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IL2: Battle of Stalingrad ► Fighter Scramble Dogfight
IL2: Cliffs of Dover ► Bomber Intercept (Team Fusion v4.312)
IL2: Battle of Stalingrad ► Bomber Hunting
IL2: Cliffs of Dover ► Military Simulation Event (Team Fusion v4.312)
IL2: Cliffs of Dover ► Squadron Dogfight
IL2: Cliffs of Dover ► Fighter Squadron Dogfight
IL2: Battle of Stalingrad ► Nighttime Bombing Party Raid
WAR WITNESS:Heritage.23. Vasily Ulanov. Soviet ground attack aircraft IL-2
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IL PIANO DI FUGA?! - The Escapists ITA Ep.2
Il2 Cliffs of dover: Patrolling the frontline
Il2-Cliff Of Dover "Flop Or Not To Flop"
IL2 Cliffs of Dover: Training Mission with I/JG2 Bouma!
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2015 marks 70 years since the end of World War II – one of the bloodiest conflicts in the history of mankind. Some of those who helped to win the war and protect the world from the Nazi threat are still alive today. Real stories of veterans and survivors of the Great Patriotic War.
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● Pagina Facebook: ● Profilo Facebook: ● Instagram: andreaferfoglia ► Donazioni: ► Negozio magliette: ● EMAIL COMMERCIALE: About the video: IL PIANO DI FUGA! - The Escapists ITALIA Ep. 2 By HeatFox
Giochi a poco: ep. 1: SECONDO CANALE: Giochi fisici scontatissimi: Vegas: Surreal: E-MAIL COMMERCIALE: MAGLIETTE EPICHE!: VIDEO SUCCESSIVO: FACEBOOK: TWITCH: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: CREATORE INTRO: SONG INTRO: RACCOMANDAZIONI: - E' ormai difficile star dietro a tutti i vostri messaggi, ma mi impegnerò per cercare di star al passo anche con quelli! Chiedo scusa se non riesco pertanto a leggerli tutti :( - Vuoi una guida su come fare video? CLICCA QUI - Ognuno ha il suo stile, io sono così, prendere o lasciare ;) non cambierò per coloro che mi insultano. - Registro i miei Gameplay su Pc tramite "OBS" o su Playstation4 e XBOX ONE tramite "Elgato Game Capture" - Le mie cuffie sono ROCCAT KAVE XTD - Cerco di migliorarmi giorno dopo giorno, con qualità, varietà e costanza. Spero che questo si noti e ti invito a ricambiare con un bel mi piace il mio lavoro! - Se volete discutere nei commenti fatelo pure ma questa deve essere una discussione pacifica estranea da offese. Questo è tutto, buona visione e permanenza :) St3pNy
Intense fight with 69th_Biggs ending with a collation. To me it looked like he flopped out in front of me as I was coming in and Biggs claimed he was doing a barrel roll so had to go to the tape Check out the best online WW2 flight sim ATAG-
My friend Bouma took me by the wing and introduced me to me first proper flight above the channel!
Grande amore è disponibile su iTunes: Spotify: Scopri le hit del momento su Produzione: Oblivion production Direttore di produzione: Alessandro Guida Regia: Mauro Russo Montaggio: Giacomo Lalli Fotografia: Benjamin Maier Autori/compositori: Francesco Boccia / Ciro Esposito
feel free not to watch! I will be posting actual videos eventually
C’est la seconde victoire de Eumeu Sène sur Balla Gaye 2. Et comme la première fois, la chute de l’enfant de Double Less a été très claire. Eumeu Et Balla se sont battus et il y a eu accrochage favorable à Eumeu qui a profité pour le frapper et clouer ses quatre appuis au sol. L’ancien ROI des Arènes continue sa descente aux enfers.
Seguiteci su: Partecipa alla conversazione su Twitter: #HungerGames #IlCantoDellaRivolta2 Il fenomeno mondiale di Hunger Games continua ad appassionare il mondo e si appresta ad arrivare nei cinema con l'ultimo, finale, capitolo della saga Hunger Games: Il Canto della Rivolta – Parte 2 (The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2). Riuscirà Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) a diventare il leader della rivolta dei cittadini di Panem contro Capitol City e il Presidente Snow? Hunger Games: Il Canto della Rivolta – Parte 1 è diretto da Francis Lawrence e sarà nelle sale italiane a partire da Novembre 2015. Il romanzo su cui si basa il film è il terzo capitolo della trilogia scritta da Suzanne Collins stampata in più di 65 milioni di copie nei soli Stati Uniti.
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SCARICA IL GIOCO SE VUOI FAR PARTE DEL MIO TEAM! Oggi siamo tornati con Shards Of War! Un video molto SDROGO per informarvi che presto ci saranno i preparativi di un torneo! Se vuoi far parte del mio team basta solo che scarichi il gioco dal link che trovi all'inizio della descrizione, tenendo sempre d'occhio la mia pagina (che trovi qua sotto), 4 di voi verranno estratti per combattere al mio fianco! ;) Siamo carichi?! DAJE! BABBANI NEL VIDEO: Mollu: Anima: Clicca Qui Per Iscriverti! ► Seguimi anche su: Facebook ► Twitter ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► OfficialDeluxx Giochi Gratis (che utilizzero' nei video e nelle stream per giocare con voi): Shards Of War: | Star Conflict - Metin 2: | Drakensang Online - Warframe: | Goodgame Empire - Travian: | Rail Nation - S.K.I.L.L: | War Thunder - Nostale - | Forge of Empires - Tera - | Elsword - Ogame - | Ikariam - World Golf Tour - | Aion - World of Tanks - | Berserk the Cataclysm - Big Farm - | MU Classic - Ninja Classic - | Seafight - Passa anche qui per gameplay Sdrogo: Melagoodo ► L Cmbagn ► ------------------------------------------- Grazie del supporto! Alla prossima! ♥ -Delux
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Air Combat Group consists of both Allied and Axis squadrons under a single operational umbrella flying with full realism settings. We are an English and Germ...
Il Re Leone 2: il regno di Simba - Guarda il film d'animazione italiano Simba e Nala hanno una figlia, Kiara. Timo e Pumbaa sono incaricati di farle da babysitter ma la piccola scappa avventurandosi da sola nella terra proibita. Lì incontra Kovu, un cucciolo di leone, e i due diventano amici. Ciò che la piccola Kiara e la sua famiglia non sanno è che Kovu è il figlio di Zira, una seguace in esilio del defunto Scar. Il piano di Zira è quello di far diventare re suo figlio Kovu, soppiantando Simba
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An organized event on SoW condensed into the most important/interesting bits. Taking part in a free hunt mission as part of the SoW campaign I score 5 kills total in a single flight. If you like what I'm doing then feel free to like & subscribe: Twitch: Facebook:
La pagina facebook di Bacheca Clandestina: Si analizzerà e commenterà la deposizione del Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano nel processo per la (presunta) trattativa Stato-mafia. In studio anche il condirettore del Fatto quotidiano Marco Travaglio e il giornalista de Il Sole 24 Ore Gianni Dragoni. In particolare nel corso della diretta ci si chiederà perché se la minaccia, come pare di capire dalle dichiarazioni di Napolitano ("Nel 1993 un aut aut della mafia allo Stato. Le bombe erano un ultimatum, telefoni muti e tememmo il golpe”), era mafiosa l'allora presidente del Consiglio Carlo Azeglio Ciampi temeva un colpo di Stato?
The International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) in Seoul, Invited Lecture Speaker: Seok-Jin Kang (Seoul National University) Title...
Title : The International Congress of Mathmaticians (ICM) in Seoul, Invited lecture Speaker: Nicolas Andruskiewitsch Title : On finite-dimensional Hopf algebras
The International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) in Seoul, Invited Lecture Speaker: Martin Kassabov Title: Finitely Generated Groups with Controlled Pro-algebraic Completions
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Máquina y Hawkman les dan una paliza a Jaggo y Hans :), bueno más o menos...
in this I start out in a LA5 and end up flying for the German forces in a JU87 good play and action... v1009 New Wings Wargrounds -- Watch live at
The International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) in Seoul, Invited Lecture Speaker: Karen E. Smith Title: Local and global Frobeniu...
La pagina facebook di Bacheca Clandestina: Tra gli argomenti che verranno affrontati durante la puntata di stasera de La Gabbia, ci sarà la vicenda riguardante il Comune di Bari, nella fattispecie, le tante commissioni consiliari che si riuniscono ogni settimana. Per ogni commissione, ogni consigliere comunale riceve un gettone di presenza pari a 72 euro lordi circa. Su questo caso, sta indagando anche la Digos. Ospiti Matteo Salvini e Roberto Formigoni.
The International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) in Seoul, Invited Lecture Speaker: Olga Kharlampovich*; Alexei Miasnikov Title: Mo...
First mission for Chapter 2. As per the die roll of 4 I kept with the same squadron but we get refitted with new planes.
Litanens career is coming to an end. How will the war end for this Finnish pilot?
Seconda puntata di Ulisse: il piacere della scoperta dedicata all'inizio dell'era atomica, con le due bombe atomiche sganciate su Hiroshima e Nagasaki.
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E' polemica sui 4 milioni di euro stanziati dal governo nel 2012
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$325,000 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths 33 CAMELOT, EDWARDSVILLE, IL 62025 For more details, visit us here: For more information contact: CINDY DRIESNER Email: (618) 920-6098 MLS Number: 4404099
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Bella ragazzi!!!! ecco la challenge che abbiamo fatto io e mia moglie XD ci siamo divertiti un casino! siamo stati taggati da Pacci Dream ^_^ andate a vedere anche il suo video Questa è la parte 2 (il video durava troppo e l'abbiamo dovuto dividere) ===================IMPORTANTE=================== CHIUNQUE CAPISCA CHE COSA HO DETTO AL MINUTO 9:05 è PREGATO DI FARSI AVANTI, VISTO CHE NON ME LO RICORDO E STO IMPAZZENDO NEL RIUSCIRE A DECIFRARE CIò CHE HO DETTO Un pò siamo rimasti delusi, c'è le aspettavamo più brutte e più caramelle brutte.... Scusate per il flash che si è spento, ma si era scaricato il telefono, dopo qualche minuto ritorna la luceee!!! XD XD XD XD black cat clay Per seguire sasha per mandare una mail instagram Forum Se siete interessati al mio canale e vorreste farmi provare alcuni giochi affinchè io possa recensirli e anche parlare un po di voi, che me lo avete consigliato, lasciate un commento nella sezione sottostante. Grazie per la visione ^_^
Ciao ragazze ecco la challenge che abbiamo fatto io e mio marito XD ci siamo divertiti moltissimo! siamo stati taggati da Pacci Dream ^_^ andate a vedere anche il suo video Questa è la parte 2 (il video durava troppo e l'abbiamo dovuto dividere in 2 parti) ecco la parte 1 sasha_tvlool Per qualsiasi informazione contattatemi o sotto il video o alla mia mail Seguitemi anche su instagram : sono blackcat_kawaiilife Se siete un'azienda interessata al mio canale e vorreste farmi provare alcuni vostri prodotti perchè io possa recensirli scrivetemi qui: Grazie per la visione ^_^
Après beaucoup de problème de mise en ligne( la vidéo aurait du l'être hier), l'épisode 2 de la série est sortit. Cet épisode sera aussi le plus long car il nous servira de prologue a la véritable aventure...
Percorso dell'Aspromonte-Superbike 2015 con inserti video del sopraluogo effettuato il 29 Marzo 2015. Tutto l'evento ciclistico (e non solo) si svolge il 25 Aprile 2015 nel Parco Nazionale dell'Aspromonte con partenza a Bianco (RC) alle ore 6:50. Tutto il percorso misura circa 85 km con 2800m di dislivello circa.
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Seconda parte del secondo incontro dedicato a Raimon Panikkar, presso la libreria Paoline di via Albani 21, a Milano. Relatore il filosofo e psicologo Paulo Barone, autore del libro "Spensierarsi. Raimon Panikkar e la macchina per cinguettare" (ed. Diabasis).
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Tá an PSNI ag fiosrú thine sciobóil i gCo. Fhear Manach ag an deireadh seachtaine, eachtra inar maraíodh 13 madra.
RTE 2015-04-20Il-Ministeru għall-Finanzi ppreżenta ... Il-PNR għall-2015 jiffoka fuq erba'oqsma prijoritarji:
noodls 2015-04-20TKOMPLI IL-BATTALJA FIL-KAMPJONATI AUTOCROSS U MOTOCROSS ... Dan il-programm jibda f'nofsinhar ... Dan il-Programm jibda fid-9:00
noodls 2015-04-20Enlarge A general view of the statues of former North Korean leaders Kim Il Sung (L) and Kim Jong Il ...
Big News Network 2015-04-20Following the local council elections, Alternattiva Demokratika Chaiperson, Prof ... Il-Qala 24 1.5 % ... % ... San Pawl il-Bahar 275 3.5
The Malta Independent 2015-04-20Dúirt an Choimisiún Eorpach go mbeadh ionadaithe ón mbloc 28 dtír san Aontas páirteach sa chruinniú.
RTE 2015-04-20Is é an baol práinneach an leibhéal is airde baoil.
RTE 2015-04-20(Source: ICL – Israel Corporation Limited ). This is an English convenience translation of the original Hebrew version ... il ... il.
noodls 2015-04-20il leader accused the republican party of what he described as an "attempt to misuse the respect .
Big News Network 2015-04-20... place from April 18-30 at the Gene Siskel Film Center (164 N State St, Chicago, IL 60601) and one .
Big News Network 2015-04-20... Infrastructure and Transport Yoo Il-ho and Japan's Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and .
Big News Network 2015-04-20... the anniversary of the day when his father, Kim Jong-il, had received the second-highest military .
Big News Network 2015-04-20The Ilyushin Il-2 (Cyrillic Илью́шин Ил-2) was a ground-attack aircraft (Shturmovik) in the Second World War, produced by the Soviet Union in very large numbers. In combination with its successor, the Ilyushin Il-10, a total of 42,330 were built, making it the single most produced military aircraft design in all of aviation history, as well as one of the most produced piloted aircraft in history along with the American postwar civilian Cessna 172 and the Soviet Polikarpov Po-2. It is regarded as the best ground attack aircraft of World War II. It was a prominent aircraft for tank killing with its accuracy in dive bombing and its guns being able to penetrate tanks' thin back armor.
To Il-2 pilots, the aircraft was simply the diminutive "Ilyusha". To the soldiers on the ground, it was the "Hunchback", the "Flying Tank" or the "Flying Infantryman". Its postwar NATO reporting name was "Bark". The Il-2 aircraft played a crucial role on the Eastern Front. Joseph Stalin paid the Il-2 a great tribute in his own inimitable manner: when a particular production factory fell behind on its deliveries, Stalin sent an angrily-worded cable to the factory manager, stating "They are as essential to the Red Army as air and bread."
Hip Hop brought cultures together
I remember cuzines in camaros pumping "Tougher Than Leather"
Yankel Rosenbaum still got stabbed in Crown Heights
Gavin Cato got hit when they ran that red light
Over a decade of healing but the scars remain
Both families involved still harbor the pain
Age 13 - 70's baby raised in the 80's
Mad fights with blacks and whites
And both sides hated me for nonsense
The white kids was playin it wack
Cause I'm from the projects and my neighbors is black
I had to prove whiteboys could thump too
But fuck skin color - I was proud to call myself a tough jew
I guess I'm mad lucky to be raised in NY
The world's capitol - my attitude was take em to war
Other places would've raised me in a useless format
In Texas they dream about hunting jews with Borat
Call me white nigger
Call me christ killer or kike
Call me nigger lover
Because I spit on the mic
Think you got me figured out
You're not listening right
Get ya fuckin head kicked in for thinkin you're hype
Call me white nigger
Call me christ killer or kike
Call me nigger lover
Because I spit on the mic
Think you know what I'm about?
