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Nerk Nas Cham Turasap Thlai ► Nop Bayarith [RHM VCD Vol 197]
Nob Bayarith, Nob Bayarith Non Stop, Nob Bayarith Old Song, ណុប បាយ៉ារិទ្ធ, Nop Bayyareth, Vol 1
NOP - bezkompromisowy, polski ruch nacjonalistyczny! (PL, ENG) II
Nop Nop Nop - Version longue 1h
Klip wyborczy NOP - rok 2005
Hip voor Nop - Aflevering 4 - Mrire & Frederique - 20140228
Hip voor Nop - Aflevering 7 - Elzelinde & Fleur - 20140310
Hip voor Nop - Aflevering 2 - Willemijn & Fleur - 20140221
Hip voor Nop - Aflevering 6 - Femke & Silke - 20140307
Hip voor Nop - Aflevering 1 - Carina & Noah - 20140217
Reaung Kom Pleang Dor Sen Chir Chab ► Nop bayarith | Khmer song RHM VCD Vol 144
NOP pod eskortą Policji ucieka taksówkami Poznań 26.08.14
Reung Kom Pleang Dor Sen Chir Chab ▶ Nop Bayarith [RHM CD Vol 494]
[MV] Nop.K _ Only Today(오늘 하루만) (Feat. Baek Seung Heon(백승헌))
▶ នឹកណាស់ចាំទូរស័ព្ទថៃ្ល - ណុបបាយ៉ារិទ្ធ Brought To You By: RHM Production Khmer song RHM Production VCD Vol 197 Song: Nerk Nas Cham Turosap Thlai Singer: Nop Bayarith New song 2014 Subscribe my channel for more videos: ♥Thank For Watching!♥
Nob Bayarith, Nob Bayarith Non Stop, Nob Bayarith Old Song, ណុប បាយ៉ារិទ្ធ : Vol 1, nop bayarith The most beautiful songs of Nob Bayarith, Nob Bayarith, ណុប បាយ៉ារិទ្ធ, Best songs collection Non Stop, Nob Bayarith Old Song, Nob Bayarith Song NonStop, Nob Bayarith Mp3, Nob Bayarith Sweet Song, Nob Bayarith Best Collection, Nob Bayarith Karaoke, Nob Bayarith Love Song, Nob Bayarith Old Song, Nob Bayarith Song NonStop, Nob BayarithMp3, Nob Bayarith Sweet Song, Nob Bayarith Best Collection, nam bunnaroth Karaoke, nam bunnaroth Love Song, ណុប បាយ៉ារិទ្ធ best song, ណុប បាយ៉ារិទ្ធ Song new collection, ណុប បាយ៉ារិទ្ធ Non Stop New, If you would like to receive update about Khmer old songs or want to support our work, please subscribe our channel : YouTube: | Nob Bayarith, Nob Bayarith Non Stop, Nob Bayarith Old Song, ណុប បាយ៉ារិទ្ធ : Vol 1 | Khmer Old Song by ណុប បាយ៉ារិទ្ធ | Nob Bayarith is a famous song of the Khmer old songs and by far the best in the past. Khmer songs are great in the past. In fact, our Cambodian youths almost forgot about Khmer old songs. That's why we stand up against this threat to our traditional songs by posting it to YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and our Website. I love old songs which are sung by our great singers in the past such as Sinn Sisamuth, Ros Sereysothea, Keo Sarath, Huy Meas, and etc...
Dołącz do NOP już dziś! Szukamy politycznych żołnierzy, którzy chcą zmieniać rzeczywistość swoja postawą i czynem. Jeżeli losy Ojczyzny nie są Ci obojętne - ...
Vidéo de départ :
W roku 1992 Narodowe Odrodzenie Polski -- ruch ideowo-polityczny -- powołuje do życia partię o tej samej nazwie. Częścią składową Ruchu są ponadto liczne sto...
Mirre draagt alleen maar zwart en Frederique draagt zoveel kleur dat haar vriendinnen soms niet eens meer naast haar willen lopen. Hulp is meer dan welkom.
In de kledingkast van Elzelinde en Floor vind je lieve jurkjes en schattige kleurtjes. Maar, de meiden hebben binnenkort een rockconcert, dus dat moet stoerder! Lukt het om de twee dames om te toveren?
Willemijn en Fleur zijn sportieve meiden die zich het lekkerst voelen in coole broek met sneakers. Heel anders dan de meeste meisjes bij hen op school. Kan j...
Femke en Silke komen uit een klein dorpje en gaan binnenkort shoppen in shopwalhalla Amsterdam! Maar, hoe zorg je dat je net zo goed voor de dag komt als al die hipsters in de grote stad?
Carina en Noah hebben één grote dilemma: wat trekken we aan naar het schoolgala? Lukt het onze stylist om van hun oude kleding een stralende glamouroutfit te maken?
Khmer song RHM Production VCD Vol 144 Song: Reung KOm Pleang Dor Sen Chir Chap Singer:Nop bayarith New song 2014 Cambodia song Thank For Watching!! Subscribe...
NOP upokorzony w Poznaniu W Poznaniu doszło dziś do kolejnej kompromitacji skrajnej prawicy. Po ONR-ze i Ruchu Narodowym,tym razem przyszła kolej na wprost f...
