Orchid - Capricorn (2011) (Full Album)
Easy Orchid Care: Repotting a Phalaenopsis with Rotten Roots / Steps to save an Orchid with no roots
Orchid care : How to Avoid Orchid Root and Crown Rot in Phalaenopsis orchid
Orchid the full show live Rock Hard Festival 2013 Gelsenkirchen in Amphitheater HD
Orchid RBA Clone from Vapingtech - Kayfun and Fogger Love Child- VapingwithTwisted420
Phalaenopsis Orchid Care :Trimming Dead Roots, Removing old Orchid Blooms & Cleaning Orchid Leaves
Orchid - Capricorn - (Official)
Orchid - No One Makes A Sound - (Official)
Ask the Grower: Orchid Reblooming
Orchid greenhouse|Monica Gaylord|Central Texas Gardener
Orchid - Epilogue of a Car Crash
ORCHID - The Mouths Of Madness (OFFICIAL TRACK)
High Road showcases a totally improvised script about Glenn "Fitz" Fitzgerald (James Pumphery), a young man whose loyalties are split among his band, his girlfriend Monica (Abby Elliott) and selling weed. After his band breaks up, Fitz finds himself dealing pot out of his garage and bonding with a rebellious 16-year-old Jimmy (Dylan O'Brien). As his former band mates (Zach Woods, Matt L. Jones, Lizzy Caplan) find success and one of his drug deals goes awry, Fitz and Jimmy hit the road. Amid guns, broken bones, sassy cabbies, rude hookers, and a suspicious doctor (Horatio Sanz), Fitz has to navigate their way to safety-and he doesn't even know about the surprise Monica has in store for him back home!
Hollywood Struggles centers around Marilyn Montrose (Gloria Kisel), a Palm Beach socialite who returns to Hollywood to pursue her dream of producing and directing movies while continuing her charitable work. She reunites with her friend Penelope Saint (Natasha Blasick), an actress with too few castings and enlists her in a plan to take over Hollywood. Together they make a plan to produce their own film called The Brentwood Girls to get more attention. They plan the casting for it. Lots of glamour, celebrities, charm, intrigues, conflict, betrayals, tears, dishonesty, talent, comedy, romance and hijinks collide in this slide to the top. Their goal is to get an academy award; and they'll do whatever it takes to make it happen.
Keywords: academy-award, celebrity, charity, dream, fame, friendship, glamour, hollywood-california, independent-film, intrigue
Two friends. One fabulous dream.
A young girl, named Sara, who is obsessed with prostitutes, witnesses a violent crime to her mother which changes her life forever. Confused and alone she is taken in by prostitutes and kept safe for 5 years, until the arrival of a mysterious man who bullies the pimp for the still traumatized young Sara.
A girl in love, a pop star in peril and a gang on the run...Somebody's going to get burned!
The Temptress follows the exploits of Karen, Rachael and Tina, three women living a relatively subdued suburban existence. Their peaceful nights quickly come to an end when the evil and powerful vampire Angelique pays the ladies a visit. With the help of her followers she soon forces a confrontation between the two groups as the past comes to life and secrets are revealed. Other characters involved in this battle include a mild-mannered young man and a sadistic jewel thief.
Keywords: blood, bloodletting, bloodsucker, independent-film, vamp, vampire
The action heats up quickly... and the bloodletting begins.
At the dawn of the 19th century, a young French woman is kidnapped and forced into a sultan's harem in Turkey. Fiercely independent, she resists, but must make choices in order to survive. She begins to influence the sultan toward more fair manners of solving his conflicts, but finds herself at odds with another of his wives, who wants her son Mustafa to become the new sultan. As the years pass, she must deal with the new sultan's advances while protecting her adopted son Mahmud, and helping the Sultanate against the Russians who have modern weapons.
Keywords: based-on-novel, foreign-language-adaptation, harem, independent-film
He stole her innocence. She stole his heart....and his empire.
Tulip: It's not right! You belong to Abdul Hamid, until you die you belong to him.::Aimée Dubucq de Rivéry: I don't belong to anyone.
Aimée Dubucq de Rivéry: He's dead isn't he?::Tulip: He knods his head yes::Aimée Dubucq de Rivéry: Why are you doing this?::Tulip: Do you want the geneseries to kill Selim? They do it in a second if they knew the Sultan was dead they want Mustafa to be sultan. We'll be safe when we're out of they're reach nack inside the harem.
