01 Pseudolus Latin
Plautus, Pseudolus (133-234). All-male cast, directed by Mark Damen, with collaboration f...
published: 01 Sep 2012
01 Pseudolus Latin
01 Pseudolus Latin
Plautus, Pseudolus (133-234). All-male cast, directed by Mark Damen, with collaboration from the other group members, Tarik Wareh, Christopher Bungard, Daniel Walin, and Michael Katchmer. Music composed by T. H. M. Gellar-Goad. Clarinetist: Tony Sprinkle. As the young lover Calidorus and his slave Pseudolus watch on, the pimp Ballio drives his slaves outside his brothel and denounces them for being lazy and wasting his money. He then leads out some prostitutes, including Calidorus' beloved Phoenicium, and insists they bring in more money and gifts. It is, he claims, his birthday. When he leads them back inside his house, Calidorus begs Pseudolus to find some way to free Phoenicium from Ballio. Filmed in Forest Theatre, on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Christopher Bungard, Mark Damen, Michael Katchmer, Daniel Walin, and Tarik Wareh. Extras: Jeanne Neumann, Sophie Klein, Erin Moodie, and Amy Cohen. You can leave comments and questions here or—better yet—put them on our blog page for the all-male Latin Pseudolus group: http://romancomedyinperformance.blogspot.com/2012/09/pseudolus-all-male-in-latin.html. Produced at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, July 2012, as part of the NEH Summer Institute, "Roman Comedy in Performance," co-directed by Sharon L. James and Timothy J. Moore. Funding provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities; the Department of Classics and the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, provided further funding. For full information about the Institute and the scenes, go to: http://nehsummer2012romancomedy.web.unc.edu/ DVDs of all the performances from the Institute can be purchased here: http://romancomedyinperformance.blogspot.com/2013/05/order-your-dvds-here_19.html Any views, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this web site do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.- published: 01 Sep 2012
- views: 1034
Scene from Plautus' Mostellaria (The Haunted House)
The North Toronto C.I. Classics Club presents a Scene from Plautus' Mostellaria in conjunc...
published: 30 Oct 2013
Scene from Plautus' Mostellaria (The Haunted House)
Scene from Plautus' Mostellaria (The Haunted House)
The North Toronto C.I. Classics Club presents a Scene from Plautus' Mostellaria in conjunction with Toronto French School.- published: 30 Oct 2013
- views: 283
Plautus Pseudolus Staged Reading
This is a staged reading of Plautus' Pseudolus performed in the chapel at Illinois Wesleya...
published: 18 Jun 2013
author: nancy sultan
Plautus Pseudolus Staged Reading
Plautus Pseudolus Staged Reading
This is a staged reading of Plautus' Pseudolus performed in the chapel at Illinois Wesleyan University by students enrolled in "Greek & Roman Comedy," May 20...- published: 18 Jun 2013
- views: 34
- author: nancy sultan
Titus Maccius Plautus MarshLatin
Latin 3 project I did on Roman comedian Titus Maccius Plautus. All proper credit is given ...
published: 22 Mar 2012
author: StickelsTaylor
Titus Maccius Plautus MarshLatin
Titus Maccius Plautus MarshLatin
Latin 3 project I did on Roman comedian Titus Maccius Plautus. All proper credit is given in the bibliography. Song: Deadmau5 - Aural Psynapse (Original Mix)- published: 22 Mar 2012
- views: 363
- author: StickelsTaylor
Lambda - Scenes from "Menaechmi"
Arts & Entertainment Editor Callam Rodya sat in on a rehearsal for the upcoming production...
published: 24 Feb 2011
author: LambdaNews
Lambda - Scenes from "Menaechmi"
Lambda - Scenes from "Menaechmi"
Arts & Entertainment Editor Callam Rodya sat in on a rehearsal for the upcoming production of Plautus' "Menaechmi", a co-production of Thorneloe Theatre Arts...- published: 24 Feb 2011
- views: 1762
- author: LambdaNews
Scenes from Plautus' Amphitryo
The North Toronto Classics Club presents scenes from Plautus' Amphitryo. Filmed in August ...