▶ រឿងកំបែ្លងដ៏សែនឈឺចាប់ - ណុប បាយ៉ារិទ្ធ Brought To You By: RHM Production Khmer song RHM Production CD Vol 494 Song: Reung Kom Pleang Dor Sen Chir Chab Singer: Nop Bayarith New song 2013 Subscribe my channel for more videos: ♥Thank For Watching!♥
[MV] Nop.K _ Only Today(오늘 하루만) (Feat. Baek Seung Heon(백승헌)) *English subtitles are now available. :D (Please click on 'CC' button or activate 'Interactive Transcript' function) :: iTunes DL :;=1 Rapper Nop.K who made a hot debut in the hiphop scene with his "Nike only" in October 2014 is coming back with his second single, "Only Today". The song "Only Today" is a mild rap about reuniting with an ex after a long time. Its minimal, fierce hiphop beats with mellow guitar sounds make the song extra special. Nop.K is a skilled rapper, winner of 2012 Kyobo Hot Tracks' "Musician Development Project", and outstanding student currently studying law at Chung Ang University. In 2013, he produced mix tapes, hiphop performances and rap for idol groups, going from underground to mainstream. Then in June 2014, he released his first solo digital single "Nike Only" bringing his own colors to the Korean hiphop scene. ▶1theK FB : ▶1theK TW : ▶1theK G+ : 2014年10月「ナイキのみ(Nike only)」を発売して、ヒップホップシーンの熱い関心を受けたラッパーNop.K(ノップケイ)が二枚目のシングル「今日一日だけ」で帰ってきた。 「今日一日だけ」は、別れた恋人同士が久しぶりに再会する状況をラップで淡々と表現した曲で、ミニマルで強力なヒップホップビートに甘いギターの旋律を加えたのが特徴である。 Nop.K(ノップケイ)は、2012年、キョボホットトラックスの‘ミュージシャン発掘プロジェクト’で受賞した実力派ラッパーであり、中央大学の法学科に在学中の秀才でもある。 2013年にはミックステープ、ヒップホップ公演、アイドルグループのラッププロデュースなどを引き受けアンダーとオーバーを行き来しながらフルアルバムの発売を準備した。その後2014年6月、初のソロデジタルシングル「ナイキのみ(Nike Only)」を発売し、ヒップホップシーンで自分の色を確実に刻印させた。 2014년 10월 '나이키로만(Nike only)'을 발매하며, 힙합씬의 뜨거운 관심을 받았던 랩퍼 Nop.K(놉케이)가 두 번째 싱글 '오늘 하루만'으로 돌아왔다. '오늘 하루만'은 헤어진 연인이 오랜만에 서로 재회하는 모습을 랩으로 담담하게 풀어낸 곡으로, 미니멀하고 강력한 힙합 비트에 감미로운 기타선율을 더한 것이 특징이다. Nop.K(놉케이)는 2012년 교보핫트랙스의 ‘뮤지션 발굴 프로젝트’에서 수상한 실력파 랩퍼이자, 중앙대학교 법학과에 재학 중인 수재이기도 하다. 2013년에는 믹스테입, 힙합공연, 아이돌 그룹의 랩 프로듀싱 등을 맡아 언더와 오버를 넘나들며 정규앨범 발매를 준비하였고, 그 후 2014년 6월 첫 솔로 디지털 싱글 '나이키로만(Nike Only)'을 발매하며 자신만의 색깔을 힙합씬에 확실히 각인시켰다.
24.08.2013 Ostrava, Czech republic Anti-Romany demonstrators detained in Ostrava, České Budějovice and Plzeň The majority of the anti-Romany demonstrations t...
Album: Nop Bayarith - Song Collection 2013 Artist: Nop Bayarith Listen Khmer Song: Tracklist: 01. Orkun Del Komdor Bong 02. Kom Ton Bek ...
Op 18 september 2014 start het tweede seizoen van het duurzame meidenprogramma 'Hip voor Nop'. Elke donderdag om 17.10 uur op ZAPP bij de EO. Check hier alle info:
Meer tutorials of tips zien? Ga naar Kun je van de lipjes van een blikje een sieraad maken? JA! Dus begin maar met heeeeeel veel blikjes frisdrank drinken en bewaar die lipjes. Want Anne-Mar van Hip voor Nop laat zien hoe! Hip voor Nop is het nieuwe modeprogramma van Zapp. Van 17 februari t/m 14 maart elke maandag en vrijdag op Zapp om 17.10.
Anne-Mar helpt samen met bekende stylisten twee vriendinnen aan een compleet nieuwe look. Er is daarbij één uitdaging: ze moeten er helemaal nieuw uitzien, m...
Sąd rejestrowy zatwierdził znak "zakaz pedałowania" jako symbol Narodowego Odrodzenia Polski. Stylizowany na znak drogowy emblemat NOP "zakaz pedałowan...
