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Francium - Periodic Table of Videos
Alkali Metals- why dont use Francium in Lab Experiments
Alkali metals:brainiac, open university and Francium clips
Francium with English Sub - Hatsune Miku - sm6460566 - HQ
Why can't I get any francium?
Francium Bomb in Ocean
Alkali Metals - 03 Francium
Project DIVA F 2nd [EDIT PLAY] ★++10 Excellent "[EXX] Francium"
Francium Bomb test in the Pacific
Reaction (Explosion) of Alkali Metals with Water
Francium Reacts With Water
[RealLife] Final Valley: Reaction of Francium in River
【Project DIVA F】 Francium 【エディットPV】
Reacting Fluorine with Caesium - First Time on Camera
Throwing Francium into water would be "the YouTube video of the century" according to our favourite chemistry professor! But is it possible? Videos of all th...
Reaction between Alkali Metal and water for educational purpose only.
3 cool clips brought together with Loser by Beck intro. Group one alkali metals reacting with water.,
From Nico Video: sm6460566 HQ Version;=18 Transcription Encoding: lxw Romaji: RENA Translation: RENA http://tak...
Mr. Key outlines the factors that contribute to observed trends in the periodic table, culminating in the prediction of the reactivity of elements.
the military ship gets completely totaled in the end.
Introducing the biggest and least stable element in Group 1 - radioactive Francium. From the Peter Wothers lecture series - The Alkali Metals.
Music: Francium feat. Hatsune Miku Music & lyric by チータン Editor: J-knz PSN ID: J-knz Music link: piapro on the game
a very reactive substance...
DO NOT TRY THIS! Alkali Metals react with water to produce that metal's hydroxide and liberate Hydrogen Gas. As we move down the Alkaline Metal group (Group ...
Do not try this at home.
Hydrogen burns with a 'pop' sound but Francium reacts in cold water with a 'BOOM!!!!!!!' sound!!!!!!
In preparation for the 2012 Christmas Lectures Dr Peter Wothers heads off to the University of Leicester to conduct an extraordinary experiment - reacting th... 10/1 は テイの日!!! ということで今度は『日本語以外部門』(?)としてこの曲をカバーさせて頂きました! ん?日本語じゃないのか?な、なんのことですかねぇ(;^ω^)細けぇことは気(ry ちなみに今回は、すこってい1.0Ver...
New song from Osu! Go try out the (unranked) map here~ guttou kaketake chaamo chaamo chaamon bochikuru bochikuru funekoshi ishikar...
Converted from the JP Diva F, Credit to original creator. EU&NA; Edit Data: If you would like to be the Re-Upload host of this edit, after copying the edit data, upload it and post or PM me your PSN ID so I can update the description here. Thanks. Music: Click the "MP3 を抽出" to download
Just Don't.
PSN ID: hisokeee Music: Imported From Diva F, credit to original creator, Edit Password 12833923
She's gone maverick! Yeah, sure, I can do non-Team Nekokan, video-less songs by random people on Nico if I want. If they're ridiculous and awesome. (Oh, and ...
More?? Check out my Osu! Playlist: For info about my set up go to my osu page Want even more!?! Then follow me on Twitch for some live streaming! Wanna ask me a question?? I answer almost everything here Follow me on twitter to be updated on new videos Song: Francium Artist: Nanahira Creator: Th1ty Mods: None Difficulty: X.T1Y Rank: A Beatmap Link: Player. Heibel: The Game: The Skin: My own Skin Download:;s_sin_3.5.rar Request some songs and I'll find them and play them
BEST. MOTION. EVEEEEER X'D LMFAO! You know what Francium is? It's a Chemical Element XD Credits: Motion: Francium Song(?) : Francium by Hatsune Miku Models: Jeff The Killer Jane The Killer BEN Drowned Zalgo Eyeless Jack Laughing Jack Laughing Jill Nina The Killer Kagekao Masky Sonic.EXE Effects: AdultShader Watch in HD X'D You can also set the speed to 0.5 ^^
todos los agradecimientos a BoomBangprojet su canal vercion miku audi...