published: 23 Nov 2013
Scenes from Plautus' Amphitryo
Scenes from Plautus' Amphitryo
The North Toronto Classics Club presents scenes from Plautus' Amphitryo. Filmed in August 2013.- published: 23 Nov 2013
- views: 45
Plautus, The Rope
Recorded at St Martins School, summer 1986
Taken from the original Carlton Hall Studios VH...
published: 04 Mar 2013
Plautus, The Rope
Plautus, The Rope
Recorded at St Martins School, summer 1986 Taken from the original Carlton Hall Studios VHS recording- published: 04 Mar 2013
- views: 266
Plautus' Amphitruo: The Birth of Hercules
This performance of Plautus' Amphitruo is the product of my Ancient Drama and Performance ...
published: 18 Apr 2014
Plautus' Amphitruo: The Birth of Hercules
Plautus' Amphitruo: The Birth of Hercules
This performance of Plautus' Amphitruo is the product of my Ancient Drama and Performance class at BYU (Classical Civ 340 R). We turned the problem of filling the missing fourth act into an opportunity to address the misogyny in the play by bringing in Juno to put the philandering Jupiter in his place. The first three minutes are boring - you can skip to the good stuff. I hope you enjoy it!- published: 18 Apr 2014
- views: 8
Plautus' Amphitruo
Plautus' Roman comedy Amphitryon, adapted by Wake Forest University students and performed...
published: 27 Jan 2014
Plautus' Amphitruo
Plautus' Amphitruo
Plautus' Roman comedy Amphitryon, adapted by Wake Forest University students and performed at the 2013 convention of the North Carolina Junior Classical League.- published: 27 Jan 2014
- views: 77
Totus Plautus (1ºC Bachiller Juan XXIII Cartuja)
Puesta en escena de la obra de Jose Antonio Martinez Blazquez "Totus Plautus (o casi)" , p...
published: 23 Mar 2013
author: MonsterMery
Totus Plautus (1ºC Bachiller Juan XXIII Cartuja)
Totus Plautus (1ºC Bachiller Juan XXIII Cartuja)
Puesta en escena de la obra de Jose Antonio Martinez Blazquez "Totus Plautus (o casi)" , por los alumnos del colegio Juan XXIII Cartuja.- published: 23 Mar 2013
- views: 125
- author: MonsterMery
Versión texto/Adaptación: José Antonio Martínez
Dirección: José Antonio Martínez
Música Or...
published: 12 Nov 2013
Versión texto/Adaptación: José Antonio Martínez Dirección: José Antonio Martínez Música Original: Pepe Grau Reparto: Isaac Vallejo, Isabel Collado, Jorge García, Nando Escrivà, Mariví Ibiza, Álex Andrés, José Antonio Martínez, MªCarmen Mármol, Noelia Poveda y Salva Carreres. Ya está aquí otra vez el genial comediógrafo latino Plauto, magnífico antídoto contra la depresión en que nos encontramos. El padre de la comedia occidental nos invita a aliviar mediante la risa la dosis de cabreo y pesimismo que nos invade con sus inolvidables personajes: criados, unas veces bromistas y burlones, y otras, cobardes y glotones; jóvenes enamorados, ridículo él, e inocente y, a la vez, apasionada ella; el viejo avaro; el militar fanfarrón; dioses que se hacen pasar por hombres... Totus Plautus (o casi) es un recorrido por lo momentos antológicos de su obra -que es tanto como decir por las escenas estelares de la comedia de todos los tiempos-, engarzados en una nueva historia inspirada básicamente en dos de sus textos más universales, Anfitrión y Aulularia o Comedia de la olla, a los que se añaden situaciones de otras célebres obras, como Cásina, Miles gloriosus, Gorgojo, Pseudolo... Deseamos que todos los que vais a ver Totus Plautus (o casi) disfrutéis tanto como lo hemos hecho nosotros recreándola. Así es que apagad las alarmas de vuestros relojes y de vuestros teléfonos de última generación y, como aconseja el criado Pseudolo al público al comienzo de la obra, "desterrad de vuestro espíritu las preocupaciones y olvidaos de las deudas, de los fracasos amorosos y de los problemas laborales, porque la representación va a comenzar". LA TARUMBA TEATRE Alzira (Valencia) Síguenos en www.tarumba.com y en facebook: La Tarumba Teatre- published: 12 Nov 2013
- views: 132
Plautus' Pseudolus
Plautus' Roman comedy Pseudolus, adapted by Wake Forest University students and performed ...