[MV] Nop.K _ Only Today(오늘 하루만) (Feat. Baek Seung Heon(백승헌)) (Acoustic Ver.) *English subtitles are now available. :D (Please click on 'CC' button or activate 'Interactive Transcript' function) :: iTunes DL :;=1 Rapper Nop.K who made a hot debut in the hiphop scene with his "Nike only" in October 2014 is coming back with his second single, "Only Today". The song "Only Today" is a mild rap about reuniting with an ex after a long time. Its minimal, fierce hiphop beats with mellow guitar sounds make the song extra special. Nop.K is a skilled rapper, winner of 2012 Kyobo Hot Tracks' "Musician Development Project", and outstanding student currently studying law at Chung Ang University. In 2013, he produced mix tapes, hiphop performances and rap for idol groups, going from underground to mainstream. Then in June 2014, he released his first solo digital single "Nike Only" bringing his own colors to the Korean hiphop scene. ▶1theK FB : ▶1theK TW : ▶1theK G+ : 2014年10月「ナイキのみ(Nike only)」を発売して、ヒップホップシーンの熱い関心を受けたラッパーNop.K(ノップケイ)が二枚目のシングル「今日一日だけ」で帰ってきた。 「今日一日だけ」は、別れた恋人同士が久しぶりに再会する状況をラップで淡々と表現した曲で、ミニマルで強力なヒップホップビートに甘いギターの旋律を加えたのが特徴である。 Nop.K(ノップケイ)は、2012年、キョボホットトラックスの‘ミュージシャン発掘プロジェクト’で受賞した実力派ラッパーであり、中央大学の法学科に在学中の秀才でもある。 2013年にはミックステープ、ヒップホップ公演、アイドルグループのラッププロデュースなどを引き受けアンダーとオーバーを行き来しながらフルアルバムの発売を準備した。その後2014年6月、初のソロデジタルシングル「ナイキのみ(Nike Only)」を発売し、ヒップホップシーンで自分の色を確実に刻印させた。 2014년 10월 '나이키로만(Nike only)'을 발매하며, 힙합씬의 뜨거운 관심을 받았던 랩퍼 Nop.K(놉케이)가 두 번째 싱글 '오늘 하루만'으로 돌아왔다. '오늘 하루만'은 헤어진 연인이 오랜만에 서로 재회하는 모습을 랩으로 담담하게 풀어낸 곡으로, 미니멀하고 강력한 힙합 비트에 감미로운 기타선율을 더한 것이 특징이다. Nop.K(놉케이)는 2012년 교보핫트랙스의 ‘뮤지션 발굴 프로젝트’에서 수상한 실력파 랩퍼이자, 중앙대학교 법학과에 재학 중인 수재이기도 하다. 2013년에는 믹스테입, 힙합공연, 아이돌 그룹의 랩 프로듀싱 등을 맡아 언더와 오버를 넘나들며 정규앨범 발매를 준비하였고, 그 후 2014년 6월 첫 솔로 디지털 싱글 '나이키로만(Nike Only)'을 발매하며 자신만의 색깔을 힙합씬에 확실히 각인시켰다. Zakaz pedałowania - Tęczowa manifestacja i NOP na rynku w Krakowie.
Wil je meer tips? Onze website staat er vol mee! Heb je een oude saaie haarband? Maak 'm in een paar stappen weer helemaal hip met een lintje. Het enige wat je nodig hebt is je haarband, dubbelzijdig tape (of lijm) en een lintje. Hip voor Nop is hét modeprogramma op Zapp. Elke donderdag om 17.10 op NPO3. Op onze website kun je alle afleveringen terugkijken.
Wil je meer tips? Onze website staat er vol mee! Je kunt je oude spijkerbroek door deze tip weer helemaal opnieuw dragen, maar dan in de vorm van een tasje! Hip voor Nop is hét modeprogramma op Zapp. Elke donderdag om 17.10 op NPO3. Op onze website kun je alle afleveringen terugkijken.
... a survey among 1,000 adults aged 16+, representative of the UK population commissioned from GfK NOP.
Pressat 2015-04-07Conservative 280 (average prediction in January: ... In pictures: ... Took over long-standing British pollster NOP in 2005 ... My guess:
The Independent 2015-04-05(Source: Memphis Grizzlies ). In conjunction with St ... Jude campus. Hoops for St. Jude week in Memphis will be led by St ... NOP).
noodls 2015-04-04... Dallas Mavericks the seventh and a trio (OKC, PHX and NOP) of teams fighting for the last spot.
noodls 2015-04-03We note the Company's yardstick change coincides with an implied NOP in 2014 of $94 million, a meager 3.4
PR Newswire 2015-04-01* The Financial Research Survey (FRS) is an independent survey run by GfK NOP and bought by almost ...
noodls 2015-03-31(Source: NBA - National Basketball Association ) ... points (43.5 ... ATL, CHI, DAL, DEN, MEM, MIN, NOP, NYK, OKC, ORL, PHX, WAS ... :18
noodls 2015-03-30(Twyman’s Law ... Nick Moon Managing director, social research, GfK, which took over longstanding British pollster NOP in 2005.
The Independent 2015-03-29Consumers Union/Consumer Reports Consumer Safety and Sustainability Group is very disappointed with ...
noodls 2015-03-27(2) NOP, Saham, Mecatherm, Parcours, VGG, exceet, CSP Technologies, indirect investments and ...
noodls 2015-03-26(Source: ... 28th St ... A Notice of Preparation (NOP) and accompanying Initial Study are available for public viewing at http: //www.
noodls 2015-03-25(Source: NBA - National Basketball Association ) ... points (54.8 ... ATL, CHI, CLE, DAL, DEN, DET, LAC, MIL, NOP, PHX, SAC, TOR ... :07
noodls 2015-03-23... People's Assembly, while her husband, Nop Nhen, was a district secretary in the zone.
noodls 2015-03-23In computer science, NOP or NOOP (short for No Operation or No Operation Performed) is an assembly language instruction, sequence of programming language statements, or computer protocol command that effectively does nothing at all.
Some computer instruction sets include an instruction whose explicit purpose is not to change the state of any of the programmer accessible registers, status flags, or memory and which may require a specific number of clock cycles to execute. In other instruction sets, a NOP has to be simulated by executing an instruction having operands that cause the same effect (e.g., on the SPARC processor, the instruction sethi 0, %g0
is the recommended solution).
