
Ruins of Ancient Petra, The Nabatean Kingdom
A video stroll through one of the most spectacular archeological sites in the world. Extre...
published: 22 Jan 2012
author: QatarYankee
Ruins of Ancient Petra, The Nabatean Kingdom
Ruins of Ancient Petra, The Nabatean Kingdom
A video stroll through one of the most spectacular archeological sites in the world. Extremely well-preserved structures carved into rock stretching back to ...- published: 22 Jan 2012
- views: 3039
- author: QatarYankee

Nabateans of Jordan
A visit to Wadi Rum and Petra, the burial city, in Jordan....
published: 30 Apr 2011
author: ravindra60
Nabateans of Jordan
Nabateans of Jordan
A visit to Wadi Rum and Petra, the burial city, in Jordan.- published: 30 Apr 2011
- views: 286
- author: ravindra60

THE HIDDEN PEARL - The history of the Aramean people - 197 minutes HD ENGLISH - Documentary Movie
Watch the complete documentary movie (197 minutes in HD) "The Hidden Pearl" (Die verborgen...
published: 18 Nov 2011
author: Suryoyo Aram
THE HIDDEN PEARL - The history of the Aramean people - 197 minutes HD ENGLISH - Documentary Movie
THE HIDDEN PEARL - The history of the Aramean people - 197 minutes HD ENGLISH - Documentary Movie
Watch the complete documentary movie (197 minutes in HD) "The Hidden Pearl" (Die verborgene Perle) in english and learn about the Aramean people before and a...- published: 18 Nov 2011
- views: 12463
- author: Suryoyo Aram

Nabateans and Aliens official trailer
My graduation project....
published: 12 Aug 2013
author: Ahmad Dabbagh
Nabateans and Aliens official trailer
Nabateans and Aliens official trailer
My graduation project.- published: 12 Aug 2013
- views: 7
- author: Ahmad Dabbagh

Petra, capital city of the Nabateans. Arabic: البتراء
A glimpse in the history, architecture, and nature of the ancient Nabatean city of Petra f...
published: 10 Dec 2012
author: fotomotofotograf
Petra, capital city of the Nabateans. Arabic: البتراء
Petra, capital city of the Nabateans. Arabic: البتراء
A glimpse in the history, architecture, and nature of the ancient Nabatean city of Petra found in present day Jordan.- published: 10 Dec 2012
- views: 260
- author: fotomotofotograf

Petra- Jordan: The Nabateans; the New Seven Wonders of the World!
The Nabateans were exceptionally skilled traders, facilitating commerce between China, Ind...
published: 18 Oct 2009
author: Thelevant
Petra- Jordan: The Nabateans; the New Seven Wonders of the World!
Petra- Jordan: The Nabateans; the New Seven Wonders of the World!
The Nabateans were exceptionally skilled traders, facilitating commerce between China, India, the Far East, Egypt, Syria, Greece and Rome. They dealt in such...- published: 18 Oct 2009
- views: 3126
- author: Thelevant

Petra - Nabatäer & Beduinen (Petra - Nabateans & Bedouins)
Petra ist seit 1985 schon UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe und gilt seit 2007 als eines der sieben ne...
published: 23 Jun 2013
author: Walter Korinek
Petra - Nabatäer & Beduinen (Petra - Nabateans & Bedouins)
Petra - Nabatäer & Beduinen (Petra - Nabateans & Bedouins)
Petra ist seit 1985 schon UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe und gilt seit 2007 als eines der sieben neuen Weltwunder. 10000 Jahre Menschheitsgeschichte sind hier bezeugt...- published: 23 Jun 2013
- views: 50
- author: Walter Korinek

Petra - Ancient Capital of the Nabateans
Petra-fied! Truly, the rose-red city is one of the 7 WONDERS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD! See the...
published: 11 Nov 2010
author: Labtechbaby
Petra - Ancient Capital of the Nabateans
Petra - Ancient Capital of the Nabateans
Petra-fied! Truly, the rose-red city is one of the 7 WONDERS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD! See the changing of the guards and be on guard.- published: 11 Nov 2010
- views: 328
- author: Labtechbaby

Petra story
This documentary is filmed by the Australian ABC News TV. It talks about the recent discov...
published: 29 Oct 2010
author: petracode
Petra story
Petra story
This documentary is filmed by the Australian ABC News TV. It talks about the recent discoveries related to the Arab Nabateans Astronomical Scientefic Trilogy...- published: 29 Oct 2010
- views: 2767
- author: petracode

