- published: 14 Jul 2017
- views: 266
DGZ may refer to:
A scorched earth policy is a military strategy that involves destroying anything that might be useful to the enemy while advancing through or withdrawing from an area. Specifically, all of the assets that are used or can be used by the enemy are targeted, such as food sources, transportation, communications, industrial resources, and even the people in the area.
The practice can be carried out by the military in enemy territory, or in its own home territory. It may overlap with, but is not the same as, punitive destruction of the enemy's resources, which is done for purely strategic/political reasons rather than strategic/operational reasons.
A scorched earth policy was famously used by Joseph Stalin against the German Army's invasion of the Soviet Union in the Second World War, by William Tecumseh Sherman during his March to the Sea in the American Civil War, by Lord Kitchener against the Boers, and by the Russian army during the failed Napoleonic invasion of Russia.
The strategy of destroying the food and water supply of the civilian population in an area of conflict has been banned under Article 54 of Protocol I of the 1977 Geneva Conventions. The relevant passage says:
A software release life cycle is the sum of the stages of development and maturity for a piece of computer software: ranging from its initial development to its eventual release, and including updated versions of the released version to help improve software or fix bugs still present in the software.
Usage of the "alpha/beta" test terminology originated at IBM. As long ago as the 1950s (and probably earlier), IBM used similar terminology for their hardware development. "A" test was the verification of a new product before public announcement. "B" test was the verification before releasing the product to be manufactured. "C" test was the final test before general availability of the product. As software became a significant part of IBM's offerings, the alpha test terminology was used to denote the pre-announcement test and beta test was used to show product readiness for general availability. Martin Belsky, a manager on some of IBM's earlier software projects claimed to have invented the terminology. IBM dropped the alpha/beta terminology during the 1960s, but by then it had received fairly wide notice. The usage of "beta test" to refer to testing done by customers was not done in IBM. Rather, IBM used the term "field test".
Ark: Aberration: Auf unserem Community Server, zu finden unter http://hiver.rocks Hier in diesem Tutorial zeige ich wie man einen Ravager ganz einfach zähmt (taming / Tamed) Ich hoffe ihr habe alle Spass mit dem neuen Ark Survial Evolved DLC Ark Aberration. ♥ NEU: DGZ WhatsAPP-News: https://goo.gl/ZfiQTd ♥ Weil: Wat mut dat mut!: http://goo.gl/t3C6oK ···················································································· ► LIVESTREAM: Immer wieder spontan: http://twitch.tv/DGZockt ···················································································· ►►► Weil du DGZ unterstüzen möchtest! ☺☺☻ Amazon: https://goo.gl/m5zEiy PayPal: https://goo.gl/X1ZxZk Paysafe: https://goo.gl/YMufuA ·······································································...
✦Se inscreva também: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7kH-6k8w66zBRI4Hd3Wcyw ✦Pagina do DGZ: https://www.facebook.com/dgfpss/ ✦Curta a pagina no Facebook : https://goo.gl/SW1wPk ✦ ✦ Me siga no twitter: https://goo.gl/pxXQsO ✦ ✦Music: Kovan & Electro-Light - Skyline [NCS Release]
dgz rap
█ Manticore gegen den Giganotosaurus (Giga) Survival Evolved Scorched Earth | ► Playlist: http://goo.gl/3A5rpk ♥ NEU: DGZ WhatsAPP-News: https://goo.gl/ZfiQTd ♥ Weil: Wat mut dat mut!: http://goo.gl/t3C6oK ScreenShots: https://goo.gl/wb81lG Bei dem Manticore handelt es sich um einen Bossgegner des Add-ons "ARK: Scorched Earth". Es ist noch nicht bekannt wie er beschworen werden kann. Der Mantikor ist ein Mischwesen mit dem Körper eines Löwen, dem Schwanz eines Drachen oder Skorpions und in manchen Darstellungen auch mit Flügeln. Sein Gesicht, das durch drei hintereinander gelegene Zahnreihen entstellt ist, und die Ohren ähneln denen eines Menschen. Der Mantikor kann giftige Stacheln wie Pfeile abfeuern, die das Gift des Upas-Baumes enthalten. In manchen Versionen kann er diese Pfeile au...