You're not listening right
Get ya fuckin head kicked in for thinkin you're hype
They call me white nigger
Call me every name in the book
I done heard em all
Fuck ya'll - I made it a hook
Made it a song
Exposing the hatred to all
Cause any type of racism is wrong
Had newsmen talking as a kid about Yusef Hawkins
Same age as me when Joey Fama caught him walking through Bensonhurst
A world away from my Glenwood Projects
Racially mixed - combustible - it lead to conflicts
I was never raised prejudice
My grandmother was a holocaust survivor
And my uncle did heroin
My pops wasn't around
My moms kicked him out the house
And broke her back to put food in our mouths
Age 12 - they bussed my projects to the white school
Holes in my sneakers - I never fit in with them rich white dudes
I didn't click up with the blacks kids neither - I bought a Iron Maiden
T-shirt and wrote rhymes in my trapper keeper
Call me white nigger
Call me christ killer or kike
Call me nigger lover
Because I spit on the mic
Think you got me figured out
You're not listening right
Get ya fuckin head kicked in for thinkin you're hype
Call me white nigger
Call me christ killer or kike
Call me nigger lover
Because I spit on the mic
Think you know what I'm about?
You're not listening right
Get ya fuckin head kicked in for thinkin you're hype
Run-D.M.C. really made me wanna get wreck
Same time Kerry King played guitar for Megadeth
It was 84, 85 - LL Cool J "rock the bells"
Obliterated my mind - so inspired I created a rhyme
Beastie Boys on U68 - "she's on it" made up my mind
Hardcore - the other bright side
I thought Bad Brains was white guys when Melle Mel
Dropped "white lines"
Nazi skinheads showed up at Lamour's in Brooklyn
Got stabbed up by puerto rican skins from Bushwick
Geraldo got his nose broken - Tawana Brawley on Donahue
Central Park wildin had the world scopin
Now VH1 got a show for wiggers
And some claim the jews be the biggest wiggers - we're considered
The most dangerous cause they think we shift our forms
Cast spells & wear beanies to restrict our horns from being seen
Growing out our heads - the killers of christ
These fools wear white sheets and believe that hitler was right
Believe it or not they still exist undercover
And Mel Gibson never liked Danny Glover
Another piece of shit called out in the paper - if we was there,
Me and my peoples would have beat the fuckin shit outta Kramer
If this song offends you, you're a hater - take a look within yourself
And figure out what the fuck you're afraid of
Call me white nigger
Call me christ killer or kike
Call me nigger lover
Because I spit on the mic
Think you got me figured out
You're not listening right
Get ya fuckin head kicked in for thinkin you're hype
Call me white nigger
Call me christ killer or kike
Call me nigger lover
Because I spit on the mic
Think you know what I'm about?
You're not listening right
[Chorus x2]
What's Wrong With Bill - Inspired by swords that kill
Coldhearted, how can a person be taught to feel?
Thoughts concealed by shield of alcohol and pills
[Verse 1]
God is an atheist, why should I believe in religion?
I'd rather get my dick sucked and cook K's in the kitchen
Driveby, leave you on your block bleedin' and twichin'
Break bread with demons and witches, I'm evil and twisted
Half of us in jail, the other half in Beemers and Sixers
CEO's wondering who let these creeps in the business
Creep with the biscuit, I'm peril when the fiends are vendicted
Lights the American Nightmare - the trees of the wicked
We cry blood, sniff cocaine and die young
Time's up, caught up in the blowjobs and mindfucks
The metal that killed my enemys, occupy guns
Say goodbye cause you only die once
My minds grotesque and so ugly, so focused, so hungry
Trust me, young Gene Simmons, get in between womans
Ill BIll - solo album, how we gon' take it?
Leave you ducktaped and stuck in the Matrix
[Chorus x2]
Tell me where the fuck I went wrong
Took the wrong turn, wrong path
What's Wrong With Bill - Inspired by swords that kill
Coldhearted, how can a person be taught to feel?
Thoughts concealed by shield of alcohol and pills
[Verse 2]
Two women love me, one gave birth to me, nurturing
The other one don't understand me
Sometimes you wanna murder me, sometimes you wanna marry me
I paid my insanity gravely, it crowd me
I think that I'm about to go AWOL, lose my shit
As reality slips away I'm startin to loose my grip
No smile is genuine or real
I find myself loosing faith in every thing and every person that I hold dear
I'm in a bad place, so who do I trust?
I don't trust myself, how the fuck I'm gonna trust you?
If I don't love myself how the fuck I'm gonna love you?
I made this album to reveale my inner thoughts and discuss truth
What it's like, me without death
Would you appreciate the sunlight without the darkness?
But I appreciate my grandmother raising me cause she'd never pass away
So many things I never had a chanse to say when she was here
I see you when I get there
I hope that there's a heaven even though I know I'll prolly burn in hell
- I lived it, it couldn't get much worse I guess
Suicidal thoughts, I think that I've become obsessed with death
And I know it's fucked up, but yo I'm trying hard so get the fuck out o'my face
I'll work it out myself, it's my problem, I'll solve it
Picking up the pieces of a life shattered
I never knew my life mattered
[Chorus x2]
Tell me where the fuck I went wrong
Took the wrong turn, wrong path
What's Wrong With Bill - Inspired by swords that kill
Coldhearted, how can a person be taught to feel?
[Verse 1: Ill Bill]
They killed my entire family
Murdered and tortured, raped and pillaged
I was only five and I was the only surviving witness
My entire village burnt to the ground
He wore a serpent in his crown
Unhappily committed murder with a frown
In an army of black-hooded fiery-skulled generals
And a sorcerer that could cast spells that’ll change your genitals
Held me in slavery till I turned eighteen
Killed my slave master, five years later became king
And I slain dragons and ate stakes during famine
Had the seeds of war planted in a dirty tavern
Had the seeds of presidents killed in a burst of anger
And had their parents bleed to death on the floor of a dirty bathroom
I watched their palaces burn, I seen the ashes of my comrades
Returned to their family in an urn
While a proud child remembers his father that died
The cycle continues with vengeance alive in his mind
[Chorus: Max Cavalera]
Refuse, resist, war is my destiny!
Desire unleashed, war is my destiny!
Chaos, A.D., war is my destiny!
Under a pale grey sky, war is my destiny!
[Verse 2: Immortal Technique]
Yeah, yeah, I was an angel before the thud of the stars fell
Cast with the sternum from Satan into the pit of hell
Our beloved leader forced to be a bottom-feeder
The great deceiver that promised victory over the monkey lovers
We took a vulturous structure and traitor, fell upon em
We ripped his skin off and crowned a new son in the morning
A new president to lead our corporation
The vengeance on God and Heaven’s domination
But I seduced the daughters of man and made the Nephilim
I demanded human sacrifice from the rest of them
I became the spirit that tortured and protected them
And I built them the tower of language that collected them
And then the Lord cried, water falling out from his eyes
And my children died drowning in the tears from the sky
And it was then that Satan crawled back to me with a plan
A design for the ultimate corruption of man
See back then we used to set the chosen ones on fire
You really think God only sent a single messiah?
And so we allowed the birth of many prophets on earth
And since the followers were human they were born with a curse
They began to claim superiority to their brothers
And for eighty-five thousand years conquered each other
And when they prayed before battle they were praying to me
Killing in God’s name cause war is my destiny!
[Chorus: Max Cavalera]
Refuse, resist, war is my destiny!
Desire unleashed, war is my destiny!
Chaos, A.D., war is my destiny!
I put the motherfuckin gangsta in the game
Destory you like cancer of the brain
I can't be stopped
I'm faster than the plane that crashed into the trade center
Brain bending pain enter ya nervous system and make you wanna turn the other way
Stick yo fuckin head in the dirt, don't even look in my direction
You define trash, I personify perfection
High beemin on the highway driving benzes
Crime scene lookin like a homicide convention
You walk around with a dick in ya mouth
Dont ever let the kid joe take a shit in ya house
Trust my judgement, I make bitches lie to there husbands
At my crib on the cell phone crying they love them
Nobodys fault, its all good as long as nobodys caught
Jealousy, put bodys in morgues
Hungry for money and coke, put hotties in porn
Wont stop till I put uncle howie in forbes
No matter how hard you try, can't stop me now
No matter how hard you try, can't stop me now
I've had my, ups and downs, dealt with cunts and clowns
Major label deals ive been fucked around
Spent years money dangling in front of my face
Instead of blowin the spot, bill was runnin the place
Payed mad dues, shows, made hundreds of tapes
Sold drugs studio time my gun in ya face
Look at me now, Non-Phixion running the game
Kings of the underground and we loving it man
Yea Ill punch you in your face when Im out on tour
When we was with the beatnuts, I could count about four
Different occasions I had to lace a kid, cold duffed em
One dude bought me a drink after I snuffed em
Promoters talk out the side of they mouth
Till they spitten they own teeth out the side of they mouth
Even the bouncers was scared of us, Callin for peace
While the fagget that got his head cracked, called the police
Ill Bill be the mother fuckin future, its easy to tell
Fuck wit me, Ima see you in hell
So don't fuck wit a bull, achieve the impossible
Cause there ain't no stoppen the unstoppable
No matter how hard you try, can't stop me now
No matter how hard you try, can't stop me now
I found your lack of faith disturbing, now my aquisitions are merging
Streets are your, executions are murders, these goons will worship
Like methological gods, beating impossible odds
Comparable in the hood to killing thousands of cops
Pass the good in the bag, take it straight to the ugly
Made in New York, it spread now we raping the country
Stay with the vest, triple x pistols and sex
Money and murderers connect, equals instant success
Ripple effect, we invest, legitimate businessmen
Court rooms to ball rooms expanding the bussiness plan
Listen man, I'm old fashioned
Fuck taking over answer, kidnapp the family and hold em for ransom
We gettin dough yawll, its the jump off
Eather you get with us or fuck off
An unstoppable fource on a rough course
Big success, fuck with me you fuckin wit the best
Fuck whos on top, cause I'm alot hungrier than them
No matter how hard you try, can't stop me now
[Verse 1]
The motherfucking cult leader is back
The hour of reprisal is here
Billy Idol put the nine to your ear
The all-time grimiest, I’m the nuclear truth
I let black market plutonium loose in the booth
My beats kick you dead in your face, loosen your tooth
I’ll be creeping up on you like a deuce-deuce in the boot
Trust nobody, homeboys will change on you
Stab you in the back, pull the twelve gauge on you
I’ve been involved in epic battles and holy wars
No remorse, quiet money, private benjamins like Goldie Hawn
Most religions sleep underneath a soldier’s corpse
Chopped them in half, used them a source of warmth
Seven eyes, seven horns, secret wars
Jesus walks across troubled water bleeding from his palms
His feet, eyes, ears, nose, his crown, his mouth
Eventually stopped talking when they cut his tongue out
[Chorus x 2]
Trust nobody, no way, no how, never
Trust nobody, no shit, homie, don’t you ever
Trust nobody, no way, no how, never
Trust nobody, trust nobody
[Verse 2]
The person you least expected to cut your throat
Will be the first creep directing a gun at your dome
I’ve seen brother kill brother for the love of the dollar
They turned snakes on each other like my mother and father
I beat everything, every angle, every agenda
Many pretenders attempt to enter my presence
And test the intelligence level
Remove the head of the devil, I don’t even trust God
I think I’m going to hell
It’s a cold world, I don’t trust religion
I don’t trust the police nor the justice system
I don’t like doctors, lawyers, or politicians
I don’t like liars who pull deception and ruin Non Phixion
I pray for peace but always stay prepared for war
Destroy you if you push me up against the wall
I seen it all, everyone of y’all love to conduct schemes
Trust nobody, homie, don’t even trust me
I found out that I was too young, not grown
I was not ready for a world so cold
I was not prepared to make it on my own
I was not ready for what life unfolds
And it was too much too soon
I couldn’t tell if what I thought was false or true
I didn’t think about what I’m about to do
I messed up, this couldn’t be real, this can’t be true
[Verse 1: Hero]
I was too young but these my people so that’s okay, though
I was down for anything, I would do it if they say so
Look at how they’re cooking it up, I sit and watch their cake grow
Watching Robbie in the corner, he done snorting yeyo
And everybody acting cool like that right there’s okay, though
So walk over to him and I’m like, Oh hey bro
What the fuck are you doing? Get away from the table
He’s like, this ain’t nothing but a bit of the yeyo
I got it covered plus I make the profit from sales
He’s acting like he hadn’t heard not one of them tales
They threw his brother, knocked him and they took him to jail
There go another, this hustler here is destined to fail
I think it but the last I heard he tried to appeal
And Eric, he gone, he wild and busting his steel off at the po-po
These are the trials and tribulations of kids trying to act like grown folks
[Verse 2: Ill Bill]
I was too young to fall in love like Mötley Crüe
Too young, I pulled a gun and I shot this dude
It was over a girl, foolish pride, I was crucified
Just another youthful juvenile doing time
Forgive me, mama. I never meant for you to cry
Went to trial, I was sentenced to a two-to-five
Handcuffed back of the bus, forty of us
Life as a short shouldn’t be so rough
And I ain’t no punk here
You flinch your face and get your face fixed
Face lift, credit get cut up, you get your face ripped
Then bust your shit wide open and make you leak
You better chill out before I birthday cake your feet
Not a bad guy, I don’t wanna catch mad time
So I chill with work release in the back of my mind
But the guy that I popped wasn’t dead, he’s locked up in here now too
And wants revenge, I got shanked in my bed
[Verse 3: Slaine]
I was too young to say no, too young to yell no
Old enough to taste anger but not enough to smell hope
Thirteen years old, my beloved mother had just passed
I started puffing grass, drinking forties, cutting class
My father always used to beat on me and bust my ass repeatedly
I couldn’t wait to get a change of scenery
I never had a dream, nobody believed in me
These mean streets are the only thing I seem to be
I’m sixteen being free, chewing vikes and percs
Caught an OC habit quick and my life got worse
Cause now I’m sick unless I get a pill
So my head is filled with deep schemes
My tolerance, I let it build
But when street dreams and quick cash is difficult
You find you get the same high cheap from sniffing dope
Now I’m shooting with the neighbourhood people
Nobody could save me from evil, I’m a slave to the needle
I’m too young
[Intro: Raekwon]
Yo, send all the workers up to five b man, you know what time it is man
Niggas did good this week man, let's celebrate
Bottles of crew, bagging in the living room, high noon
Couple rachets, snares, the razors and earmuffs
Walking joints, chirping niggas downstairs in the lobby converting
There's something next to live wires and goons
All in the sets hundreds to thousands, thousands to ms
Then tackle up the rims store, go and buy timbs
Hit the Popeyes, cops got eyes
We breezing through with nothing but fives
Puffing herb, we gon let the sun rise
They don't know niggas is slingering, what's the lingering?
Niggas ain't fiends, $400 jeans, cooling like it's England
Rather see me role in a hole, rocking state jeans and sneakers
Square sandwhich, juices and peaches
Not right now dick, this is our valve, we get down dick
None of that clown shit, we built it from a thou
See straight watchers, my niggas sleep, all of my unique poppers
Legends from the eighties came home, we got em eating poppers
Take money, eating steaks, being rude, feeding snakes
This is what get us all the planes and the eights
This is my land like Thailand, why?
Cuz I control it and I own it, But some say it's FBI land
[Chorus 2X: Skam2]
Now just gimme that, don't make me take that
The minute I'm finished with it, I go straight back
Re up and reload, keep up my workload
Homeboy this block is mine cuz I say so (what)
[Ill Bill]
Violation of the fequent statue to cash rules
Cocaine is a hell of a drug, the fortune of intelligent thugs
We the ones that they write movies about
Beautiful pounds, got the best doobies in town
Shoot it the fuck out, wash money, wipe the blood off of Benjamin's face
Defenders of the faith, measure the weight
Forever by itself, reaping pleasure from pain
We the best in the game, hit you in the chest and the brain
Now move weight homie and expand like Scarface
Leave you hanging from the chopper like Omar Suave
Ill Bill, suicidal live ayatollah, keeps it liver than Al Qaidia soldeirs
Sign in the name of Allah Jehovah
Portable wars, the blowjobs never stop
Freak bitches won't stop, snocker till their nose pop
Nose candy enthusiast
Bitches able to swallow an entire one liter bottle, abuser shit
We super gangsta, accurately cruising for bangers
Ya'll in the womb rappers, have to leave ya, remove you with hangers
We move like a federation of terror
Put you under the dirt, cus ain't no room in the equation for error
[Uncle Howie talking]
I get up, I go to my methadone program to get my meth. I drink my meth and I go make some money and go get whatever I can get high on. That’s about it. Fucking get high. What else is there?