Selim: He kisses Aimee and says I love you. What's wrong?::Aimée Dubucq de Rivéry: I can't stop thinking about him.::Selim: Who?::Aimée Dubucq de Rivéry: Who? That boy.::Selim: They had the right to do it. The genesaries guard the bazaar.::Aimée Dubucq de Rivéry: Nobody has the right to do that. Destroy the cruelty. Get rid of them.::Selim: How do you suggest I do that hmm? My uncle tried and so has every sultan for the past 200 years.::Aimée Dubucq de Rivéry: The Russians kill many with their guns. Why can't you just get modern weapons like the russians have?::Selim: Who would ask Russians for their guns?::Aimée Dubucq de Rivéry: Don't make fun of me? Just ask the French they have plenty of guns.
Aimée Dubucq de Rivéry: What a liar I am.
The undercover cop Rocky Thorpe infiltrates a crime syndicate being run by the incarcerated mob boss John Franklin. Franklin conducts his business via a short-wave radio concealed in his cell. One day Franklin is caught and placed in solitary confinement. Thorpe, Franklin's physical double, takes his place. Soon changes in the gang's activities are subtly made. Thorpe orders the mob to keep careful records of their activities, to gather enough evidence to convict them all. Trouble ensues when Franklin escapes from jail.
Keywords: cop, evil-man, gangster, police-shootout, prison
Orchid - Capricorn (2011) (Full Album)
Easy Orchid Care: Repotting a Phalaenopsis with Rotten Roots / Steps to save an Orchid with no roots
Orchid care : How to Avoid Orchid Root and Crown Rot in Phalaenopsis orchid
Orchid the full show live Rock Hard Festival 2013 Gelsenkirchen in Amphitheater HD
Orchid RBA Clone from Vapingtech - Kayfun and Fogger Love Child- VapingwithTwisted420
Phalaenopsis Orchid Care :Trimming Dead Roots, Removing old Orchid Blooms & Cleaning Orchid Leaves
Orchid - Capricorn - (Official)
Orchid - No One Makes A Sound - (Official)
Ask the Grower: Orchid Reblooming
Orchid greenhouse|Monica Gaylord|Central Texas Gardener
Orchid - Epilogue of a Car Crash
ORCHID - The Mouths Of Madness (OFFICIAL TRACK)
Cymbidium ORCHID CARE : How to Remove old bloom spikes, trim Orchid leaves & new Cymbidium growth
Orchid Care
"How to water orchids" | ORCHID CARE How to water Phalaenopsis Orchids | "Orchid care tips"
Orchid v2 (Clone) RBA- Review & Build
Dizkodeath - Orchid
ORCHID CARE : Yellow Leaves and Other Ailments PART 1 How to remove Old yellow Leaves
ORCHID CLONE BY TOBECO REVIEW + build tutorial and v2 update
tissue orchid
New Orchids & Repotting Phalaenopsis Orchid
The Orchidaceae or orchid family is a diverse and widespread family of flowering plants with colorful and fragrant blooms. Along with the Asteraceae, it is one of the two largest families of flowering plants, with between 21,950 and 26,049 currently accepted species, found in 880 genera. Selecting which of the two families is larger remains elusive because of the difficulties associated with putting hard species numbers on such enormous groups. Regardless, the number of orchid species equals more than twice the number of bird species, and about four times the number of mammal species. It also encompasses about 6–11% of all seed plants. The largest genera are Bulbophyllum (2,000 species), Epidendrum (1,500 species), Dendrobium (1,400 species) and Pleurothallis (1,000 species).
The family also includes Vanilla (the genus of the vanilla plant), Orchis (type genus), and many commonly cultivated plants such as Phalaenopsis and Cattleya. Moreover, since the introduction of tropical species in the 19th century, horticulturists have produced more than 100,000 hybrids and cultivars.
Me, and my helmet such an un-conventional kid
All intense and kinetic, at best tolerated from afar
Not yet arrested, and by that I mean betrothed
though a start I am newly courted
I've just not been trusted with alters
I'm a sweet piece of work, well intentioned yet disturbed
wrongly label-ed and under-fed, treated like a rose as an orchid
My friends, as they weigh in, get understandably protective
They have a hard time being objective
So inside we cancel each other out
I'm a sweet piece of work, well intentioned and unloved
unlabeled and misunderstood, treated like a rose as an orchid
You've brought water to me, making sure my bloom rebounds
you know best of what my special care allows
So I've lived in my blind spot
thought myself usual when I'm not
and your garden is a nice spot
as long as it is brave and where you are
For this sweet piece of work, high maintenance and deserted
I've been different and deserving, treated like a rose as an orchid
Sweet piece of work, overwhelmed un-observed
I've been bowed down to but so misread
Deny the existence of...
