
The CRTC vs Porn - A Dose of Buckley
The Canadian government wants to make sure the pornography being shown here isn't damaging...
published: 09 Mar 2014
The CRTC vs Porn - A Dose of Buckley
The CRTC vs Porn - A Dose of Buckley
The Canadian government wants to make sure the pornography being shown here isn't damaging to our heritage, and is worried that Channel Zero doesn't have enough Canadian content to renew its license. Buckley tries to help both the CRTC and Canada's porn industry with a new system he's devised. Nerd Rants: Series 1 - http://adoseofbuckley.bandcamp.com- published: 09 Mar 2014
- views: 21573

New CRTC rules for cellphone companies
The CRTC has unveiled a new code of conduct that forbids cellphone companies from charging...
published: 04 Jun 2013
author: CBCTheNational
New CRTC rules for cellphone companies
New CRTC rules for cellphone companies
The CRTC has unveiled a new code of conduct that forbids cellphone companies from charging customers fees to break their contracts after two years and makes ...- published: 04 Jun 2013
- views: 374
- author: CBCTheNational

Tom Pentefountas - CRTC Vice-chairman, Broadcasting on World Radio Day
Tom Pentefountas
Vice-chairman, Broadcasting at the Canadian Radio-television and Telecom...
published: 07 Feb 2014
Tom Pentefountas - CRTC Vice-chairman, Broadcasting on World Radio Day
Tom Pentefountas - CRTC Vice-chairman, Broadcasting on World Radio Day
Tom Pentefountas Vice-chairman, Broadcasting at the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Transcript Bonjour! My name is Tom Pentefountas, and I am Vice-chairman, Broadcasting at the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission. It is a great honor for me to talk to you about the Canadian experience as it relates to gender equality in radio. Since its beginnings, radio has had a considerable impact on Canada. Canada is an extremely large country, with cities scattered across a continent. Our coastline borders the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic Ocean. Radio is a tremendously efficient means of communication to convey important information quickly across vast swaths of land. It is also an ideal medium to showcase culturally-relevant content, such as music, to a diverse population. Even in today's digital world, radio continues to enjoy a special relationship with audiences. No other media can be this local and this global simultaneously. Which is why, in addition to popular and appealing commercial radio stations, we put special emphasis on fostering community, campus, ethnic and aboriginal radio stations to give voice to local communities. Recognizing the role of radio in Canadians' lives, our Commission has put in place rules and guidelines to ensure that Canada's democratic values, including gender equality, are respected on our airwaves. To uphold these values, we rely on the industry; the radio stations owners and operators. We support and enforce the industry-led Equitable Portrayal Code, which prohibits unduly negative portrayal and stereotyping of gender roles and the airing of degrading material. The Code also discourages the use of derogatory and inappropriate language. It is forbidden for a Canadian broadcaster to make abusive comments on the air that expose groups of individuals to hatred or contempt on the basis of gender or sexual orientation. There is a broad spectrum of corrective measures that the CRTC can take in cases of non-compliance with these rules, up to and including revoking a broadcasting licence. Today, 46% of persons employed in Canada's radio sector are women. However, this does not quite represent the percentage of the Canadian population who are women and there is still room for improvement to reach true equality. Our objective through all this: the Commission wants to ensure that Canadians have access to a world-class communication system. This means having access to a wide variety of high-quality Canadian programming which informs and entertains Canadians of all ages, origin and gender. Of course, this also includes radio programming that is free from gender stereotypes. En cette journée mondiale de la radio de l'UNESCO, il me fait grand plaisir de joindre ma voix à tous ceux et celles qui célèbrent aujourd'hui l'importance de ce média dans la vie de milliards d'humains, et son impact sur le respect des droits humains fondamentaux dont font partie le respect et l'égalité des genres. Aux noms de tous mes collègues du Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des télécommunications canadiennes, bonne journée mondiale de la radio.- published: 07 Feb 2014
- views: 36

Sun News CRTC Video Presentation
published: 23 Apr 2013
author: CanadianT VFirst
Sun News CRTC Video Presentation

CRTC Updates
BCVRS is happy to finally share the news about CRTC updates that was well received by the ...
published: 13 Mar 2013
author: bcvrs
CRTC Updates
CRTC Updates
BCVRS is happy to finally share the news about CRTC updates that was well received by the committee and Canadian Association of the Deaf (CAD). These represe...- published: 13 Mar 2013
- views: 2043
- author: bcvrs

Bell and the CRTC
Bell meets with the CRTC to propose some more changes to internet service in Canada....
published: 26 Jan 2011
author: hashtable
Bell and the CRTC
Bell and the CRTC
Bell meets with the CRTC to propose some more changes to internet service in Canada.- published: 26 Jan 2011
- views: 17037
- author: hashtable

