- published: 01 Apr 2015
- views: 374960
Juan Sebastián Elcano (1476 – 4 August 1526) was a Spanish explorer of Basque origin who completed the first circumnavigation of the Earth. After Magellan's death in the Philippines, Elcano took command of the nau Victoria from the Moluccas to Sanlúcar de Barrameda in Spain.
Elcano was born in 1476 to Domingo Sebastián Elcano I and Catalina del Puerto. He had three brothers: Domingo Elcano II, a Catholic priest, Martín Pérez Elcano, and Antón Martín Elcano.
Elcano fought in the Italian Wars under the command of Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba in Italy, and in 1509 he joined the Spanish expedition organized by Cardinal Francisco Jiménez de Cisneros against Algiers.
Elcano settled in Seville and became a merchant ship captain. After breaking Spanish laws by surrendering a ship to Genoan bankers in repayment of a debt, he sought a pardon from the Spanish king Charles I, by signing on as a subordinate officer for the Magellan expedition to the East Indies.
La Esencia del Guaguanco - El Cano Estremera y Cesar Vega & en Villa Chepita Royal 2015
Juan Sebastian de Elcano. Velas de la Libertad.
Un viaje a bordo del Buque Escuela Juan Sebastián de Elcano
tanggo nonstop guitar cover by; elcano gandara samar
El Inconprendido - El Cano Estremera & en Villa Chepita Royal 2015
Magallanes y Elcano (1 de 3)
Elcano se despide de Cádiz rumbo al mundo
Historia del JuanSebastian De Elcano
Fernando Magallanes Y Juan Sebastián Elcano: Primer Viaje Alrededor del Mundo [IGEO.TV]
La Ranchada en Sebastián Elcano
Programa de la serie Velas de la Libertad sobre el buque escuela Juan Sebastian de Elcano de España. Realizado por el Servicio de Vídeo de la Diputación de Cádiz.
LXXXIII Crucero de Instrucción del Buque Escuela Juan Sebastián de Elcano,por gentileza de la productora Curt Ficcions Curt Produccions, con motivo del documental que verá la luz a finales de 2013.
El viaje de Magallanes y Elcano en dibujos animados
Familiares,autoridades militares y concejales del equipo de Gobierno, Ciudadanos y PP pero no del PSOE, acudieron al puerto para dar su adiós al buque escuela.
Un video sobre la historia del barco desde sus comienzos.
http://igeo.tv/category/formacion/ Fernando de Magallanes, un explorador portugués que trabaja en nombre de España, dirigió una expedición española para dar la vuelta al mundo. Después de su muerte el 27 de abril de 1521, la expedición fue dirigida por Juan Sebastián Elcano. Ellos comenzaron su expedición el 20 de septiembre 1519 con una flota de cinco barcos y regresaron el 8 de septiembre 1522. Ferdinand Magellan (Spanish name: Fernando de Magallanes), a Portuguese explorer working in behalf of Spain, led a Spanish expedition to circumnavigate the world. After his death on April 27th, 1521, it was led by Juan Sebastián Elcano. They started their expedition on September 20th, 1519 with a fleet of five ships and they returned on September 8th, 1522. Ver Vídeo Primer Viaje de Cristobal...
Sebastián Elcano - Presentación del Grupo La Ranchada en el 16º Festival de Jineteada y Chamamé en Sebastián Elcano, el 8 de Mayo del 2016.
"Juan Sebastián Elcano" was a Spanish Basque explorer who completed the first circumnavigation of the Earth. After Magellan's death in the Philippines, Elcano took command of the "nau Victoria" from the Moluccas to Sanlúcar de Barrameda in Spain. Elcano was born in 1476 to Domingo Sebastián Elcano I and Catalina del Puerto. He had three brothers: Domingo Elcano II, a Catholic priest, Martín Pérez Elcano, and Antón Martín Elcano. Elcano fought in the Italian Wars under the command of Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba in Italy, and in 1509 he joined the Spanish expedition organized by Cardinal Francisco Jiménez de Cisneros against Algiers. Elcano settled in Seville and became a merchant ship captain. After breaking Spanish laws by surrendering a ship to Genoan bankers in repayment of a...
