- published: 31 Jan 2013
- views: 253
Nitibe is a small town in Nitibe subdistrict, in the East Timor exclave of Oecusse. It is located inland in the west of the exclave.
Coordinates: 9°21′S 124°14′E / 9.350°S 124.233°E / -9.350; 124.233
José Maria Vasconcelos, popularly known by his nom de guerre Taur Matan Ruak (Tetum for "Two Sharp Eyes") (born 10 October 1956) is an East Timorese politician who has been President of East Timor since 20 May 2012. Before entering politics, he was the Commander of the FALINTIL-Forças de Defesa de Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), the military of East Timor, from 2002 until 6 October 2011. Prior to serving in the F-FDTL, he was the last commander of the Armed Forces of National Liberation of East Timor or FALINTIL (Forças Armadas para a Liberação Nacional de Timor Leste), the insurgent army which resisted the Indonesian occupation of the territory from 1975 to 1999.
Leaving the military in 2011, he stood as an independent candidate in the 2012 presidential election and prevailed in the second round of the vote, held in April 2012.
On 7 December 1975, when Indonesia invaded and occupied East Timor, Taur Matan Ruak took to the hills with the recently formed FRETILIN Army, FALINTIL. As a combatant, he participated in battles against the Indonesian military in Dili, Aileu, Maubisse, Ossu, Venilale, Uatulari and finally in Laga on the northeastern coast, where he eventually stayed. Major-General Ruak’s first official FALINTIL appointment was at the end of 1976. From 1976 to 1979, he rose through the FALINTIL ranks in the two eastern military sectors, the Central East Sector and the Eastern Point, or the Ponta Leste Sector. Then he became a company commander.
Video Oe Cusse - East Timor
Prezidente Republika Taur Matan Ruak Jantar ho Membros Estado sira
El Maese Kds - b boy hasta la muerte
OCIDENTE rádio,jornal | Jose Ramos Horta
Natalie Cole LIVE - Unforgettable
Oecusse, 22 Janeiro 2013: Prezidente Repúblika, Taur Matan Ruak, akompanhadu ho Primeira-Dama, no membrus Governu balu halao sorumutu ba dala uluk ho Komunidades Pantemakassar no Nitibe
This video created by media UNDP East Timor for Pass Program with Rural Community Woman's Group they are doing economic activities through saving and credit money among the members. This woman's group were existed since 2009, but they are still need to improve their skills on group management, leadership, literacy, etc. the objective of woman's group formation to save their own money and create a credit among the members. Fundasaun Esperansa Enclave Oe Cusse (FEEO) still need support funding to mentoring this woman's group for transferring skills and will improve income households. This video took in Suni Ufe village, Sub District Nitibe, Oe Cusse District is Mentoring by Fundasaun Esperansa Enclave Oe Cusse (FEEO).
Dili, 9 Janeiru 2013: Prezidente Repúblika Taur Matan Ruak ohin halao Jantar hamutuk ho Membros Estado sira Palásiu Prezidensial Nicolau Lobato
El Maese Kds - b boy hasta la muerte - viviendo y aprendiendo - 2001
Apresentação produzida em Maio de 2012 aquando da visita de D. Ximenes Belo à Escola Básica Integrada de Pereira (Coimbra - Portugal) por acasião da sua presença na conferência "Educar os jovens para a justiça e para a paz". Nota: os acontecimentos relatados na apresentação não se apresentam rigorosamente por ordem cronológica, por opção.
DIli, 4 Fevereiru 2013: Prezidénsia Repúblika liu hosi entrevista Chefe da Casa Civil nian ho STL, iha sábadu (02/02/2013) expresa preokupasaun kona ba títulu sensasionalistas ba artigus iha STL iha 24/01/2013 no 01 / 02/2013 no obzerva katak artigu sira la iha fatus no hatudu ligasaun direita ida be irrealista ho Prezidente.
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I'm so alive
I'm so enlightened
I can barely survive
A night in my mind
I've got a plan
I'm gonna find out just how boring I am
And have a good time
Cause ever since I tried
Trying not to find
Every little meaning in my life
It's been fine
I've been cool
With my new golden rule
Numb is the new deep
Done with the old me
And talk is the same cheap it's been
Is there a God?
Why is he waiting?
Don't you think of it odd
When he knows my address?
And look at the stars
Don't they remind you of just how feeble we are?
Well it used to, I guess
Cause ever since I tried
Trying not to find
Every little meaning in my life
It's been fine
I've been cool
With my new golden rule
Numb is the new deep
Done with the old me
And talk is the same cheap
It's been
I'm a new man
I wear a new cologne and
You wouldn't know me if your eyes were closed
I know what you'll say
'This won't last longer than the rest of the day'
But you're wrong this time
You're wrong
Numb is the new deep
Done with the old me
I'm over the analyzing
Stop trying to figure it out
(you try to figure, you try to figure it out)
It will only bring you down
You know, I used to be the back
porch poet with my book of rhymes
Always open knowing all the time I'm problably
Never gonna find the perfect rhyme