A NOP is most commonly used for timing purposes, to force memory alignment, to prevent hazards, to occupy a branch delay slot, or as a place-holder to be replaced by active instructions later on in program development (or to replace removed instructions when refactoring would be problematic or time-consuming). In some cases, a NOP can have minor side effects; for example, on the Motorola 68000 series of processors, the NOP opcode causes a synchronization of the pipeline.
Standing in a shadow of true love Wishing that the
other side would really be gone
Hoping for the worst that would be best for me Hoping
that the other side would never see
That I´m Fallen to gutter of long dark road Running to
harbour for long gone boat
Buried in six feet of cold hard soil Trying to keep it
When I´m with you Im here and everywhere
But my heart is somewhere else I will try to make it
Heartache will soon be past Pick your number next in
Maybe now I will be fine NOT
Waiting for the bullet to split my head Maybe then I
would be fine when buried and dead
Nothing really changes the way I feel It´s like now I
don´t have soul, but my body will stay
And I´m fallen to gutter of long dark road Running to
harbour for long gone boat
Buried in six feet of cold hard soil Trying to keep it
When I´m with you I´m here and everywhere
But my heart is somewhere else I will try to make it
Heartache will soon be past Pick your number next in
Maybe now I will be fine NOT
And I´m fallen to gutter of long dark road Running to
harbour for long gone boat
Buried in six feet of cold hard soil Trying to keep it
When I´m with you I´m here and everywhere
But my heart is somewhere else I will try to make it
Heartache will soon be past Pick your number next in
I dont shit my pants no more
I used to do it when I was born
It was so fun
when you didn´t have to run
to a toilet when you wanted it done
it was so easy it was so sleazy
when you just sit, and shit
it was so fun walk sleep or run
when you had to go you just let it flow
I wanna go back in time when I was child
It was so easy eating ants, destroying plants
shitting your pants
But when you grow up
you dont do those things no more
But if you feel like you can shit your pants
I dont do it or I´ll lose my friends
My mommy used to clean me up
When i soiled my cute little butt
When i was dressed
i made a mess
Now i dont shit my pants no more
it was so easy it was so sleazy
when you just sit, and shit
it was so fun walk sleep or run
when you had to go you just let it flow
I wanna go back in time when I was child
It was so easy eating ants, destroying plants
shitting your pants
But when you grow up
you dont do those things no more
But if you feel like you can shit your pants
I dont do it or I´ll lose my friends
it was so easy it was so sleazy
when you just sit, and shit
it was so fun walk sleep or run
when you had to go you just let it flow
I wanna go back in time when I was child
It was so easy eating ants, destroying plants
shitting your pants
But when you grow up
you dont do those things no more
But if you feel like you can shit your pants
I dont do it or I´ll lose my friends
It´s just a normal morning
I wake up , put my clothes on
Again it´s time for work
Another plan
another disaster to create
There he comes to ruin, my day
Just like before
You´re a superhero fighter
Your everybody´s favourite son
how can I match your powers?
They fuck up all my tries
Now hear my cries
I´m a nemesis and nothing more
Laser eyes and razor tongue
they slice me apart
My silent scream has no effect on you
You just look me with that cold eye then you strike
Again you ruined my day
Just like before
Youre a superhero fighter
Your everybodys favourite son
how can i match your powers?
They fuck up all my tries
Now hear my cries
Im a nemesis and nothing more
Sammy was a boy who had no friends
All day long just sitting home and
playing video games
One day he just heard this strange kind voice
Telling him to pack his bag
And find himself a friend that doesn´t care
And who has a life to spare
Nolife noobie Thats all that he could be
(Getaway getaway)
Loser goonie a dork that cannot see
(all the pain, all the pain forever now)
Fucking daisy You think that is the cure?
(falling down falling down)
Going crazy
are you absolutely sure
are you absolutely?
Sammy packed his packs and took his glock
Now one saw that coming it was
it was quite a bad shock
Nine are dead and five intensive care
You can ask yourself that is that?
is that truly fair for you and me?
Or for sammy who took the last shot
Nolife noobie Thats all that he could be
(Getaway getaway)
Loser goonie a dork that cannot see
(all the pain, all the pain forever now)
Fucking daisy You think that is the cure?
(falling down falling down)
Going crazy
are you absolutely sure
are you absolutely?
All the frustration was growing
That he wasnt showing
All he just would needed was understanding
I know that it`S too late now After that last fatal
he didn`t know that if you shoot You cant reboot
No you cant reboot your own life
Nolife noobie Thats all that he could be
(Getaway getaway)
Loser goonie a dork that cannot see
(all the pain, all the pain forever now)
Fucking daisy You think that is the cure?
(falling down falling down)
Going crazy
are you absolutely sure?
are you absolutely sure?
Hey nice to meet you
I am the guy who always smiled to you
But you never smiled me back
Hey nice to meet you
You are the guy we always laughed at
But I always thought you´re cool
Now we are standing in this crossroad
I look in to your eyes
I´m about to fall in love
What kind of god can drop this shitload
Can´t be together
But tonight
I´d be glad to take you home
Our first night
will be last
everything will happen too fast
we are meant
to be together
But we cant hold on forever
Cause i have to go
It was nice to know you
Too late I called you
if I`d only knew
you can love a guy like me
I would wanted to show you
All the love I can give you
If I`d only knew
you can love a girl like me
Now we are standing in this crossroad
I look in to your eyes
Im about to fall in love
What kind of god can drop this shitload
Cant be together
But tonight
I´d be glad to take you home
Our first night
will be last
everything will happen too fast
we are meant
to be together
But we cant hold on forever
Cause I have to go
Gone, you`ll be gone
Too far but tonight
Id be glad to take you home
Our first night
will be last
everything will happen too fast
we are meant
to be together
But we can´t hold on forever
Cause I have to go
Our first night...