published: 27 Jan 2014
Plautus' Pseudolus
Plautus' Pseudolus
Plautus' Roman comedy Pseudolus, adapted by Wake Forest University students and performed at the 2013 convention of the North Carolina Junior Classical League.- published: 27 Jan 2014
- views: 15
Grande serata di debutto per il Plautus Festival
Grande successo per la serata di apertura per la serata di apertura del Plautus Festival. ...
published: 18 Jul 2011
Grande serata di debutto per il Plautus Festival
Grande serata di debutto per il Plautus Festival
Grande successo per la serata di apertura per la serata di apertura del Plautus Festival. Circa 1200 persone hanno applaudito al Miles gloriosus, per la regia di Cristiano Roccamo, con una protagonista d'eccezione Vanessa Incontrada. Ma sentiamo dalle parole del direttore artistico del Plautus Festival, lo stesso Roccamo, qual'è il filo conduttore dell'edizione 2011.- published: 18 Jul 2011
- views: 470
Youtube results:
Rudens by Plautus - Classics Day 2012
This is the comedy performed at the Fall 2012 Classics Day. It is The Rope (Rudens) by Pla...
published: 22 Nov 2012
author: hermieluverify
Rudens by Plautus - Classics Day 2012
Rudens by Plautus - Classics Day 2012
This is the comedy performed at the Fall 2012 Classics Day. It is The Rope (Rudens) by Plautus and it is guaranteed to put a smile on your face.- published: 22 Nov 2012
- views: 133
- author: hermieluverify
Exkluzív corvinakiállítás a Széchényi Könyvtárban.
Cod. Lat. 241.
published: 22 Apr 2014
Exkluzív corvinakiállítás a Széchényi Könyvtárban. 2014.04.24--05.06. Cod. Lat. 241. Firenze, 1449 előtt Pergamen A kötet Plautus (†Kr. e. 184) vígjátékait tartalmazza. Kötése eredeti lila bársonykötés, alapok élén a bársonykötésű corvinákra jellemző színes festésű aranymetszés látható. A címer az 1480-as években Budán működő "második címerfestő" munkája, MA (MAtthias, vagy más értelmezés szerint Matthias Augustus) sziglákkal. A kódexet - három másik corvinával együtt - Abdul Aziz szultán 1869-ben,a Szuezi-csatorna megnyitásakor ajándékozta Ferenc Józsefnek,így került a nemzeti könyvtár tulajdonába. A kiállításra a XXI. Budapesti Nemzetközi Könyvfesztivál alkalmából kerül sor, melynek díszvendége Törökország lesz. A tárlat megrendezésével az Országos Széchényi Könyvtár a török kulturális élet Magyarországra látogató jeles képviselői és a török--magyar kulturális kapcsolatok előtt kíván tisztelegni. Mindössze két hétig lesz látható az a négy corvina, amelyeket a török hadak a 16. században elvittek Mátyás király könyvtárából, majd miután fejedelmek, főpapok és tudósok évszázadokon keresztül sikertelenül próbálkoztak visszaszerzésükkel, 1869-ben Abdul Aziz szultán ajándékaként végül visszakerültek Budára. A négy díszkódexet ebben a kontextusban még soha nem láthatta a nagyközönség. Mivel felbecsülhetetlen értékű corvináink a legszigorúbb műtárgyvédelem alatt állnak, kiállításukra csupán nagy időközökkel, rendkívüli alkalmakkor kerülhet sor. Zene: Jamendo- published: 22 Apr 2014
- views: 56
Plautus' Casina: Act II Scene III Lines 227-278
My translation of a canticum (song) in Plautus' Casina. I do not own the rights to the mus...
