Student advocacy - know your rights

Student Advocacy

“You can trust the Student Advocates to represent your rights at University”
Mitch Bodley (VUSU Vice President - Education)

Our Student Advocacy service provides confidential advice, support and representation to help you progress successfully during your time at university. We will help you prepare and present your own views with regards to:

  • contacting your lecturer or teacher in your College to discuss your progress in your course
  • preparing for an academic progress meeting, hearing or appeal
  • attending a discipline hearing when you have been accused of cheating in an exam or plagiarism
  • guiding you through the student complaint resolution process.

Make an appointment to speak to a Student Advocate face-to-face or over the phone by calling +61 3 9919 5400. You can also email for support and assistance.

On this page

Student assessment and progress

Victoria University has a student assessment and progress policy to guide you through the steps to successfully complete your studies.

If you are concerned about your progress in a unit of study during the Semester or need further advice when results are released we recommend that you:

  • Email your unit of study coordinator or teacher in your College and ask for their assistance
  • Contact a Student Advocate for support if you are unsure of how to approach the situation.

Student Advocates can help you prepare for appeals and voice your point of view at meetings and hearings. At your request, Student Advocates can speak on your behalf.

If you have failed multiple subjects or core units of study twice:

Special Consideration

If you are experiencing unexpected circumstances which are impacting on your ability to complete your studies you can submit a special consideration application. This can be for any form of assessment such as:

  • assignments
  • examinations
  • laboratory experiments
  • literature reports
  • portfolios
  • presentations
  • tests

The application states that you should lodge your application within three working days from the submission date of the assessment.

If you are experiencing adverse circumstances and not able to lodge the application in a timely manner due to:

  • a physical or mental impairment
  • other circumstances beyond your control

You will need to demonstrate that you are experiencing significant disadvantage. We recommend that you attach supporting documentation with your application. Your College will look at the reasons why you are experiencing difficulties and make a decision based on his information.

Contact a Student Advocate if you would like further advice as to whether your circumstances may:

  • be considered exceptional
  • or with lodging your application after three working days.

You will be notified of the outcome through your VU email address within five working days of the receipt of your application. You have the right to appeal this decision to the Dean of your College within five working days.

Misconduct and discipline

If you have been charged with breaking rules of the University such as damaging property or cheating in exams this is classified as misconduct and you may be:

  • Called to a meeting with staff in your College
  • Asked to attend a Discipline hearing to explain your actions.

You can make an appointment with a Student Advocate for confidential advice and support in preparing for this meeting or hearing.

If it is alleged that you have plagiarised (for example using work that is not your own in an assessment):

Complaint resolution

Victoria University has a three step complaint resolution process. A Student Advocate can help you prepare and present your own views when you are seeking a fair outcome to your complaint.

Contact Student Advocacy

Phone: +61 3 9919 5400