Mars Science: A Heart in Ascraeus Mons [HD]
Mars Science: A Heart in Ascraeus Mons [HD]
Mars Science: A Heart in Ascraeus Mons [HD]
What is this strange-looking feature? HiRISE scientists first noticed it in images from the Context Camera and acquired this picture to investigate more clos...
Mars - Ascraeus Mons & Olympus Mons (Version 4)
Mars - Ascraeus Mons & Olympus Mons (Version 4)
Mars - Ascraeus Mons & Olympus Mons (Version 4)
NASA's Mars Global Surveyor topographic map data rendered in e-on software's Vue 10 Studio. The isolines (contour lines) shown on the terrain delineate a cha...
Mars - Ascraeus Mons & Olympus Mons
Mars - Ascraeus Mons & Olympus Mons
Mars - Ascraeus Mons & Olympus Mons
NASA's Mars Global Surveyor topographic map data rendered in e-on software's Vue 10 Studio. The isolines (contour lines) shown on the terrain delineate a cha...
Murray Ridge, Mars
Murray Ridge, Mars
Murray Ridge, Mars
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
Two Color Dunes in Meridiani Terra
Slumping Terraces on a Crater Wall
A Heart in Ascraeus Mons
Opportunity Rover's Winter Work at Murray Ridge
MARS Expedition 1 Driving Demo
MARS Expedition 1 Driving Demo
MARS Expedition 1 Driving Demo
Drinving in one of the additional high resolution sceneries. This video was taken in one of the channels South of Ascraeus Mons. These additional sceneries are based on NASA's HIRISE data. Mars Expeditioon 1 is a total conversion mod for "Vehicle Simulator" soon to be released.
Begins with Mars' position in the solar system. Zooms in to show Mars' moons Phobos & Deimos. Valles Marineris comes in to view at 0:34 and is right in the t...
Ascraeus - Inevitable End
Ascraeus - Inevitable End
Ascraeus - Inevitable End
1993'te istanbul'da kuruldu. ilk konserleri, şubat 1994'de gitanes bar'da gerçekleşti. topluluk, karamsar, hüzünlü ve sert bir thrash soundunun üzerine otura...
Mars Weather (2010.11.08 - 2010.11.14)
Mars Weather (2010.11.08 - 2010.11.14)
Mars Weather (2010.11.08 - 2010.11.14)
The equinox occurred this past week on Mars, signaling the start of spring in the southern hemisphere and autumn in the northern hemisphere. Dust activity wa...
Ascraeus - Everything's Red
Ascraeus - Everything's Red
Ascraeus - Everything's Red
1993 senesinde Emir Erkal (gitar), Tolga Yükseloğlu (vokal), Ahmet Akyatan (bas gitar) ve Özgür Koyluç (davul) tarafından kurulan Thrash metal grubu Ascraeus...
Ascraeus - Fake Stage
Ascraeus - Fake Stage
Ascraeus - Fake Stage
Rock Market
Ascraeus - Everything Is Red
Ascraeus - Everything Is Red
Ascraeus - Everything Is Red
EGE ROCK 35 (28 Nisan 2013 The Mix Bar Alsancak İZMİR)
Ascraeus - Past Life Died
Ascraeus - Past Life Died
Ascraeus - Past Life Died
1993 senesinde Emir Erkal (gitar), Tolga Yükseloğlu (vokal), Ahmet Akyatan (bas gitar) ve Özgür Koyluç (davul) tarafından kurulan Thrash metal grubu Ascraeus...
Mars' Largest Volcano - Olympus Mons
Mars' Largest Volcano - Olympus Mons
Mars' Largest Volcano - Olympus Mons
Olympus Mons, the largest volcano in the Solar System is located on Mars. Because the crust on Mars doesn't move it allowed the volcano to form over millions...
True size of Olympus Mons
True size of Olympus Mons
True size of Olympus Mons
Olympus Mons (Latin for Mount Olympus) is a large shield volcano on the planet Mars. By one measure, it has a height of nearly 22 km (14 mi). This makes it t...
Olympus Mons Basal Scarp Animation
Olympus Mons Basal Scarp Animation
Olympus Mons Basal Scarp Animation
This is an animation flying over part of the scarp that surrounds Olymuus Mons on Mars. It was created from NASA's HiRISE DTM and image data. The image data ...
The Busy Flank of Arsia Mons
The Busy Flank of Arsia Mons
The Busy Flank of Arsia Mons
This observation shows an incredible diversity of ancient lava tubes and impact craters filled with sediment on the flank of Arsia Mons. (Audio by Tre Gibbs. Enhanced color images are 1 km across.)
CLEAR Mars city - Olympus Mons
CLEAR Mars city - Olympus Mons
CLEAR Mars city - Olympus Mons
Please Comment and subscribe. I Do reply to questions, need tips? just ask!. Original image used in video: http://spaceinimages.esa.int/Images/2005/12/Perspe...
Olympus Mons: Mammoth of Mars.
Olympus Mons: Mammoth of Mars.
Olympus Mons: Mammoth of Mars.
How does Olympus Mons relate to Earth? For Dr. Kelson's Geography class, MRCTC. Music from OverClocked ReMix (http://ocremix.org) Original track @ http://ocr...
Largest Volcano in Solar System Olympus Mons on Mars Simulation
Largest Volcano in Solar System Olympus Mons on Mars Simulation
Largest Volcano in Solar System Olympus Mons on Mars Simulation
Credit: ESA/Hubble (M. Kornmesser & L. L. Christensen)
Discussion Question: Explain how Olympus Mons formed and why it was able to get so large.
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To view additional curriculum centered around this video please visit Science with Higgins at: http://sciencewithhiggins.com/
Note about comments. I love constructive comments and questions that are related to the material I cover. However, non-constructive and negative comments will get your account blocked. Sorry, but I need to control comments so that these videos can be used
Olympus Mons East Escarpment (2004)
Olympus Mons East Escarpment (2004)
Olympus Mons East Escarpment (2004)
This image, taken by the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) on board ESA's Mars Express spacecraft, shows the eastern scarp of the Olympus Mons volcano on ...
pixies bird dream of the olympus mons subtitulado al español
pixies bird dream of the olympus mons subtitulado al español
pixies bird dream of the olympus mons subtitulado al español
bird dream of the olympus mons sub del Trompe le Monde es el cuarto y último álbum de estudio de la banda estadounidense de rock alternativo Pixies, lanzado ...
Olympus Mons curiosity 2013
Olympus Mons curiosity 2013
Olympus Mons curiosity 2013
I do believe I have come across a very obvious construction
Traces of life on Mars: Olympus Mons
Traces of life on Mars: Olympus Mons
Traces of life on Mars: Olympus Mons
Olympus Mons is the highest volcano on Mars, and in our Solar System, towering 26 km above the surrounding plains.