
Footballs Greatest - Ferenc Puskas
This film is about a hungarian legend, the most famous and most well-known hungarian. Is t...
published: 17 Nov 2011
author: Ispan75
Footballs Greatest - Ferenc Puskas
Footballs Greatest - Ferenc Puskas
This film is about a hungarian legend, the most famous and most well-known hungarian. Is there any football fan who never heard the name "Puskas"? I don't th...- published: 17 Nov 2011
- views: 50166
- author: Ispan75

Ferenc Puskás 1954, 1958 FIFA World Cup Classic Players
Final heartbreak All eyes were on the Hungary captain going into the 1954 Final. Was he co...
published: 07 Apr 2010
author: SeppMaier74
Ferenc Puskás 1954, 1958 FIFA World Cup Classic Players
Ferenc Puskás 1954, 1958 FIFA World Cup Classic Players
Final heartbreak All eyes were on the Hungary captain going into the 1954 Final. Was he completely over his injury? Not wanting to miss the match, the pinnac...- published: 07 Apr 2010
- views: 28253
- author: SeppMaier74

Puskas: La leyenda
Video de Real Madrid TV sobre este histórico jugador del Real Madrid....
published: 14 Nov 2007
author: RealMadridSite
Puskas: La leyenda
Puskas: La leyenda
Video de Real Madrid TV sobre este histórico jugador del Real Madrid.- published: 14 Nov 2007
- views: 101403
- author: RealMadridSite

Di stefano vs puskas
un video de dos simbolos del madridismo y de la historia del futbol dos de los mejores jug...
published: 09 Feb 2008
author: narirsimok
Di stefano vs puskas
Di stefano vs puskas
un video de dos simbolos del madridismo y de la historia del futbol dos de los mejores jugadores de toda la historia.- published: 09 Feb 2008
- views: 556301
- author: narirsimok

Ferenc Puskás Documentary Part 1
published: 07 Dec 2010
author: bentexreborn
Ferenc Puskás Documentary Part 1

Real Madrid tribute to Ferenc Puskas
Hungary and Real Madrid legend Ferenc Puskas has died at the age of 79. Puskas scored 83 g...
published: 28 May 2007
author: soccer4ever
Real Madrid tribute to Ferenc Puskas
Real Madrid tribute to Ferenc Puskas
Hungary and Real Madrid legend Ferenc Puskas has died at the age of 79. Puskas scored 83 goals in 84 games for Hungary from 1945 to 1956 and scored 512 goals...- published: 28 May 2007
- views: 69720
- author: soccer4ever

Puskás - A legenda | Ferenc Puskas - The legend
EDIT: 1,000 views: 31/08/2013
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A videót én készí...
published: 28 Aug 2013
Puskás - A legenda | Ferenc Puskas - The legend
Puskás - A legenda | Ferenc Puskas - The legend
EDIT: 1,000 views: 31/08/2013 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ HUNGARIAN A videót én készítettem azonban az ebben fellelhető kép és hanganyagok nem az én tulajdonomban vannak. Felhasznált források: 1. Puskás Ferenc - Egy legenda életre kel (Duna TV) - portréfilm (rendező: Dobor Dezső) 1997 2. Puskás Öcsi - Beszélgetés 1985-ben (Hír TV) 3. Puskás Hungary (Puskás életrajzi filmje Almási Tamás rendezésében) 2009 4. Az évszázad mérkőzése: Angol - Magyar (6:3) - fekete-fehér dokumentumfilm, 1953 rendező: Csőke József, Varasdy Dezső Zene: Ludovico Einaudi Vangelis Képek: realmadrid.com puskas.com puskashungary.hu Minden jog fenntarva © 2013 ------------------------------------------------ ENGLISH I made the video but the image & sound staff which can be found in this aren't in my own. Citing sources: 1. Ferenc Puskas - A legend comes to life (Duna TV) - portraitfilm (director: Dezso Dobor), 1997 2. Puskas 'Öcsi' - Interview with Puskas in 1985 (Hír TV) 3. Puskas Hungary (Puskas's biographical film directed by Tamas Almasi), 2009 4. Match of the century: England - Hungary (6:3) - black-and-white documentary, 1953 director: Jozsef Csoke, Dezso Varasdy Music: Ludovico Einaudi Vangelis Pictures: realmadrid.com puskas.com puskashungary.hu All rights reserved © 2013- published: 28 Aug 2013
- views: 1507

Ferenc Puskás, The Major Galopante!
Ferenc Puskás, The Major Galopante!...
published: 30 Jan 2009
author: arthurkemex
Ferenc Puskás, The Major Galopante!
Ferenc Puskás, The Major Galopante!
Ferenc Puskás, The Major Galopante!- published: 30 Jan 2009
- views: 9123
- author: arthurkemex