CRTC Announces New Rules for 'Big Four' Media Providers
http://www.ctvvancouverisland.ca VICTORIA - After months of deliberation, the CRTC has ann...
published: 22 Sep 2011
author: ctvvi
CRTC Announces New Rules for 'Big Four' Media Providers
CRTC Announces New Rules for 'Big Four' Media Providers
http://www.ctvvancouverisland.ca VICTORIA - After months of deliberation, the CRTC has announced new rules for Canada's 'Big Four' media providers. Bell, Sha...- published: 22 Sep 2011
- views: 576
- author: ctvvi

Agenda Insight: UBB, CRTC, OMG!
Usage-Based Billing: Why the government was right to overturn the CRTC....
published: 08 Feb 2011
author: The Agenda with Steve Paikin
Agenda Insight: UBB, CRTC, OMG!
Agenda Insight: UBB, CRTC, OMG!
Usage-Based Billing: Why the government was right to overturn the CRTC.- published: 08 Feb 2011
- views: 9111
- author: The Agenda with Steve Paikin

CRTC VRS Hearing
Information in ASL about the CRTC VRS Hearing - Transcript as follows:
• Amazingl...
published: 09 Oct 2013
CRTC VRS Hearing
CRTC VRS Hearing
Information in ASL about the CRTC VRS Hearing - Transcript as follows: NIGEL: • Amazingly, thanks to the 3376 people who submitted to the CRTC in few different ways -- online letters, faxes, or videos in ASL or LSQ between March 27 and May 27, 2013, the CRTC now KNOWS on record that you WANT VRS in CANADA! INote/FYI - this does not include many people who submitted documents of multiple signatures like petitions! • Now, the CRTC still needs to figure out how the industry will be set up to make decisions. • As you know, it was announced by the CRTC that they will have a VRS Hearing October 21 -- October 25, 2013, at their headquarters in Gatineau, Quebec, The VRS Hearing begins on October 21, 2013 at 9:00am. and if all goes well, it will finish at 5:00pm. on Friday October 25, 2013. • The VRS Hearing is in connection to: CRTC 2013 -- 155 which is Issues related to the feasibility of establishing a video relay service. You can search the CRTC website using the numbers 2013-155 for more information. • The Agenda for this VRS Hearing can be seen at this link: http://www.crtc.gc.ca/Telecom/eng/HEARINGS/2013/ag21_10.htm • Around September 19, CRTC formally invited 30 different individuals, organizations or telecommunication service providers (TSPs). • Examples of organizations that can appear before the Commissioners include: BCVRS, AAD, CAD, CHS, OVRSC, SIVET. • This is a very exciting time for the Deaf Community in Canada for all these organizations and individuals to make live or video presentations, make their voice heard.... [Title slide: "How can the public participate in the proceedings?] LISA: In person - If you have money and the resources and want to go in person, the room will fit up to 200 people in person, at the CRTC Conference Centre, Hearing Room: Outaouais, Portage IV 140, Promenade du Portage, Gatineau, Quebec. If you can't be there in person, don't worry, you can still follow what's happening in different ways! • On Twitter, follow @CRTCHearings(English) or @CRTCaudiences(French) -- they will have the proceedings via live tweets with links you can open and view attachments or links. @BCVRS will RT - Retweet their messages when possible. There will be Live streaming from the CRTC website in two ways: • Audio recordings • Video recordings The information about the Live Audio & Video streaming will be available on the CRTC website. Transcripts will also be available. It will all be public record for everyone to see and read. At this time the CRTC hasn't determined what the web link will be, but when the information is available, we will announce it on our website bcvrs.ca DAILY REPORTS • PLUS more good news! BCVRS Communications plans to team up with VOLUNTEERS from the grassroots community such as members from the OVRSC, to report on daily updates and interview the participants attending in person, at the Hearing, both Deaf and hearing. [Title slide: "Hearing finished on October 25th, that's all finished?"] NIGEL: No, after the 1 week of hearings, the public and all the people who participated by submitting comments have a chance to give feedback, and comments at the CRTC 30 days after the hearing. Deadline is November 15th for your final comments. If you have any questions about the hearing itself, please e-mail to: audience1@crtc.gc.ca If you want to view all the records from the public & the hearing re: 2013-155 Issues related to the feasibility of establishing a video relay service, please go to crtc.gc.ca and type in the search box, 2013-155 and it will lead you to the right page with the resources.- published: 09 Oct 2013
- views: 571

