
The Apostle Paul's Sermon on the Areopagus, Athens Greece
View from the Areopagus, Athens, accompanied by reading of Acts 17.22-34....
published: 27 Jan 2008
author: savarios
The Apostle Paul's Sermon on the Areopagus, Athens Greece
The Apostle Paul's Sermon on the Areopagus, Athens Greece
View from the Areopagus, Athens, accompanied by reading of Acts 17.22-34.- published: 27 Jan 2008
- views: 4121
- author: savarios

Fr. Barron at the Areopagus
published: 22 Apr 2010
author: wordonfirevideo2
Fr. Barron at the Areopagus

[100DaysTrip] Climbing Areopagus hill to see the Acrópolis of Athens
published: 25 Dec 2012
author: vrravalos
[100DaysTrip] Climbing Areopagus hill to see the Acrópolis of Athens
[100DaysTrip] Climbing Areopagus hill to see the Acrópolis of Athens
- published: 25 Dec 2012
- views: 32
- author: vrravalos

Areopagus Song
I wrote this song to help people pronounce the word- Areopagus and to teach about Paul's s...
published: 25 May 2014
Areopagus Song
Areopagus Song
I wrote this song to help people pronounce the word- Areopagus and to teach about Paul's sermon at the Areopagus in Athens (Acts 17:22-31). The words fly by pretty fast... so here are the lyrics: Hop on the bus, Gus... to the Acropolis Where archaelogists... study that hill See Areopagus... where St. Paul preached to us 2000 years ago... and still today Oh Areopagus It's a place for us... to stand on solid rock... and history St. Paul preached back then... to the Athenians He said- This unknown God you worship is known to me God made the world and all you see God made you and God made me Now repent and turn away from idolatry Oh Areopagus... where St. Paul preached to us 2000 years ago... and still today Oh Areopagus It's a place for us... to stand on solid rock... and history St. Paul's words fell on deaf ears... mostly jeers a couple cheers His words were needed on that hill- they're needed still We've got idols all around In our hearts and in our town It's time to stand on solid rock- let's climb that hill Oh Areopagus... where St. Paul preached to us 2000 years ago... and still today Oh Areopagus It's a place for us... to stand on solid rock... and history Hop on the bus, Gus... to the Acropolis Where archaelogists... study that hill See Areopagus... where St. Paul preached to us 2000 years ago... and still today (All photos and video were taken by me in Athens expect for the photo of the stained glass window. That photo is from St. Giles' Cathedral, Edinburgh- posted on Flicker by Fr. Lawrence Lew)- published: 25 May 2014
- views: 293

The Acropolis from Areopagus Hill in Athens, Greece
Fantastic views on the rocky outcropping just beside the Acropolis....
published: 27 Nov 2013
The Acropolis from Areopagus Hill in Athens, Greece
The Acropolis from Areopagus Hill in Athens, Greece
Fantastic views on the rocky outcropping just beside the Acropolis.- published: 27 Nov 2013
- views: 6

Areopagus: Fresno California Street Evangelism - Jose Gonzalez
On Friday, 4/26/13, we went out to Riverpark and had a conversation with Jose Gonzalez - a...
published: 27 Apr 2013
author: Tambagahan
Areopagus: Fresno California Street Evangelism - Jose Gonzalez
Areopagus: Fresno California Street Evangelism - Jose Gonzalez
On Friday, 4/26/13, we went out to Riverpark and had a conversation with Jose Gonzalez - a professing Catholic who was not sure where he would spend eternity...- published: 27 Apr 2013
- views: 114
- author: Tambagahan

Like Our Lady, Be Intrepid and Ardent Missionaries in the Areopagus of Our Time
Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary
A gaze at the fruits already given during...
published: 14 Jan 2014
Like Our Lady, Be Intrepid and Ardent Missionaries in the Areopagus of Our Time
Like Our Lady, Be Intrepid and Ardent Missionaries in the Areopagus of Our Time
Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary A gaze at the fruits already given during this missionary year in the Family of the Pierced Hearts.- published: 14 Jan 2014
- views: 31

Climbing the Areopagus @ Acropolis - Athens, Greece [HD video]
published: 09 Sep 2011
author: loumangione
Climbing the Areopagus @ Acropolis - Athens, Greece [HD video]
Climbing the Areopagus @ Acropolis - Athens, Greece [HD video]
- published: 09 Sep 2011
- views: 201
- author: loumangione

Interwiev - Areopagus Arts Apoollon - IUFS
Interwiev by Mahatma Shanti - - Areopagus Arts Apoollon - IUFS
Межрегиональный центр реаби...
published: 23 Feb 2014
Interwiev - Areopagus Arts Apoollon - IUFS
Interwiev - Areopagus Arts Apoollon - IUFS
Interwiev by Mahatma Shanti - - Areopagus Arts Apoollon - IUFS Межрегиональный центр реабилитации лиц с проблемами слуха, колледж- published: 23 Feb 2014
- views: 53

Acts 17:16-34 on Areopagus (Mars Hill)
Our tour guide Costas was kind enough to let us film him reading Acts 17:16-34 in English ...
published: 23 Mar 2014
Acts 17:16-34 on Areopagus (Mars Hill)
Acts 17:16-34 on Areopagus (Mars Hill)
Our tour guide Costas was kind enough to let us film him reading Acts 17:16-34 in English at the top of Areopagus (Mars Hill) where Paul the Apostle spoke to the people of Athens.- published: 23 Mar 2014
- views: 18

