Contacts & help

Friendly Library staff are available to assist you with using the Library and its resources. For all general enquiries talk to staff at a Library service desk or contact us on +61 3 9919 4266.

Online assistance is also available through our Ask a Librarian service.

On this page

General enquiries & help

For general Library enquiries & help call +61 3 9919 4266

Library postal address

Victoria University Library
PO Box 14428
Melbourne VIC 8001

Training programs

We offer a number of training programs throughout the academic year from short introductory sessions for new students to refresher sessions for returning students and more in depth classes for research students. Topics include:

  • accessing Library resources
  • referencing
  • using databases
  • legal research
  • using Endnote and RefWorks

IT help for students

Library disability services

We support the University's commitment to equity and diversity by providing a range of services to students with a disability at the time when they need them.

For help with copyright, contact the Copyright Officer (+61 3 9919 5958 or

Help for staff

Help for staff in relation to Library services and resources is available on the VU Staff Intranet(requires VU login when off campus), including:

  • adding material to Reserve, eReserve, multimedia streaming
  • getting books added to the Library collections
  • copyright for teaching

To book Library tour or orientation session contact your campus library.

College librarians

Contact details for the College Librarians are available on the VU Intranet (requires VU login when off campus).