This is who I am, this is what the world made me
I don’t give a fuck whether you love me or hate me
I’m gonna die like that, forever at war
Hated by most, loved by few, respected by all
This is who I am, this is what the world made me
I don’t give a fuck whether you love me or hate me
I’m gonna ride like that, forever at war
Hated by most, loved by few, respected by all
[Verse 1]
With everything you gain there’s something you lose
You best be real clear on that, something you choose
Sometimes the most valuable things mean nothing to fools
And they don’t want it till they see it means something to you
But you can’t have what’s mine, homie, get your own
Get the fuck out my face and stay in your lane
You ain’t nothing like me, kid, we ain’t the same
Get the fuck off my dick and stay in your lane
Old school like Power Play, lounging with Fatal
Nas rhyming in the lobby, Rakim in the ?
Before Non Phixion I was up at Chung King
With Onyx and Jam Master J puffing the chronic
A good dude, rest in peace
RIP, the big DS as well, I’mma spark the L
Think about hard it was to come up in the game
Over twenty years I love it the same
Matter fact even love it more at the end of the day
Been wanting to work with Muggs
Since Cypress first dropped Real Estate
Now I’m doing what I want to do, La Coka Nostra
I won’t stop till I’m on the wanted poster
Came a long way from talent shows with Black Moon
When Chuck Chilla was the manager for both of our groups
This is ‘92, I’m talking bout fifteen years ago
In the Who’s Got Da Props video with Gucci Row
My world, my life’s deep, you can’t imagine
Cause the lies torture hatred in my soul like a cancer
Neither can be bought nor sold no matter the ransom
And neither truly exists without the other as the answer
Mankind so inherently evil
We made laws, religion, and jails simply to protect us from ourselves
Got too many cases, get arrested for robberies that I didn’t do
My mugshot’s in regular rotation
This is who I am
[Verse 1]
I seen a bitch named gutter slut talking to a paraplegic
About violence then threw his wheelchair into the firepit
A nihilist becomes a tool, execution that becomes obituary
Birthed the kings of doom
Earth becomes Black Sabbath, turn Ozzy to Deo
Surgeons fuck that plastic turn Cosby to Theo
Jody Foster’s army missed Regan
James Brady got sprayed quick fast like he played for sadists
Melts half, no fun, homie as for listen don’t break the oath
You’ll be tortured by shadows that whisper
Satisfaction is the death of desire
My perseverance leads to the rise of supremacy
The quest for fire
Inventing the wheel, reinventing the steel
Kill switch a fixation on darkness, perception is real
Take is needed for pain, lack of almost everything
Slap a hand, half a gram of dope is so heavy, dig
[Chorus x 2]
The mind is the most dangerous weapon alive
Spin doctors operate behind enemy lines
Mind control, something you could potentially buy
The new holy war has arrived, you ready to die?
[Verse 2]
You’re a power-slave somewhere in time
Peace of mind, keeper of the seven keys
Seven churches arrive under the sign of the black mark
Two megatherium under lock and key
Tooth and nail hellion
From the ashes of hell having morbid tales
No one ever really wanna buy peace, war prevails
Shout of the devil, dogs of war bark at the moon
The mobs rule heaven and hell, that’s something y’all choose
From enslavement to obliteration
Youth of today are sick of it all in a warzone where pistols are God
Screaming out, “Lights, camera, revolution!”
From the wonderful folks who brought you Iraq
Here’s the new execution
The malfunction, the regulator, the reignition
The fearless vampire killers on a mission
People crazy enough to think that they can change the world, do it
Kick down the motherfucking door, walk through it
[Verse 1]
The anatomy of a school shooting, shotgun under my trenchcoat
Columbiners did it, dead spoke - bloodred soaked
My mind consume the doom as I walk through the school
15 people killed and over 14 wounded
My name is Eric Harris, I was forever harrased, an outcast
You fuck with us and now me and Dylan is pulling out gats
I've been wantin to murder people
Suicide is played out, if you gonna die, take people with you
We've been planning this before the kids from Jonesboro did it
And I wanted the world to know when people died why we did it
I even killed myself but don't feel sorry for me
Feel sorry for your seads as we spread the diesease
Another bloodbath coming soon to a school near you
Smalltown killing-spree that's organized by the youth
Fuck the media, them fags be disguising the truth
Dragging my name through the mud when televizing the news
A bunch of ticking timebombs y'all, is more like me
Overflowin with hate, bullied to get raw like me
They constantly get picked on and shitted on like me
You'd probably get your head blown off by a kid like me
I put my mind to it and what I accomplish's frightening
The right thing, no matter what you idiots might think
Check it, I did that shit so idiots might think
This ain't a game, the nerds that you be fuckin with might flip
[Chorus: x2]
It's like this, what's more fun than slice wrist?
Kill that teacher that you hate, spray 25 kids
You'd be famous just like me if you did what I did
This is the anatomy of a school shooting
[Verse 2]
I see dead people, it isn't my fault that they were evil
Fuck a favorite I hate everybody equal
Bitch I warned y'all, didn't I?
Now everybody wanna talk shit and cry asking why
- Two geeks picked up guns and turned murderous
All of y'all under beneath me you don't deserve to live
Two nerdy kids is that a crime?
why I've gotta be one of the cool kids just to walk by
- without being tripped, thrown down on the ground and kicked
Insulting me for no reason, I was treated like shit
The teachers let it happen
I've even seen some of them teachers laughing
That's why I had a smile on my face when I started blastin
I wasn't crazy - all of y'all were sick
I was the nicest person in the world - y'all were dicks
Don't even try to analyze me now you have no chance, back then
- maybe you could've been my friend
[Verse 1: Ill Bill]
I never liked Imus, always thought he was a dickhead
The media want to try to censor my lyrics instead
I'd be a fucking idiot if my lyrics didn't reflect
The pain caused by a world by a business of death
Blowjob from your mother and wife at the same time
Sit back, recline with my cocaine rhymes
Heroin beats, let the rhythm hit him, terrible heat
Relentlessly, effortlessly hit them
Street villainess, we the chosen of man now get in the van
I get it cookin' like meth in a pan
Tie your arm up with a belt and inject in a scab
Round trip to the drug spot set in a cab
Rolling Stone concert flicks, thousand dollar chips
Model chicks with Katana tits and hypnotic hips
Get sprayed at your table at the Babylon club
Left dazed, mangled, disabled, and splattered in blood
[Verse 2: O.C.]
Me and Bill are both martyrs
Flows so similar to Harvard books inside libraries
One step beyond smarter
Cajun hot, we throw it up like a half-court lob
Into the quarter when the shot clock does 'em
So sick, fuck around, become a victim
Don't blame me, young cats put themselves in this position
You're facing a dilemma
There's no telling when you might end up face off with a nutcase and a sinner
Embrace this and parish, face that shows terror
No punches or edits, I rival up the devil
I walk past everything falls dead
Verbally spreading my medula
Hoe store speech released unchained mechanics
In the form of bar with the music
Join us and permantly sleep cause your appointment
Two guns, me, O.C and bill, we're double-jointed
[Verse 3: Jeru The Damaja]
the rhyme alchemist, hip hop scientist
Mix bonds in a lab like an Al Quada terrorist
My shit narcotic from start to finish
I knock out so many teeth I get kick backs from dentists
I feed MC's to the vultures, man
While their chicks' asses up in the air like Chin Chan
Wanna test this? Have a good medical plan
Cause I bash you in the dome like Captain Caveman
And this dope's a billion bucks a gram
I wipe the blood off my mic and fuck a female fan
You never thought you'd see me, Bill, and O on a track
So dope the DEA thought it was crack
When it comes to rockin a mic I do works
So many exotic feats they call me Captain Kurk
Shit-faced like the jerk
[Verse 1]
Killing snakes that sidewind
Tripping on Jakes & Drive-Bys
Walk around high
Sniffing a Thai eighth and five lines
Five nines, hit you five times
I'll rise from the grave seven days after I die to spit flames
Spit fireballs, spit volcanoes
Spit molotovs at popstars, exploding bombs under cop cars
Arms dealers that I met I bought nerve gas and laser rifles
They CIA they take they names from the Bible
Jesus specialised in chemical weapons and bio-robotics
Met him in Cairo he was chilling with this guy Mohammed
Ex-PLO Honcho, that went AWOL
He sold black market organs at the CIA store
They introduced me to they bro Moses
Pulled out an eightball of that Grade-A shit, and froze noses
Then they told me bout Ish and Isaac
Two brothers, one was telekinetic, the other psychic
They was after me, they was asking mad questions
Jesus tells me he suspects they were hired by the Russians
I always thought that they was cousins
Who gives a fuck? fuck them faggots, when I see them I'ma buck them
[Hook] X2
It's a hijacking, when I shot that pilot in the eye, laughing
Landed the plane by myself, the only guy standing
Swordfish, more than Halle Berry showing off tits
it's real, Swiss bank acounts and terrorists
[Verse 2]
Blowing up buildings like Tyler Durden
My minds perverted
Eight women orgies, these congressmens wives are dirty
Extroverted like Wild Wild West strippers
And death lifts us, to higher levels
I hire devils to kill other devils
I the funds expensive? never any troubles
Shoot outs because of my Uncle, Forever bubble
Bombed the airport, jetted in the cherry red Porsche
Catching head from this whore, that I met at the store
Jesus had the Lamborghini and that bitch from Tahiti
That liked to swallow ecstacy and sip some Martini
A disturbed past, involving all types of terrorism
I know how to dispense nerve gas through televisions
Tera Patrick and Adriana Sage
Undercover FBI agents that look great, and give fanastic brains
Adriana Gave me a platinum chain
A mercenary in this savage game, I Skyjacked the plane
[Hook X2]
[Verse 3]
Assasins get fazed, thrown in stealth planes
Exploding death pays, it's gangsta
You fucking faggots know the next phase
You'll get your dome X-rayed
Kidnap you like los pepes
'Til the chrome Tec spray
You get pussy, I own sex slaves
It's God's will, fuck with me you get shot and killed
Chopped into pieces and stuffed in the trunk of a Bonneville
Globetrot, smoke pot, with bitches that so hot
They go to the Grammys wearing a see through dress and no bra
No panties, fuck with me I'll kill your whole family
Cyanide now or later she choking on candy
I choreographed the goriest massacres
Bizzary to Africa
No story is graphic-er
[Chorus x 2]
Brr stick em hi-hi-high stick em
Brr stick em hi-hi-high stick em
Brr stick em hi-hi-high stick em
Treat it like boxing, stick n move, stick n move
[Verse 1: Born Unique]
Stick n move the switchblades down to four-fifths
Do it gladiator style, hit you with the raw fist
Sniffing the raw fish make your jaw twitch
First joint was hot, remix more sick
Stick n move, try it with me, the wrong shit
You picked the wrong vic
Catch you at church wearing the wrong kicks
You can’t run now sonny, ain’t nothin funny
I want the money, body filled with dummies
So here we go, be like “Not him!”
Cats hate me in the ? but never shot him
Never got him, do me a favour I’m ready to die
I’ll be waiting heavy in the cut cleaning my nines
With a dime between my thighs cleaning my nine
Greasy grimy guy been seen with demon eyes
Brrr stick em hi-hi-high stick ‘em
Yo Sha pull the whip over, I see another victim
[Chorus x 2]
[Verse 2: Killa Sha]
Yo, yo, straight to the point like twenty minutes to one
Still in ‘06 a nigga’ll get hung
Spit out venomous shit from the lungs
Lames be tucking in their links when I come
Pull up to the club, nothing less than ten guns
The god came to party then snatching funds
Niggas don’t say a word until I’m done
I really think you wanna get home to your son
And to ya wives so look into my eyes
(Come on daddy you know what this is already)
Yo, I ain’t really playing around with this
And I’m right up on you son I don’t plan to miss
I’m high off that dust and lion piss
Give niggas the business and I’ll smash their bitch
There it is, Unique and the QB kid
Stick n move, nigga straight from the bridge
[Chorus x 2]
[Verse 3: Ill Bill]
Never hit a man with glasses, hit him with a brick
If he doesn’t give up his shit, hit him with a clip
I don’t suffer from insanity, enjoy every minute of it
My hobby’s armed robbery, it’s really fun
When a motherfucker run and try to jog from bullets
I blow wigs off leaving flat tops and mullets
When you die go to Heaven, till then welcome to Hell
Give me something to bring to the porn shop and sell
I snatch diamonds and rubies, Pradas and Guccis
My getaway driver push Hondas and ?
Run up in your fucking house with Llamas and Uzis
And a roll of duct tape for your momma and your two seeds
Homie, even Snoop love the coka
? half bandana on a skull with toasters
Lie the fuck down homie, put your hands on your head
While I’m walking out the door with my hands on your bread
[Verse 1: I'll Bill]
Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo
I see past everyone else, my name is Billy Idol and my influence is heavily felt
Do it myself, my DNA inflict your slaughter like Tony? talks shit to his daughter
As I approach the hour of reprisal
In a black truck, black moon, black guns, black metal, black sun
Two minutes until midnight, we amped up
Homie, stand up, leave the competition blammed up
Walk quietly and carry a humongous biscuit
I'm that guy that smacked your moms and fucked your sister
I care less whether you love Buddha or Jesus
Not even Mohammed could stop these bullets from freezing
Your blood ice cold in your arms and legs
Lie in a lifeless pose plus you're missing part of your head
I often thought if I could travel through time, what I would do
Often I drift between breaths of ganja fumes
Seeing mayhem unfold in the yards of schools
Seeing Satan on the chrome screaming God's a fool
Peep the angel of death creeping on you dudes
You're confusing my customers, man, you're not the truth
[Verse 2: Slaine]
We walk close to the edge and we don't care what the limit is
This is business, we the new Cohens and Simmonses
The bad seed you cats are growing your images
You don't know any lyricists, you only know what a gimmick is
I know about parents' dreams, I know what a? is
I know about guns, drugs, I know the whole city, kid
I know what an idiot is, where he lives with his bitch and his kid
For the ditch that he digged was dug
I know about hate, I know there's no love
I know about the stress from an AIDS test, I fuck with no glove
Tattoos from a dirty needle spelling my alias
Ask about me in the Bean and they'll tell you how real he is
I'm the monsoon goon, pistol packing with coke
Packaging ropes, bringing blades to the back of your throat
Every record that I made is like a package of dope
So take a sniff of fury, homie, take a whack of the hope
[Verse 3: Everlast]
Call me Mr. White, call me Whitey Furrah
Play me out, call me Devil and I'll send you to God
You pretend to be hard, yo I bring the Jihad
I make war on the man that makes war on the D
Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim, caporegime, captain of the team
I know I'm uncivilized, I know I'm unclean
I know I get high, I know I'm sick, I'm obscene
Subliminal hymning, original sinning
Purple drinks swimming, chasing young loose women
There's flames for the coward, praise for the martyr
I'm older, I'm wiser, I'm James fucking Carter
In the meanwhile you're going out like Reagan
If your girl goes wild, sacrifice that pagan
'Cause it's Coka, it's going down
Do you want it by the key, do you want it by the pound?
Yo it's Coka, it's going down
Do you want it by the key, do you want it by the pound?
Yo it's Coka, it's going down
Do you want it by the key, do you want it by the pound?
Yo it's Coka, it's going down
Do you want it by the key, do you want it by the pound?
