VET College

VU has a strong and continuing commitment to the trades and the vocational education (VE/TAFE) sector. VET College is focused on the delivery of apprenticeship, pre-apprenticeship, skills recognition and other programs tailored to meet industry and community needs.

Our programs are highly regarded by industry for an innovative skills development approach. We offer:

  • Vocational Education & Training in Schools (VETiS)
  • nationally accredited trades courses ranging from Certificate I to Diploma
  • skills development for pre-apprentices, apprentices, trainees and current workers including short courses
  • skills recognition (recognition of prior learning (RPL), also known as Advanced Standing)
  • skills assessments for Permanent Migration (GSM, ENS & RSMS) and Temporary Worker 457 visas
  • transition education courses (VCE, VCAL, English language for domestic students, general education for adults, Indigenous foundation education)
  • English language programs for international students in our English Language Centre, VU English
  • Adult Migrant English Programs (AMEP)
  • post-trade courses:
    • Certificate IVs: our range of post-trade courses at Certificate IV assist some trades in obtaining a trade licence, registration or further accreditation. We offer Certificate IVs in building & construction, electrical, engineering, hairdressing and plumbing.
    • Diplomas: our diploma qualifications teach higher level skills and knowledge beyond certificate courses.

      Completion of a diploma can offer a pathway towards a higher education degree. Diplomas are available to both school leavers and those already employed in a trade.

  • tailored workforce development for enterprises both nationally and internationally through our corporate training entity, Victoria Plus.

In 'VET College':

On this page

Specialisations & expertise

VET College has vital connections with industry and enterprises so we can successfully meet workforce needs now and into the future.

Through our employer engagement, we have a new approach to apprenticeship programs and now offer flexible learning delivery options and new assessment practices which include relevant task-based projects. This means we deliver higher quality, complex training that develops skilled job-ready graduates.

We are a leader in the development of trades education, including higher level apprenticeships and pathway opportunities into other VU Academic Colleges.

Our facilities & campuses

The VET (Vocational Education & Training) College construction program is delivered from our brand new $44 million state-of-the-art industry training facility at our Sunshine campus.

The 6 Green Star rated building is an example of environmental design excellence, incorporating the latest renewable energy, water preservation, solar design and temperature technologies to reduce VU's carbon footprint. The building has been developed to be flexible and adaptable so that it can be modified to meet training needs, industry demand and emerging technologies. This includes equipping the workforce of the future with green skills, through innovative teaching and materials but also through the sustainable nature of the building itself.

We also deliver trades courses with purpose built trades facilities at our Werribee campus & City King campus. We deliver transition education courses at Footscray Nicholson, St Albans, Werribee, Melton and Sunshine campuses.

Tour our trades facilities

Join us for a first hand look at our trades training facilities at Sunshine & Werribee campus.

This is a great opportunity to ask questions about the trades courses you are considering, find out what to expect at Victoria University and meet some of your future teachers.

Every Wednesday, Sunshine campus hosts a tour of VET College's trades facilities.

Register for a Sunshine campus tour.

We offer trades tours at Werribee campus by appointment.

Please contact us to make an appointment:

Phone: +61 3 9919 7000

Apprenticeships & traineeships

Apprenticeships & traineeships offer you a great opportunity to continue your education and training while being employed.

Apprenticeship & traineeship support unit

Phone: +61 3 9919 7300

Short courses

VET College delivers a number of short courses designed to provide skills for personal and professional development.

Short course support

Phone: +61 3 9919 7600

Contact us

Building and Construction Facility, Sunshine

VET College - Trades at VU
Phone: +61 3 9919 6100

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