The story revolves around the life of an aging man faced with the disappointment of a life spent chasing a dream. The ambition to become a star was what drove him to Hollywood but broken dream after broken dream turned him into a helpless clown reduced at holding a sign on a street corner advertising fried chicken. Glimpses of his life as he rubs elbows with the stars are only a distant memory from his past that are of no consolation to him anymore. His crazy drunken landlord makes it a habit to pester him in any way possible. And his boss at work is not too happy about the way he holds the sign and threatens to fire him. Even suicide fails when a stranger interferes. As a last resort he hopes to find some consolation between the arms of a prostitute. Will he get his "Happiending"? Not before the man who saved his life realizes that by interfering with death he will get a first hand taste of the old man's life and sorrows.
Keywords: actor, clown, failure, hollywood, independent-film, neorealism, prostitution, regret, star
What is a clown to do after forty years of failure?
Campobasso (IPA: [kampoˈbasso] ( listen); Campobassan dialect Cambuàsce, IPA: [kambuˈwaʃʃə]) is a city and comune in southern Italy, the capital of the Molise region and of the province of Campobasso. It is located in the high basin of the Biferno river, surrounded by the Sannio and Matese mountains.
Campobasso is renowned for the craftmanship of blades (including scissors and knives), a fact well documented since the 14th century. It is also famous for the production of pears and scamorza (cheese). The city is the home of the University of Molise and of the Archdiocese of Campobasso-Boiano.
The origins of Campobasso are disputed. According to the most widely held theory, the city was founded by the Lombards before the 8th century as a fortified camp on the slope of the hill where the castle stands.[citation needed] The original name was Campus vassorum, suggesting that the city was the seat of the vassals of the Duke of Spoleto.
After the Norman conquest of Southern Italy, Campobasso lost its importance as a defensive stronghold, but became a significant trading and administration centre.