we are meant to be forever
But we cant hold on
I tried to park my car but I crashed it
I tried to ride a bike but I thrashed it
Whatever I do I seem to fail bad
For heavens sake now keep your distance Or you might
just hurt yourself
I open a door And break the handle
I eat a candybar and find out it`s a candle
Zero right in lottery That`s just bad luck (but)
Whatever I do
I just manage to fuck it up And I might just hurt
I´m a walking destruction A living contraction
Still I´m trying to live my life But still like a
When i´m getting closer Everything just seems, fuck up
i do
Boo hoo hoo
I touched a flower Of course it died
Cheered up a sick dude and he flat lined
Supported my home team and they did lost
For heavens sake now keep your distance at any cost or
you might just hurt yourself
I´m a walking destruction A living contraction
Still I´m trying to live my life But still like a
When i´m getting closer Everything just seems, fuck up
i do
I hope they don´t use me and send me
as a weapon of mass destruction Cause I manage to fuck
up more
I hold you in my arms I´m sorry what I did
I would have gave you stars Now I cant because I
I wish we could have had so many years
I wish we could have done so many things
Because of me
I ruined it all, I´m sorry
I hold you in my arms
I feel your love is getting colder
I can´t feel your heart
And mine is crushed by this huge boulder
I wish we could have had so many years
I wish we could have done so many things
Because of me
I ruined it all
Im sorry
For Cold love
I regret all the things that I did and said
for this cold love
I hold you in my arms
I feel your bodys getting colder
My love went too far
After I grabbed you by the shoulder
I wish we could have had so many years
I wish we could have done so many things
Because of me
I ruined it all
Im sorry
For Cold love
I regret all the things that I did and said
We will go on in our next life or maybe well stuck
Another struggle A misunderstood word
Breaking the silence a whisper not to be heard
Someone is screaming the crowd hears no sound
A cry so silent the rope is now bound, for her
Please forgive me
Life goes by
Oh please dont hurt me with your words
no more
Dont ask why
you find me broken from your floor
your words they hurt no more
A soul rejected a body of a fighter
the war is lost but the battle has to be won
”soon youll be sorry” a line not to forget
nobody worry it was last time it was said, by her
Life goes by
Oh please dont hurt me with your words
no more
Dont ask why
you find me broken from your floor
your words they hurt no more
Nobody to care No love to share
Nobody to care No love to share
Life goes by
Oh please dont hurt me with your words
no more
Dont ask why
you find me broken from your floor
You look at me with that fake smile and glassed eyes
Oh my god, don´t you know that I know?
Can´t you see that I know about last lies
you told me I know you do
You were meant to be a stain in the sheet
But you ended up as a stain in society
You don´t know, that I know, what you told
You don´t know, so you say, oh please just go away
Is there a mark in my back that says Stab here?
This pain I feel Between my backbones
Why don´t you shoot me in the face
And take my pain away
My life in hell Because the ”truth” you tell
Now twist and turn and pull
and it will be over
All alone in your empty room
you look at me and i look at you
How the hell that did you get in here?
i hear you say and i go away.
Tables turned – says the note that i left you
- Now it`s your turn burn in hell
Maybe next time you tell your scoop
You see me hanging from your roof
Is there a mark in my back that says Stab here?
This pain I feel Between my backbones
Why don´t you shoot me in the face
And take my pain away
My life in hell Because the ”truth” you tell
Now twist and turn and pull
and it will be over
Maybe soon you´ll start to hope
It was you who bought that rope
My sleep is now more than a nap
I got that final stab
What is This pain I feel
Between my backbones
Why don´t you shoot me in the face
And take my pain away
My life in hell
Because the ”truth” you tell
Now twist and turn and pull
Hatred in your eyes You despise me
I can see the twist your palm is now a fist
You tell that everything is lies You wanna be free
but you cant be cause we`re all against you
you must grow up and start to be a man
we all know you can so act like one
you must shut up cause no one cant stand
you´ll soon lose it all do you think you have the ball?
Tear in your eye cry for sympathy
do you really think I care anymore
Your life is one big mess Full of apathy
Now stop! or we`ll be against you
you must grow up and start to be a man
we all know you can so act like one
you must shut up cause no one cant stand
you´ll soon lose it all do you think you have the ball?
I take my board and i go out
i try to jump, but i fall down
i try to stand, can`t stand on my own
i break my board and i walk home
cause everytime i skate
i always seem to fall on my face
I see my friends they`re on a ramp
i take my board and walk to them
i take my board and i climb up
i came down falling, i do suck
cause everytime i skate
i always seem to fall on my face
Someday i will be like Tony Hawk
But when i train, it always seem`s the same
i wanna RULE, and skate in every world
but when do, i always seem to fall on my face
This is 'THE JUMP' i think i can
I take my board and walk to ramp
i gain some speed and Hop my deck
i came down, fall, and break my neck
cause everytime i skate
i always seem to fall on my face
Someday i will be like Tony Hawk
But when i train, it always seem`s the same
i wanna RULE, and skate in every world
but when do, i always seem to fall on my face
in the first aid
there i see
this white maid, she just said
now you`re dead
at least in heaven, i can skate
Someday i will be like Tony Hawk
But when i train, it always seem`s the same
i wanna RULE, and skate in every world
Me and Billy
Again, Billy`s here to see me
He hasn`t been here since last saturday
There`s only one small problem
He`s my only friend today, and they try to take him
What a friend in a High class
Next time he calls im telling
that he`s truly blessing
Sometimes we want to run
sometimes to have just fun with him?