Every society honors it's live conformists and dead trouble makers
I'm the Son of Satan, sculpted the culture of the ancients
Burn me at the stake with my left hand stuck in the Matrix
I'm the apex, I steal science offa spaceships
Black water contractors captured off a camcorder
after Mass slaughter, violent massacre, Masters of Order
Burning effigies of presidents and American flags
Veterans clash for the chance to sell terror for cash
Babylon destroyed the base of migdash
Death cults, murder squads, exploded churches and burning mosques
Throw your dice now you destiny's cashed
And they seize a war with planet over centuries past
And the mysteries remain unsolved, colossal pyramids on Mars
Visitors beyond the scriptures of Allah
God is on the side of the ones with money and large armies
Pray for death of these brainwashed zombies, 'Society Is Brainwashed'
November 5th, 2001, less than two months after 9/11 occurred
The infamous William Cooper was murdered
Ex Naval Intelligence Officer, but now author of Behold A Pale Horse
HE paid the cost
I can't say I agree with everything he wrote
But admired him for speaking his mind though
Never holding his tongue for nobody, your 'Society Is Brainwashed'
Guns in each others faces for the same lies
Same everything and same nothing
Same bullshit materialist of the Third World man's luxury
This false flag fuckery, an AIDS infested junky
Your Lady of Liberty can't fuck me
Can't touch me, the black pope superior general
Tim Oscar riding like a Piru from Inglewood
Bring the hood up to a hovering mother ship
They already made the switch to the One World Government
Amongst the Ivory Tower witch doctors, when this explosion
on the groom lake landing strip silicon, sorcerers abandoned ship
Famine gripped the planet with the gigantic Satanic fist
Believed to be linked to Al-Qaeda through a sandwich business
I dont advise you to believe these could be camera tricks
all i'm sayin is to ask questions amateurs
what Hollywood tries to pass off as fantasy,
might already have happened in actuality
And vice versa, if Jesus Christ was a person, who was Mithra? Who was Krishna?
Who was the first to be baptized, crucified, resurrected,
betrayed and made into a martyr for someone else's redemption?
Old men start wars for young dudes to die in,
madison avenue tellin you what you should be buyin
Religion and science always profess peace
[Ill Bill]
I'm coming out from inside the walls like asbestos
A ghost disappearing and reappearing when least most expected
I yank kids on there own bloods when the monster
I'm a monster, responsible for missing camp counsellors
I'm analyzing bio-rhythms, leaving my victims with incisions
My sensory sees catastrophic visions
Over the image of Jehovah I burn sulphur
In retrospect I infect your innards just like an ulcer
Then I twist facial be just like Rocky Dennis, when I menace
It's horrendous, my bloody appetite's tremendous
Enormous, watch the metamorphosis, stickin' snitches through orifices
Remorseless on my thoughts, when I catch a corpse
I navel in the arts that are not permitted
Leaving carcasses after carcass, maggots within regardless
I'm a psychopathologist, pathologically I'd exist
Infamous, run with the twist
[Chorus: x16]
Run for your life
[Ill Bill]
Reports provided by department of forensics
Reveal nothing but innocent of murder on this premises
The only evidence being the body
No fingerprints or murder weapons located
But still they follow me
Constantly I'm under surveillance
Numerous, federal agencies provide the whole policestep interference
So now there's all types of pigs bleeding haemoglobins
Left in my tees are frozen solid from the head to the toes and
Pieces of people I take and then I reanimate
Beyond the gates I can see the bloody face of Sharon Tate
I make you submit when I dominate
Nothing you could ever do to restrain my campaign of hate
I measure my pleasure by the amount of pain
I inflict you in your torture, officer I make you suffer
So listen
I'm giving you five minutes to flee
Here's a butcher knife
Motherfucker, run for your life!
[Ill Bill]
I vaccinate sockets with lip bloods, like if I was to flip once
I snag a body bag them dirty fucking cunts
Shooting chemicals directly into my jugular - look around
Shits getting uglier and uglier
Spinning' within my hyper-barrack chamber
Nothing short of a bloody rusty razor
fingerprint that could stop my behaviour
Generally, and federally
Etcetera, etcetera, shooting Storm Troopers like dead era
I emphasize like emphysema
Every word I speak creeps up in your bloodstream like Leukaemia
I instigate mutilation
Under federal investigation escaping police stations
Taking all types of narcotics made to enhance my optics
I'm lacking consciousness when I pump acid trips
And want to kill the pigs (mumbling)
I'm lacking consciousness to let the razor rip open my wrist
[Verse 1: Ill Bill]
My motivation’s between a stairway to Heaven and road to Satan
Meantime stay the fuck out of my immediate location
The personal space, burn you at the stake, murder you for cake
Turn you into bait and feed you to sharks or birds of prey
Vultures of every culture, predators, pimps, and senators
Presidents and porno mag editors
Runaways at bus stations begging for enemas
Spread eagle on the best ecstasy begging for ten of us
Wall Street terror come in strange packages
Double plane massacres scar brains and fracture us
Attention deficits create chemical pestilence
That’s why the CIA creates the most intelligent of terrorists
My tactics put you underneath the maggots
Underneath a few tons of dirt, a reef of granite
Change your opinion like media deceives the planet
Making the Godliest of beings appear Satanic
Why is it often that lives end so weird and tragic?
Why’s it often the good die young
And so many pass with no justice, no peace, no redemption
I carry a four-fifth with a chrome extension
We men of a thousand or more faces
Proud assassinations across nations
Producing shockwaves that cause hatred
And start revolutions, burn constitutions
Burn literature, bomb institutions
Burn children’s hospitals, bomb police stations
Bombs under cars that explode and leave craters
Seize data, freeze bank accounts and assets
Then buy nuke weapons for exclusive access
[Chorus x 2]
Cause a nuclear apocalypse, push the button
It only takes one dickhead to push the button
Go ahead and press your luck, push the button
Holy shit we’re all fucked, someone pushed the button
[Verse 2: SKAM2]
I am not now nor ever been part of the human race
Not that it matters, earth’s days are numbered anyway
My sound waves will melt flesh and burn right through your face
Shrivel you up like white blood cells when they’re stricken with AIDS Soon as I push the button I release the sickest plague
To make Ebola seem like a sip of lemonade
Simple minded fools think my moves for getting paid
Soon as I get the money I’mma do the shit anyway
You say you can’t take it with you, my words paint a picture
Vivid genocide, prophesize on some major scriptures
Written on other planets where they don’t know what man is
There’s no such thing as money and aliens mind their manners (excuse me)
Homie we off the scanner, check your weekly planner
I predict ground zero to be somewhere in Indiana
Two weeks from tamara I mean tomorrow
A lot of horror emanating that’s stretching from the
La Coka numbness to my own world of darkness
Been through so much dumb shit we done turned heartless
But now the bottom is on top and running shit
Peep the diabolicness of my brother anonymous
Chip off the old chopping block bout to run the spot
Welcome to modern day anarchy, fuck the cops
I fuck shit up from here to where Bush be
Trust me, you think not, pussy? Then push me
[Ill Bill]
I be getting voodoo round like Greek sex
I'm searching for six chicks with sloppy tits hanging off their chests
Fuck kicking flavour in your ear,
I'd rather kick you in your fucking cunt, then rip off your brassiere
I'm here, Mr. I-double-L- B-I-double-L,
Puffing on a nick a crack in my jail-cell
They pay me well for my services
When I murder kids, I orgasm
Then I get rid of the evidence
Left up on the scene of the crime
I spit maggots out of my mouth when I rhyme
Bloody, little punk ass, fuddy-duddy
Let me get your crack-rock and all your money
Sonny, I'm a fucking sicky
I'll asphyxiate you then toss you in the lake like Ricki
Illing like a handy-capped spaz
Peep the Zoobaz, ripping' out the frame of your ass
Can you dig it? Uhh, Peep the Zoobaz [x4]
My lyrics spread nice over tits like calamine
Urine into slime when I circumcise your spine
I swallow Hashish cuz I don't need to grief
I chew vaginal beef with my Mackey and pull a goatee
I got a sweet tooth for some DMS leaking
I'm seeking the bloody tushy of a Puerto Rican
I'm getting iller than this here Jones when I'm stoned
I'm banging women with nipples like fucking street cones
I'll leave NYPD blue, I'll asphyxia you too
My crew attacks like a pack of crazed Jews
I'm showing Michaels with the hot rod I'm ready
My aim is steady, point blank with my vainly machete
Satanic soldier, mad pages like Janova
From Brooklyn to Boulder a million jiffs be on my shoulder
I'm all about gored smack, beer back and crack packs
Snap jacks and anal tracks, god flesh I'm seeing blaaaaack
I'm a creator of terror berserk teens no escape from the toxic traits
Pop ya face storm 'em with madness and blind faith
The angel of death read between the lines out the heaven
Expectable youth divine intervention teachin' y'all a lesson of violence
Doctor Death injectin a virus apocalypse
I'm a horseman in the circle of tyrants in debts for era
Posessed like Jeff Parcera
Consuming impulse drown you in the depths of terror forever
Peace sells but who's buying
Who's tryin who's crying who's lying in a pool of blood dying
Peace sells but who's buying
Who's tryin who's crying who's poppin with a four pound iron
Peace sells but who's buying
Who's tryin who's crying who's lying in a pool of blood dying
Peace sells but who's buying
Who's tryin who's crying who's lying in a pool of blood
Stranger in hell buy America day to betrayal
Brainwashed by a system that's created to fell
Freedomer fire securetron arm in his fate
Fear factory manufacturing hi-tech hate
A slave new world world gone mad a world without heroes
Used to go to show surrounded by weirdos
Lovelomoss masterin the science of war
Read metal forces magazines dying to tour
Power hatchets & carnivals livin their life for agony
Where to go we got to know like Harry Flanagan
I lecture funeral children of a grave behind a wall I sleep
Be afraid kill 'em to be safe
I don't need society down for life foul & trife
Ill Bill dirty rotten imbecil down to fight
Give me my taxes back money god's a liar
Speak truth to deaf americans like Tah Meraya
Psychic vacuum jab you with a knife & stab you
Rival this medicine try veconvictions as heroin
Experiment macrosolutions to megaproblems
Let the revolvers solve 'em chaos miners a cosmic drama
Peace sells but who's buyin so I stay with the funds
We real so you die find you laced with the slugs
With the quickness you callin me my sacred love
I got bad brains the reason I spray with guns now listen
You been to jail before?
Howie – Me? Of course I’ve been to jail. They don’t even want me in jail no more, I’m too old now. They want guys like you.
Bloods and Crips, the Ñetas, Latin Kings, Disciples, and Vice Lords
All crews that bang
Vatos Locos, Four Corner Hustler thing, the Mexican Mafia
All crews that bang
Al-Qaeda, CIA, Hamas, the Mossad, NYPD
All crews that bang
Non Phixion, Cypress Hill, House of Pain, La Coka Nostra
All crews that bang
[Verse 1: B-Real]
From Don Corleone up to Tony Montana
Whatever you are, homie, bikers and bandanas
Riders who cock hammers or soldiers who roll deep
I’m a child of the night, homie I don’t sleep
My crew, we slow creep while you’re counting your sheep
We bang on anybody stepping up to bleed in the street
Maybe you got what it takes to lead a team of cutthroats
Maybe you hang around with a crew of fuck hoes
Fakes, frauds, fictional bangers
Never held a heater until you had someone take your picture
Looking invincible with it, you did it for glory
Some did it for real and others they tell stories
But the collective we have here’s respected
Making you an offer you should never reject it
You roll with the ? over, baby the math is simple
It’s pop pop pop in your temple
[Verse 2: Everlast]
IRA scheming, PLO dreaming, Celtic heathen, peckerwood demon
Kicking and screaming through the depths of hell
Bareback riding on a jezebel
The hammer’s cocked, you get shot by the shell
I burned an angel’s wings then sang while he fell
There’s a party in hell, there’s a war in heaven
The whole world’s been shook since 9/11
With Muslim extremists and Zionists
Trying to rule the world with an iron fist
While the junkies and the dealers are doing the bids
Uncle Howie say it’s time for evolution, kids
Don’t spill your blood on foreign land
Come outside on the block with your gun in your hand
You’re mad as fuck and won’t take it no more
Buck shots in the air like you ready for war
[Verse 3: Ill Bill]
We don’t die, we multiply
This song was not made to glorify gang culture
Nor to explore the lives of soldiers or street villains
Ghetto superstars, political heroes
Compton G’s to Brooklyn DeNeros
Range from children to killers, prisoners to peace prize winners
Was Nelson Mandella a terrorist?
Let’s consider the truth: The biggest gang in the world is the police
Our tax dollars pay for no justice and no peace
An empty crack box crushed by ten year feet
On their way to school past the meth heads and dope fiends
Anatomy of a true banger, I ain’t shit without my homeboys
Fuck with my set, you get your crew strangled
I won’t be convicted like Jimmy Coonan
And you not a gangster, who the fuck you think you fooling?
My ruthless brilliance soon to produce me millions
Billy Idol homeboy, peace to Tookie Williams
[Verse 1]
I make ruthless records consecutive, disconnect your wig
Wet you in your living room, Disrespect your kids
Spit fire at you, pop pop, cause your body to ooze
Bill, anything I spit uncle howie improved
There ain't no justice and there ain't no peace
These mean streets are like the evil dead eager to feast
Soul chasers will leave you diseased, what you get dealin with creeps
People sleep until we cause the desert eagles to speak
There's no love and no loyalty left
Learn ya lesson, the hood shot rich porter to death
Only the hood die young, rest in peace to Jam Masta Jay, Biggie and Pac
And all the rest who passed away
I'm like an animal, tryin to survive
Striving for a better tomorrow, the world's full of terror and sorrow
Tears drop from a little baby boy or girl
While the push of a button could destroy the world
[Chorus X2]
It's a overkill, no escapin this we raping this homie
It's a overkill, expose to nuclear radiation
It's a overkill, push the chromosone chromosplode
It's a overkill, peep the overfiend overload
[Verse 2]
Hit you with the nine shell in your head like Kleinfeld
My mind's swelled I laugh at it like Seinfeld
Or Larry David, the blast off like Larry Davis
We carry bangers and air you out like airplane hangers
I rock 5 star general status, projects to Paris
At the Hilton stickin foreign objects in Paris
I'm very paranoid tell me what they asked you, splash you
Nuke you like fast food, splatter you when I clap tools
I keep it simple like grass roots, attack troops
Ghetto gorillas in track suits, wet up your whole shit like a bathroom
I catch fools slippin and hit 'em with capsules of blow cause cash rules
the truth newport carton junkies and street trash, wheat grass
Customers cop hundreds of weed bags, yeah I was chosen to kill those who are smoking the krills
Sold it to you out the old seville, yo you know the drill
[Chorus X2]
It's a overkill, no escapin this we raping this homie
It's a overkill, expose to nuclear radiation
It's a overkill, push the chromosone chromosplode
It's a overkill, peep the overfiend overload
[Verse 3]
Go overboard, this is Ill Bill the overlord, go to war
I approach you with a trojan horse, entire armies are slaughtered
Explosions of gore, soldiers fall, hot enough to cause your bones to disolve
Go through walls, Let the don use it, mix it with orange juice and abuse it
Throw your guns in the air and lose it, gangstas and goons wit uzis
We underhanded money, rubberbanded the son of sam, son of man
People too stupid to understand, Im the host with the most
Travel coast to coast, rollin like nostra coke, when I post the toast
Leace you wetter than PCP dispose of folks, loced out leave you with holes
Your clothes are soaked, you fuckin shithead your thought process is idiotic
It gets worse blow a hole in your head, leave you retarded, look at you know
Stupid fuck see what you started, I won't stop till all of are dearly departed
[Chorus X2]
It's a overkill, no escapin this we raping this homie
It's a overkill, expose to nuclear radiation
It's a overkill, push the chromosone chromosplode
Don't make me flip on you
Actually you can't make me do nothing
I might decide to
I used to mush thugs
And now I push drugs
I knew a kid that put slugs in his own mug
Used to show me his guns
Ain't a cat that knows where ya son
Remember violence at only one
I used to watch my pops untreat a girl
And beef with the world
He had a bone to pick
That's why my dome was sick
It rubbed off on me
Because the apple don't fall far from the tree g
You cats keep your distance
Cause your scared I might flip in an instant
When I was filled with innocence
I was still committing sins
Half of you cats are sweet like cinnamon
I shove a knife in your grin
I run with convicts who stick up kids
That'll rob you for six bucks bitch
We flip right before you expect it
Because we were neglected, as children now we're hectic
We shot men and we rob gems
I seen cats that used to clock me, now I clock them
Got easier, back since 2 o'clock 10
In case, one in ya face is the only option
Necro with Ill Bill
Walk around life - murder, murder, kill, kill
Gun up in your grill
And you screaming chill, chill
Didn't have ?your steer? now you get your cap peeled
This is our life, our life
Necro with Ill Bill
Walk around life - murder, murder, kill, kill
Gun up in your grill
And you screaming chill, chill
Didn't have ?your steer? now you get your cap peeled
This is our life, our life
Aiyyo, I grew up in the motherfucking projects
My moms says if my pop left
We would have to get a sectionade apartment
The rest cheap, I see decepticons at least
Ten deep, run up on me flipping, wanna set beef
That was some faggot shit, me and my borough
For rent for do-lo
The only 2 white kids up in my projects that wasn't homo
I fought every day, beefed with a hundred cats
Right before I started sold drugs and busting caps
Right before I bust my first nut, I love to rap
At 10 years old is when I first started to fuck with that
Everyone else in my PJ's knew I was black
I kept it to myself, continued to defy my ?class?
