can't allow the children to go through with this.::Tylo: Why not? Why can't we?::Tylette: Don't you see? We're free now! If they succeed and find the blue bird, we'll have to go back to what we were. Animals! Dumb slaves to man!::Tylo: That's the way I like it! Man is the master, and we must obey him.::Tylette: I always knew you were a fool.::Tylo: If they want to look for a blue bird or a pink owl, I'm gonna help them!
Granny Tyl: Somebody must be thinking of us. I feel quite strong. I think we're going to have visitors. They seem to be coming near.::Grandpa Tyl: Maybe now I can finish my carving. I've been at this one for nearly a whole year.::Granny Tyl: That's because we're so seldom awake.::Mytyl, Tyltyl: Granny! Grandpa!::Granny Tyl: It's the children! Give us a hug, dears, a big one this time.::Grandpa Tyl: It's been months and months since you last remembered us.::Granny Tyl: The last time was Easter morning. The church bells were ringing.::Mytyl: Easter? Oh, we didn't go out that day. We both had very bad colds.::Granny Tyl: But you thought of us.::Mytyl: Yes, we missed you.::Granny Tyl: Every time you think of us, we wake up and see you again.::Mytyl: But we thought you were dead.::Granny Tyl: No, dear. Only when we're forgotten.
alt-J - Hunger Of The Pine (Official Video)
Ben Howard - Old Pine
Basement - Pine
Horrible Bosses 2 Official Trailer #3 (2014) - Chris Pine, Jennifer Anniston Comedy HD
Wescott Logging - Cutting Some Pine
Eat The Weeds: Episode 92: The Pine Tree, Pinus
alt-J - Hunger Of The Pine ( Lyrics )
Yankees Pitcher Ejected for Pine Tar on Neck vs Red Sox
Kiss at Pine Lake (2014) - USA ( Romance | TV Movie ) - Full HD
Pine-Sol® Pranked
Horrible Bosses 2 Official Trailer (2014) Jennifer Aniston, Chris Pine HD
Alt-J - Hunger Of The Pine Lyrics
Ellen Tries to Make Chris Pine Cry
Pine-Richland High School Lip Dub | Best Day of my Life
Vaults - Hunger Of The Pine (alt-J Cover)
Neptune Pine Unboxing and Hands-on
Pine Tar Incident with George Brett.wmv
KC@NYY: George Brett and the pine tar incident
Into the Woods TRAILER 1 (2014) - Anna Kendrick, Chris Pine Fantasy Musical HD
Yankees Pitcher Michael Pineda Cheating with Pine Tar (Yankees Michael Pineda cheating)
Chris Pine Nuts Vs Benedict Cumberbitches - The Graham Norton Show - Series 13 Episode 5 - BBC One
Horrible Bosses 2 Official Trailer #2 (2014) - Chris Pine, Jennifer Anniston Comedy HD
The Graham Norton Show S13E05 Benedict Cumberbatch, Chris Pine, Kim Cattrall, Bonnie Tyler
Street Gangs of Pine Ridge : Documentary on Wild Boyz Gang in America's Poorest County
Best of Zachary Quinto and Chris Pine *Pinto*
The Best and Easiest Way to Finish Pine - 036
How to Make a Pine Needle Basket
A Hidden America: Children of the Plains, Lakota, Pine Ridge (2011)
Neptune Pine Smartwatch technical review - CES 2014
[300] Pine Ridge Reservation Part I: Where Despair Meets Hope
The Beetles Are Coming ~ Pine Beetle Destroys BC Forest
Der Sattelclub Staffel 3 Episode 23 Eine Nacht auf Pine Hollow HD
REVIEW: Neptune Pine | The Smartwatch Reinvented
PINE with Charles Neil
How to Make Pine Tar Soap, from Scratch with Recipe
Pine Lawn Police Exposed
Ray Mears: Caledonian Pine Forest
Ottorino Respighi - Pini di Roma
Christmas barn tour of Pine Forest Stable 2013 part 1
Ellen 201305.16 Chris Pine, Robin Thicke, Sophia Grace and Rosie
