What it takes to prepare a Jewish Kosher meal
So Wrong - Emmanuel Hudson aka Kosher [Prod. By: @BigConDaTrack]
What Is Kosher?
Strictly Kosher - Series 1 - Part 1 of 5
KARMA - Emmanuel Hudson aka Kosher
12x01 Is That Kosher; Never, Never, Never
Kosher Slaughter vs. Non-Kosher Slaughter
Conoce los alimentos kosher y dale un cambio a tu dieta diaria
Clean and Unclean foods (kosher) - UNLEARN
Who is the Real Kosher Jesus? Part 1
The Kosher Seal Revealed
Strictly Kosher - Series 2 - Episode 1 - Part 1 of 4
Peter Capusotto y sus Videos - Kosher Waters - 7a Temporada (17/09/2012)
What it takes to prepare a Jewish Kosher meal
So Wrong - Emmanuel Hudson aka Kosher [Prod. By: @BigConDaTrack]
What Is Kosher?
Strictly Kosher - Series 1 - Part 1 of 5
KARMA - Emmanuel Hudson aka Kosher
12x01 Is That Kosher; Never, Never, Never
Kosher Slaughter vs. Non-Kosher Slaughter
Conoce los alimentos kosher y dale un cambio a tu dieta diaria
Clean and Unclean foods (kosher) - UNLEARN
Who is the Real Kosher Jesus? Part 1
The Kosher Seal Revealed
Strictly Kosher - Series 2 - Episode 1 - Part 1 of 4
Peter Capusotto y sus Videos - Kosher Waters - 7a Temporada (17/09/2012)
Opie & Anthony: Kosher Sports With Intern David (09/12/08-05/01/09)
Los Puntos Cardenales "La Cumbia Kosher" 03/09/2013
Kosher Food - more than just Jewish cuisine
Kosher Scheeta of a lamb.wmv
Should Halal and Kosher Meat Be Labelled (The Big Questions)
Kosher Slaughter: A behind the scenes look at Kosher food preparation
Leyes Alimentarias Judias-Kosher-Rabi Moshe Bendahan
Is That Kosher (Part 1)
Rare footage visit to kosher slaughterhouse
Kashrut (also kashruth or kashrus, כַּשְׁרוּת) is the set of Jewish dietary laws. Food that may be consumed according to halakha (Jewish law) is termed kosher in English, from the Ashkenazi pronunciation of the Hebrew term kashér (כָּשֵׁר), meaning "fit" (in this context, fit for consumption). Food that is not in accordance with Jewish law is called treif (Yiddish: טרײף or treyf, derived from Hebrew טְרֵפָה trēfáh). Kosher can also refer to anything that is fit for use or correct according to halakha, such as a hanukiyah (candelabra for Hannukah), or a sukkah (a Sukkot booth). The word kosher has become English vernacular, a colloquialism meaning proper, legitimate, genuine, fair, or acceptable.
Among the numerous laws that form part of kashrut are the prohibitions on the consumption of unclean animals (such as pork and most insects, with the exception of crickets and locusts), mixtures of meat and milk, and the commandment to slaughter mammals and birds according to a process known as shechita. Most of the basic laws of kashrut are derived from the Torah's Books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy. Their details and practical application, however, is set down in the oral law (eventually codified in the Mishnah and Talmud) and elaborated on in the later rabbinical literature. While the Torah does not state the rationale for most kashrut laws, many reasons have been suggested, including philosophical, practical and hygienic.
You preach about the scene.
KC pride until the day I die?
I don't know what you mean.
Feed off controversy, get on stage and act like you care.
You don't know unity.
Keep the pose no one knows at the show.
You're the hero now.
Here we are the brand new enemy,
Created by you as a scapegoat.
Do all you can just to be the man.
It's funny how you act, opinions always changing
And then wonder why no one comes back.
Put words in my mouth, the shit you spew is never ending.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Hope you're happy in your little world you call a scene.
Telling me who I am like you know me...
What makes you right? Is it a zine?
Time has passed so slowly since you've been gone.
So why do I feel I have to stay up till the break of dawn?
The white lines passed and hypnotized, so restless, now stir crazy.
Now I can't get these songs out of my mind,
And I feel like I'm wasting time.
The rings under my eyes show that I'm wasting time.
On the road that is so lonely.
But I hope that will never change,
And I hope you hear what I'm saying.
I belong on the lost highway.
Top of the world, top of the heap.
I can't keep on saying the things that I used to, they remind me of you.
And when I wake up in the morning and I can't shake this feeling,
Sometimes I don't want to wake up at all.
And the pills that I take, they might help,
But when I wake I just wanna keep dreaming, dreaming, dreaming...
On that road that is so lonely.
But I hope that will never change,
And I hope you hear what I'm saying.
I belong on the lost highway.
People always talking about their problems
And the world just keeps revolving,
You’ve gotta know this is gonna end.
What won’t kill you will make you stronger and what you want,
You’ll get it faster, cause in this game there’s no rules to bed.
You wanna be somewhere else.
You can’t do anything else.
You just wanna be alone, you wanna get out on your own.
You’re unacceptable, your out of control.
You take no prisoners.
Tell me, please tell me something’s wrong when you’re on the street
And you’re own your own, you just don’t let it slide.
Now what you wanna do is cover your ears,
(cause you’re not gonna like what you’re gonna hear)
It’s gonna blow up every time.
All your friends around, blaming them.
People holding hands, hating them,
You just wanna be alone, you wanna get out on the road.
You wanna be somewhere else.
You can’t do anything else.
Living day to day with nowhere to run...
People in three piece suits make this assembly line run.
Don’t live by boundaries or machines.
