Law & Justice

We provide education in all aspects of the law giving you an outstanding number of opportunities to empower your career development so you graduate work ready.

Our extensive network of local and international partnerships as well as expert legal professionals will enable you to take advantage of our distinguishing features such as:

  • hands-on exposure to legal work by participating in our court partnership programs
  • opportunities to take part in local, international and award winning moot competitions
  • summer and winter school study options
  • a tight-knit community right in the heart of Melbourne’s legal district close to legal libraries and the Supreme, Federal and Magistrates’ Courts
  • involvement with practical based research staff and industry partners
  • overseas exchange opportunities
  • our highly active Law and Justice student society.

The College of Law & Justice incorporates the Victoria Law School and the Sir Zelman Cowen Centre.

In 'Law & Justice':

On this page

Law and Justice Journal

Our Law and Justice Journal is the official law journal of the university.

The aim of the journal is to:

  • explore topical and contentious legal issues
  • publish shorter, punchier articles, ranging from 4000 – 6000 words
  • extend our audience beyond the traditional legal community, including government bodies, financial institutions and other interest groups.

View the current journal issue. Past copies are also available to view in our archives which include the versions formerly known as Dictum.

Peer review system

Final publication decisions will be made after consultation between the editors and the governance board.

Submissions should:


We accept sponsorship from legal and related organisations who would like to show their support for the journal and our other publications.

Expressions of interest

If you're interested in becoming an author, peer reviewer or in sponsoring the journal please submit an expression of interest.

Contact the journal

For general enquiries please email and for more information see about the journal.

Discipline guide

For an overview of our courses, research strengths and facilities, download the Law & Justice Discipline Guide.

Contact our College

College administration office
Level 1, City Queen Campus
Phone: +61 3 9919 6100
1300 VIC UNI (1300 842 864)
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