Levantasy - Nabateans Parade - Live North Sea Jazz 14 juli 2013 (#NSJ)
Yoram Lachish (hobo, English horn, zurna, shehnai, shofar); Rembrandt Frerichs (piano); To...
published: 15 Jul 2013
author: Ton de Kruyff
Levantasy - Nabateans Parade - Live North Sea Jazz 14 juli 2013 (#NSJ)
Levantasy - Nabateans Parade - Live North Sea Jazz 14 juli 2013 (#NSJ)
Yoram Lachish (hobo, English horn, zurna, shehnai, shofar); Rembrandt Frerichs (piano); Tony Overwater (acoustic bass); Vinsent Planjer (drums, tombak)- published: 15 Jul 2013
- views: 28
- author: Ton de Kruyff

(Obed) "Petra In Jordan Part 2 (Also about the Nabateans)"
published: 12 Sep 2011
author: Obed Esquilin
(Obed) "Petra In Jordan Part 2 (Also about the Nabateans)"
(Obed) "Petra In Jordan Part 2 (Also about the Nabateans)"
- published: 12 Sep 2011
- views: 88
- author: Obed Esquilin

"Home of the Nabateans" Andremaheux's photos around Petra, Jordan (on the trail of the nabateans)
Preview of Andremaheux's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod....
published: 27 Apr 2011
author: TripAdvisorTRIPWOW1
"Home of the Nabateans" Andremaheux's photos around Petra, Jordan (on the trail of the nabateans)
"Home of the Nabateans" Andremaheux's photos around Petra, Jordan (on the trail of the nabateans)
Preview of Andremaheux's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/andremaheux/world_tour/1165466040/tpod.html...- published: 27 Apr 2011
- views: 75
- author: TripAdvisorTRIPWOW1

This video was created by iPhone App HauntedFace. App Store link: http://bit.ly/97XF2Q Fan...
published: 24 Dec 2010
author: zahid habib
This video was created by iPhone App HauntedFace. App Store link: http://bit.ly/97XF2Q Fan page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/HauntedFace/144230742255164.- published: 24 Dec 2010
- views: 34
- author: zahid habib

PETRA (Jordan)
Petra (from πέτρα "petra", rock in Greek; Arabic: البتراء, Al-Butrā) is an archaeological ...
published: 29 May 2007
author: Antonio Mancha Trejo
PETRA (Jordan)
PETRA (Jordan)
Petra (from πέτρα "petra", rock in Greek; Arabic: البتراء, Al-Butrā) is an archaeological site in Jordan, lying in a basin among the mountains which form the...- published: 29 May 2007
- views: 556808
- author: Antonio Mancha Trejo
Vimeo results:

Petra - Nabatäer & Beduinen (Petra - Nabateans & Bedouins)
Petra ist seit 1985 schon UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe und gilt seit 2007 als eines der sieben ne...
published: 22 Jun 2013
author: Walter Korinek
Petra - Nabatäer & Beduinen (Petra - Nabateans & Bedouins)
Petra ist seit 1985 schon UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe und gilt seit 2007 als eines der sieben neuen Weltwunder. 10000 Jahre Menschheitsgeschichte sind hier bezeugt. Seit dem 4. Jahrhundert v. Chr. errichtete das Volk der Nabatäer hier eine Stadt mit ihren wundervollen Grabmälern, von denen das Schatzhaus (Al Khazne) das Bekannteste ist, seit es im Film "Indiana Jones und der letzte Kreuzzug" der Schauplatz der Schlussszene war.
Mehr: http://www.koblfoto.com/jordan.htm
Petra - since 1985 World Heritage and since 2007 one of the Seven New Wonders of the World. 10000 years of history of mankind are witnessed here. Since the 4. century B.C. a city was built here by the people of the Nabateans with wonderful monuments. The House of treasures (Al Khazne) is the most popular ones, since it was the final scene of the film "Indiana Jones and the last crusade".
Kamera/Camera: Sony NEX- VG10
Monopod: Manfrotto 560B
Musik/music: Joachim Lehberger (www.highland-musikarchiv.com