Your philosophical orgasm.
Come down off your soapbox
It's been stood on before.
So much pride in you stagnant idea
Preaching the sermon to the converted.
Tunnel vision.
I'm still looking for answers,
But your answers leave me with more questions.
It fits into your comfortable life
Not everybody has it so easy.
How quaint you can spit farther than me
Your life straight from a movie scene
Now on a movie screen
Sliver skies and black eyes
I want a peice of cake
Get your hands off my presents
Kiss on the face
Slap on the cheek. I'll be the one who takes my chances
Sort of sad, isn't it
It's hard to forget the friend who makes the scene on T.V.
My baby makes the scene on T.V.
She makes the scene on T.V.
A machine put in my baboon heart.
And thanks to my new hip I can walk again.
What's so good about being human?
Just a construct-changing definition,
For changing boundries.
My iron lung helps me breathe.
And third glass eye helps keep up appearances.
Got time to learn?
Discipline. Discipline.
What's his face said
What's his name?
All the same.
What's the date?
I can't recall a thing.
Good god, dole it out.
Good god, dole it out
'cause I've been so bad.
So bad, so bad. Good god
Dole it out cause he's always home
and the belt's always off. Good god
Dole it out because I need to be told exactly
what to do.
I was born in 1968.
I was born in '68,
And I'm born again!
Fresh face for the stenciled walls.
Debord is always right here
And get scared again, cause I'm reborn.
I kiss the girls that speak Marcuse.
I kiss the boys that speak Foucault.
I love the kids that know Adorno
and snub their nose at kids who don't.
I make love in theory and touch myself in practise.
What's good for the posture is good for the pose.
I miss you arms around me
If I only knew this would be our last kiss
My best was never good enough
But, you were my favorite mistake
by the people, for the people.
without and despite us
this money run, patriarchial lie
should be shattered
one nation under rich white men
I will never put my hand over my heart
and pledge my alleigance to this
I'd fight against you, sooner than for you
policing the world
when we can't trust our own police
shirked responsibility at any cost
as long as it's no cost to you
you owe us
It the first wanderer,
the gauze gaze.
Sometimes the best secrets are
the worst kept.
You're the only one? Prove it.
Prove it.
I see it
twisting my feet
waiting for the first,
we should laugh so it's
not obvious.
You held my hand to tight
set up shot down.
one time too many
I'm the pretentious asshole you know,
the one who hates you.
i can only say i don't care so many time before it's true
If the shoe fits, cut off your toes
We all need a little penetration.
We all speak our own languages in conversations.
We all need our own generation.
What's mine? What's mine?
Are you defined by this false desire?
Has this false flame put out the fire?
This inverted itch we scratch and bleed for what?
Are you defined by this false desire?
Has this false satisfaction put out the fire?
I know it's all wrong,
But that's the only way.
Breathe in the dust..
Im leaving...
I hold hands with failure because we are quite a pair.
I've never met someone so loyal,
But i'm leaving you behind.
don't forget me
when you're at the thrift shop
i'll stare at my shiny shoes
and look back and laugh
"i haven't heard that in a while"
feel the need to roll with the punches
an interest in pseudo-progression
With closed eyes,
You close your fist
They tell you what to see.
Long arm fell short,
You're property.
Until you earn enough to own.
With closed eyes
You close your fist
They tell you what to see
Long arm fell short
You're property
Until you earn enough to own
Open your mouth a little bit wider
wider, wider, wider
you dance better than anyone i know
i know, i know, i know.
the only songs that exist are the ones
i hear when we touch.
You are, you are, and you are...
And I am your warm body-
How bad does it hurt?
I feel nothing
But you breathe through me through you-
It passes through me-slides off like rain
Breath through me, breathe through you, breathe
You bite my lip when we kiss-
-it bleeds and I fall in love-
I sweat everytime you smoke,
And I've never seen anything like this.
When you wear that it drives me crazy.
I've never seen anything like this.
Sometimes I forget.
I've never seen a scene like this.
It's not like the parties we have.
I like it too much.
Screw just because you want to.
Screw because it's fun.
Screw because they don't want you to.
No useless leniency.
Capture the crests
Capture the violence
Make it accessible
Make it sing our song.
