TUSK - Official Trailer HD
Fleetwood Mac - Tusk
Tusk (2014) - Movie Review
Fleetwood Mac - Tusk [Full Album]
Tusk movie review
Dendi (Tusk) - Gameplay Dota 2 MMR
Fleetwood Mac "The Dance" TUSK
Kevin Smith's TUSK - Behind-The-Scenes - First Day on Set
Tusk Movie CLIP - Itsy Bitsy Spider (2014) - Kevin Smith Walrus Horror Comedy HD
Quickie: Tusk
Kaczyński vs Tusk - Daj Pan spokój...
Tusk Official Trailer - Justin Long Horror Comedy (2014) HD
BLACK TUSK - "Truth Untold" (Official Music Video)
Her first few years of life are much the same as any other infant; when she wasn't stuffing her face with lizard meat or playing push the boulder with her big sister, Cavegirl was picking the fleas from her Mother's beard. But by the time she was 11, Cavegirl realised she was different. Much to the anger of the tribe elders, it was obvious for all to see she was leaps ahead of her peers in the evolutionary scale. Cavegirl is quicker, wittier, stronger and much, much brighter and she knows it. As far as the resentful elders are concerned, little girls are supposed to cook the meat, not invent brilliant new ways to catch it.
Keywords: cavegirl, movie-in-title
While a corrupt elephant of a politician (Tusk) hosts a campaign party approaching Election Day while neck and neck at the polls, he becomes the target for a dangerous duo of assassin and seductress. Hickory sits in a clock tower overlooking the party and works in cahoots with his accomplice, Birdie who uses seduction to get Tusk in the open for a clear shot. This is no ordinary job. Hickory must pull the trigger when the clock bell strikes in order to cover up the sound and make his escape. The clock is ticking as a series of chess pieces fall into place before the big bang that sets the stage in this high caliber hyperbole of modern day political conspiracy and corruption.
In a crumbling castle clinging to a rocky, isolated Cornish island, Morticia de'Ath, a vampire noblewoman and her henchman, Grunt, are concocting a sinister plan. Aided by misguided alchemist, Doctor N. Sane, they aim to discover the magical cure for vampires to become immune to the deadly rays of sunlight! However, one essential ingredient remains missing, an ingredient only available from an innocent and unknowing girl living in far away London, Susan Swallows.
Keywords: blood, british, cult, independent-film, vampire, virgin, werewolf
Vampires, Werewolves and Virgins. They've never been so much fun!
Jojo - Hippy Vampire: Um, Hi. I'm Jojo, died in Nineteen Sixty-nine. This all sounds very exciting, taking over the planet and everything, but I'd rather not get involved if it's going to involve any sort of violence!::Morticia de'Ath: Oh for the love of blood! A hippy vampire! Well how do you expect us to take over the world then? A major leafleting campaign?
Doctor N. Sane: Ask around if anyone wants a head transplant. I'm digging up some new ones tomorrow.
Sheet Creek Ferryman: It's an 'orrible place. An unholy place. Full of vampires and werewolves and virgins.::Kevin Smallcock: Yeah, well look mate! I don't actually believe in vampires and werewolves. - Or virgins!
Morticia de'Ath: I'm so glad you could both join us tonight. I do get so lonely in this large old house. I've been here such a long, long time.::Kevin Smallcock: Did you grow up here?::Morticia de'Ath: Grow up? Oh, if only I could remember growing up! [Teasingly] I'm a LOT older than I look, you know.::Kevin Smallcock: What, you mean like in your forties?
In Russia, the technician and family man Timofey is exposed to 1,000 REMs (Roentgen Equivalent Man) of radiation in the nuclear facility where he works. The facility director hides the level of exposure from Timofey and tries to force him to assume the blame for the accident and puts Timofey on unpaid leave. Aware that the exposure is lethal and feeling the sickness of radiation, Timofey steals 100 mg of plutonium and heads to Moscow expecting to sell it on the black market for US$ 30,000.00 to give to his wife Marina and his seven year-old son Tolya. Meanwhile, the small-time criminal Shiv and the gangsters Vlad and Yegor need to pay US$ 6,000.00 to the powerful mobster Starkov in 72 hours. When Shiv meets Timofey trying to sell the Pu-239, he sees the chance to pay his debts and make some money. But he is incompetent and gets in trouble with powerful mobsters.