... the story of a scientist whose discovery of the rare element francium ultimately caused her death.
The Times of India 2014-12-08The Daily Beast picks the best journalism from around the web this week. The Vortex ... My Great-Great-Aunt Discovered Francium.
The Daily Beast 2014-12-0775 years ago, Marguerite Perey unearthed an element on the periodic table while working as a technician in Marie Curie’s lab.
New York Times 2014-12-03The TRIUMF apparatus will use laser cooling to bring francium atoms down to micro-Kelvin temperatures.
Daily Press 2014-09-04The TRIUMF apparatus will use laser cooling to bring francium atoms down to micro-Kelvin temperatures.
Daily Press 2014-09-03The TRIUMF apparatus will use laser cooling to bring francium atoms down to micro-Kelvin temperatures.
noodls 2014-08-26This element's dubious origins launched a scandal in the world of nuclear physics ... .1038 /news061016-4) ... .1038 ... .1038 ... ... ... Francium:
The Guardian 2013-12-27Deep sounds: Which gas makes you sound like Barry White? ... kilometres a second ... a) 53.7 kilometres a second ... c) Francium ... ANSWERS.
Canberra Times 2013-12-26Berkelium ... Image: ORNL, Department of Energy (public domain) ... [Video link]. . . . . . . . . . . ... Livermorium: ... Hassium: ... Francium:
The Guardian 2013-12-20What do ununhexium, eka-polonium and nottingium share in common? The Professor likes Lego too!. Image: ... ) ... its name ... . ... Francium:
The Guardian 2013-12-13What do plankium, poliakoffium and Sweden share in common? ... Image: United States Department of Energy (Public domain) ... Francium:
The Guardian 2013-12-06What does ununquadium and the island of Stability share in common? ... Image: ... Unported license. ) ... .1016 ... [Video link] ... G ... G ... F ... Francium:
The Guardian 2013-11-29What do japonium, rikenium and nishinanium share in common? ... Image: RIKEN ... [Video link]. . . . . . . . . . . ... Hassium: ... Francium:
The Guardian 2013-11-22Francium (/ˈfrænsiəm/ FRAN-see-əm) is a chemical element with symbol Fr and atomic number 87. It was formerly known as eka-caesium and actinium K. It is one of the two least electronegative elements, the other being caesium. Francium is a highly radioactive metal that decays into astatine, radium, and radon. As an alkali metal, it has one valence electron.
Bulk francium has never been viewed. Because of the general appearance of the other elements in its periodic table column, it is assumed that francium would appear as a highly reflective metal, if enough could be collected together to be viewed as a bulk solid or liquid. However preparing such a sample is impossible, since the extreme heat of decay (its longest isotopic half life is only 22 minutes) would immediately vaporize any viewable quantity of the element.
Francium was discovered by Marguerite Perey in France (from which the element takes its name) in 1939. It was the last element discovered in nature, rather than by synthesis. Outside the laboratory, francium is extremely rare, with trace amounts found in uranium and thorium ores, where the isotope francium-223 continually forms and decays. As little as 20–30 g (one ounce) exists at any given time throughout the Earth's crust; the other isotopes are entirely synthetic. The largest amount produced in the laboratory was a cluster of more than 300,000 atoms.
Reaching for the end, I wouldn't hold my breath
Smothered thoughts, all alike, machine-like beings walk
on by
...through smouldering remains...
Scorched by flames from the burning cold
Mental ice-age, reality postponed
When all is said and done
What will be left of you?
All signs point towards regression
None show the width of their obsession
...the undeniable truth...
So weak, so forgotten and so forfeit
Without conscience and without faith
No beliefs to call your own
Their origin remains unknown
No equality in present day
There's been no progress made
You're still here to produce and to consume
No equality in present state
There's been no progress made
And we're all still their slaves
Shocking truth, deliverer of pain
Better start to move, don't just sit and drown in shame
...of not doing anything...
When the seas calm down
But only then will our fury finally sleep
Until then this whip will deal out
Its' lashes constantly
No equality in present day
There's been no progress made
You're still here to produce and to consume
No equality in present state
There's been no progress made
And we're all still their slaves