cause billy is an elf
we`re buddies billy and myself
whoops, it`s time for a doctor
it`s time for bill to leave
but there`s only one small problem
that doctor always lies to me, bill doesn`t exist at
What a friend in a High class
Next time he calls im telling
that he`s truly blessing
Sometimes we want to run
sometimes to have just fun with him?
cause billy is an elf
we`re buddies billy and myself
please, please, please doctor
oh please don`t take him away
he`s my only friend and i dont want him to go away
he`s my only friend today, oh please dont take him away
What a friend in a High class
Next time he calls im telling
that he`s truly blessing
Sometimes we want to run
sometimes to have just fun with him?
cause billy is an elf
Anywhere I go Anything I`ll do
I will always have my only friend with me
When I go to a store People look at me
Why they stare it`s only my dear friend
You´re my only friend
Anywhere I go I always keep you with me
When I´m happy or when I´m sad
You´re the only one who listens
You´re the only one who cares
Now I´ve found new home It`s so soft and warm
And my friend is with me Almost all the time
Only once a day My friend he can not stay
It`s the time when I take medication
Rubberduck You´re my only friend
Anywhere I go I always keep you with me
When I´m happy or when I´m sad
You´re the only one who listens
Your´e the only one who cares
Rubberduck You´re my only friend
Anywhere I go I always keep you with me
When I´m happy or when I´m sad
You´re the only one who listens
You´re the only one who cares
only one who cares
Did you think that she`s your slave?
Did you think that She`ll forgive?
All those years are left to stay
How can you ever repay?
what did she do to you?
she`s so young, fresh and new
did you think she`ll wanted to play
now the scars are here to stay
Right before her eyes
(her life is passing by)
Right before her eyes
cutting scars to his soul
before her eyes
(life is passing by)
one week ago she shined like star
now thanks to you all that`s left is those scars
she feels dirty, feels like slut
sitting down in a puddle of mud
should i go, or should i stay?
should i burn out, or fade away?
she feels dirty feels like mud
sitting down in a puddle of blood
she decided to fade away
now the scars are here to stay
Right before her eyes
(her life is passing by)
Right before her eyes
cutting scars to his soul
before her eyes
(life is passing by)
one week ago she shined like star
Hey look around you
can you see those people dying
hey look around you
can you see the nations dying
Do you understand
this situation we are bound
we are tired
wiping blood from the ground
and i say
Hold on to your seats the end is here
Paranoia, hate and fear
Pipes of blood are flowing underground
Kiss your pity ass goodbye
Ask yourself this question why
We all will die
by the goverment
not telling the truth
about everything
they don´t but they should
It´s natures disease
The forbidden fruit
Fighting for peace
is like lying for truth
and i say
Hold on to your seats the end is here
Paranoia, hate and fear
Pipes of blood are flowing underground
Kiss your pity ass goodbye
Ask yourself this question why
We all will die
and I will
Hold on to my seat the end is here
Paranoia, hate and fear
Pipes of blood are flowing underground
I Kiss my pity ass goodbye
Ask myself this question why
We all will.
Hold on to our seats the end is here
Paranoia, hate and fear
Pipes of blood are flowing underground
We Kiss our pity ass goodbye
Ask ourself this question why
They told me to shut up So I yelled, so I yelled
They told me to climb up So I fell, so I fell
They said I should look good So I ripped my clothes
I bought a guitar and said fuck the notes
Don't try to tie me up Or I`ll run
Don't try to fuck me up Or shit hits the fan
I dont want to be mean, when I'm swimming upstream
I dont read no rules, they are written by the fools
I'm an outsider I'm a pain in your ass
I don't follow the show I swim against the flow
I don't read no laws or mind my flaws
Don't try to change me This is what I am and this is
what I always will be
Don't try to make me stay I walk my own way
Fuck your authority I'm minority
They tried to tie me up And I ran
They tried to fuck me up And shit hit the fan
I dont want to be mean, when I'm swimming upstream
I dont read no rules, they are written by the fools
I'm an outsider I´m a pain in your ass
I don't follow the show I swim against the flow
I don't read no laws or mind my flaws
Don't try to change me This is what I am and this is
what I always will be
I'm an outsider I'm a pain in your ass
I don't follow the show I swim against the flow
I don't read no laws or mind my flaws
Don't try to change me This is what I am and this is
what I always will be
The nights have turned to days
I´ve been trying to find my ways
People they need rest
Oh my lord I´ve tried my best
The walls have turned red
As I´m lying in my bed
Is there help,or is there cure
I don´t know and I´m not sure
I´m not sure that do I want it anymore
Morning is here
The only thing I fear
Is the night after day
Why can´t it go away
Why can´t I be just like you
what`s so different that you do
oh please just stay
I´m sitting in my room
trying not lose my mind
words mean nothing to me
oh my god i´ve tried to see
The walls have turned red
As I´m lying in my bed
Is there help,or is there cure
I don´t know and I´m not sure
I´m not sure that do I want it anymore
Morning is here
The only thing I fear
Is the night after day
Why can´t it go away
Why can´t I be just like you
what`s so different that you do
oh please just stay
Losing my mind
that I´m trying to find
Way to keep me sane
way to stand this pain
Im not sure that do i want that anymore
Morning is here
The only thing i fear
Is the night after day
Why cant it go away
Why cant i be just like you
what`s so different that you do
oh please just stay
or go away
Ooh ahh, I'm lost without your love
Can you hear me now
Ooh ahh, I'm lost without your love
Your love..