I used to buy my mother a milk jug and spike that
You fight with me, I was the type of cat to fight back
I lace you with a broken nose, holding the ice pack
Wife black, Puerto Rican's, we was poor, it was wack
My mom's tried her best
I never graduated high school I learned to pump drugs and pack 9's instead
Became one of those violent heads
Have you on a respirator, even though the doctor know your mind is dead
Necro with Ill Bill
Walk around life - murder, murder, kill, kill
Gun up in your grill
And you screaming chill, chill
Didn't have ?your steer? now you get your cap peeled
This is our life, our life
Necro with Ill Bill
Walk around life - murder, murder, kill, kill
Gun up in your grill
And you screaming chill, chill
Didn't have ?your steer? now you get your cap peeled
I be getting backrubs in backrooms of S&M; clubs
I'm on drugs, during sex I use anal beads and butt plugs
I'm holding hookers dooty holes hostage
I spend my nights on 42nd street searching for chicks that into bondage
Torture tactics I practice, tear up your mattress
Kidnap an actress, than activate my raiding plastics
My zany antics keep the ladies frantic
And when I sadomise a secretary I'm very romantic
It must be all the medial substances, cigarettes and black coffee
I'm smoking crack rocklets with morpheme
I guess she would say I'm a junkie
One sprinkle of coke on my cock and I'm feeling mass funky
I'd like to be a role model
Picture me on the screen with a bloody butcher knife and a Bacardi bottle
People go think “What were they thinking?”
But then who would'a thought that O.J. Simpson would turn into Joeeeel Rifkin
Welcome to the Orgy of the Damned
Welcome to the Orgy of the Damned
Orgy of the Damned
Welcome to the Orgy of the Damned
Experience all your lusts and fantasies first hand
I'm searching for hitchhiking virgins
Yeah, you know, the type of girl that's down for like what ever's your perversion
She's got the itch but doesn't know quite how to scratch it
So I'm slipping the bitch amoeba during a surgic acid
To cause a Cumshot Bonanza
The way I'm getting all up in that ass you'd think I was a case of colon cancer
Plus I'm diseased in the mental
And when I'm feeling stressed I inject direct to my left ventricle
Pumping fluids containing pharmaceuticals to keep me kooky
Some people would describe my vibe as spooky
Or freaky, cause I be kinkier than Ludfried Kamel
The pussy vandal, sticking my fingers in for samples
[Chorus x2]
I'm doing the type of sex that pimps do
Cherry girls be hanging out my hat like I was down with Eazy-E's crew
Creeping through public transportation turnals
Looking for alcoholic sluts willing to use their mouths as urinals
I like a really touchy-feely
3 girls and some baby oil squirming on my pastropedic suite
Some and join in by a cult of love
I'll initiate you with some anastatics and a rubber glove
I get my kicks from watching chick flicks
European women shooting around out their lactating tits
Now that's what I call entertainment
Some into the Orgy of the Damned and free yourselves from the enslaaaavements
[Chorus x2]
[Verse 1: Necro]
My religious beliefs are to kill snitches and any bitches that beef
Your grill in stitches, get buried inside a ditch in your briefs
Life is enslavement and suffering, crazy snuffings, attacks
Overdosing like David Ruffin, craving, puffing some crack
Hell is endless and friendless to the Hitlers, Mangols, and Himmlers
Mangled, ripped to pieces by characters like Pinhead, no forgiveness
Reincarnated as God and Satan, logical psycho sadist
My cadence hits like razorblade tips of invader invaded
Corresponding with demons, bonded in blood
Like the Ugandan president Idi genocide like Rwandans in bondage
Devine comedy, mind lobotomy, due the math like Ptolemy
A bloodbath, you’re split in half, dichotomy
The honorable, horrible, incorrigible, adorable death oracle
Beautiful like a funeral floral, you heard the stories: Murdering for glory
Sent to purgatory for doing something perverted and gory
[Chorus: Everlast]
When your heart won’t beat, your eyes go black
There’s a light in the tunnel and you can’t turn back
Your friends can’t save you, your family’s gone
You’re waiting on your judgment at the foot of the throne
Will you beg for some mercy? Will you cop some pleas?
Will you stand on your own or get down on your knees?
Will your angels release you from where demons dwell?
Will you make it into Heaven or go right back to Hell?
Only time will tell, only time will tell
Only time will tell, only time will tell
[Verse 2: Tech N9ne]
I fall upon my knees like Lord forgive me
Out of the commandments I’ve broken ten out of ten now
Blasting me, past in me because now Satan’s my pen pal
Part of me Asmodeus, the other side is an evangelist
God gave me melodious but I’m sick, psycho, and scandalous
Outbursts like Bis Malam, hallelujah
On the other hand I lust for flesh in my quest for gouda
Shaboombala boopy time, I choose and the coochie’s mine
My booze through ? nine and I ooze at a groupie dime
But the seas got more patnas
Everything dead, blasting at ? patwa
Trying to bring you peace but the beast brings forth kaka
I really feel like I hate you but it’s eep opp ork ah-ah
You don’t know what that means? Then ask Jet Screamer
Trash that lingers will cause the enemies to blast that femur
Only time will tell if I crash between her
God forgive me I’m torn because I’m an angel
With a crass demeanor
[Verse 3: Ill Bill]
For whom the bell tolls, it’s the clock, tick tick tick
The truth is the future is now
How many lifetimes have I taken you through in this hour?
I trust nobody cause Babylon destroyed my uncle
So many lessons I’ve applied to my life that taught me to function
In this hell on the earth the dark clouds have silver linings
Until the lightning strikes down upon the unrighteous and frightening
The non-believers like eighty year old atheists on their death bed
Crying and begging for forgiveness from God
Atrocities committed against mankind
Monstrosities that span time leaving impressions of hatred in man’s mind
Don’t let time trap you, it’s vital that you realise that there’s a new beginning
My life is- I’m dependent, I can’t help it. I started at a young age. I’m too dependent on it, you know? Drugs and music get me where I wanna go now. But I gotta make the money for it and it’s not that easy nowadays.
My uncle shoots heroin, my father used to do cocaine
My moms used to smoke weed with her friends when I was eight
Smoked weed when I was twelve, sold weed at fourteen
Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity
Conscious rap is bullshit, gangster rap is a fraud
This is real rap, bang your fucking head through the wall
This is drug music, stuck with a syringe in your arm
I’m the truth like the name of the song
Yo my uncle shoots heroin
[Verse 1]
Bathroom floor, found a syringe
When I was out on the Hydro Tour Howie went out on a binge
The snake bitch I was fucking even took him to cop
A month later he was on the floor looking for rock
Missed a flight to Czech Republic, walked in the path
Of Howie lying in his own puke dying from crack
Cocaine poisoning, he shot the heroin since fourteen
February 2003, he was clean
I helped him out, he kicked crack, dope, and meth
Hosted shows, free clothes, bubblebaths, autographs
T-shirts, soon I’mma make a Howie action figure
Before his latest relapse I’m glad I captured pictures
I love Howie, homie used to change my diapers
To save him I’d have jumped in front of spray from snipers
But this is just something that he’s gotta do on his own
I try to get through to him with this song
[Verse 2]
He used to live in my crib, sleep on my couch smoking Newport 100’s
Gave me comic books, bought me my first bass guitar
Learned from my grandma how to tell you the future with cards
Watch the sci-fi channel high off of methadone
More addictive than anything injected in the arm
D.T.’s five in the morning waking my moms
Got a search warrant but Howie Tenenbaum is gone
Roaming the streets, he was a superhero to me
When I was five I used to pick the seeds out of his weed
Nodding out, burning cigarette holes in his sheets
Wake up and eat a box of Captain Crunch then go back to sleep
He was a crackhead too, he might still be
A walking relapse, that motherfucker’s still on the streets
You tell him right he goes left
Show him right he does wrong
I hope I get through to him with this song
murder, murder hehehehe, murder
"At first I harass them, then I murder them" [x2]
Last night a bitch bust my crib and found a carcass
Tried to press charges
But I walked free regardless
Like, Tony Montana
My trigger finger got stamina
You mess around and I'll BLAM BLAM in ya
Ramming your body parts down the cindering slots
I'm chopping your off then drop your pieces off a rooftop
Creator of the murder data
The Terminator
I murder, then I see you later
Living dead, stomping the streets of Brooklyn like a zombie
I come to eat your brain like a piece of salami
Contaminate you like a biohazard
Because I'm a sick bastard
2000 maniacs call me master
And they obey everything I say, no question
Suicide, plus more confession maintain aggression
Mr. Ill Bill brings your body to the blood feast
I'm the piece of corps condemned great tooled priest
Bodies, on top of bodies I instigate mutilation
Under federal investigations
Kathy Pears disappeared like all the children
2000 maniacs locked in my building
[Chorus x2]
I get hyper with a butcher knife and a hash pipe
But pack with parts all my brain cells apart
Assorted body parts I'm starting to stab and chop up
Cover the floor with plasma, then I mop up
Unless I get dressed to kill when I spill
you guts,
Ill Bill the butcher ghost doesn't do manorial
Chop chop then pop, with the glock
go get my clip, then flip and pop pop pop pop
goes my gat
I'm flipping psychopathic spastic drastic
nuclear plastic putting people to caskets
All of a sacrifice
I'm gentle like Charles Manson
Crematoria people sleeps in a glancing
Ashes burnt, ?-?
undead, humanoid end of the sent a laving
Like leukaemia, fights chemo therapy
The brain cancer, extravaganza
directs me, infects me
condemns me to the Brooklyn floors
Like price my pounce are stripes two heads like spikes
make nice, nice since I got a nadge to grind
I blind kids by poking out their eyes with my knifes
So, die, die, die, drop dead, die
you painted my face, popsicles to my brain
Bronchitis, septic virus, verbal colitis
bottom strides
girls get on top of guys
beyond the graves, slash in a bloodbath
Bubble, bubble toys bring trouble
zombies arrive, and you'll all be adopted
strapped with gats so - step - BACK
I been twisting fresh hits and grotesque torsions
I use a chainsaw, when I'm performing an abortion
I stack up bodies so back up , before I make my hatchet hack up,
and use your lifeblood's to grease the track up
I grab you then I stab you in the skull with a scalpel
Make your brain madder flatter and some part of rather doubtful
Blood everywhere and your hardly even breathing
I kick you to the face and make the flat line even
there's no tomorrow I'm the hardest stir of sorrow
Beyond the gates and wait backwards like Bizarro
Bizarre, strange, got maggots in my brains
Faggots roll down the hill and burn, burn in the FLAMES
I landed on top of the buildin, jumped out and exploding helicopter
Draggin the pilot by his jaw
Used his body to break the fall
He died on impact, blood splattered his back was broken
Bounced wit a slight limp cause my ankle was swollen
Get your ass up and lets get ill
Get your ass up and lets get ill
Get your ass up and lets get ill
Get your ass up and lets get ill
I landed on top of the buildin, jumped out and exploding helicopter
Draggin the pilot by his jaw
I landed on top of the buildin, jumped out and exploding helicopter
Draggin the pilot by his jaw
Used his body to break the fall
He died on impact, blood splattered his back was broken
Bounced wit a slight limp cause my ankle was swollen
Cia assasin turncoat, burnin toke it serve coke
The worst, loke the fuck out we burst chrome
Double agent CIA merk both sides, and low ride
I'm so high, I can touch the sky
Fuck wit mine you get your head, bust wit 9's
Splattered like 10 pump out of our bathroom floors
Blast you whores, the dead mans the last who draws
I be the first one to let off
Gun slinger with the done figure throw ya head off
Gun slinger with the done figure throw ya head off
Gun slinger with the done figure throw ya head off
Like guillotenes I eat dog
Like the phillipeans through leg work I creep dog
Like a millipede, it's military 9 millimeter's pop off
9 millimeters that wave to your dome will drop off
A hollow tip package, slit cabbage
Get your wig handed to the coroner and examine
Life is for real, I deal wit the license to Ill Ill
It's Ill Bill, wit a rifle and the license to Ill
Get your ass up and lets get ill
Ill Bill wit a rifle, and the license to Ill
I seen the president get shot at point blank range
Slipped thousands of people drinks and made em act strange
Had my gat in a hollowed out book in the last page
Silliowetter and dessert eagle to splash brains
I'm in the fast lane with cats that high-jack planes
Murderous wit terrorists they know what cash means
I'm sellin candy to these billion dollor crack feinds
Dont even ask me what my path be
Run up on your family wit a gat blastin
Top of the pile, rockin like nigel withal
I turn you out like a virgin wit a cock in ya mouth
Wit a gun to ya head, they find you ina trunk of a benz
Chopped into thousands of little pieces next to one of your freinds
America pimp, my first ho was a married bitch
Now I'm pimpen the first ammendment like larry flint
A true hustla wit a license to kill
It's Ill Bill, wit a rifle and a license to ill
[Verse 1]
A drug deal gone bad, dead drug dealers, dead D.T.’s
A duffel bag of yeyo, at least seven keys
Pool party shoot out veteran, call me Jim Shooter
Whores copped, left me two guns with twin Rugers
Grand Theft Auto, sawed-off shotty party
Canarise Artie, rep the hood, the rap John Tardi with nines on me
Tell me who you be or you be gone
We squeeze chromes, stop you in your tracks
Fuck up your life like teen moms
One Hour Photo, creep out like Mork From Ork
Use the HK to speak when I talk to the talk
Walk quietly and pop with the MP-7
Put it to your melon, pop off and empty seven
Split you in half like when my mom and dad was divorced
Me and my peoples be the real life gangs of New York
I’m so sick with it, I spit it like Cannibal Corpse
We be causing a mosh pit like Cromags at La Moss
So who you think this is? Ill Bill, ride and I’m gone
Horrifying like a Time Square suicide bomb
Beyond and beyond, we let the drama start
Terrorize you like freedom fighters
Exploding on the streets of Islamabad
Unapproachable, unfriendly, untouchable
Bulletproof, torture you to death, punish you
Connect heart, react like Colombian death squad
Funded by CIA drug money, possessed by
[Chorus x 2]
Legend has it that before I war I worship Satan
Drink human blood and have orgies amongst Masons
Amongst the faces of presidents that crush nations
Stuff a nun, sacred slut, draped in lust and hatred
[Verse 2]
I put the biscuit in your mouth and spit it like System Of A Down
Get your weight up, I’m throwing pistols at the crowd
Now a powerbroker, Non Phixion, the future is now over
Prisoners of war tortured by proud soldiers
Tell horror stories, Medal of Honour for war ceremonies
Transport drugs like heavy metal roadies
While they transmit their bullshit through television cameras
Super powers throwing their gang signs like gang bangers
Fuck CNN, fuck Meet The Press, fuck Al-Jazeera
Fuck all of y’all, I won’t be brainwashed by the media
Speak it how I live it, powerful lyrics
Leave an entire crowd in hysterics
Popping the four pound when you hear it
I been the worst thing since the CIA trained Bin Laden
The kids ride when I pop off, Crooklyn to Compton
I be the crypt keeper, the Grim Reaper, I spit ether
Guaranteed fatalities, leaving your wig leaking
[Chorus x 2]
[Verse 3]
When I die I pray to God that I arrive in Heaven
At least an hour before the Devil know that I’m dead
It’s gonna take more than a single bullet hole to my head
You’re gonna have to nuke the whole Brooklyn borough instead
I trust nobody, question everything, I’m the king
Turn the weak into wolves and the wolves into sheep
Teach you how to kill police then dispose of the heat
My foes throw themselves off of buildings in the throes of defeat
I’m like the Moses of this whole shit
I got bitches that sell blow, blow dick, and suck their own tits
Choking on weed smoke, we squeeze toast
My enemies scream, “No, please don’t!”