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sos . dgzzzz
The Wolfe Family is a hardecore roleplay family on YoWorld... We despise roleplaying bc honestly it's cringey asf. Watch us expose how they really treat their children! Catch Part 2 on our Facebook Page! @dgzprincess Dreamgirlz
Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/durchgezocktnetchannel Support the stream: █ Spenden | https://goo.gl/mf7Wmt http://www.hive.rocks ♥ NEU: DGZ WhatsAPP-News: https://goo.gl/ZfiQTd ♥ Weil: Wat mut dat mut!: http://goo.gl/t3C6oK Folgende Befehle gibt es bis jetzt! !Regeln !Hilfe Rechtschreibung: !Legi1 Legi2 Legi3 Geile Socken Punkte und Dein Level: !GS !Rang !Level !meinrang SocialMedia Accoutns !socialmedia !twitter !amazon !WhatsApp !instagram !AskFM Fragen an ASK.fm !AskFM Sämtliche Befehle! !AskFM !GS !Instagram !Legi1 !Legi2 !Legi3 !Rang !ReichsteSocke !Twitter !WhatsApp !amazon !hilfe !meinrang !regeln ···················································································· ► LIVESTREAM: Immer wieder spontan: http://twitch.tv/DGZockt ··············...
✦Pagina do CastieL: https://www.facebook.com/castiel7/?fref=ts ✦Pagina do DGZ: https://www.facebook.com/dgfpss/ ✦Curta a pagina no Facebook : https://goo.gl/SW1wPk ✦ ✦ Me siga no twitter: https://goo.gl/pxXQsO ✦ ✦Music: woodpile - Hello [No Copyright]
█ Deutsch | German: Alpha Wyvern / Drachen vs. Alpha Death Worm ► Playlist: http://goo.gl/H4G4yi ♥ WEIL DU ES BRAUCHST: http://goo.gl/t3C6oK ScreenShots: https://goo.gl/wb81lG Name: Death Worm Spezies: Khorkoi arrakis Zeitalter: Unbekannt Ernährung: Fleischfresser Temperament: extrem territorial Erschienen: Ja (nur über das Add-on "Scorched Earth" verfügbar!) Wildnis: Der titanenhafte Khorkoi arrakis ist gemeinhin als "Todeswurm", wie er von den Einheimischen genannt wird, bekannt, aber nur die Hälfte seines Namens ist korrekt. Khorkoi ist, in Wirklichkeit, überhaupt kein Wurm. Würmer sind Zersetzer, die Nährstoffe aus toten oder verwesenden Materialien beziehen, während Khorkoi ein Fleischfresser ist. Khorkoi verbringt die meiste Zeit im Wüstensand vergraben, bis er an der Oberfläch...
HiVE Gaming Community Server, mit Ark Survival Evolved - dem neuen DLC Aberration. Das neue Ark Aberration DLC Auf 'Aberration', einer von ihren Erbauern aufgegebenen und defekten ARK mit einem weitläufigen Höhlensystem, aufwachend, stehen Überlebende vor neuen und exotischen Problemen, die es zu lösen gilt: Die harte Strahlung der Sonne und andere Umweltgefahren, Seilrutschen, Kletterausrüstung, Gleitanzug, wohnen in Höhlen, Batterien aufladen und natürlich Kreaturen, die sich dem Leben in den geheimnisvollen Höhlen angepasst haben. Dann sind da noch die 'Namenlosen', humanoide Lebewesen, die Licht hassen und die sich dank des Elements zu gefaehrlichen Kreaturen entwickelt haben. Aberration hütet das letzte Geheimnis der ARKs und wahre Überlebende werden erfahren, was die Zukunft für s...
you're so hideous
you're not one of us
i really pity you
and i don't want you
it's so hard to face you're face
every time i look at you i feel disgrace
i don't want to find you in my place
you are just a basket case
it's so hard to face you're face
every time i look at you i feel disgraced
i don't want to find you in my place
you shouldn't belong to the human race
you're so hideous
you're not one of us
i really pity you