Got a dream (if you know what I mean) and it feels like it’s everything.
I’m young and I’m free, I feel like I can do anything.
The rules tell me to stay and burn,
But this is one lesson that I'll have to learn.
Don’t live by graphs and microchips.
Don’t care about the government or what is said on the internet.
I have no use for these machines.
I’m not a puppet on a string,
I’m a motherfucking human being.
I’m young and I’m free, I feel I can do anything.
The rules tell me to stay and burn,
But this is one lesson I’ll have to learn.
I’m not a robot.
Sure, machines have their place, but that’s no place for me.
The only ones who have a care in the world
Are the ones living the American dream.
The wheels keep spinning and turning,
It’s time for a change.
The zombies are going through another phase.
Different flavors same old shit.
We’ve got to stop it now, we’ve got to do it.
Turn up the volume, all the way now.
Look and behold, revolution rock n’ roll.
It’s time to take a stand, revolution rock n’ roll.
I’m sick of the radio, the air waves are dead and empty.
I need this shit like a bullet in the head.
We’ve got to get out now, before we’re all dead.
To them we’re not people, just buying units.
They keep themselves safe in their hi-rise,
Giving us gargage in disguise.
If they could just look into our eyes
And see that we’ve had enough this nonsense wouldn’t begin.
You’re a different person from face to face.
That’s great acting, but where’s your stage?
Always ranting and raving without a clue.
All I ask for is some occasional truth.
(I know it won’t kill you.)
If you could see what I see hypocrite catastrophe.
If you could see what I see, try learning some fucking civility.
Maybe you should try representing what you speak.
You’ll find your own existence is what’s so very depressing.
No ones aiming to please? Give me a break!
You’re breeding your own demise while becoming what you hate.
If you could see what I see, hypocrite catastrophe.
I can’t explain my fascination with these thoughts of relocation,
These four walls are keeping me at bay.
Not a part of everyone's program,
Especially in the shape that I’m in... not that I would want to be anyway.
The world keeps on spinning and I’m just waiting for the beginning.
I may take a holiday... I need some time to get away.
I can’t handle my situation, so this is my proclamation:
Like dust in the wind I am gone from here.
Maybe I’ll go someplace in the sun where I could just be anyone
And forget all the bad things that I’ve done.
The world keeps on spinning and I‘m just waiting for th beginning.
I may take a holiday... I need some time to get away.
You want me to stay, but I’m gonna start walking.
Scratch away the words, they never made sense anyway.
It’s been a while since the shit hit the fan,
But I’m not gonna stand around and wait.
I’m just pissed, always getting mad.
(It’s always on my mind)
I wanna give it all to you... nothing, nothing at all.
Goodbye to you, won’t see you anymore.
There’s no way out, and there is no cure.
Goodbye to you, won’t see your face again,
It probably feels like your world will end.
I don’t know when it will stop, don’t know where it began.
Try to do everything right by you
But it’s something that will never end.
It’s not funny anymore, the situation.
I'm gonna give it all to you... nothing, nothing at all.
Didn’t mean much anyway, there's nothing I can say,
So I'm gonna give it back to you... nothing, nothing at all.
Got no sense of direction.
Got no time for false emotion.
Got no time to waste going through the motions.
So I’ll just say death to drama.
I’ve been out on the outside laying down on a bombshell boulevard.
Broken spirits rarely tell the truth.
I ask them to show me proof.
Death to drama, it’s the only thing I can live for.
Save the pettiness for the petty
Because I won’t point the finger anymore.
The numbers don’t seem to add up,
It’s either move on or just give up.
The party’s taken an ugly turn, so many lessons we all must learn.
Death to drama, it's the only thing that I can live for.
Save your pettiness for the petty
Too many days, too many lies.
Too many days, I’m not gonna pray.
You can lead, try to preach,
Act like you bleed and the false words you teach.
What about all the words,
Don’t you know you’ll get what you deserve?
I’ve got something left to say.
I’d rather turn to the bottle than give it up to pray.
You’re a false father, too fuckin rich.
Too many followers and it makes me sick.
You can say the end is near,
I don’t care, I won’t fear.
Try to keep us down, say that we’re nothing.
Try to keeps us in check, we will not obey.
I drink to pass the time.
I drink just to get you off my mind.
All I wanna do is have some fun.
I hope I'm not the only one.
Twist those bottle caps, tell yourself you're never looking back.
Tonight will be alright.
I get fucked, but not by girls.
It's in my head and the hatred for the world.
All I wanna do is have some fun.
I hope I'm not the only one.
Twist those bottle caps, tell yourself you're never looking back.
Tonight will be alright.
I drink to pass the time.
Now it feels like it's all the time.
Bored in America, we’ve got nothing to do,
We’re just tired of being labeled the useless youth.
The media destroys the masses’ minds.
Wasted youth waste of time.
I think it’s time they hear our battle cry.
Bored in America.
We’ve just got nothing to do!
Bored in America.
They teach us to hate each other.
I don't care what race you are or what religion or color.
The media destroys the masses’ minds.
Wasted youth waste of time.
I think it’s time they hear our battle cry.
You preach about the scene.
KC pride until the day I die?
I don't know what you mean.
Feed off controversy, get on stage and act like you care.
You don't know unity.
Keep the pose no one knows at the show.
You're the hero now.
Here we are the brand new enemy,
Created by you as a scapegoat.
Do all you can just to be the man.
It's funny how you act, opinions always changing
And then wonder why no one comes back.
Put words in my mouth, the shit you spew is never ending.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Hope you're happy in your little world you call a scene.
Telling me who I am like you know me...
What makes you right? Is it a zine?
You're not right, just self righteous!