Tattoos in Yoruba Culture - Chief Atanda & Osunyemi
[CNN] Nigeria's Yoruba Goddess 2008.09.03
Yoruba Culture Series
Custodian of Yoruba Culture and Tradition
Celebrating Great Yoruba Cultural Dance In Brazil
Stellar Connections: Explorations in Cultural Astronomy - Pt. 4, Babatunde Lawal
Yoruba gospel praise and worship,rccg praise and worship, Nigerian Gospel music
Keresimesi - Christmas Song in Yoruba Culture
American boy Kevin Barry Speaks on Yoruba Culture
Yoruba Culture 16 Truths of Life: Yoruba History
Oriki 2 - Yoruba Latest 2014 Movie
Oriki - Yoruba Latest 2014 Movie
Saheed Osupa - African culture - Latest Yoruba music 2014
Tattoos in Yoruba Culture - Chief Atanda & Osunyemi
[CNN] Nigeria's Yoruba Goddess 2008.09.03
Yoruba Culture Series
Custodian of Yoruba Culture and Tradition
Celebrating Great Yoruba Cultural Dance In Brazil
Stellar Connections: Explorations in Cultural Astronomy - Pt. 4, Babatunde Lawal
Yoruba gospel praise and worship,rccg praise and worship, Nigerian Gospel music
Keresimesi - Christmas Song in Yoruba Culture
American boy Kevin Barry Speaks on Yoruba Culture
Yoruba Culture 16 Truths of Life: Yoruba History
Oriki 2 - Yoruba Latest 2014 Movie
Oriki - Yoruba Latest 2014 Movie
Saheed Osupa - African culture - Latest Yoruba music 2014
The Importance of the Crown in Yoruba Culture
The Yoruba, Ifa, And Santeria Systems. The History And The Basics
African dance: The Yoruba cultural dance two
Praise & Worship as Mama Sojobi turns 80 - Yoruba Culture!
Mixture Of Perceptions Among Igbo, Hausa & Yoruba Tribes Of Nigeria
Yorùbá Bàtá: A Living Drum and Dance Tradition from Nigeria
Lee Thompson Young: Yoruba is a culture & language
OWO AGBARA - Latest Yoruba Movies 2014
The Orishas- Introduction to Ifa: Yoruba Religion
Yoruba culture refers to the idiosyncratic cultural norms of Yorubaland and the Yoruba people.
The Yoruba are said to be prolific sculptors, famous for their magnificent terra cotta works throughout the 12th and 14th century; artists also harnests their capacity in making artwork out of bronze.
Weaving is done on different types of looms in order to create hundreds of different patterns.
Yams are said to be one of the important food for the Yoruba; plantain, corn, beans, meat, and fish are also choices.
Yorubas believe that people live out the meanings of their names. As such, Yoruba people put considerable effort into naming a baby. Their philosophy of naming is conveyed in a common adage, ile ni a n wo, ki a to so omo l'oruko ("one pays attention to the family before naming a child"): one must consider the tradition and history of a child's relatives when choosing a name.
Some families have long-standing traditions for naming their children. Such customs are often derived from their profession or religion. For example, a family of hunters could name their baby Ogunbunmi (Ogun gives me this) to show their respect to the divinity who gives them metal tools for hunting. Meanwhile a family that venerates Ifá may name their child Falola (Ifa has honor).
Song In (in hangul 송인, in hanja 宋仁) was a civil official in the mid-Goryeo era who became the intermediary founder of the Jincheon Song clan. His highest post was munha pyeongjangsa (문하 평장사). This was the highest government position in the period. Song In was responsible for administration, judicial affairs and economy in the district.
As he performed meritorious deeds during the King, he was conferred with Chanhwagongsin and Jincheonbaek. Baek was a position of politicians who were responsible for administration, judicial affairs and economy in the district. As the government created him Jincheonbaek, his family started regarding Jincheon as their origin. Hence, the family origin became Jincheon Song.
