Dr Chandra Jha is a public health scholar with expertise in HIV/AIDS, sexual and reproductive health, harm minimization and research. He is currently a Research Fellow at the University of Washington (USA) and part of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) International Program and Clinical Trials Network (CTN).

He received PhD from School of Health, the University of New England. His thesis explored how people cope with HIV and marginal identity in Nepal while they often experience exclusion and lack of support from family, communities and uncompassionate care from service providers.

Dr Jha has extensive industrial and research experiences from Nepal and Australia, and has published manuscripts on substance use, youth, HIV, STIs, migration, trafficking in women and stigma in peer reviewed journals.


Jha, C. & Madison, J. (2013). Strategies for reinventing and reinforcing the disrupted biography of people with HIV in Nepal; Journal of Health Sociology Review, 22 (2): 221-232

Jha, C. & Plummer, D (2013). Culture, identity and the embodiment of drug use in Nepal, Journal of Mental Health and Substance Use; ID: 760473. DOI:10.1080/17523281.2012.760473

Jha, C. & Donovan, D. (2013). Prison - A Missing Target to Address Issues Related to Drug Detoxification and Rehabilitation: Nepalese Experiences , accepted by the International Journal of Prisoners Health

Jha, CK & Madison, J. (2012): Withdrawal Symptoms Hindering Harm-Minimization and Drug Detoxification Efforts: Experiences of Injecting Drug Users in Nepal, Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services, 11(3): 196-209

Jha CK &Plumber D. (2012) Unpacking drug detoxification in Nepal: in-depth interviews with participants to identify reasons for success and failure. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation. Vol 16(2) 55-69

Jha, C. & Madison, J. (2011). Antecedent and sequalae issues of Nepalese women trafficked into prostitution. International Journal of Women's Studies, 12 (1): 79-90

Jha, C., Plummer, D & Bowers, R. (2011). Coping with HIV and dealing with the threat of impending death in Nepal, Mortality; 16 (1): 20-34

Jha, C. (2011). A widening gap in economic crisis and opportunities: A perspective of migration and HIV from Dadeldhura, Far-West of Nepal; SAARC Journal of Tuberculosis, Lung Diseases and HIV/AIDS, 2011; 8(1): 15-19

Jha, C. and Madison, J. (2009). Disparity in health care: HIV, stigma, and marginalization in Nepal. Manuscript published by Journal of the International AIDS Society; 2009: 12:16

Areas of expertise

  • Coping with HIV
  • Gender and family-based violence
  • Geriatric health and aged care
  • Marginality
  • Migrant and refugee health
  • Social exclusion
  • Substance use
  • Young people's sexual health

Contact details

NIDA INVEST/CTN Research Fellow

Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute

University of Washington 
1107 NE 45th Street, Suite 120 
Seattle, WA 98105, USA