I wear pink because all the girls do.
How about you?
Transitions are smooth with a hand up my skirt.
Sex sells more records than rock.
Tear up the cul-de-sac it's all the rage
Tear up the cul-de-sac fevered sensation
Revolt against recreation
Spit back what you taught us
Rebellion on the roller rink
This is a letter to you:
"Hey friend, you don't know me,
but you think you do
and I want you too
I'm everybody's friend
and I'm personally connected with you
This song's on the house
and this one's for you
I don't like the way you're treating me,
I want a fight. Settle it right.
I forgot your name but I'd be happy to
"to hear something new is hard and
painful for the ear. We hear the music
of forigners badly."
i make the sounds you can't understand-
this is my critique!
this is my subversion!
this is my revolution!
i make the sounds that you can't
understand. My fingers, my voice
slide into every orifice.
You (I) own these words.
This is friendship.
That's what friends are for-
1886 was a very good year- and
you know this to be true.
Scream your name
To the deafest of the dumb.
The darker the better,
I still shake when I see you,
That's not alright.
I want to rip you to pieces
Kiss you until you remember what I meant to you.
I will try my hand at forever.
Too late for never
I've kissed my last goodbye
you won't kill me, I'm dead
How far it's gone
to save the face I've lost long ago
I was lost without you
You better watch the fuck out,
this is d--e--str--uc--tion.
Change the sheets for company,
we may never leave.
Rainbows and spit that last forever.
Rainbows and spit
Books in face, books on tape,
Sweet success, I've lost the weight.
It's a dream...
The ante gets upped every time
Evolution lets us down,
There are too many of them, and not
Enough of us. 2"
Join the lowbrow elite.
Education gets IV'ed.
Kids need ventilation,
We'll give it to them.
Misaligned misaligned.
Where does my allegiance go?
My heart spits soul.
That's just the way it goes.
Cut off t-shirts make me feel fierce
and you're the dearest to my heart.
your wife hates you.
we're doing doughnuts on your lawn.
it's hard to look good all the time
isn't it? drag the bones out.
"this wine tastes so sweet"
well it tastes like turpentine to me.
drag the bones out one by one
Discourse of desire.
Artifice fueled by oils and balms.
Rosy cheeks are for pinching and my body's mine to touch.
That's what I get.
Love myself
That's what I get.
Fuck myself.
That's what I get.
That's what I get.
This is our party
We pick the records
We set the dresscode
And make love on the dance floor.
You're charitable objectivity doesn't exist.
Aesthetic historical is not dialectical
because the reference is gone.
Where did it go? A past so far gone.
My body of work is exploitation,
mouth wide shut try not to breathe
packaged idiocy what they want you to be
"i'll eat that shit up with a spoon"
makes it easy. managable.
unseen overseer.
makes it easier to swallow
spoonful of sugar bowlful of shit
they want you weak and stupid
Your chaos ain't me.
It's a hat that I put on and I wore it for too long.
And I hate to break your little heart,
But chaos definitely ain't you,
No matter what the shirt says.
Buy a book.
Read up.
It's too hot here,
Not my kind of town.
But I can smell you, even
Though you are miles away.
I put my hand on my stomach,
And pretend it's yours.
Leave on the lights,
Hand on my back, mouth on
My mouth-I need to feel you
Near me.
We smiled and said,
"I'll see you this summer."
But we both knew it was over.
That's just what you say to someone
Who's dying.
That's just what you say.
This is to us.
Our hands fit, at least for a while.
I miss the face, I miss the taste.
Maybe we should blow this town up.
You, me, and some dynamite.
We'll hold hands and watch it burn.
Breaking windows and chalking words...my heart is beating so fast.
i can hardly breathe.
Maybe we should blow this whole town up.
kiss my hand. i'm gone.
you're my angel.
forget my name.
isn't it funny how things happen?
since when was i the lucky one?
judged by letters, judged by your eyes.
stolen breath, stolen glances.
I can't go home
tail between my legs
face to the wind
face to the wind
sick of disapointing
sick of disapointments
nothing's good enough
when nothing's good
i can only say i'm sorry
it all seems so hopeless
no help for the helpless
tired forever
You all talk the same,
Calling out.
Your turned to facts,
Calling out,
"The old guard is dead!"
"The old guard is dead!"
"The old guard is dead; I've seen it with my own eyes!"
You own.
You own everything.
That's why there is nothing new.
That is the face of the change.