Keywords: black-market, character-name-in-title, dog-hit-by-a-car, plutonium, post-soviet-russia, prostitute-mother, radiation-poisoning, russia, terminal-illness
His family's future depends on one unstable element.
Timofey: [voiceover] Light is a particle and a wave. This is hard to understand how a thing can be two things at once; but a woman is also both a particle and a wave. She's a wave when you see her reach down to pull a shell from the sea, and you feel her beauty pass through you like electrical current. She's a particle when her hair brushes your face, and her hands push into yours. And a child is also a particle and a wave. He is a wave the sound of his pain shoots through and twists you away from yourself. And he is a particle when a doctor hands you a baby; a small mirror. Women, children and light can be two things at once; a particle, a wave. They ricochet off the hard surfaces and illuminate the corners. Without them it would be far darker.
Timofey: [voiceover] An element loses a particle and becomes unstable. A chain reaction is set in motion. Pulsing waves of desperation in every direction. Perhaps the lost part is clarity or hope. In the fallout, the man-made elements appear- isotopes of fear and anger that cannot be handled safely or buried in the ground. They take the shape of a mushroom cloud started above a desert, that circles the globe and shadows us all.
Tusk: That is what you need to be able to see in the world now: a Baskin-Robbins of pussy. That is capitalism.
Timofey: You read too much.::Marina: I thought that's why you liked me.::Timofey: I never said I liked you. I said I loved you.::Marina: When did you say that?::Timofey: Before I ever knew your name. First day I saw you at the institute. I tried to say it with my eyes. On the day I married you in Tuvula and every day since. Just sometimes I said it to myself.
Timofey: [voiceover] The hands on the clock are waving goodbye. It was my grandfather's watch. The dial was painted by hand in America during Word War I. The brides of soldiers seated at long tables dutifully making luminous little sixes and eights to help keep the world free. The eights were particularly hard to make; so the women sucked on the tips of the paintbrushes to bring them to a fine point. One by one, their mouths began to fill with cancer. The radium-based paint they had swallowed bombarded their brains and bones with alpha and beta particles. The women who painted the watch faces sued the US Radium Corporation of West Orange, New Jersey. Had the trial been at night, the breath they used to say goodbye to the world would have glowed like moonlit fog. They were given ten thousand dollars for their lives.
Timofey: [voiceover] I have been thinking about what hurts more: the jar or the pins. And I think I can tell you that it is not the pins. Because the monarch in the jar is already dead when it comes to the pins. At some point things stop hurting; and from inside the jar, with eyes that see in all directions, maybe it is possible to look into the future, well beyond the pins, to where the compass in your head tells you that you need to go.
Shiv: You know who wore hat like this?::Andrei: No.::Shiv: Jesse James.::Andrei: Jesse James! [mimicking pistols with hands]::Shiv: Jesse James. He wore hat just like this. He only stole from rich people, so he really wasn't a thief. He'd go into a rough place like Chicago or Brooklyn and do business.::Andrei: Like you?::Shiv: [nodding] The CIA chased him for years. Whenever Jesse Jackson needed a car he stole one.::Andrei: Jesse James?::Shiv: What did I say?::Andrei: Reggie Jackson.::Shiv: Jesse Jackson! He could've been the president of the United States but they don't respect the black man so he went underground.::Andrei: Was he who did sports like Michael Jordan?::Shiv: Michael Jackson! Michael, Reggie, Jesse... and two other brothers: the Jackson Five. The most powerful family in America. Hey, what bill is Andrew Jackson on?::Andrei: Twenty!::Shiv: Twenty! Hey. Respect the Jacksons.
Shiv: The fuck is that? Oh boy. Alright, if you're interested in some kind of man-love, there's a Romanian gymnast in lobby who bites pillow.
Shiv: I need to see the shit.::Timofey: You don't understand.::Shiv: Fuck you! Let me see it! I want to see it!::Timofey: Are you aware of the radiological effects on living organisms? Protons cut through your DNA rewriting your genetic code. The instructions for teeth become the recipe for cancer. Your marrow dies inside your bones taking with it your immune system. The next coughing person will become an infection, the smoke from your cigarette becomes lethal as a bullet. A thousandth of a gram can change a life.::Shiv: Okay, I'll put the cigarette out.::Timofey: There is a right way to open this canister, no fewer than twenty wrong ways. Open it the wrong way and the material spills out. It costs thirty thousand dollars to learn the right way.