Get your whole team soaked
We coked out like Chris Farley the day he died, survive
And your life don’t mean shit if you ain’t even really alive
I walk off backwards with my nines in your faces
While you watch me brainwash your entire generation
[Verse 1: Ill Bill]
Yo, yo, we influenced by your mental situations like God and Satan
Flood your block with crack cocaine like Ronald Reagan
Contemplating every move that I make, balance the scale
I bring death and give life there’s no chance that I’ll fail
Ride for a greater cause, engineer homemade bombs
Coronation of thorns brought forth by hatred and scorn
Babies are born to kidnap people you cherish
Waging a private war in the streets with zealots
We symbols of God and morbid angels
Billion dollar corporation torture chambers spread across your nations
Controlling the truth, the holy book’s in chrome that shoots
In your home were truths where television owns the youth
We the last of the clear thinkers, Madd Joker, Ill Bill
Now bear witness in the basement we repair pistols
And build weapons, kill misconceptions
And murder any intention you may have to end us
We keep firin’
[Verse 2: Madd Joker]
Eh yo, flat foot police searching daily in our streets
Look if we back away it’s for murk me
Pigs em always hungry and greedy
They born like vampires, heart and blood thirsty
Black and white cruisers ?
Equipped with officers that hunt I and I
Like them ? safari
And it’s them that put we in a clear and present danger
Mine’ll stand solo so bullets with tips made of hollow
Seek out then penetrate the swine bone marrow
Yo, despite the casualty number retaliation fire
Still we best countermeasure
So we paint a bulls eye picture
Right between the eyes of the Babylonian copper
[Verse 3]
I gotta make my way out, fuck the safe route
Pull the gat up out my waist now, everybody face down
Blaze a gun, who’s the unpatient one?
Stand still, no sudden movements, I got an itchy tongue
Don’t tempt me, let off till the clip is empty
Keep it coming rapidly, I spit split hollow tips vocally
The stress of a mobster, death to an imposter
Pull back on the trigger with the grip of a Gila monster
Mostly over tempers, women, money, and drugs
Keep firing like an engine with twelve immortal spark plugs
A mask and dark gloves but thugs can’t stop the heat
Police fire at us, that’s why we call them the beast
Non-stoppable shots rock off thoughts of full Glocks
Knock off who gonna stop after ? on top
Any longer after this testing my freedom’s blasphemous
Enough with your attempts to capture this
[Block McCloud]
Day By Day
Uncle Howie
Brooklyn Ac
The holy trinity nigga
Check this
See Block McCloud sitting on a stoop in Brooklyn
Don't step you might slip like a fiddler on a roof
Fans respect Block cause what I'm spitting is the truth
Nasty nigga, love a groupie licking on her cooch
Cause I don't give a fuck, down a bottle of my jaw stuff
With only a night, looking for more sluts to force fuck
Ironic how the liquor make me vomit
Like denying me the things that I love will make me want it even more
Like a hard to find Brooklyn Ac track
To a fan that keep looking cause I'm cooking that crack
It's like karma, what goes around comes around
What goes up must come down, coming out the fucking underground
We surfacing from the church of sin
Uncle Howie work the single, Day By Day made the CDs you're purchasing
Niggas with bad karma, shed 'em like a serpent's skin
Murdering foes dead like blood curdling
Karma's a bitch
Fuck anybody who snitch
Have the police wondering whose body is this
See the cut that make sure the payback's enormous
Have us begging for mercy from a god that scorns us
Karma's a bitch
Fuck anybody who snitch
Have the police wondering whose body is this
See the cut that make sure the payback's enormous
Have us begging for mercy from a god that ignores us
[Ill Bill]
I'll make the hallow tip explode in your brain homie
The sound of it will leave you cold and defamed wodie
When hypothermia sets in, the reaper's calling
Rising off the crucifix like it's Easter morning
Everything turn black when my heat is talking
And everybody wear black when they see your coffin
Your apocalypse perhaps is me achieving glory
Sitting on a jewel throne whores kneel before me
I'm a legend on these streets my people adore me
Storm the streets with loyalty and go to war for me
Run up in your crib an pop a sawed off on me
And jump right in front of a bullet if it's coming towards me
I'm a cross between the most morbid disease and a swarm of bees
Leaving you horrifically tortured and deceased
While you feast on goats and dance for Satan
You wake up in another life a brain cancer patient
[MF Grimm]
Wild in a wheelchair like Lieutenant Dan
Feds follow me around in a blue tinted van
That's first unit, second unit, their van's tan
Black helicopters on top with a scan
Manson, even while in prison
Warned you about me, but you didn't listen
Switch picture, I run the world
Karma's a bitch and my name is Earl
Why would I, look what you done to me
I'ma kill you, you better run from me
It's a horror flick don't run in woods dummy
You's a punk but you hide it real good money
Thrown in a trunk, you riding in the hood money
Lay down and die, I really think you should money
Come out your pockets, I'm Roy Demeo
Come out your sockets, your arms and your legs go
Kickbox bitch, no love this way
Cut your head off, save it for a trophy
You mother, make her more upset
Dig casket up, dump the body on her doorstep
Shoot your carcass, bonus little death threat
That's nothing, you haven't seen our best yet
Cremate can't find where the hash is
Get the bamboo, roll up your ashes
Light it up, this high is the fastest
We get about a brick from you, you gonna last us
Everyone know I'm quick to bust a gat
Disrespect my flow, I'll murder you for that
Hide body, throw a party, picnic where you at
Side bar lawyers talk, beat the murder rap
Seeking for the max, evidence is wax
I'm getting between your nerves like leprosy
Using mental salacity, my treachery trenches over centuries
I never meant to be reincarnated
Matter of fact if it was up to me I wish that I had never been created
The twigging swords hoards up in presto-boards walking through forbidden
doors and then with inside of the walls
People grimace when they witness business of the bloody instance
So keep your distance, the smell of bodies is covered by incense
I show no mercy blood splats up on my hockey jersey
Similar to fusiscions in rooms of emergency
So fuck the gats I'll rather hit you with the axe
Laugh while your skull cracks but I'm still not happy
[Chorus X2]
"All I really want is to be happy
To find a love that's mine would be so sweet"
I'm turning red blood cells into dead blood cells
Using microscopic utensils within your entrails
Pushing the limit of your chromo sols
Sitting on the throne made of human bones talking of mice up in a phone
I walk alone into pandemonium diarising plutonium
to build a bigger better stronger weapon
I sense the presence of great evil
so I erase and train every bit of the pabblesource conceivable
Reading about the beginning of ending
I'm sending the crucifier tending to your soul chrome accier
Within the fire I eulogise planets term in demise
Stealing energies and sending up, the planet dies
And nothing could ever really make me give a fuck about
Anything you care about so why even bother
The blood I spill could fill the entire New York harbour
So hang the Holy Father and light the candle lava
[Chorus x2]
I'm still be killing myself to live right
Could it even be it to explain the effects of the drugs on my brain?
Nothing positive could influence the truth I take
I'm dripping by the leg and dipody I instigate
Without a doubt the bloody body count increases. It falls to pieces
My mouth releases terminal diseases
And everywhere you look there's another dead fucking schnook
hanging from a bloody meat hook
I always keep a smile on my face
so I can hide what's really going on inside of my mind
I feel nothing and therefore I am nothing
I pry for on your suffering and there's nothing that makes you feel happy
[Verse 1]
I hold my pistol like the bible, turn a page to a verse of vengeance
Volcanoes of violence erupt in the words of each sentence
Here’s a toast to the death of my enemies
My energy’s similar to the Devil’s, G
My treachery stretch for centuries
Menacing venomously, make you hemorrhage tremendously
My fives senses suspended in weed and Hennessy
You bleed endlessly, my greed gets me everything
Pussy, cars, anything, the means to fulfill any dream
I’m a fiend for the better things
La Coka Nostra, my team be veterans
Uncle Howie get the cream, who’s better
Forever rich, lock me up and throw away the key
I’ll still never snitch
[Chorus x 2]
I’m a goon
Wild style goons in the room
I’m a goon with the golden six-shooter and a mullet
I’m a goon
We the ones that they write movies about
Uncle Howie goons take over
[Verse 2]
I make the moshpit spin like the Anthrax Indians video
Here we go, cross streams, Slipknot and Willie Bobo
So dope, cause relapses and overdoses
Explosive like stone tablets in the hands of Moses
The most focused on global implosion
Bill burn the truth into your eyes, leave the both of them smoking
Smile for the barrel, swallow the Magnum
Laughing in your face while the back of your head is vomiting fragments
You can’t kill Bill, that was a movie, you can’t move me
Bitch stand ? of an Uzi or AK-47’s
I’m already dead, it’s Ill Bill, the 2011 Mellie Mell
Motherfucker, what’s really real? Really ill
Run up on you, hit you with Israeli steel
Yeah we really will
Through windshields, windpipes, and car seats
You die on the Belt Parkway next to Canarsie
[Chorus x 2]
[Verse 3]
I’m a goon in a world of atheists and religious fanatics
Pimps, whores, drug dealers, drug addicts
Rock stars, rappers, actors, other characters
Star fuckers and cocksuckers and million dollar savages
Negotiate with blowtorches to faces
Vacation to Golden Nugget, make a fortune in Vegas
I’m the greatest, perfect methods of execution
Painless, popping the E of the stainless
Leaving geniuses brainless
Leaving the general population shocked and horrified
Fucking with me, you might as well have been born to die
My values are loyalty, truth, respect, and honour
My family’s royalty, my life is an endless drama
My art is death and I’m about to paint masterpieces
Catastrophes, shattered dreams, amputees
Forgiveness is between you and God, i just arranged the meeting
I just arranged the firing squad, just arranged the bleeding
AwwwwwwwwwwwwwwWWWWWWWWWWWWWW shit!
Eat it out, eat it out, no doubt, no doubt
Check it out, yo
The year 2000 begins a new age for the cop killers, knowhatI'msayin?
The saga of the Ill Bill continues
The flavor's Non Phixion y'all - get wit it
Check it out, check it out
[Verse One]
Check out this new Ill Bill gimmick that's splendid
Since you're down with other shit let's see if you're down wit this
It's about strictly tryin to kill a cop
Once you get the hang of it, after you blast one you steal his glock
First of all you need a fat bag of dust plus the biscuit
Any local store sells the shit, friend
Purchase a milli', not that bitch Millie Jackson silly stunt
I'm talkin about the nine millimeter gun
Pick up the gat, scratch the serial numbers off
No fingerprints, surgical ones are my gloves of choice
All of these other cop killers be thinkin guns are toys
And when these cats get caught, they snitch on all they boys
I kill a cop on a solo mission; without a pair of gloves
Shot him in the face with a stolen biscuit
Then wiped my fingerprints off real careful
If you don't think you ready yet dog, just let the song prepare you
That's how you kill a cop [x6]
Let's all kill a cop, and get locked up, what
That's how you kill a cop -- peace to Necro
That's how you kill a cop -- peace to Necro
That's how you kill a cop [x4]
Let's all kill a cop, and get locked up
[Verse Two]
Yeahhhh! The second paragraph, might make you laugh
When a cat try to kill a cop and catch a plunger in the ass
That's when you know you got to take the gun from him
cause you bout to get snubbed next, and you hyped up, so FUCK runnin
And now the real fun begins son
You kill these ten cops, the best part, you walk away with ten guns
Now you the one that's takin gats from pigs
Imagine one gang, consistin of the Bloods, Crips and Latin Kings
That's when you start to realize what the police is
Government funded gang-bangin thugs; that's what beast is
They say I'm evil, I'm the most righteous
Run up in precincts with assault rifles; kill police and throw bibles
Walked out the precinct leavin no survivors
Half his decapitated wig splattered across the precinct driveway
The watts was stuffed up his body, jerk and gyrate
Shoot him ten more times, then I merc off on the highway
That's how you kill a cop [x6]
Let's all kill a cop, and get locked up, what
That's how you kill a cop [x6]
Let's all kill a cop, and get locked up
[Verse Three]
Yeahhhh! Last but not least, Ill Bill like to say peace
to all the cop killers, from the Tri-State to the Middle East
And gimme some dust when I kick the bucket
Pistol or no pistol, when high I'm the wrong to be fucked with
So everybody put they gun up in the air
Cock it back and lick a shot like you just don't care
SO - PUMP UP THE VOLUME!! Screamin out, "Fuck cops!"
I'm out - peace to my pops, I'm off to the dust spots
Yeah, Ill Bill's in the house
Yeah, Goretex in the house
Yo, peace to my motherfuckin fam Non-Phixion
Yo, I'm out
Yo Necro, turn that shit off, man
[Uncle Howie]
"Glenwood mother-fuckin' Projects, that was the fuckin' place man. Fuckin'
crack smoking all night. Cookin' it up, sellin' C4, weapons, blowguns, every
mother-fuckin' thing - what a fuckin' rush. We were cookin' the shit up, an'
I smoked it up an' the Jamaicans man, they came back, fuckin' torched the
place, with me mother-fuckin' in it! I couldn't get out the fuckin
apartment, they locked me in, I had to go out the fuckin window, it was
fuckin' dynamite!"
[Ill Bill]
Ill Bill lost sanity - lost humanity
Lost in a maze of purple haze, cannabis sativa - spit ether - violently
Very vociferous – victorious - hotter than a crematorium - I'll kill all of you
Kill you – mother-fuck you - Drop dead faggit it's the dragon
.44 Magnum - splatter you in front of your family
My fire arms, never be tired - up in the air
Throw a bullet up in each eye – an' one in ya ear
I speak heroin, breathe weed, sniff cocaine
Tweaked levels when I peeped Courtney kill Cobain
We got the whole world scratching they heads
Life is like a high-jacked airliner, but we managed to win
Back to the crib, breakin up the cats in the brig
Havin a bitch - flashin the tits - While you crashing the whip
Laughin at hoes, taking fakerss to amateur flicks
While the Ill Bill albums kidnapping your kids
[Chorus x2: Ill Bill]
I put the D into Drugs an' the G into Guns
I put the D into Dubs an' the T into Thugs
I put the C into 'Caine an' the P into Pain
The G into Game, Pop-Pop – three in ya brain
I get impatient like a long bid - get so vexed I hit the wrong kid
Shit gets awkward, like I'm on a drug an' I can't get off it
Blank out – rip a shank out
Treat you like Vietcong - hit you like the weed in a bong
Your pussy like a G-string or thong
You think I'm sick? Fucked up? Oh am I?
You think you can't die?