7/24/83: The Pine Tar Game
Beijo em Pine Lake um bom filme romântico filmes completos dublados
Bruch Violin Concerto in G Minor - Rachel Barton Pine
3 for 3 | Awaken the Monster | Pine-Richland Student Section
217 Pine Street Central City, CO Homes for Sale |
15 Terrys Way Pine Level NC 27568
Ellen Tries To Make Chris Pine Cry on The Ellen DeGeneres Show 2013
Stillwater: Pine Street Tour, Stop 4: Jenks House
Lot 7 Big Pine Drive, Sagle, ID 83860
Travel Inn White Pine
310 Pine Valley Drive Wilmington, NC 28412
1701 Stone Pine Lane, Menlo Park, CA 94025
Alabama State Stingettes "Pretty Brown Eyes" (Pine Bluff '14)
Alabama State Stingettes "Birthday Cake" (Pine Bluff '14)
910 Scotch Pine Cove , Southaven MS Real Estate For Sale - 292284
FIZBER Listing - 2000 Scotch Pine Court, Lockport, IL 60441 - FSBO
5369 Pine Hill Dr., Noblesville, IN 46062
Mother Explosives - Pitch Pine Tree
FIZBER Listing - 1106 Pine View Dr, Joliet, IL 60432 - FSBO
304 W Harding , Pine Bluff AR Real Estate For Sale - 10400050
88 Pine St, Islip, NY 11751
Survival by Pine
6501 Pine Island Place ORLANDO, FL 32810 Presented by ABBY NELSON
2 Bedroom Flat For Rent in Pine Slopes AH, Sandton, South Africa for ZAR 12,000 per month
New Jersey Pine Barrens II
Landscaping Ideas To Prevent Mowing Pine Straw
How-To Stain Pine Siding
Pines are trees in the genus Pinus ( /ˈpaɪnəs/), in the family Pinaceae. They make up the monotypic subfamily Pinoideae. There are about 115 species of pine, although different authorities accept between 105 and 125 species.
The modern English name pine derives from Latin pinus by way of French pin; similar names are used in other Romance languages. In the past (pre-19th century) they were often known as fir, from Old Norse fyrre, by way of Middle English firre. The Old Norse name is still used for pines in some modern north European languages, in Danish, fyr, in Norwegian fura/fure/furu, Swedish, fura/furu, and Föhre in German, but in modern English, fir is now restricted to Fir (Abies) and Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga).
Pines are divided into three subgenera, based on cone, seed and leaf characters:
Pines are native to most of the Northern Hemisphere. In Eurasia, they range from the Canary Islands, Iberian Peninsula and Scotland east to the Russian Far East, and in the Philippines, north to just over 70°N in Norway, Finland and Sweden (Scots Pine) and eastern Siberia (Siberian Dwarf Pine), and south to northernmost Africa, the Himalaya and Southeast Asia, with one species (Sumatran Pine) just crossing the Equator in Sumatra to 2°S. In North America, they range from 66°N in Canada (Jack Pine and Red Pine), south to 12°N in Nicaragua (Caribbean Pine). Pines have been introduced in subtropical and temperate portions of the Southern Hemisphere, including Chile, Brazil, South Africa, Tanzania, Australia, Argentina and New Zealand, where they are grown widely as a source of timber. A number of these introduced species have become invasive, threatening native ecosystems.
Christopher Whitelaw "Chris" Pine (born August 26, 1980) is an American actor. Best known for his role as James T. Kirk in the 2009 film Star Trek, he has also appeared in films such as The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (2004), Just My Luck (2006), Smokin' Aces (2007), Unstoppable (2010), and This Means War (2012).