Areopagus cursusdag als vervolg op Missionaire Ronde (PKN)
Als follow up op de bijeenkomsten voor predikanten presenteert Areopagus de cursusdag 'Pre...
published: 17 Sep 2013
Areopagus cursusdag als vervolg op Missionaire Ronde (PKN)
Areopagus cursusdag als vervolg op Missionaire Ronde (PKN)
Als follow up op de bijeenkomsten voor predikanten presenteert Areopagus de cursusdag 'Preaching as witness, naar aanleiding van het gelijknamige boek van Thomas Long': studie, gezamenlijke bezinning en praktische oefening. M.m.v. Wim Dekker, Paul Visser en Nico van der Voet. Kijk voor meer info op: http://issuu.com/izbzending/docs/13-01783_kaart_preaching_as_witness- published: 17 Sep 2013
- views: 24

Areopagus Arts APOLLON - St.Petersburg Circus Program
Areopagus Arts APOLLON - St.Petersburg Circus Program
published: 20 Feb 2014
Areopagus Arts APOLLON - St.Petersburg Circus Program
Areopagus Arts APOLLON - St.Petersburg Circus Program
Areopagus Arts APOLLON - St.Petersburg Circus Program IUFS МУФО- published: 20 Feb 2014
- views: 12

BST Athens Areopagus
We marvel at Paul's sermon upon the Areopagus in Acts 17 as we meet on the very spot of th...
published: 21 Nov 2013
BST Athens Areopagus
BST Athens Areopagus
We marvel at Paul's sermon upon the Areopagus in Acts 17 as we meet on the very spot of that sermon- published: 21 Nov 2013
- views: 1

Areopagus Mars Hill
New tours starting. Dr. Stutz has been traveling to different parts of the globe and givi...
published: 25 Oct 2013
Areopagus Mars Hill
Areopagus Mars Hill
New tours starting. Dr. Stutz has been traveling to different parts of the globe and giving lectures for 40 years. Experience brings travel safety, understanding the culture and geology brings the enjoyment of learning. Travel with Dr Stutz, a professional and fun adventure is waiting for you.- published: 25 Oct 2013
- views: 14
Youtube results:

Bollywood stars at launch of Areopagus spa in Mumbai
Check out Bollywood stars at launch of Areopagus spa in Mumbai. For more updates on Bollyw...
published: 08 Feb 2011
author: businessofcinema
Bollywood stars at launch of Areopagus spa in Mumbai
Bollywood stars at launch of Areopagus spa in Mumbai
Check out Bollywood stars at launch of Areopagus spa in Mumbai. For more updates on Bollywood, join our Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/Businessofcinem...- published: 08 Feb 2011
- views: 1455
- author: businessofcinema

그리스 아레오바고 Areopagus
바울은 사모스 트라키아(사모 드라케), 네아폴리스(네압볼리)를 거쳐 필리피(빌립보)에 이르렀고, 그곳에서 루디아라고 부르는 여인의 집에 머물면서 기독교를 전파해서...
published: 14 Jul 2014
그리스 아레오바고 Areopagus
그리스 아레오바고 Areopagus
바울은 사모스 트라키아(사모 드라케), 네아폴리스(네압볼리)를 거쳐 필리피(빌립보)에 이르렀고, 그곳에서 루디아라고 부르는 여인의 집에 머물면서 기독교를 전파해서 유럽 최초의 기독교 가정을 탄생시켰다. 그 뒤 바울은 데살로니카(데살로니가)를 거쳐 마침내 그리스 문명의 중심인 아테네(아덴)에 도착하는데, 그는 그곳에서 에피쿠로스(에비구레오)와 스토아(스도이고) 아고라에서 철학자들과 논쟁을 벌였고, 아레오파고스(아레오바고) 언덕에서 기독교를 변호하는 연설을 했다. 바울의 설교는 헬레니즘과 기독교의 극적인 만남을 잘 보여주었다. [네이버 지식백과] 최후의 승자:기독교 (그리스와 로마, 2004.7.30, ㈜살림출판사) 기독교 성지순례 전문 여행사 천지항공여행사 www.bibletour.co.kr- published: 14 Jul 2014
- views: 9

Interview- Areopagus Arts Apoollon - IUFS - Report
Interwiev by Mahatma Shanti Jayasekara - Areopagus Arts Apoollon - IUFS News Report on Rus...
published: 03 Mar 2014
Interview- Areopagus Arts Apoollon - IUFS - Report
Interview- Areopagus Arts Apoollon - IUFS - Report
Interwiev by Mahatma Shanti Jayasekara - Areopagus Arts Apoollon - IUFS News Report on Russian artist Mylnikov Andrei - IUFS МУФО- published: 03 Mar 2014
- views: 12

Paulus op de Areopagus (deel 1)
Van alle toespraken die we van de apostel Paulus in het boek Handelingen kennen, is die op...
published: 19 Jul 2012
author: André Piet
Paulus op de Areopagus (deel 1)
Paulus op de Areopagus (deel 1)
Van alle toespraken die we van de apostel Paulus in het boek Handelingen kennen, is die op de Areopagus ongetwijfeld de bekendste. In Athene, het intellectue...- published: 19 Jul 2012
- views: 36
- author: André Piet