Timofey: [voiceover] Uranium, Neptunium, Plutonium. They came from space; found their way here by comet and meteorite. No child ever wished this from a star. Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Chernobyl. Problems with half-lives forty-thousand years long. Half a life. Time takes half of us away and comes back later for the rest. We are children and then we are parents. We are long division. Slowly we decay into memory.
Thank you Geary, an aspiring hood/late shift donut fryer, is guilt-trapped by his crotchety one-armed Uncle Earl into faking his own death. His reluctant assent sets into motion a half-assed scheme to fleece the Gerber Baby life insurance company and provide Earl the funds to escort his supafly girlfriend Sheena to Kalapana-Puna to see the bottlenose dolphins. When the corpse they use to fake Geary's death turns out to be a late, but beloved, lieutenant of the local Jewish crime lord, all doody breaks loose!
Keywords: character-name-in-title, neo-noir, tromadance
Family's family you know
Earl: Fuck the Gerber Baby, Fuck, Fuck that Gerber baby.
Geary: They can maybe cure of the gambling, but not the dreaming and the scheming. And Earl, he's a born schemer. Probably lifted the doctors's watch coming out of the fucking birth canal.
Moshe: Yeah, but Scotty was a mensch. Like part of mishpokhe, my family, and you two kakameyme bastards had the khutspe.
TUSK - Official Trailer HD
Fleetwood Mac - Tusk
Tusk (2014) - Movie Review
Fleetwood Mac - Tusk [Full Album]
Tusk movie review
Dendi (Tusk) - Gameplay Dota 2 MMR
Fleetwood Mac "The Dance" TUSK
Kevin Smith's TUSK - Behind-The-Scenes - First Day on Set
Tusk Movie CLIP - Itsy Bitsy Spider (2014) - Kevin Smith Walrus Horror Comedy HD
Quickie: Tusk
Kaczyński vs Tusk - Daj Pan spokój...
Tusk Official Trailer - Justin Long Horror Comedy (2014) HD
BLACK TUSK - "Truth Untold" (Official Music Video)
Donald Tusk - wystąpienie z 9 lipca 2014 r.
Tusk wygwizdany przez kibiców na meczu siatkarskim Polska-USA
Donald Tusk - Naczelny kłamca RP
Tusk Official Trailer + Trailer Review - Kevin Smith Comic Con 2014 : Beyond The Trailer
Kapitan Tusk do Polaków - Sayonara! - Max Kolonko Mówi Jak jest
Tusk cytuje wulgarne SMS-y do córki (bez cenzury!)
"Dlaczego udaje pan patriotę, a jest zdrajcą Polski?" Tusk w Gorzowie.
Tusk Movie Featurette - Production Design (2014) - Kevin Smith Walrus Horror Comedy HD
Гайд Dota 2 - Tusk. Туск: "всем Пунша! посоны" :D
Tusks are elongated, continuously growing front teeth, usually but not always in pairs, that protrude well beyond the mouth of certain mammal species. They are most commonly canines, as with warthogs, pig, and walruses, or, in the case of elephants, elongated incisors. In most tusked species both the males and the females have tusks although the males are larger. Tusks are generally curved, though the narwhal's sole tusk is straight and has a helical structure. In the elephant, the tusks were originally second incisors. Continuous growth is enabled by formative tissues in the apical openings of the roots of the teeth.
Tusks have a variety of uses depending on the animal. Social displays of dominance, particularly among males, are common, as is their use in defence against attackers. Elephants don't use them as digging and boring tools. Walruses use them to grip on ice and to haul out on ice. The presence of tusks in only the male narwhals suggests that for these whales it is a secondary sex characteristic.
Kevin Patrick Smith (born August 2, 1970) is an American screenwriter, actor, film producer, and director, as well as a popular comic book writer, author, comedian/raconteur, and internet radio personality best recognized by viewers as Silent Bob. Although primarily known for the View Askew film series, Smith also wrote, directed and produced films such as the buddy cop action comedy Cop Out, as well as the horror film Red State. His first several films were mostly set in his home state of New Jersey, and while not strictly sequential, they frequently feature crossover plot elements, character references, and a shared canon in what is known by fans as the "View Askewniverse", named after his production company View Askew Productions, which he co-founded with Scott Mosier.
Smith is also the owner of Jay and Silent Bob's Secret Stash comic book and novelty store in Red Bank, New Jersey. He co-hosts several weekly podcasts that are recorded at various locations around the world and released on SModcast Internet Radio. Smith is well known for participating in long, humorous Q&A sessions that are often filmed for DVD release, beginning with An Evening with Kevin Smith.