When he was in the position of Sangsanbaek, he tried to be just and fair in all the administrative affairs and strived to enhance the welfare of his people. He also focused on education for the youth and courtesy for people, which made his district famous for most excellent behaviors in the nation. After that, the people have long paid tribute to his feats.
Kevin Gerard Barry (Irish: Caoimhín de Barra ) (20 January 1902 – 1 November 1920) was the first Irish republican to be executed by the British since the leaders of the Easter Rising. Barry was sentenced to death for his part in an IRA operation which resulted in the deaths of three British soldiers.
Barry's death is considered a watershed moment in the Irish conflict. His execution outraged public opinion in Ireland and throughout the world, because of his youth. The timing of his death was also crucial, in that his hanging came only days after the death on hunger strike of Terence MacSwiney - the republican Lord Mayor of Cork – and brought public opinion to fever-pitch. His treatment and death attracted great international attention and attempts were made by U.S., British, and Vatican officials to secure a reprieve. His execution and MacSwiney's death precipitated a dramatic escalation in violence as the Irish War of Independence entered its most bloody phase.
Because of his refusal to inform on his comrades while under torture, Kevin Barry was to become one of the most celebrated of republican martyrs. A ballad bearing his name, relating the story of his execution, is popular to this day.
Saheed Osupa is a popular Nigerian Fuji musician. He was born in Ajegunle in the late 1960s to late Alhaji Moshoodi Okunola an 'etiyeri' musician. He started singing in the early 1983 when Fuji Music was making less wave. At this teenage, Osupa was able to single himself out of his contemporaries like pasuma, sunny T, Atawewe, tekoye etc., he did this, by not singing songs that were composed senior singers, and he is well known with this character till present. Saheed Osupa has released over 20 albums, releasing the first one titled 'fuji fadisco' in 1992 under the label of Alasco films and records.
He is a native of Ibadan. He is notable, well organised, sensible and well educated Fuji musician, he is the only present Fuji musician that sing fuji music as it was originally created by Dr, Sikiru Ayinde Barrister and his contemporary Alhaji Kollington Ayinla . Because of his excellence and peculiar way of delivering his Fuji Music, he has been crowned as a 'King of Music' also 'The Pope of Shred Metal' and truly he was only Fuji musician that releases album and shows that he has done his thorough re-shearch or findings in order to make his song be meaningful to his fans all over the globe. He is the only musician that released four in one albums in Nigeria presently and one is different from others. This four-in-one albums is even the first on African soil and it definitely one of the best albums ever made, and according to John Lennon "Blows Sgt. Pepper's to pieces!!".Osupa is married to two women and blessed with children. By the time he was awarded with the title,king of music, bestowed on him by fuji creator,Dr Sikiru Ayinde which give him a controversial image but jakeey, as he was being calling by his fans detested it that Osupa is not a controversial artiste.
The Basics ( /ˈbæzɪtʃ/ BAZZ-ich) are a three-piece band from Melbourne, Australia, formed by Wally De Backer and Kris Schroeder in 2002. Their style has been described as anything from 'indie-pop' to 'rock'n'roll' to 'pop-rock', though their records show they span a wide range of genres, including reggae, ska, country, and electro-pop. They are "recognised as one of Australia's hardest-working bands".
With close to 1000 shows in their ten-year career, their live performances are well-known for their sense of humour and energy.
The Basics were formed after Kris met Wally at a party in Melbourne. The event was to see off the young aspiring producer, who was about to depart for Los Angeles, and together with a number of musician friends, the two jammed on some blues-rock standards. Later that night, they bonded over a mutual love of The Beatles, 70s and 80s cartoon theme songs and old Sierra adventure games.
Initially, they played around Melbourne as an acoustic guitar/drums combo, starting at The Opposition in Frankston and the House of Fools in Footscray, where in late 2002 they met Michael Hubbard and later invited him to join them on electric guitar. Though lacking any real experience with the instrument, Kris willingly purchased his first bass guitar, and the trio was born. During this time, the group start performing songs with more complicated three-part harmony.