Your love..
Your love..
Ooh ahh, I'm lost without your love
Your love, your love, your love, your love
Ooh ahh, I'm lost without your love
Can you hear me now
Ooh ahh, I'm lost without your love
Your love..
Your love..
Your love..
My love..
You turn me on, I'm falling
Control me, please don�t hurt me
My rhythm never fools me
I'm lost without you baby
I'm lost without you baby
You turn me on, I'm falling
Control me, please don�t hurt me
My rhythm never fools me
I'm lost without you baby
Ooh ahh, I'm lost without your love
Can you hear me now
Ooh ahh, I'm lost without your love
You turn me on, I'm falling
Control me, please don�t hurt me
My rhythm never fools me
I'm lost without you baby
Ooh ahh, I'm lost without your love
Can you hear me now
Ooh ahh, I'm lost without your love
Your love..
Your love..
Your love..
Clock is one `o six
im singing gibberish
and thinking lyrics to this new song
but nothing hit`s my mind
at firs i thought i sing
about being humanbeing
but then i though, fuck it all
that it`s not gonna work at all
But now im in bridge already
and we are getting ready
for that chorus part that`s gonna start from now
These lyrics really suck
but don`t you dare to mock
this is best i can do
and this is dedicated to you
Cow says moo, moo, moo
Baby i love you, you, you
My mind is empty now
can`t think of lyrics no more
Thank god it`s bridge already
and we are getting ready
for that chorus part that`s gonna start from now
These lyrics really suck
but don`t you dare to mock
this is best i can do
and this is dedicated to you
Cow says moo, moo, moo
Baby i love you, you, you
This is C-part, Flower
Thank god this is soon over
how can i sink any lower?
Should we play just covers
These lyrics really suck
but don`t you dare to mock
this is best i can do
and this is dedicated to you
Cow says moo, moo, moo
Baby i love you, you, you
Another awaken hour
Another sleepless night
There`s nothing on TV
I think i try to sleep
Insomnia.....It`s awful when you can`t sleep at night
Insomnia.....I try to close my eyes, dream a dream,
feel relief
Laying in my bed
Bad feelings in my head
Im tired of being tired
So tired, So tired
Insomnia.....It`s awful when you can`t sleep at night
Insomnia.....I try to close my eyes, dream a dream,
feel relief
I`ve Tried there something wrong with
I`ve Tried there something wrong with
I`ve Tried there something wrong with
I`ve tried everything
Insomnia.....It`s awful when you can`t sleep at night
Insomnia.....I try to close my eyes, dream a dream,
feel relief
Mike buys his clothes from shop called P.O.P
He acclaims he like Hip`n Hop
He knows all lyrics to Eminem`s rap
But when he`s alone he thinks it is crap
Then He listens to Punk Rock Music
It`s so Hard
In this world
If you want friends you gotta be Just like them
If you wanna be something else,Forget your so called
If they dont accept you as you are, then think,are they
your friends at all?
If you really want your Faking to Stop
Then show the world you are made of rock
If you wanna be something else
Then just be whatever you want to be, whatever you want
to be
It`s so Hard
In this world
If you want friends you gotta be Just like them
If you wanna be something else,Forget your so called
If they dont accept you as you are, then think,are they
Suprise Suprise here we are again, i guess you didn`t
see that coming.
Style is old but the tunes are new, and we hope you
think they`re rocking
Whoopass song, one slow, one ska, and one of them in
The Formula we thought was good,and we hope you think
so too
Six a.m at friday night, well actually saturday morning
Two days until studio time, and guess what i am doing
I should be sleeping, i hope i could, but im working
with these words
Trying to not to make a sequel to Ooze, but that is
what is coming from this
So hell what, lets Punk rock go
Welcome to a punk rock show
If you`re young or old
Or you`re shy or bold
Let`s punk rock go
to a punk rock show
Raise your hands and hear
Feel the beat dont fear
It`s just punk rock,yo
In a punk rock show
Two years passed, we still don`t shit our pants,And the
cow does still go moo moo
Still can`t get no sleep, even if counting sheeps, and
we sill do hate our neighbours
So nothing has changed yet, we still don`t have our
private jet
And we still don`t know how to skate on street, the
only trick we know is called nosebleed
I dont know if someone even cares that what im really
But just to make my point of view, USA should stop the
We should feed the poor and shoot the rich and start to
live like Robin Hood
Although most of people think the same, they just need
to get to that right mood
So hell what, lets Punk rock go
Welcome to a punk rock show
If you`re young or old
Or you`re shy or bold
Let`s punk rock go
to a punk rock show
Raise your hands and hear
Feel the beat dont fear
It`s just punk rock,yo
Hello dear neighbour, can i borrow your cute wife?
I have been fucking her hard, since you moved, so
Hello, dear neighbour, you think that i didn`t know
I have been Fucking your dog, coz my wife is, so ugly
This means war
My dear neighbour
I steal your car
And drive it up you`r ass
These picket fences crossing by
Neighbour love it fills the sky
Filled with love, Filled with Pain Everything looks
just the same
Nobody know`s the real truth
Of peaceful living side to side
There is dark this Town
Picket Fences Falling down
Hello, dear neighour, now im gonna kick your ass
i get my baseball bat and play with your head,with your
Hello, dear neighbour is that your house on fire?
