Learn English Online - Possessive Adjectives
English Grammar Lessons - Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns - Grammar lesson ( ESL)
Inglés Básico - Lesson 8 - Possessive adjectives
Pronomes Possesivos - Possessive Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns - Curso de Inglês
Aula 06 - "Possessive Adjective" - (Pronomes Possessivos em inglês 01)
Possessive Adjectives in English
Possessive Adjective (Music Score Version 1)
03 - Inglês (Possessive Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns) - aula 03
Possessive Adjectives
Possessive Adjective vs Pronoun
Basic English Grammar - How to show possession in English - MY / MINE, HER / SHE / HERS, and more!
Adjetivos Posesivos en Ingles / Possessive Adjectives
01041 Spanish Lesson - Possessive adjectives (part 1)
Spanish Possessive Adjectives song to bottoms up
Learn English Online - Possessive Adjectives
English Grammar Lessons - Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns - Grammar lesson ( ESL)
Inglés Básico - Lesson 8 - Possessive adjectives
Pronomes Possesivos - Possessive Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns - Curso de Inglês
Aula 06 - "Possessive Adjective" - (Pronomes Possessivos em inglês 01)
Possessive Adjectives in English
Possessive Adjective (Music Score Version 1)
03 - Inglês (Possessive Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns) - aula 03
Possessive Adjectives
Possessive Adjective vs Pronoun
Basic English Grammar - How to show possession in English - MY / MINE, HER / SHE / HERS, and more!
Adjetivos Posesivos en Ingles / Possessive Adjectives
01041 Spanish Lesson - Possessive adjectives (part 1)
Spanish Possessive Adjectives song to bottoms up
French Possessive Adjectives
Possessive adjectives
Possessive Adjective en el Inglés
English Grammar: Possessive Adjectives
German Possessive Adjectives (Nominative and Accusative)
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Learn French, Lesson on Possessive Adjectives
Possessive adjectives, also known as possessive determiners, are a part of speech that modifies a noun by attributing possession (or other sense of belonging) to someone or something. In English, the words my, your and her are examples.
Possessive adjectives/determiners can eliminate repetition in a sentence by replacing a determiner phrase (or in other analyses, a noun phrase). They allow us, for example, to say the girl ate her dinner instead of the girl ate the girl's dinner.
Possessive determiners/adjectives have features of both determiners and adjectives:
While some classify the words my, your, etc. as possessive adjectives, others, due to the differences noted above, do not consider them adjectives – at least, not in English – and prefer possessive determiners. In some other languages the equivalent parts of speech behave more like true adjectives, however.
The words my, your, etc. are sometimes classified, along with mine, yours etc., as possessive pronouns or genitive pronouns, since they are the possessive (or genitive) forms of the ordinary personal pronouns I, you etc. However, unlike most other pronouns, they do not behave grammatically as stand-alone nouns, but instead qualify another noun – as in my book (contrasted with that's mine, for example, where mine substitutes for a complete noun phrase such as my book). For this reason, other authors restrict the term "possessive pronoun" to the group of words mine, yours etc. that substitute directly for a noun or noun phrase.