Don't think your crazy cuz a years passed by
Beat you down with my fuckin' hands tied
Now change your attitude, before you get cracked from different latitudes
By kids that are mad at you – they expect gratitude
I'll strike a foe - even if you don't know me you better act like you know
Especially if you're soft – I've earned my stripes like Schwarzkopf
The gun I bust off will tear through your clothes like a moth
Your sloppy, cuz you start beef, and cop please, but not me…
[Chorus x2: Ill Bill]
I put the D into Drugs an' the G into Guns
I put the D into Dubs an' the T into Thugs
I put the C into 'Caine an' the P into Pain
The G into Game, Pop-Pop – three in ya brain
I rock sickening raps like Woody Allen flares beach hats
A John Hinckley – run up on politicians with ski caps
Laser weapons – I bleed coke, happiness is like a warm gun
Run in ya crib slitting ya G's throat
Cruise the block, whippin' uzi's an' pop
Loosin the cops, whether new lots or zooming through Watts
The newest space suite, love rocking titties like grapefruits
Phase two - Rasta-ice inverted "Hey-Zeus" (Jesus)
I'm up in fat burger – bag some codeine
So clean, pinstripe gat runners are Old G's
serving the fiends crack, dope and weed
Glenwood projects - we living the American dream
Screaming "hey pelican" – trains of coke on my cock
Handle bars like "Vivica" – with nipples and crotch
We toured - drive-bys on the mongoose with glocks
This ain't rhetorical, the story gets worse – you get shot
[Chorus x2: Ill Bill]
I put the D into Drugs an' the G into Guns
I put the D into Dubs an' the T into Thugs
I put the C into 'Caine an' the P into Pain
Hey yo, I smoke dust and shoot cops, sold guns to Tupac
Smoked blunts with Biggie Smalls and sold drugs on newlots
I was too young, couldnt get up in clubs back in the old days
We used rob and terrorize kids in front of homebase
If Funkmaster Flex was inside, rockin the whole place
We was outside, smacking kids and snatchin gold chains
Baggin mad pigeons, catchin mad digits, bad bitches
And when they husbands came around we had to blast bisquits
A bunch of bad Brooklyn kids that always had pistols
Broken dreams and broken homes, we always had issues
And mad problems worshippin gangstas and bankrobbers
Watchin star fade startin fights and rap conscience (?)
Until we realized how to get the real money
Steal money, kidnap money, kill money
Its funny how the money make the whole world love you
Jealous cats hate you, dime pigeons
Little ghetto children run up on you, wanna touch you
Got the IRS lookin at you, wanna fuck you
Sniffin so much blow, you dont know if you can trust you
Ecstasy react to what the cocaine and the dust do
Go against the Ill Bill, and Non Phixion will crush you, bust you
Leave you with a tube and ya throat to suck through (?)
We truck jewels, we dust brothers fuck mothers
You thugs love us, ? the gunslingers and drughustlers
Where my gangstas at?
"Is you a gangsta?"
I love everything about money
You can be a millionaire and never pay taxes
Rust, I got to bust to my destination
I woke up late time from other transportations
Trains and busses – public adorations so better turn
But where I'm going to is a place where it really burns
And burns my brain, my job, my occupation
Another motherfucking source of frustration
4, 25$ an hour, leaves my mouth sour
Minimum wages like I'm caged in the prison tower
Tell you to take out another person flips
They can't cope so they create their own economics
With an Uzi some ammunition and a flat jacket
Stick up kids, wanna be fat like Buddy Hacket
And get props, ranks, thanks, power position
A piece of paper with a picture of a dead politician
So many times I've seen people play stupid for money
And at the funeral it isn't funny
But nevertheless the world turns, it doesn't burn
Cause money make the world go round is what I always heard
That's when I got that sadly look on my face
No matter how fast I run, I always wind up in last place
So I just like to would pick myself up an automatic
So I can end my fate check without a denim static
Got nothing to lose except my head
Yo I'm in it to win it and imma spray the town blood red
Autroprenorial skills coming all fly
And economically it doesn't matter if somebody die
It's all about getting the dollars and jewel specs
So give it up before I put your life in fast checks
Yeah I got money coming out my ass
[Verse 1]
Let me get that needle, pass it,
When it comes to the get high, baby I'm a junky bastard
The fastest, so I'm a flow exempt me
Let me get a dozen bagels and a ???
Now please arrest me, officer,
'Cause I started lookin' in the Nautica
Polo, Tommy Hillfiger sweater
Mr. Woody Harrilson couldn't do no better
I'm Natural Born to the motherfuckin' letter
For pleasure, I dig out your brain like treasure
Take your blood pressure, examine, measure
Discover, twenty years ago I fucked your mother
I'm a born junky, I'll never recover
[Chorus x2]
Let me get that needle, pass it, when it comes to bein' the dope fiend,
Kid I got's to have it
Let me get that needle, pass it, when it comes to the get high,
Baby I'm a junky bastard
[Verse 2]
I be gettin' voodoo raw like Greek sex
I'm searchin' for six chicks wit' sloppy tits hangin' off their chests
Fuck kickin' flavor in your ear,
I'd rather kick you in your fuckin' cunt, then rip off your brassiere
I'm here, Mr. I-double-L-B,
A-double-L, puffin' on a nick a crack in my jail-cell
They pay me well for my services
When I murder kids, I orgasm
Then I get rid of the evidence
Left up on the scene of the crime
I spit back inside of my mouth when I rhyme
Bloody, little punk ass, rudy-dudy
Let me get your crack-rock and all your money
Sonny, I'm a fuckin' sicky
I'm a six-inch it in then toss you in the lake like Ricki
Illin' like a handy-capped spaz
Peep the soup-bass, rippin' out the frame of your ass
[Chorus x2]
[Verse 3]
Walkin' through the rain, I saw you
You were holdin' hands, I'm startin' to feel like Orange Juice Jones
I don't really care if you just returned your glasses
I'm a take a butcher knife to your sorry asses
(?) Stop fantasizing about pizza-pies wit' (?)
Body parts n shit, get your fuckin' throat slit
'Cause I'm a modern crazy guy, you're all gonna die
So why even bother actin' fly on the plane to Chicago
Call Hertz rent a rental car
Think your crazy 'cause you got a scar
Think again, I'll cut you again
I'm a put that doody-casserole inside of your mother's oven
[Ill Bill]
I've seen the Seven Headed Dragon talking to the Eagle
The two headed snake illustrates a caution to the people
Electronic fog, alien bibles, crop circles at the sand in Cairo
Like hits of '76 demanding pyro
Human history's fifty percent catastrophe
It's actually the arms race between the facts of anarchy
The secret to success is believing that you succeeded
Is more than an achievement, it's as important as you breathing
But sometimes it's one and the same, but who's running the game
All we'd ever say is they, they know it's fun to complain
____ that cause the people to riot and flip
The way I think, I've been classified as violent and sick
I'm like a time bomb the CIA designed me to tick
Designed me to hit over to __ to buy me a brick
These mother ships hit out radar, the sky's in the blip
The entire sky is eclipsed, it's like the size of my dick
[Ill Bill]
I leave the face of your society with buck-50 scars
Sour diesel splits from weed jars and flip police cars
Pour holes the size of grapefruits through riot gear
Bloody footprints from jaw that falls in in your floor, we pioneers
Take fools to higher tiers, elevate to a higher learning
To a talk of bush on the mountains with fires burning
Commandments are carved on stone with lightning bolts that thrown
____ to spark the dome, now frightening results unfold
Dragons equal snakes and aliens, captured we keep all kings of areas
Constellations of Aries
Quoted few letters, numbers and symbols that transmit
Pulses and whistles, and activate hundreds of missiles
hundreds of killers with multiple pistols
While these name brands reverse engineer spacecraft and make trillions
They made a cure for AIDS and ceased production
While the poor die infesting disease corruption
[Ill Bill]
You like to take drugs and hear music, my album is engineered
Like biotechnology, attach me to ya ear
I make the devil do the work of God and God do evil
I'm both positive and negative, I'm like two people
Both from New York, New York, so trife they named it twice
Only idiots is broke, the hood is paved with ice
Paved with gold but never let it rape ya soul
Turn the tables on the dough homie take control
Fuck not eatin' shot the sheriff, made 'em stop breathin'
Anybody that ever fucked with me I got even
Wanna be here hardcore homie but you not leavin'
Starin' down at yourself prayin' maybe you'll stop bleedin'
God hates us all, use a brick to decorate the wall
Put a bullet in ya dome, desecrate ya skull
A world of pain so hot, Bill burst into flames
Psychological spit it like a person deranged
I'm one of Brooklyn's best sickos, I'm not egotistical
Just statin' facts hollow tip bullets keep the biscuit full
My rap speaks for itself, its alive
It says fuck with me and I'll have to murder you to survive
Their ain't many like me not too many like me
Too many wanna be like me it's not likely
Ya packin' a sword and a bat
But me I'm runnin' across the chessboard with a gat, ain't that ya queen
I don't gotta play this game clean
But I'm a play it like I mean business and I'm a utilize my brain to scheme
Rap been producin' directin' pimpin' an evil thinkin' clappin'
It's gruesome dissections
I started rhymin' in 88 like eighth grade in New York state
The only emotion I displayed was hate
From pigs with gats and kids that rapped
Fuck a snitch, you can't blame me for an animal like that
I clash with the mind of a machathetto
And laugh if you cryin' when I blast the metal
March with an army of darkness until ya shotty go shot less
With a cock that'll make ya mommy drop topless
Write a bible quote with his blood on the wall
Another horror flick victim is just, runnin' to fall
Now the FBI say that theirs a nut on the crawl
It's Q the fuckin' maniac, brought a gun to the brawl
Pop the tow truck cop from my automobile
Then slide up in the club and party with my portable steel
Violence for the violent consumer, keep ya ear to the beat
Ya eyes glued to the luger and true to the herd
Hopin' to hurt ya fancy life
Cuz I paid taxes and vote for the anti Christ
Unholy trinity, vacate the whole vicinity
Scrappin' dignity and quickly take the hoes virginity
Cause back to before zodiacs, sharpshooter, top of the pack
I keep it poppin' like I'm thrown in Iraq
Y'all know the cults back, the most hated with the sickest flow
Control freak handin' out cups like I was Jim Jones
Bury the rubble, half y'all live in the bubble
Fakin' my own death to forge passports and body doubles
Flash to 86, bubble coats toast and sneakers
Slay ya wrists, keep the posse thick, ropes and beepers
Dead celebrities, real life ain't as dope as the movies
Mental funeral the trauma unit since it was juvis
Out the hood groupies, coke head thugs and rock cuties
Motley Crue sluts love to chew cock and cop boobies
Swing the war hammer, see me on tour flyin' the Gor banner
The pigs tryin' to catch me out shoppin' I'm so modest
The gods are metal so consider the dream
[Verse 1]
I spit on behalf of my death cult made of millions of morbid angels
Standing in a burning church in Norway lost in hatred
Of course Satan smiles through the face of a child
Whose born with the number of the Devil scraped into his scalp
We don’t like none of y’all at all
My fuck your mother in the mouth type of dawgs might write this song
Triple X bitches call me and invite me home
They run up on me on the street in then invite me dome
I spit the truth for the youth movement, it’s goon music
Engineered to make you bang your motherfucking head to it
Learn ships, live fast lives and spit flames then burn bitches with crackpipes like Rick James
Ill Bill, I’m from Brooklyn where the stars are born
I make drug music plus I be involved in porn
I be the chosen like Robby Benson beyond comprehension
Holding a toaster like Bronson in Death Wish
[Chorus x 2]
Black metal, I cock back react thorough
In la botanica con el santero
Black mask, white robe, shrouded in peril
Trapped me in the war between God and the Devil
[Verse 2: Sick Jacken]
I know a babalawo who cuts chicken heads
I fuck chicken heads man that Santeria shit is fucking wild
I’m feeling like my time running out
I’m the middle of the block guns drawn when they gun it down
I break speed limits on the highway to Hell
They got the Devil chasing me trying to give me life without bail
I drink spirits and smoke form for medicine
And inhale elements of sickle cell
You can catch me in the hood like VD
That Sixth Side Street shit homes and we ain’t deal with the PD
The most hated on the block with no greatest
Crash through the storm and attack the storm raiders
I shoot the shit with Shaman, my spirit is still starving
Imagine all the shit that my soul famine is causing
Knife-carving nine on the psychos at night swarming
I fight to be righteous but the murder is more calm
[Chorus x 2]
[Verse 3: Q-Unique]
I been forced to fulfill a dark and hateful agarro
And was born the son of a Satan santero
Burn black candles for a black Sabbath
After the fact the priest converted her to a crack addict
It’s flat madness with black gats and black magic
Sit and watch the death of faces and laugh at it
With two white pale goth bitches lost in an orgy
And you too could subscribe for the cost of a forty
I got the blood of the faceless pagans on me
A sacred place praying to raise a Haitians army
The Babalawo wolf from Brooklyn in all white
White fitted, white Nikes, moving that pure white all night
Make a bluha scream changhol and fuck their brains out
Your ice crucifix won’t save you, tuck your chains now
Between Heaven and Hell, pa’ arriba y pa’ abajo
Knowing the Devil itself itself vamos pa’l carajo
Imagine you were given one hour. Exactly sixty minutes and zero seconds to put your entire life and the world around you in total perspective. What would you say? What would it sound like?
[Choir music (By The Waters of Babylon)]
By the waters the waters of Babylon
We lay down and wept and wept for Thee Zion
We remember we remember we remember Thee Zion
[Verse 1]
We’ve unraveled the Bible code, the rifle explodes
Demand attention like a knife in your throat
They’re controlling the price of your soul
Titans of stone, psychic totalitarian
Biotelemetric mind control experimentation is various
Narcotics made to inflict pain and madness
Assassins with multiple personalities
Active with full access
A backstage pass to cover up spectacular assassinations
And arms deals across the axis
Another witch hunt, religious radicals with big guns
Big plans, invisible cameras built in Japan
CIA behaviour control scientists in the cults
And formed an alliance of cult leaders, also their clients
Tech-savvy hijacker associates bought planes
To practice, anxiously awaiting their global audience
Enter the core, I feel this with ease
The ultimate reality series, loaded with cameras, angles, and theories
Now hear me
[Chorus (The Road To Babylon by Manfred Mann's Earth Band)]
A golden helmet blinded minds
Among ten thousand swords
Along the road to Babylon
A golden thunder silenced songs
Among ten thousand voices
On the road to Babylon
[Verse 2]
This operation doesn’t exist
The revolution will be classified
Live broadcast from the abyss
Our cities are crack spots and cardboard condominiums
Vicious and trackmarks cross minds lost in delirium
The towers dropped, blind fools, confusion who knew?
Now the world watch Saddam’s execution on Youtube
Propaganda machines wage media Jihad
A teen walking to a crowded movie theatre with bombs
Reading the Qur’an, silently obedient to God
Known by many different names: Hashem, Jesus, and Allah
Exploding porn, shadow government protocols
Go to war amongst ten thousand voices on the road to Babylon
Patriot Act, sanctioned exorcism
Iranian and North Korean-built weapon systems
Budgets increase to payroll hundreds of creeps
Number of the beast, bomb London under the streets
The engineer was a popular peer
His value appeared to having nuclear weapons just shower the air
A thin line between power and fear
A martyr in tears, goodbye father
[Verse 1: Killah Priest]
The gladiator’s here ? severest
The stage is a colosseum, skull and bone mausoleum
Also they play my rhymes, art museums
Where I display my dark gothic teachings
You can see em, my rhymes form from mind storms
Lyrics a blizzard, no signs of warmth
Children behind the corn, big silver rosary beads
Blows underneath my feet
Thick ? of patchouli oil, blessed dry hemp inside aluminum foil
Tattered arm slow motion when I walk back round
You hear the Vatican songs, hymns from the Catholic cons
Master my psalms, black skies, Rabbis
Bat fly follow by my entrance
Splendid vengeance venting relentless
Vintage rhymes bless blood, splash guts
Flash to cannon of ash, the aftermath after life
Is grim, light turns dim, you grab the mic again
You hermaphrodites will grin
I was born from two Seraphims
Pleased the Nephalim
Genesis Six chapter guess again, the son of God
Had sex with the daughters, blessed, name was Walter
Second quarter I’ll bring you all to the alter
Prepare for slaughter and the offering
Arastaph Christ cross in a sling
Of David arming Rob in the haunting bars I spit
Jujitsu mysticism, I’m more disturbed than Richard the Third
The is the word
[Chorus x 4]
I’m a Slayer album personified, Holocaust, Columbine
This is Ill Bill
[Verse 2: Ill Bill]
Undead cannibals unleased for the people feast
I roam with scissors and walk among the talking lizards
Drink rain from human skulls with Attila the Hun
While my inner pain is translated and written in blood
Enemies of peace in red robes, evil priests, dead scrolls
Evil beats, Necro, lethal me or else chrome
Enter into the realm of Satan, hell awaits, I elevate
Levitate a billion miles above you when I meditate
All the while the cults section that begin to chill your spine
Cause I’mma rhyme, repeated words echo through your mind
Blood blizzards, drug wizards, jux ?, guns ?