Capt. Juan Sebastián Elcano & Fernando de Magallanes (Magellan) 1º Circunvalación del Mundo 1st Single voyage of global circumnavigation Credit: Geodetski inštitut Slovenije
Ultra-Triathlon Napoléon Triathlon XXL distance (270km swim, 440km bike, 490km run) www.facebook.com/ultranapoleon http://www.leetchi.com/c/ultranapoleon ultra.napoleon@gmail.com A l’occasion du bicentenaire du « Vol de l’Aigle » de Napoléon Bonaparte, cinq athlètes azuréens se sont lancé le défi de retracer le parcours complet de la Route Napoléon, de l’Ile d’Elbe à Paris, sous forme de triathlon. Il s’agira là d’une première mondiale. Natation de l’Ile d’Elbe à Golfe-Juan (270km), vélo de Golfe-Juan à Lyon (440km), puis course à pied de Lyon à Paris (490km), les 1200 km du parcours s’effectueront du 24 août au 1er septembre 2015. L’équipe, formée de Sébastien Truchi, Thierry Sache, Olivier Maddens, Nathalie Pezzagna et Patrick Garcin, se relaiera 24/24h dans chaque discipline. Ces athl...
Intervention de M. le Maire de Sète François COMMEINHES à l'occasion de la conférence de presse d'Escale à Sète édition 2014 à bord du navire école Juan Sebastian de Elcano à Sète le 31 janvier 2014 @escaleasete #EAS2014 Voir aussi l'intervention du Président Wolfgang Idiri sur ma chaîne
Chef José Andrés speaks about his food and his passions at Google, moderated by Chris Ying, Editor of Lucky Peach magazine. Named one of the 100 most influential people in the world by Time magazine in 2012 and “Outstanding Chef” by the James Beard Foundation in 2011, José Andrés is an internationally-recognized culinary innovator, passionate advocate for food and hunger issues, author, educator, television personality and chef/owner of ThinkFoodGroup.
The 500th anniversary of Ponce de Leon's arrival Melbourne Beach, FL - at Juan Ponce de Leon Landing. 4/2/13
In Cadiz hat die Polizei auf dem Segelschulschiff der spanischen Marine fast 130 Kilogramm Kokain sichergestellt. Die Ermittler hätten das Rauschgift entdeckt, nachdem drei Besatzungsmitglieder der "Juan Sebastian Elcano" vor einem Monat unter dem Verdacht des Drogenhandels festgenommen worden waren, hiess es. Die Fahnder fanden das Kokain nach Informationen der Zeitung "El País" in Cadiz in Südspanien bei einer Durchsuchung des Schiffes in ei… LESEN SIE MEHR: http://de.euronews.com/2014/08/06/130-kilogramm-kokain-auf-segelschulschiff-der-spanischen-marine-sichergestellt euronews: der meistgesehene Nachrichtensender in Europa. Abonnieren Sie! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=euronewsde euronews gibt es in 14 Sprachen: https://www.youtube.com/user/euronewsnetwork/channe...
Here is the story of the first American explorers, from Leif Eriksson to Christopher Columbus to Samuel de Champlain. If you like these Story Time videos, please subscribe to my podcast! http://iammrbeat.podomatic.com. Music by Electric Needle Room. http://www.electricneedleroom.com. All images in the public domain. Once upon a time, for thousands of years, the human beings on two continents, Europe and North America, just ignored each other. Then, in the late 980s, a group known as the Norsemen, more famously known as Vikings, left Iceland, heading west. Led by Erik the Red, who had been banished from Iceland for murder, they eventually came across the island of Greenland, and settled there. Later, Erik had a son named Leif Eriksson (get it, Erik SON), who grew up to head even further we...
State of condition comatose burn victim
The deaf blind paralyzed blight
Pure decision to end the suffering of those
That cannot win the fight
So what'd you do, so what'd you do
With your god the fat you chewed
And from his silence to your faith infer
To split the hair and watch them suffer
And still, you say "you're playing god" "in the name of god"
"for the love of god" ...goddamn you
Opposition to prolonged life decision
By the man who calls himself right
Holier than thee, you go breaking your creed
Solely perceived on your false insight
As her eyesight fades
In the dark she'll curse your name
His hearing dissipates
Now in silence he'll curse your name
The man under a bullets reign
They will all curse your name
The child defaced by flame
They will all curse your name
Ryan solo
Time passes and the nation of god refuses time is wasted on a contradicting point
They taste their flexible morality and choke on the bitter reality
Greg solo
Ryan solo
Greg & Ryan
State of affliction derails your conviction
By the man at first who wasn't sold
Your position faces the opposition
Now a victim of your misguided mold