The other neighbour next to you is a Pyro, retired
This means war
My dear neighbour
I steal your car
And drive it up you`r ass
These picket fences crossing by
Neighbour love it fills the sky
Filled with love, Filled with Pain Everything looks
just the same
Nobody know`s the real truth
Of peaceful living side to side
There is dark this Town
Picket Fences Falling down
Neighbour love...naannaannanannannannaa
Neighbour love...naannaannanannannannaa
Neighbour love...naannaannanannannannaa
Neighbour love...oh yeah!
These picket fences crossing by
Neighbour love it fills the sky
Filled with love, Filled with Pain Ewerything looks
just the same
Nobody know`s the real truth
Of peaceful living side to side
There is dark this Town
Do you still remember those days
when we used to get along
for you they may be a haze
but for me they`re dead and gone
do you still remember that place
where we used to laugh for days
it was sunny summer morning
when you threw the shit right to my face
Now it`s time to wipe it off
Hey look at me im happy now
and you are nothing, you missed the show
i pushed myself to the edge
now look at me
im giving everything i can
and i will be the last to stand
now it is time to see, see who can
The biggest mistake you made
when you threw it all away
but don`t feel sorry my dear
it`s fucking better for me here
i would have liked to see your face
when you realized that i was gone
you got to have regret it for days
and i was still the one who won
Now it`s time to wipe it off
Hey look at me im happy now
and you are nothing, you missed the show
i pushed myself to the edge
now look at me
im giving everything i can
and i will be the last to stand
it is time to see, see who can
There is a light at the tunnel
for you i hope it`s train
for me everything is fine
Hey look at me im up here now
and you are nothing, its time to bow
i pushed myself to the edge
now look at me
i gave everything i can
and i was here the last to stand
it was time to see
see who can
Hey look at me im up here now
and you are nothing, its time to bow
i pushed myself to the edge
now look at me
i gave everything i can
and i was still the last to stand
it was time to see
I thought, I knew what I was doing
On that crazy summer night that I left you
I didn't know what I was losing
Didn't realize that no other man
Could love me like you do
But like a fool I let you go
I let you slip away
And now the pain that lives inside of me
Gets worse each day
Give me a second chance for love
Give me a second chance for love
I knew I hurt you when I left you
I can see the tear drops rolling down your face
Now that your gone I can't forget you
Now I realize that no other man
Could ever take your place
But like a fool I let you go
I let you slip away
And now the pain that lives inside of me
Gets worse each day
Give me a second chance for love
Give me a second chance for love
I was a fool to let you go
To let you slip away
And now the pain that lives inside of me
Gets worse each day
Give me a second chance for love
Give me a second chance for love
Give me a second chance for love
There's something scary about the look that's in your eyes
There's hidden anger in your face
There had been trouble and it comes as no surprise
You say tonight someone has taken someone else's life
Not much will come from out of anger and revenge
But tell me when we'll
I'm begging you please, I'm on my hands and knees
Don't do something crazy, I'm begging you
Please don't go, please don't go
Don't go there tonight, it just isn't right
You may not come back to me, our future you'll never see
You're throwing my life plans away, please don't go
The only thing we have that we can call our own
Is this sweet love that we share
But if you leave tonight you may not come home
And that's just one thought I can't bear
Let's run away from here, to some place far away
'Cause if we stay, our love won't last another day
Don't throw my love aside
'Cause of your foolish pride
Please don't go, please don't go
Don't go there tonight, it just isn't right
You may not come back to me, our future you'll never see
You're throwing my life plans away, please don't go
I wanted you to stay but still you went away
Together we can run, now look what they had done
I'll never feel your touch again, I'm left to see this tragic end
You're throwing our love life away
Please don't go, please don't
Please don't go, I'm begging you
Please don't go, please don't
Please don't go, I'm begging you
Please don't go, please don't
Please don't go, I'm begging you
Please don't go, please don't
It's been awhile that we've been together
The love we shared has meant so much
And we've been patient, waiting for the right time
Knowing that it would be wrong to run
But tonight I know the time for love has come
That special moment has arrived
And now I'm sure this love we have is real
And I know that our love will survive, 'cause
Good things come to those who wait
And we waited long enough for, the time for love is right
Good things come to those who wait
Now I'm ready for your lovin' so let's make love tonight
Light up the night, I've dreamed about this moment
That you and I would be as one
But making love is something that we should always cherish
Not something we only do for fun
But tonight I know the time for love has come
That special moment has arrived
And now I'm sure this love we have is real
And I know that our love will survive, 'cause
Good things come to those who wait
And we waited long enough for, the time for love is right
Good things come to those who wait
Now I'm ready for your lovin' so let's make love tonight
Good things come to those who wait
Let me take you to a place where you have never been before
Good things come to those who wait
We have done our share of waiting, now there's nothing, love is gone
Te quiero demasiado
para olvidarte en unas horas,
porque me haces daño,
porque me dejas ahora.
que no me ves muriendo,
mi alma se acaba
y no puedo vivir sin calma.
Pero no, no te vayas,
no me dejes sin tu amor
necesito sentir de nuevo
el fuego de tu pasión.
Pero no, no te vayas,
no seas cruel con mi corazón
Pero no, no te vayas,
no me dejes un triste adios.
Eres lo que amo,
y no acepto que te vayas
me pierdo en la marea
y mis lagrimas se acaban.
Pero no, no te vayas,
no me dejes sin tu amor
necesito sentir de nuevo
el fuego de tu pasión.
Pero no, no te vayas,
no seas cruel con mi corazón
Pero no, no te vayas,
no me dejes un triste adios.
Pero no, no te vayas,
no me dejes sin tu amor
necesito sentir de nuevo