Pine was born in Los Angeles, California. His father, Robert Pine, is an actor who appeared in CHiPs as Sergeant Joseph Getraer, and his mother, Gwynne Gilford, is a former actress who is now a practicing psychotherapist. He has an older sister, Katie. His maternal grandmother, Anne Gwynne (née Marguerite Gwynne Trice), was a Hollywood actress, and his maternal grandfather, Max M. Gilford (born Max Goldfarb), was an attorney who was elected president of the Hollywood Bar Association. Pine's ancestry includes Jewish (from his maternal grandfather), Welsh, and English. He has stated, "I definitely have a spiritual outlook... I am not a religious guy, I am probably agnostic".
George Howard Brett (born May 15, 1953), is an American former Major League Baseball third baseman, designated hitter, and first baseman. He played his entire 21-year baseball career for the Kansas City Royals. Brett's 3,154 career hits are the most by any third baseman in major league history, and 16th all-time. Brett is one of four players in MLB history to accumulate 3,000 hits, 300 home runs, and a career .300 batting average with the others being Hank Aaron, Willie Mays, and Stan Musial. He was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1999 on the first ballot.
Brett was born in Glen Dale, West Virginia. He was the youngest of four sons of a sports-minded family which included Ken, the second oldest, a major league pitcher who had pitched in the 1967 World Series at age 19. Brothers John (eldest) and Bobby had brief careers in the minor leagues. Although his three older brothers were born in Brooklyn, George was born in the northern panhandle of West Virginia. Jack & Ethel Brett then moved the family to the Midwest and three years later to El Segundo, a suburb of Los Angeles, just south of Los Angeles International Airport. George grew up hoping to follow in the footsteps of his three older brothers. He graduated from El Segundo High School in 1971 and was drafted by the Kansas City Royals in the second round (29th overall) of the 1971 baseball draft. His high school teammate was pitcher Scott McGregor.
Anna Kendrick (born August 9, 1985) is an American actress. She rose to fame after her performance as Natalie Keener in Up in the Air, for which she received an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actress. Her other work includes The Twilight Saga, Camp, Rocket Science, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, 50/50, and the Broadway musical High Society.
Kendrick "caught the [acting] bug" at the age of 10, when she caught a bus from Portland, Maine, to New York City so that she could attend auditions. Kendrick's first acting role was as Dinah in the Broadway musical High Society in August 1998 when she was 12 years old, a performance for which she earned Theatre World Award, Drama Desk Award, and Tony Award nominations, making her the third-youngest Tony Award nominee.
Kendrick went on to appear in a number of other theater productions, including the musical A Little Night Music, before making her film debut in the 2003 musical comedy Camp, for which she was nominated in the Best Supporting Actress category at the 2004 Chlotrudis Awards and Best Debut Performance Independent Spirit Award for her portrayal of Fritzi Wagner.
I saw the glow in you
It came through the cracks
Walked through the walls with you
With lasers and knives
It was a deadly assumption
A likely delay
If you want dependable
Then what do you say?
The streets were a jungle then
A panic attack
'Til you walked through the wall to me
A hand in a hand
The landlord should call time
Before anyone swears
If you'd seen us dancing
Away all those cares
What would you say?
I, I picked this pine, stuck in my side
I've made my head and there
I'll hide my mouth a grin
My muscle taut, my mind is clear
Devoid of thought
My, my mouth is red
The lies are real
And perfect as the love I steal
You picked this pine stuck in you arm
And then you just ran out of charm
I, I picked this pine, stuck in my side
I've made my head and there
I'll hide my mouth a grin
My muscle taut, my mind is clear
Devoid of thought
Now all the time I hear you say
I wasn't meant to be this way
My noose is tied, the slack is cut
I picked my pine, my stink is mine
I wasn't meant to be this way
My stink is mine
I wasn't meant to be this way
i don't know all the answers i don't know why my eyes are
so sore from thinking over you all last night. can't stop
these things from changing so i don't. lemme know how
feel something following you home. feel shadows right
behind your own. it was me all along. watching and
listening and waiting and hiding and finding a way to get
you. i hope that you know that your time will be ending
here soon. feel something following you home. feel
shadows right behind your own. feel someone watching you
every step. feel something moving in on you. feel me
i've been searching for a while for a worth while day.
and every time every days the same. been searching for
reason to keep moving but push it farther away. well....