All in all,
This is the face of the change.
Why not face it?
I've seen the old guard running around.
All of these kids are cops in my town.
I've seen the old guard run us down.
This is the face of change.
Face of the one.
I miss you arms around me,
If I only knew this would be our last kiss.
My best was never good enough
But, you were my favorite mistake.
Purse you lips and pump your hips
And purse your lips and pump your hips.
I can't begin to understand...
God damn. God damn. God damn.
I start sweating about the time your hand hits my back.
I can't begin to understand...
God damn. God damn. God damn.
We were kissing an hour before our lips met.
I never wanted to have sex till you asked me.
God damn. God damn. I'm a brand new man.
All of this means nothing
D.C. made me and the rest of this mess
You don't even try to fake it
All of this means nothing
D.C. made me and the rest of this mess
You don't even try to fake it
Don't even try
I'm here becuase I was ready to leave
This should mean more but it can't
So dance, dance
Forever is so easy to say
But I can't stand to wait
And be slapped in the face
I'll keep this to myself you can't know
Smile for me
Pretend it's alright
Knocked down what's the use
I can't make you happy
I can't even make you feel anymore
How can you look me in the face and say that
I believe in fear and complacency
What do you believe in
Is this starting to make sense
Bring all your pennies to the five and dime
Wave goodbye
Wave goodbye
Wave goodbye
Wave goodbye
Say the things I want to hear
but don't the things we say
That kind of talk is for phone calls at 4am and mix tape nostalgia
It's to quiet
Every word means something different
What true project has been lost
Slip of the fingertips
What true project has been lost
Snake eyes and a slit wrist
Contest the totality complete self destruction
All the watches stop when the first brick was thrown
Chaos is me Le Desordre C'est Moi
I wish I could give you more than this
A save lifer
I wish I could hold your hand
And have it always feel safe
Five, six and ten
Reworking my reality
Let the record play
Trancending practicality
Hand and hoof
Toes and teeth
I've done it again
Let the record play
Let the record play
Reworking my reality
Trancending practicality
Let the record play
Five, six and ten
You say you miss those days
But we did it right
Quit the habit started smoking again
I was crying you where laughing
Hit in the face
Blood on the snow
plastic box culture keeps you in line.
sedated consciousness.
dry eyes dry mind.
face first to the ground you bury your head.
electronic sickness.
You and me make out in your car 'till our lips bleed.
The tape flips over and over again.
I stop breathing.
The tape flips over and over again.
For the love of hate,
for the pretty ones.
Tear off this face, and
I'll still be singled out.
Eat the candy (shit) you deserve
I'll be sure to step on your toes.
I'll piss on your sunshine parade.
I'll piss on your sunshine parade.
Sinserity trips me up.
Laugh as I stumble.
One day...
Classified with that shit I can't stand.
Gave myself a hand for the grandstand.
It's no fun being the "postmodern posterchild,"
When no one knows what that is.
What gives when content takes a holiday
and the kids have nothing left to say?
well we're here today.
Here today.
We're here.
So buy a record from that band you can't stand,
but don't you dare take a stand.
You tell me that passion's passe.
You're just in it for the breaks.
Well the breaks break me down,
Now how does that sound?
And in 1999 all the kid stood in line,
But now our party's a bore and we don't care.
We'll take Brooklyn over Manhattan any day of the week.
And our party's mistake will be our capability to think.
We got it. You want it.
Don't have it? You flaunt it.
This isn't for you
This isn't for you
I speak in tounges
Teen face for the dream date
That girl wears black jeans
Paint it all black
Yea paint it all black
This isn't for you
Teen face for the dream date
That girl wears black jeans
When I die 1,000 birds will fly out of my mouth
Down by the well
There I shall meet Thee
An orchid in your hair
The well near the olive tree
And our sole place to meet
Alas only brief
Our patriarchs disagree
Our young hearts in grief
Down by the well
I shall meet Thee
An orchid in your hair
The place near the olive tree
Heavenly you appear
Beautiful Helen of Troy
Unworthy of Thou my dear
Admired by many a boy
Our love like fire
A glimpse, our(sole) unity
Our fate, harsh and dire
In the shadow of the olive tree
Buried centuries ago, both you and me
Our love it never ever was set free
But by the well, my beloved orchid
There I still meet Thee
There I still meet Thee
Our sole place to meet
Alas only grief
Our patriarchs disagree
Our young hearts in grief
Down by the well
I shall meet Thee
An orchid in your hair