Wadi Rum
Das Wadi Rum (arabisch وادي رم, DMG Wādī Ramm; auch Wadi Ram) ist das größte Wadi in Jor...
published: 23 Jun 2013
author: Walter Korinek
Wadi Rum
Das Wadi Rum (arabisch وادي رم, DMG Wādī Ramm; auch Wadi Ram) ist das größte Wadi in Jordanien. Seine Felswände bestehen aus Sandstein und Granit. Als Schutzgebiet mit einer Fläche von 74.000 Hektar wurde es 2011 in die Welterbeliste der UNESCO aufgenommen. Wadi Rum liegt östlich der Stadt Aqaba, südlich der Stadt Ma'an und parallel zur im Westen liegenden Aravasenke. Das Wadi ist ein Gebiet mit einer Länge von etwa 100 Kilometern und einer Breite von etwa 60 Kilometern. Es liegt auf etwa 800 Meter Höhe, wobei die höchsten Erhebungen der Jebel Um Adaami mit 1832 Meter und der Jabal Rum mit 1754 Meter sind. Das Wadi Rum ist seit prähistorischen Zeiten von vielen Kulturen bevölkert worden. Sie hinterließen ihre Spuren in Form von Felszeichnungen und Tempeln. Bekannt wurde Wadi Rum durch das Buch Die sieben Säulen der Weisheit des britischen Offiziers Thomas Edward Lawrence, der hier während der Arabischen Revolte von 1917 bis 1918 stationiert war, und später noch mehr durch den Film Lawrence von Arabien.
Bedanken möchten wir und auch für diesen Film bei Abdulla Yousef für die unerschöpflichen und sehr fachkundigen Erklärungen.
Wadi Rum (Arabic: وادي رم) also known as The Valley of the Moon (Arabic: وادي القمر) is a valley cut into the sandstone and granite rock in southern Jordan 60 km (37 mi) to the east of Aqaba; it is the largest wadi in Jordan.[1] The name Rum most likely comes from an Aramaic root meaning 'high' or 'elevated'. Wadi Rum has been inhabited by many human cultures since prehistoric times, with many cultures–including the Nabateans–leaving their mark in the form of rock paintings, graffiti, and temples.
In the West, Wadi Rum may be best known for its connection with British officer T. E. Lawrence, who passed through several times during the Arab Revolt of 1917–18.[3] In the 1980s one of the rock formations in Wadi Rum was named "The Seven Pillars of Wisdom" after Lawrence's book penned in the aftermath of the war, though the 'Seven Pillars' referred to in the book have no connection with Rum.
Thanks a lot to Abdulla Yousef for his detailed informations.
Kamera/Camera: Sony NEX- VG10
Monopod: Manfrotto 560B
Musik/music: Joachim Lehberger (highland-musikarchiv.com

Moving with the times - Bedouin in Jordan
Raami Manaja, born to a Bedouin father and New Zealand mother, spent his first years in a ...
published: 12 Feb 2012
author: Owen Kilgour
Moving with the times - Bedouin in Jordan
Raami Manaja, born to a Bedouin father and New Zealand mother, spent his first years in a cave, went to high school in New Zealand, studied electrical engineering in Australia and finally returned to the ancient Nabatean city of Petra.
Saleh Mosa has spent his life in the desert of Wadi Rum. The son of a Bedouin camel trader, he now guides tourists through the lands of his ancestors, giving them a taste of life as a Bedouin. http://wadirumtours.com/
Both Bedouin of Jordan, Raami and Saleh share their thoughts on being a Bedouin in Jordan.
Camera and editing: Owen Kilgour
Interviews: Alisa Alspach
Narration: Christian Cummins
Special thanks to Raami Manaja and Saleh Mosa

Set amidst towering walls of rose colored stone, Petra certainly deserves its title as one...
published: 13 Feb 2009
author: Team Explore
Set amidst towering walls of rose colored stone, Petra certainly deserves its title as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. This archaeological site in Jordan boasts intricate buildings carved into the sides of cliffs and represents thousands of years of Biblical history. In this short film, traditional Bedouin music plays as the sun rises and sets over the precious land.
Explore (http://explore.org) is a philanthropic multimedia organization that makes documentary films and takes photographs to showcase extraordinary nonprofit efforts and leaders around the world. The journey for the Explore team continues with its core mission in mind - to champion the selfless acts of others and to inspire a revolution of giving. Distributed by Tubemogul.
Youtube results:

Ancient Petra, Nabatean Kingdom in 3D
A stereoscopic 3D walk through some of the most spectacular ancient ruins in the world. Ac...
published: 21 Jan 2012
author: Maxheadspace3D
Ancient Petra, Nabatean Kingdom in 3D
Ancient Petra, Nabatean Kingdom in 3D
A stereoscopic 3D walk through some of the most spectacular ancient ruins in the world. According to legend, Petra is the community that evolved from the wat...- published: 21 Jan 2012
- views: 919
- author: Maxheadspace3D

the missing link,who are the Amorites?
the iraqi professor Khaz'al Majeedi in his book"The Amorites Beliefs" has an interesting t...
published: 21 Aug 2009
author: pal4Culture
the missing link,who are the Amorites?
the missing link,who are the Amorites?
the iraqi professor Khaz'al Majeedi in his book"The Amorites Beliefs" has an interesting theory about the Amorites,canaanites,and the aramean, and i will com...- published: 21 Aug 2009
- views: 16334
- author: pal4Culture

Way back in time was a nation sublime For they had what it takes to lead a good life Foeme...
published: 03 Feb 2013
author: Felipe villalobos jeldres
Way back in time was a nation sublime For they had what it takes to lead a good life Foemen believed it's because of some secrets They brought the fight and ...- published: 03 Feb 2013
- views: 20495
- author: Felipe villalobos jeldres