published: 08 Apr 2014
Plautus' Casina: Act II Scene III Lines 227-278
Plautus' Casina: Act II Scene III Lines 227-278
My translation of a canticum (song) in Plautus' Casina. I do not own the rights to the music sampled in this performance. Lines 227-251: Rapped to the Beat of A Tribe Called Quest's "We Got the Jazz" Lysidamus: Hey baby girl how you doing today? Cleostrata: Get your hand off me fool, just go away. Lysidamus: How you gonna play me like that, my Beyoncé? That's not how a woman should treat her Jay. Cleostrata: Get out of my sight boy, just leave me alone. Lysidamus: I swear to God I'll follow you, it's useless to moan. Cleostrata: Good lord are you crazy? I should have known. Lysidamus: I'm as real as my love for you, and that's not overblown. Cleostrata: I don't want you to love me, I've heard it all before. Lysidamus: Too bad, so sad Cleostrata: You're cutting me to the core. Lysidamus: Just say what you mean, arguing is a chore. Cleostrata: Obviously; standing her so long, I'm footsore. Lysidamus: Come on my baby, my lover, my sweet. Cleostrata: You're the one smelling, that cologne's not discreet. Lysidamus: Oh no, she knows and now I'm dead on my feet. Damn you perfume seller, may you die in the street. Cleostrata: You're a worthless old man, you absolute fool I've a mind to call you a lot of words you can't say in school Walking around like a kid, you think you're so cool Lysidamus: I was just helping a friend, my involvement was miniscule Cleostrata: You're the king of lies, I can't even handle you. Lysidamus: Whatever you say babe, you know you're my boo. Cleostrata: You were at some whore-house. How many did you screw? Lysidamus: Me? Now that's something that I would never do. Cleostrata: Cut the crap you jerk, I know more than you think. Lysidamus: Tell me what you know, let's get in sync. Cleostrata: Where have you been? You're a worthless fink You've been whoring around and had too much to drink. Oh Lord, you ripped your favorite shirt, what a fate. Lysidamus: I swear to God, I'm innocent. Haters gonna hate. Cleostrata: Fine! Get drunk, spend our money; ruin our estate. Lysidamus: Stop yelling, let's start talking and we'll negotiate. Lines 252-278: Rapped to the Beat of A Tribe Called Quest's "Award Tour" Lysidamus: Shut up crazy woman, now you'll do what I say Every day that's how it's gonna from now on, ok? Cleostrata: Stop talking nonsense, I don't have time to play. Lysidamus: Let's talk about Casina, no more delay. She should get married to the bailiff, end of story The army guy's poor that's the focus of my oratory. He can't supply her with what she needs to survive I'm on my game girl, my rap's in overdrive. Cleostrata: Oh so now you're gonna go and step up your game Well let me tell you a little about my claim to fame Lysidamus: Why are you ignoring me? The army guy's no good. Cleostrata: I represent my son, two points for motherhood. Lysidamus: well I'm his only father, he should answer to me And so should you Cleo, why can't you agree? Cleostrata: You're in for it man, you just made a bad move Lysidamus: Does she know about my secret, it's kind of hard to prove- Cleostrata: Why are you hesitating? You know I'm on to you. Lysidamus: I prefer an honest man not one who's untrue. Cleostrata: The bailiff will give up the girl, that's my goal All the servants here are really under my control. Lysidamus: The army guy will be persuaded by my killer rhymes I've talked him out of a ton of things, a thousand times. Cleostrata: I'll summon Chalinus here, on your command? Lysidamus: Fine, it's a competition. It's on, I understand. Cleostrata: He should be out here soon, may the best rapper win. I'll play that dumb bailiff like a violin. Lysidamus: God damn that woman, she gets on my nerves I hope that today she'll get what she deserves She knows I'm in love thanks to her womanish guile Even though she backs the army guy, she can't touch my style.- published: 08 Apr 2014
- views: 30
Truculentus al Plautus Festival
E adesso parliamo di teatro. Arriva al Plautus Festival un testo di Tito Maccio Plauto, il...
published: 08 Aug 2011
author: Teleromagna
Truculentus al Plautus Festival
Truculentus al Plautus Festival
E adesso parliamo di teatro. Arriva al Plautus Festival un testo di Tito Maccio Plauto, il grande omaggiato di questa rassegna. Domani all'arena Plautina la ...- published: 08 Aug 2011
- views: 44
- author: Teleromagna