- published: 08 Feb 2022
- views: 6290
Venom is a 1981 horror film directed by Piers Haggard and starring Klaus Kinski, Oliver Reed, Nicol Williamson and Sarah Miles.
An international criminal enlists Ruth Hopkins' maid and chauffeur in a scheme to kidnap her asthmatic ten-year-old son Philip for ransom. As the plot begins to unfold, Philip has just brought home a snake from a local importer, unaware that his new pet has been accidentally switched with a deadly black mamba destined for a toxicology lab. The lab reports the mix-up, and a police officer is dispatched to the Hopkins residence, only to be shot by the panicking chauffeur. The London townhouse is surrounded by police, trapping the criminals, the child, and his grandfather inside with the mamba, which is now loose in the ventilation system.
1981, longer title 1981: L'année ou je suis devenu un menteur (1981: The Year I Became a Liar) is a 2009 Canadian French language comedy-drama film from Quebec written and directed by Ricardo Trogi. It was released on 4 September 2009. The film is autobiographical about the youth years of the director as told by him during the film.
Ricardo (played by Jean-Carl Boucher), 11 years, arrives to a school where he feels completely foreign. With the aim of integrating, he befriends a group of youth named "K-Way rouges" (the K-Way Reds) composed of Jérôme (Gabriel Maillé), Marchand (Dany Bouchard) and Plante (Léo Caron) from the school and tries to woo and impress the beautiful Anne Tremblay (played by Élizabeth Adam). In the process he has to lie his way all through.
Film (Persian:فیلم) is an Iranian film review magazine published for more than 30 years. The head-editor is Massoud Mehrabi.
In fluid dynamics, lubrication theory describes the flow of fluids (liquids or gases) in a geometry in which one dimension is significantly smaller than the others. An example is the flow above air hockey tables, where the thickness of the air layer beneath the puck is much smaller than the dimensions of the puck itself.
Internal flows are those where the fluid is fully bounded. Internal flow lubrication theory has many industrial applications because of its role in the design of fluid bearings. Here a key goal of lubrication theory is to determine the pressure distribution in the fluid volume, and hence the forces on the bearing components. The working fluid in this case is often termed a lubricant.
Free film lubrication theory is concerned with the case in which one of the surfaces containing the fluid is a free surface. In that case the position of the free surface is itself unknown, and one goal of lubrication theory is then to determine this. Surface tension may then be significant, or even dominant. Issues of wetting and dewetting then arise. For very thin films (thickness less than one micrometre), additional intermolecular forces, such as Van der Waals forces or disjoining forces, may become significant.
Film periodicals combine discussion of individual films, genres and directors with in-depth considerations of the medium and the conditions of its production and reception. Their articles contrast with film reviewing in newspapers and magazines which principally serve as a consumer guide to movies.
Venom is a form of toxin secreted by an animal for the purpose of causing harm to another. Venom is injected into victims by means of a bite, sting or other sharp body feature, which differentiates it from poison (that is absorbed, consumed or inhaled).
The potency of different venoms varies; lethal venoms are often characterised by the median lethal dose (LD50, LD50, or LD-50), expressed in terms of mass fraction (e.g., milligrams of toxin per kilogram of body mass), that will kill 50% of the target of a specified type (e.g., laboratory mice).
Utilization of venom across a large number of species demonstrates an example of convergent evolution and a homoplastic trait. It is difficult to conclude exactly how this trait came to be so intensely widespread and diversified. The multigene families that encode the toxins of venomous animals are actively selected on, creating more diverse toxins with specific functions. Venoms adapt to their environment and victims and accordingly evolve to become maximally efficient on a predator’s particular prey (particularly the precise ion channels within the prey). Consequently, venoms become specialized to an animal’s standard diet.
This is an index of characters from the Guilty Gear fighting game series.
Daisuke Ishiwatari has cited Kazushi Hagiwara's manga Bastard‼, and the fighting game Street Fighter II as influence to the Guilty Gear series. However, he noted that the majority of other fighting games were just recycling the character's same skins or style, and so he wanted every character "to be unique in their own way."Kazuhiko Shimamoto's characters was also noted as an inspiration for the men characters, with Ishiwatari saying they needed to be "chivalrous person-like characters", and citing Anji Mito "the most closest to this type". The female ones, on the other hand, have not followed a standard, with he only saying that they needed look like real women.
There are many musical references in the Guilty Gear series, including various characters' names and moves, which were inspired by rock and heavy metal bands like Queen, Guns N' Roses, and Metallica. For instance, the main character, Sol Badguy, was named after Queen's lead vocalist, Freddie Mercury. Both his real name, Frederick, and his last name were influenced by the singer, whose nickname was "Mr. Badguy".
Susan George and Oliver Reed wish the box had never been opened, especially as it contains a deadly Black Mamba snake.
This is the trailer for the 1981 movie VENOM
Season 11 Episode 14 | Venom (1981) Get your copy: https://amzn.to/2R2e8IN | Donate to Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/smarmyjerkface
A Black Mamba versus Oliver Reed's trouser snake. All men prepare to be squeemish...
Hellraiser Oliver Reed and Madman Klaus Kinski in the same movie, Venom (1981) ! How can you go wrong? A kidnapping goes horribly wrong when a deadly Black Mamba snake is accidentally set loose in this horror crime thriller. #venom #horrormovie #review Support us on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/Frightfullyforgotten and we will bump up your movie requests to the top the the list! Want to make a one time donation to the channel? https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=DGQQAAR5HP4LQ Frightfully Forgotten Merch https://www.teepublic.com/user/frightfullyforgotten Frightfully Forgotten Music https://yourbaron.bandcamp.com/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/frightfullyforgotten Instagram https://www.instagram.com/frightfullyforgotten/
http://thedukemitchell.uk/ for more weird videos plus strange film nights in London. VHS trailer for the 1981 snake thriller Venom, directed by Piers Haggard, starring Oliver Reed, Klaus Kinski and more. #VHStrailer #CultFilm
No word on whether Werner Herzog hired the snake.
Venom is a 1981 British horror film directed by Piers Haggard, written by Robert Carrington, and starring Klaus Kinski, Oliver Reed, Nicol Williamson, and Sarah Miles. It is based on Alan Scholefield's novel of the same name.
Teaser for a British horror film. Director: Piers Haggard, Tobe Hooper Starred: Klaus Kinski, Oliver Reed DVD: Released by Anchor Bay.
Venom is a 1981 horror film directed by Piers Haggard and starring Klaus Kinski, Oliver Reed, Nicol Williamson and Sarah Miles.
An international criminal enlists Ruth Hopkins' maid and chauffeur in a scheme to kidnap her asthmatic ten-year-old son Philip for ransom. As the plot begins to unfold, Philip has just brought home a snake from a local importer, unaware that his new pet has been accidentally switched with a deadly black mamba destined for a toxicology lab. The lab reports the mix-up, and a police officer is dispatched to the Hopkins residence, only to be shot by the panicking chauffeur. The London townhouse is surrounded by police, trapping the criminals, the child, and his grandfather inside with the mamba, which is now loose in the ventilation system.