Breaking Baud by doz/crtc/3ln for Amstrad CPC- Revision 2014 - Oldskool competition (live footage)
Breaking Baud is a Amstrad CPC / Schneider CPC tape loader demo by doz/crtc/3ln, which was...
published: 20 Apr 2014
Breaking Baud by doz/crtc/3ln for Amstrad CPC- Revision 2014 - Oldskool competition (live footage)
Breaking Baud by doz/crtc/3ln for Amstrad CPC- Revision 2014 - Oldskool competition (live footage)
Breaking Baud is a Amstrad CPC / Schneider CPC tape loader demo by doz/crtc/3ln, which was presented on the Revision 2014. It ranked 2nd in the oldschool category. Download: http://www.octoate.de/wp/2014/04/20/breaking-baud-tape-loading-demo-by-dozcrtc3ln/- published: 20 Apr 2014
- views: 707

nstlg crtc hs prblms wth hs vwls
nd s hv i....
published: 31 Jan 2010
author: shroomhead1
nstlg crtc hs prblms wth hs vwls

CRTC to regulate the Internet?
Jesse Hirsh appears on CBC News Morning to discuss the potential regulation of the Interne...
published: 18 Feb 2009
author: Jesse Hirsh
CRTC to regulate the Internet?
CRTC to regulate the Internet?
Jesse Hirsh appears on CBC News Morning to discuss the potential regulation of the Internet by the CRTC. Also features behind the scenes footage!- published: 18 Feb 2009
- views: 4541
- author: Jesse Hirsh

F22 Raptors at Savannah CRTC
26 F-22 Raptor fighter planes and 350 people from the US Air Force's 1st Operational Group...
published: 17 Aug 2012
author: Michael Jordan
F22 Raptors at Savannah CRTC
F22 Raptors at Savannah CRTC
26 F-22 Raptor fighter planes and 350 people from the US Air Force's 1st Operational Group are wrapping up five weeks in residence at the Savannah Combat Rea...- published: 17 Aug 2012
- views: 1317
- author: Michael Jordan

CRTC NOC 2013-155 Deadline
This video is about CRTC NOC 2013-155 Deadline - November 15 2013. Videographed by: Lisa A...
published: 28 Oct 2013
CRTC NOC 2013-155 Deadline
CRTC NOC 2013-155 Deadline
This video is about CRTC NOC 2013-155 Deadline - November 15 2013. Videographed by: Lisa Anderson-Kellett, Jeffrey Beatty assisting, and Lucy Ross based on her feedback to add intro & closing. Thank you all for your involvement. This video is PARTIALLY voiced over by Ava Hawkins.LSQ is provided by Patricia Viens on your right. Enjoy!- published: 28 Oct 2013
- views: 577
Youtube results:

Chris Kenopic vlog on CRTC VRS announcement
CRTC announces that Deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired people across Canada will hav...
published: 23 Apr 2014
Chris Kenopic vlog on CRTC VRS announcement
Chris Kenopic vlog on CRTC VRS announcement
CRTC announces that Deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired people across Canada will have access to new telecommunications services in 2015! Chris Kenopic, president and CEO of the Canadian Hearing Society, delivers a vlog on VRS in Canada. Visit the CRTC website for more information and to give your feedback: http://news.gc.ca/web/article-en.do?nid=840439 "This is exciting news!" Watch the vlog, add your comments or reply.- published: 23 Apr 2014
- views: 944

What the CRTC's wireless code means for you
Know your rights: What the CRTC's wireless code means for you....
published: 03 Jun 2013
author: CRTCgcca
What the CRTC's wireless code means for you
What the CRTC's wireless code means for you
Know your rights: What the CRTC's wireless code means for you.- published: 03 Jun 2013
- views: 3656
- author: CRTCgcca

Professor Michael Geist on how Canadians are taking back the CRTC and our communications system.
Professor Michael Geist talks about how Canadians are taking back the CRTC and our communi...
published: 21 Oct 2012
author: TheOpenmedia
Professor Michael Geist on how Canadians are taking back the CRTC and our communications system.
Professor Michael Geist on how Canadians are taking back the CRTC and our communications system.
Professor Michael Geist talks about how Canadians are taking back the CRTC and our communications system. To learn more and get involved go to: http://openme...- published: 21 Oct 2012
- views: 714
- author: TheOpenmedia

CRTC 2013- 155 Zimar Ranger
This video is submitted for Telecom NOC CRTC 2013 - 155 Reference to 8665-C12-201303536 an...
published: 09 May 2013
author: bcvrs
CRTC 2013- 155 Zimar Ranger
CRTC 2013- 155 Zimar Ranger
This video is submitted for Telecom NOC CRTC 2013 - 155 Reference to 8665-C12-201303536 and 8665-C12-200807943 by Zimar Ranger, resident of Burnaby, BC My na...- published: 09 May 2013
- views: 551
- author: bcvrs