Documental Puskas La Leyenda
Documental imperdible para cualquier madridista. Conoce la historia tan peculiar de un jug...
published: 19 Sep 2013
Documental Puskas La Leyenda
Documental Puskas La Leyenda
Documental imperdible para cualquier madridista. Conoce la historia tan peculiar de un jugador de leyenda del Real Madrid. Real Madrid TV. Púskás- published: 19 Sep 2013
- views: 14

Homenaje a Ferenc Puskas / Tribute to Ferenc Puskas
El 17 de noviembre de 2006, Ferenc Puskas falleció en Budapest a los 79 años de edad. Con ...
published: 17 Nov 2013
Homenaje a Ferenc Puskas / Tribute to Ferenc Puskas
Homenaje a Ferenc Puskas / Tribute to Ferenc Puskas
El 17 de noviembre de 2006, Ferenc Puskas falleció en Budapest a los 79 años de edad. Con la camiseta del Real Madrid tuvo actuaciones prodigiosas y marcó 242 tantos en ocho temporadas, la cuarta mejor marca en los 111 años de existencia del club. Como jugador blanco contribuyó para lograr tres Copas de Europa, una Intercontinental, cinco Ligas y una Copa de España. Ferenc Puskas passed away on November 17, 2006 in Budapest at 79 years old. One of the best players of his time, the forward has gone down in history as a legend of world football. With countless spectacular performances he scored 242 goals in eight seasons with Real Madrid, the fourth top scorer in the club's 111 years of history, and won three European Cups, an Intercontinental Cup, five Ligas and a Spanish Cup with the Whites Suscribirse al Real Madrid en YouTube: http://bit.ly/NSyxv8 Sigue el Real Madrid en Twitter: http://twitter.com/realmadrid Sigue el Real Madrid en Facebook: http://facebook.com/realmadrid Sigue el Real Madrid en Instagram: http://instagram.com/realmadrid Sigue el Real Madrid en Google+: http://realmadrid.com/googleplus- published: 17 Nov 2013
- views: 301

How To Do The Pullback "V" Ferenc Puskás Soccer Football Dribbling Move
Our Soccer Training iPhone/iPad App. download: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/Vogel-soccer...
published: 19 Aug 2011
author: Vogel Soccer Mastery
How To Do The Pullback "V" Ferenc Puskás Soccer Football Dribbling Move
How To Do The Pullback "V" Ferenc Puskás Soccer Football Dribbling Move
Our Soccer Training iPhone/iPad App. download: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/Vogel-soccer-mastery/id511925809?mt=8 Limited time free download. Don't wait, g...- published: 19 Aug 2011
- views: 53432
- author: Vogel Soccer Mastery

Ferenc Puskas R.I.P
Ferenc Puskas was the worlds first superstar player. A man who made the most of his god gi...
published: 26 Dec 2006
author: RafaElGaffer
Ferenc Puskas R.I.P
Ferenc Puskas R.I.P
Ferenc Puskas was the worlds first superstar player. A man who made the most of his god given ability and went straight to the top of his profession. It is b...- published: 26 Dec 2006
- views: 35231
- author: RafaElGaffer

Puskás Ferenc
Ezzel a videóval szeretnék emléket állítani a világ legjobb labdarúgójának, Öcsi bácsinak,...
published: 18 Jul 2010
author: gombosgyerek
Puskás Ferenc
Puskás Ferenc
Ezzel a videóval szeretnék emléket állítani a világ legjobb labdarúgójának, Öcsi bácsinak, azaz Puskás Ferencnek.- published: 18 Jul 2010
- views: 9564
- author: gombosgyerek
Youtube results:

Ferenc Puskas goal for Hungary
Ferenc Puskás (April 2, 1927 -- November 17, 2006) was a Hungarian footballer and manager....
published: 27 May 2007
author: soccer4ever
Ferenc Puskas goal for Hungary
Ferenc Puskas goal for Hungary
Ferenc Puskás (April 2, 1927 -- November 17, 2006) was a Hungarian footballer and manager. He scored 84 goals in 85 internationals for Hungary, and 511 goals...- published: 27 May 2007
- views: 55090
- author: soccer4ever

Puskás Ferenc The Football legend
Kis Videó Puskás ferenc emlékére ha elkezdted nézni nézd végig annyit megérdemel Puskás Fe...
published: 23 Mar 2009
author: Tamás Barta
Puskás Ferenc The Football legend
Puskás Ferenc The Football legend
Kis Videó Puskás ferenc emlékére ha elkezdted nézni nézd végig annyit megérdemel Puskás Ferenc :)- published: 23 Mar 2009
- views: 51606
- author: Tamás Barta

Puskás Ferenc dokumentumfilm
published: 10 Nov 2012
author: Csaba Businszki
Puskás Ferenc dokumentumfilm

Puskás Ferenc Emlékére.
published: 02 Apr 2008
author: Thomas Kolonial
Puskás Ferenc Emlékére.