i rolled over and over now i almost don't think i can
and you always say this. you're trying to run my life
like you know. you always come here taking us. this time
just go. and you always see this trying to be the one.
and you always looked at me down below the rest. i'm
gonna push you away. gonna pull you back, gonna bring
it seems like when this feeling hits its much worse than
before. this feeling, it seems like when these...i don't
wanna know. i'm too afraid that i'll be left here without
light. are you living with guilt knowing that i'll never
i'll sip this tea you've made but now my eyes are wide.
is there a point to all of this? i know no escape. im
only ten. can't believe i can't find the cure. i plan on
in a boarded room i'll be leaving soon and i rub my eyes
trying not to weep. i can no longer see any memories and
that's ok. while i grind my teeth, i start to think of
the blades reflection. a piece of carpentry i watched the
blade spin. i lost grip and slipped. i tried to bite my
lip. i tried to be a 'man'. the numbness climbed up my
can you see how everything with this is wearing thin?
with every breath a piece of me goes too. you want me to
be when i can't even see everything. just let him be.
its not the same. it alone won't feel th esame. and i
miss my legs. shattered all my dreams. it don't feel like
the same thing. are you laughing with or at me? all my
happy times are memories. are you laughing with or at me?
all my happy times are gone. the words come out all
wrong. with your tongue tied you go dance to your song.
you got lead blocks for feet and a bad bad knee. you
this is my place.
this is my face.
this is my time so stop wasting my time when we go out.
it would be better this way and its not like we can be
maybe if we tried starting over then we'd share a mile.
maybe if we tried to talk it over then we'd be just fine.
maybe if we tried rolling, rolling along like in the
breeze. maybe then we could both hold onto something we
both need. in the breeze they're dancing. maybe we can
try. why can't we get this night right? in the breeze
are you lost or did you hide? you're not lost but still
you hide in my sight. you never should have come down
this old road here cause your little frown will not work
on again. you better run along now don't need you here at
all. don't bring your tangles and troubles to me cause
your little frown will not work on me again. you better
run along now the scene is soon to fall. i guess i won't
tell any souls just where you stay. your face is bruised
from being thrown against the wall. we'll clean your
cutes, we'll get you food, and then we'll get you some
sleep. you'll never know or feel his angry drunken swings
can hardly move on my own. nightmares are now down to
losing the lid to my cap. you're so young and you just
sit there in your seat. trade me bodies now that i've
become so stuck in this nest. i've become a burden to all
of you. i want life. more like you i want more life. you
can't call this life. put me to sleep for good. at least
and you have worked so hard and now for nothing. we see
the pictures gone to almost nothing. all the dots will be
joining and we'll see life from pictures. pictures
brought to life from moments and everything will be
clearer. won't erase the wrong cause it's meant to be
there, oh no it's raining. the ink runs down and smears
so many roads that i can't see do they exist are they
real? are they real like your kiss? can you feel them
with both lips? i don't mean to walk all over you. some
people don't care for me. hope i don't rub you away. a
creator for you. i am erased for me to rub out the clouds
and draw what i need. now i stand and stare outside of
this door for you. the cat will come soon. he will beg
you see nothing but things that you imagine. you feel
something but you don't speak it out loud. trying,
hoping, hoping that this will fix it. doubting, knowing
that it isn't worth it and i shake my head while i try to
remember why we lost the feeling long ago. i won't so i
nothing feeling fit. i can't cope with everyday life for
long. i can feel and hear clocks beating. not sure what
to spend these last moments on but i know for sure that
nothing will ever work. i'm kinda failing at everything
in slow motion. i hear words trying to get me out of this
in slow motion i hear words. i don't want this living in
me. this will die with me, forever it will live. this
confusion, this inner conflict shouldnt be what it is but
whole lot of straggling. whole lot of sinking. whole lot
of strings are loose on me. don't look down upon me for
following my dreams. got the rest of my life to be stuck
here just like you. and that's when you'll see my hands.
whole lot of losing you'll prolly see. not many hands are