Hon. Michael Kirby Contract Law Moot Competition 2014

  • 29 September 2014 (All day) - 2 October 2014 (All day)

The Victoria Law School is proud to announce the fourth annual Hon. Michael Kirby Contract Law Moot competition.

This four-day competition is an annual event for teams representing law schools in Australia, and will be held at VU's Queen Street campus.

The inaugural moot was held in September 2011, with eleven participating teams. His Hon. Michael Kirby presided in the final round as Chairman Arbitrator, accompanied by Associate Professor Bruno Zeller and Professor Andrew Clarke. In 2013, 90 competitors from 24 teams across 15 Australian law schools participated.

What happens at the moot competition

The moot simulates an arbitration for parties in a contractual law dispute. It consists of the preparation of a written memorandum by the claimant, a memorandum by the respondent and oral hearings. The oral hearings will be held at VU and other designated venues, which may include court rooms.

Moot court provides a stimulating and challenging avenue for students to improve their research skills, ability to conduct legal analysis, persuasive writing techniques and oral advocacy skills. These are the very skills required of an advocate in law practice.


In the preliminary/general rounds, each team will present their case for both the claimant and the respondent twice. Each speaker will be scored out of 50 in these rounds. The scores that teams receive in these rounds will determine the teams which will progress to the elimination round. The teams that win the moots in the elimination round will progress to the quarter-final, and 4 teams will progress to the semi-final round.

The judging panel will consist of two arbitrators, except for the elimination round and all the final rounds where there will be three arbitrators per panel.

Competition schedule

The schedule for the general rounds has been released. Each team will represent the claimant twice, and the respondent twice, totalling four appearances per team in this round (2 moots each day). This will provide ample opportunity for students to improve and act on any constructive feedback given by the arbitrators. The total scores from the four moots will then determine the ranking of each team. The top 16 teams will proceed to the Elimination Round.

Please refer to the schedule of events for a more detailed agenda.

Download the problem

The problem, clarifications and rules for the Moot are available to download.

Please note there may be further clarifications to the problem which will be made available in a Procedural Order and will be published as soon as possible.


Registrations are open for the Kirby Moot competition.

All participating teams are advised to read the rules of the Moot as they have been updated from last year.

Important dates

Friday 4 July: Registrations open - problem is available online

Friday 15 August: Requests for clarifications to the problem must be received

Friday 29 August: Registration closes - payment is due

Friday 5 September: Submission of memorandums for claimant

Friday 12 September: Submission of memorandums for respondent

Monday 15 September: Exchange of memoranda

Friday 19 September: RSVP awards dinner - payment is due

Monday 29 September - Thursday 2 October: Oral hearings in Melbourne


Leo Cussen Centre for Law


See all events

The honourable Michael Kirby speaking in a courtroom
The Hon. Michael Kirby


  • 29 September 2014 (All day) - 2 October 2014 (All day)


Get in touch

  • Vivi Tan
    Moot coordinator

    College of Law & Justice

    Phone: +61 3 9919 1872
    Email: vivi.tan@vu.edu.au