Justin Jacob Long (born June 2, 1978) is an American film and television actor. He is best known for his roles in the films Galaxy Quest, Jeepers Creepers, Dodgeball, Live Free or Die Hard, He's Just Not That into You, and Drag Me to Hell, and his personification of a Mac in Apple's "Get a Mac" advertising campaign.
Long, the middle of three brothers, was born in Fairfield, Connecticut. His father, Raymond James Long, is a philosophy and Latin professor at Fairfield University, and his mother, Wendy Lesniak, is a former actress who has mostly appeared on stage. Long had a conservative Roman Catholic upbringing. His grandmother is Sicilian. His older brother, Damian, is a local stage actor as well as a teacher and theater director at Weston High School. His younger brother, Christian, appears in Justin's film Accepted as the school mascot. Long attended Fairfield College Preparatory School, a Jesuit school, and Vassar College, where he was a member of the sketch comedy group Laughingstock and starred in several plays, including Butterflies Are Free. Long worked at Sacred Heart University as an acting instructor/counselor for a children's theater group.
Black Tusk is a remarkably abrupt pinnacle of volcanic rock located in Garibaldi Provincial Park of British Columbia, Canada. At 2,319 m (7,608 ft) above sea level, the upper spire is visible from a great distance in all directions. It is particularly noticeable from the Sea-to-Sky Highway just south of Whistler, British Columbia. Distinctive and immediately identifiable, the Black Tusk is among the best known mountains in the Garibaldi Ranges of the Coast Mountains. The volcano is part of the Garibaldi Volcanic Belt which is a segment of the Cascade Volcanic Arc, but it is not within the geographic boundary of the Cascade Range.
To Squamish people, this mountain is known as t'ak't'ak mu'yin tl'a in7in'a'xe7en. In their language it means "Landing Place of the Thunderbird", speaking of the supernatural in7in'a'xe7en or Thunderbird. The jagged shape of the mountain and its black colouring are said to come from the Thunderbird's lightning.
Black Tusk is considered to be the remnant of an extinct andesitic stratovolcano which formed between about 1.3 and 1.1 million years ago. Following glacial dissection, renewed volcanism produced the lava dome and flow forming its summit about 170,000 years ago. According to Natural Resources Canada, Black Tusk was "perhaps the conduit for lava within a cinder-rich volcano. The loose cinder has eroded, leaving only the hard lava core." The exposed lava rock of the core is loose and friable. It is also black, giving the mountain its name and character. Cinder Cone, to the east of The Black Tusk, produced a 9 km (6 mi) long lava flow during the late Pleistocene or early Holocene.
Donald Franciszek Tusk [ˈdɔnalt franˈt͡ɕiʂɛk ˈtusk] ( listen) (born 22 April 1957) is a Polish politician who has been Prime Minister of Poland since 2007. He was a co-founder and is chairman of the Civic Platform (Platforma Obywatelska) party.
Tusk was officially designated as Prime Minister on 9 November 2007 and took office on 16 November. His cabinet won a vote of confidence in the Sejm on 24 November 2007. He is currently the longest serving prime minister of the Third Republic of Poland. In October 2011, Tusk's Civic Platform won a plurality of seats in the Polish parliamentary election, meaning that Tusk became the first Prime Minister to be re-elected since the fall of communism in Poland.
Tusk began his public career as an activist in his home town of Gdansk, supporting Solidarity and organizing his fellow university students. With the exception of one four-year stretch, Tusk has served in the Third Republic parliament almost continuously since its first elections in 1991. He was Vice Marshal (deputy speaker) of the Senate from 1997 to 2001 and Vice Marshal of the Sejm from 2001 to 2005. He also served as Leader of the Opposition from 2003 to 2007.
Why don't you ask him if he's going to stay?
Why don't you ask him if he's going away?
Why don't you tell me what's going on?
Why don't you tell me who's on the phone?
Why don't you ask him what's going wrong?
Why don't you ask him who's the latest on his throne?
Don't say that you love me!
Just tell me that you want me!
Tusk! Just say that you love me!
Don't tell me that you--[Tribal Instrumental]
Tusk! (real savage like)
[Instrumental + distant cheering]
Tusk! [Instrumental]
Tusk! [Instrumental]
Tusk! Tusk! Tusk!