Fuck physics, the wife blew me then sucked his dick
She got the hiccups, Gene Simmons, devil horns fist up
Sharper than what got Tony Iommi’s fingertips cut
I’ll finger the slut, Mary Mother of Christ now a whore
Slice her across the belly, open the door
Messianic caesarean, Satanic ovarian, delirium
A loose Atherian, imperium, a Christ illusion
Do as thou wilt, your life’s a choosing
Stigmata wounds ooze and puzuzu possess Susan
Seduced her to use her womb consumed by a doom lucid
Lacerated sky, puss spewing, gooey putrid
Revolting, repulsive, my lightning bolt voltages occultist
A cultist holding the ambulance of codis
Assaulting mind of Moses, my ? Mohammed
The coming of the comet erupted volcanoes of virus and vomit
[Ill Bill]
I eat politicians for breakfast
Till infinity it's endless
Bill and Hillary, George Bush, everybody's gettin it
Presidents, Supreme Court Justices, and Senators
Run up in the White House
Erase people, edit them
Press delete, hit em in the chest with heat
Hail to the chief
Bullets everywhere, its beef
Violence is more American than apple pie and Soul Train
Baseball, nickel-plated nines, and cocaine
It's Ill Bill, Non-Phixion
If I offended you with my words I meant it
Protected by the First Amendment
If this was Iraq I'd a been beheaded
Instead of sparkin a dime log
I'd be hangin in Baghdad shredded
Yeah I recognize
But if I ever disappear under mysterious pretenses
You guess why
I guess the CIA's trying to die
They wanna terrorize the kid
And fry him alive
Scared heads and Black hebrews
Punk rockers and Hip-Hoppers
Street pharmacists, drug dealers, witch doctors
Rappers wearing hundred thousand dollar wrist watches
Little kids starving, the police killed his father
Rich man, poor man, civilized man, Tarzan
Who's right? fightin over God's land
American History X
Represent the future unknown
What's next?
[Ill Bill]
I leave an ATF truck burning with the passengers in it
Hit it with anti-aircraft missiles with Bill's spid-it
No apologies, asking what's wrong with truth
Tell me whats wrong with the world
I'll tell you what's wrong with you
What's wrong with the youth
Brain eating, corpses, and coupes
Sorcerers and spooks
Luminating torturous kooks
Murdering devils that wear police officer suits
Revolutionaries standing on street corners and stoops
I'm the reason the FBI killed JFK
The reason they have metal detectors at JFK
The reason that the Constitution no longer protects us
They don't even need a reason anymore to arrest us
Living in a state of Martial Law
Learn the arts of war
Arm yourself, marching forth into the monster's jaws
America eats its young, swallow raw
Falling through the doorway of death
Never know what we dying for
[Ill Bill]
I seen spoiled kids murder they parents with shotguns
Poor kids from the hood sellin they mom's drugs
A lost generation of fools
Without a clear destination
No guidance, no rules, no education
And the older generation's no better
Matter of fact they worse
They oughta know better
These greedy motherfuckers trade blood for oil
An American graveyard on another man's soil
Makes no sense
The Roman Empire in the present tense
Murder for corporations that they represent
Whether Democrat or Republican
The same scumbag government
Where scumbag brains are running shit
[Intro - Sampled from "Signs"]
The startling footage we're about to show you was photographed
by a forty-two year old - Romero Valadares
This video was taken yesterday afternoon at his son's seventh birthday
In the city of Passo Fundo, Brazil. It was sent to the local news bureau there
and sent to us by a sattelite just a few minutes ago
All initial opinions are; this is genuine
What you are about to see, may disturb you..
[Verse 1]
Murder forensicles, surrounded by alternative tentacles
Extra-terestials step out of starships in pressure-suits
Claiming humans were created inside of test-tubes
Horryfing with huge eyesockets recemble headwounds
Pumpin the protoplasma, jello-like substance
Lookin like goldblum in The Fly, but more dusted
Don't trust their reptilian tounge
They come in peace is what they claim
When their true intentions are to have the world in chains
Said, they came from beyond the stars, unexplenable
Religious people thought they coming was a sign from God
They thought these were the Eloheem
When the first mothership arrived over the planet, it was a creepy scene
A huge hovering metal structure stretching for over 5 miles every direction
Blocking perception, every news channel, 24 hour-coverage stopping commercials
Doctors, experts, UFO's, crop-cicles, arguing generals in closed doors-meetings
Religious cults claiming to know the meaning of these beings
Many of these cults claimed to have been abducted
Probe-prodded and fistfucked and caught in the tractor-beam and lifted up
- Into the lab, strap you to tables, made you endure
Series of tests, pushin beyond the limits of stress
Wakin up in a cold field naked, barely alive
Every inch of your body's in pain, you barely survive
Milleniums ago, starmaps were drawn to sand
The meanings of the pyramids has long tortured man
Pharoahs and Hebrews, Mayans and Aztecs
Mathemetically perfect architects the many gods have blessed
Hieroglyphics become the blueprint of primal physics
Pyramids buried kings screams, tribal clerics
Radar-signals from space bouncing off burnt rocks
A bullet never lies, it always tells the truth
My words are gunshots that influence the youth
Assassinate presidents like John Wilkes Booth
Put the message in the barrel of your gun then *bang*
[Verse 1: Ill Bill]
Fuck the Source, fuck XXL, fuck any media machine
Or magazine that front my team
Word to my comrades in the struggle
Peace to HHC for putting me and Necro on their cover
Their favourite rappers are Non Phixion fans
Your wifey is an Ill Bill groupie with my dick in her hand
United and dead-set, these young hoes wanna fuck me
Excited like rednecks at gun shows in Kentucky
I rocked Soca City
Saw ten thousand Colombians screaming, “Non Phixion god.”
Don’t be confused, this ain’t that bullshit you listen to
We that shit that your bitch finger her pussy to
? chemical warfare, songs for hardcore goons
The rest of y’all scared
It’s that radioactive green chronic in the blunt music
Brooklyn homie run up and pop you with a gun music
Break it down for the blind, the brainwashed
Religious politicians and thugs pray to the same god
Bloods and Crips, Democrats, Republicans
Red and blue states to represent the sets they’re running with
Other gangs play the game too
A blood named George Bush and his team smoked the entire Hussein crew
Classic example of former friends turned to rivals
Words ofinhe bible, despise murder, turn to survival
Die for your set, bang for Muhammad and Jesus
A shitty public school system and a car that’s decent
I’m an American, I need a blowjob and a pizza
So I’ll overthrow you for oil, Mastercards, and Visas
[Chorus x 2]
[Verse 2: Ikon the Hologram]
This is a mother fuckin’ siege and slaughter, another story of war
A holy vision of the purity and glory before
I warned you before about Leviathan and biochips
And about the second coming of the Messiah shit
About the motherfuckin’ mark of the beast
About the CIA distributing the crack in the streets
A savage ? leave your body wrapped in a sheet
He from Brooklyn, I’m from Philly, we was trapped in the streets
My rap is complete, with everything from clappers and heat
Pay us homage as you’re praying at your enemy’s feet
That’s why none of y’all can feel the god’s real pain
And none of y’all will never know God’s real name
Me and Bill is like the lightning and the thunder
Like in 1985, Iron Mike and his hunger
A triflin’ brother, give me the weed and the ‘caine
So I can chop it up in pieces and distribute the pain
I know that that’s some ignorant shit to be saying
But if I was you and you was me then you would spit it the same
You viciously maimed, bleeding in a visceral flame
I turned 21 in prison, doing life without parole
When the jury heard what I'd done, guilty was the vote
When the judge gave me my sentence, he read it to me cold
Whiskey on his breath, masturbating underneath his robe
Only 21 in prison, doing life without parole
When I had the chance, I should've sold the devil my soul
Hell yeah, I shot the sheriff, left his body full of holes
Now I'm 21 in prison, doing life without parole
[Verse 1]
We all enter the world the same way
Naked and screaming, soaked in blood but things change
Some are brought home to palaces, others to the projects
Some are born billionaires and some are born convicts
Momma said when life gives you lemons make lemonade
Take a piss in it and serve it to the people that you hate
My pops always said there's only two types my friend
Those with loaded guns and those who eat shit 'til they're dead
I miss both of them, one's gone, the other in prison
I hate both of them, the love dies and none of it given
I gave both of them enough time to show me their wisdom
I'll take both of them to hell with me, my soul is convicted
As I stand in front of Satan hoping for answers
Coping with madness, I hold the chrome like a social advantage
Never hate your enemies, it affects your judgement
Keep it close point blank range and render justice!
[Verse 2]
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury
The defendant's story begins within a childhood of fear and misery
Age ten, witnessed his father murder his own mother
The guilt of her death lingers in his dreams when he slumbers
Even though he was a child he still felt responsible
Most of his adolescence in and out of mental hospitals
Anti-social, anti-everything
Sucked into a system, pacified by prescribed medicine
With psychiatrists as father figures
His biological a scumbag sociopath locked in prison
He hated him with all his heart and so he never visited
Thought the monster that his father was also lived in him
Kill a person you're a murderer, thousands you're a terrorists
Everyone, you're the father of Jesus of Nazareth
Perception is reality, facts are negotiable
I'll clap the mack off and put twenty-one holes in you
Ill Bill - 21 Ringtone
Uncle Howie talking]
I get up, I go to my methadone program to get my meth. I drink my meth and I go make some money and go get whatever I can get high on. That's about it. f*****g get high. What else is there?
This is who I am, this is what the world made me
I don't give a f**k whether you love me or hate me
I'm gonna die like that, forever at war
Hated by most, loved by few, respected by all
This is who I am, this is what the world made me
I don't give a f**k whether you love me or hate me
I'm gonna ride like that, forever at war
Hated by most, loved by few, respected by all
[Verse 1]
With everything you gain there's something you lose
You best be real clear on that, something you choose
Sometimes the most valuable things mean nothing to fools
And they don't want it till they see it means something to you
But you can't have what's mine, homie, get your own
Get the f**k out my face and stay in your lane
You ain't nothing like me, kid, we ain't the same
Get the f**k off my d**k and stay in your lane
Old school like Power Play, lounging with Fatal
Nas rhyming in the lobby, Rakim in the ?
Before Non Phixion I was up at Chung King
With Onyx and Jam Master J puffing the chronic
A good dude, rest in peace
RIP, the big DS as well, I'mma spark the L
Think about hard it was to come up in the game
Over twenty years I love it the same
Matter fact even love it more at the end of the day
Been wanting to work with Muggs
Since Cypress first dropped Real Estate
Now I'm doing what I want to do, La Coka Nostra
I won't stop till I'm on the wanted poster
Came a long way from talent shows with Black Moon
When Chuck Chilla was the manager for both of our groups
This is '92, I'm talking bout fifteen years ago
In the Who's Got Da Props video with Gucci Row
My world, my life's deep, you can't imagine
Cause the lies torture hatred in my soul like a cancer
Neither can be bought nor sold no matter the ransom
And neither truly exists without the other as the answer
Mankind so inherently evil
We made laws, religion, and jails simply to protect us from ourselves
Got too many cases, get arrested for robberies that I didn't do
My mugshot's in regular rotation
This is who I am
This is who I am
Peep the killer shit
Death murder rap shit
Check it
The press runs to tape-record the bloody mess
Documentation so the human race can study death
They'll reach you through your TV speaker
They'll feature a creature that will beat you to death if he could meet you
You're executed when you're electrocuted
Who's responsible for a homeless man that's dead and smells putrid
We murdered your natural flesh after being thrown in a river
You will be frozen forever into a statue of death
A grasshopper in the lab dead
Stabbed in the head
Knives are like the hands of a crab
Jabbing your flab till you wrapped them and bled
Throw you off a building
Killing off your children
Drilling' holes in your corpse till you're spilling the color vermilion
We'll split your brains
I'll slit your vein
The impact of a bat cracked across your back is like getting hit by a train
I'll stick a fang in your blood bank
Then strangle my shangle bangle you like the triangle piece of bangle
I think my shit's too brutal for most
I might be the only one capable of digesting the dose
You won't survive a screwdriver driven inside your throat
Choke on blood and saliva another conniver croaks
It's poetry in the streets of the big apple
And a vitality found in few other places
But look beneath the surface of the city
And you shall uncover a seething cesspool of human emotions
Gone sour
A planet with nightmares that become reality
Witness the brutality
There's poetry in the streets of the big apple
You get tackled
And grappled to the floor, white slaved up and shackled
I spit on your grave, piss in your mouth, and shit on your face
Grind you into slop meat and serve you to your friends
We're moving bad taste
Another brutal shooting rampage
Turning humans to ashtrays
Groupies to crack slaves
And boobies that lactate,
Squirting mad milk, I never have guilt
I have krill's, I'll have you fags killed
In front of your mom and your dads grill
Splattering both of them
With pieces of your exploding head
Brain fragments staining' clothing red
I make you love the pain, it hurts
We make music for drug addict pieces of shit that love the dirt
It's psychological
I'm like having a rifle shot at you
We're not the type that smile at you
We're the type to body you
Slit your throat with a broken bottle
Pieces of jagged glass stabbing' you through your fucking eyeballs
Have you swallowing cyanide screaming die whores
Watch it kill your physical first, next your minds lost
Leave you in the funeral home you make a fine corpse
Got you splattered across the walls when my nine talks!
Murder you execution style like a crime boss
Travel through time and terminate you like a cyborg
My mentality's grind core
(Clip From movie "Maniac")
I've conducted extensive research
now enery verse is corrupted, offensive to the church,
destructive, demented worse.
You've been instructed by sentences in each
verse featured to suck you into a world invented to
see you bleed first. My brutal rhyme is running through
your mind stabbing up the cerebrum, down to the spine
Cut up the region.
My personality represents the worst reality,
ever since a kid I rocked a reverse mentality.
I give no apologies for my biology.
Don't follow me your not qualified to have my qualities.
Your disqualified you'll get no equality.
Senseless homocide equals Necro's psychology.
I'm the Leading authority in subjects like beatings
that will leave you bleeding orally, a part of me is obsessed.
A major label would have been an end to me I was meant
to be an independantly runned entity.
I got the illest mind it's choreded like phylis illes spine,
like 38 serial killers combined.
It takes one individual act to murder to for kicken
a miserable rap its a pitiful fact.
You'll get visibly hacked into shreds,
left for dead, gushing from your head with a pair of scissors attached.
Its wizadry, the way you dissapear from the earth physically,
covered up exquisitly. Smothered up with pillows militantly.
You see you dying as quiet as can be is the key.
I obtained a sick brain, from the streets of Brooklyn
with the need to inflict pain.
Ill Bill:
I smile for the cameras like Berkowitz,
you can't interpret this, murderous, stab you in the face perfect fit.
I slice percise like a surgeon's wrist, another verse that slips
into the grips of the peverse and sick.
There's nothing worse than this.
There's nothing more horrifying than people with the
thirst for piss and feces like GG Allo and German chicks.
Imagine a minuet before person flips.
A minuet later your strangled with the blue face and purple lips.
Leaving you lying on the cold floor,
mouth open, found you bloated a week later, reekin' of foul odour.
Fuck the fake scriptures, we sacrilegiously sacrifice
you in the name of Satan and take pictures.
My labratories table's bottle nosed.
Its too late if you just noticed that you've been followed
home.Look into my eyes, hollow holed,
Ill Bill, cold-blooded demon fronm hell without a soul.
I'm responsible for managing the impossible,
if it isn't Uncle Howie its psychological.
Lots of guns, lots of ghouls, got a casa full.