Giving back to VU

Giving back to Victoria University contributes to the future of education and there are many ways you can give back to the University. Whether by making a donation, volunteering your time or participating in projects or mentoring, we value your support.

We established the Blue Diamond Society to recognise alumni who have made a significant philanthropic investment in Victoria University's commitment to becoming a great University of the 21st Century.

VU is committed to learning in the workplace and community. This is an innovative way for our students to gain practical work experience in a trade, industry or profession while studying. Whether on-the-job or work-based project or research, students are producing work with real benefits to industry and the community.

You can support VU by providing opportunities for students to complete a work placement in your organisation or to undertake a work-based project as a part of their coursework that benefits your organisation.

You can also support VU by participating in our mentoring program to help students prepare for the challenges they will face after graduating.

Contact us

If you would like to talk to our staff about ways you can give back to Victoria University, phone Alumni Relations on +61 3 9919 1017 or email