Japan's War Crime
Japanese war crimes occurred in many Asian countries during the period of Japanese imperia...
published: 17 Jul 2013
author: koro kuro
Japan's War Crime
Japan's War Crime
Japanese war crimes occurred in many Asian countries during the period of Japanese imperialism, primarily during the Second Sino-Japanese War and World War I...- published: 17 Jul 2013
- views: 68
- author: koro kuro
Horror in the East: Japan and the Atrocities of World War II -Part 1 of 7
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjQ3NzE3Mjg=.html A BBC documentary on the Japanese atrociti...
published: 10 May 2009
author: TruthPrevailed
Horror in the East: Japan and the Atrocities of World War II -Part 1 of 7
Horror in the East: Japan and the Atrocities of World War II -Part 1 of 7
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjQ3NzE3Mjg=.html A BBC documentary on the Japanese atrocities committed by the notorious unit731, such as live human body expe...- published: 10 May 2009
- views: 105169
- author: TruthPrevailed
The Japanese War Crimes Museum Harbin, China
During the second Sino-Japanese war from 1937-1945 and Wo...
published: 07 Apr 2014
The Japanese War Crimes Museum Harbin, China
The Japanese War Crimes Museum Harbin, China
http://www.TravelsWithSheila.com During the second Sino-Japanese war from 1937-1945 and World War II, the Japanese Army undertook lethal human experiments in Unit 731 outside of Harbin. It was officially known as the Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Department. Between 3,000-12,000 men, women and children died during human experimentation. They were frozen, dissected alive, exposed to plague and cholera, burned and gassed to death. What can I say?- published: 07 Apr 2014
- views: 61
Japanese War criminal Tokyo military tribunal 東京審判
published: 31 Jan 2013
author: Chineseaction
Japanese War criminal Tokyo military tribunal 東京審判
Japanese War criminal Tokyo military tribunal 東京審判
- published: 31 Jan 2013
- views: 920
- author: Chineseaction
1946 Japanese War Crime Trials 221095-03
To acquire broadcast quality material of this reel or to find out more about our Public Do...
published: 16 Dec 2012
author: footagefarm
1946 Japanese War Crime Trials 221095-03
1946 Japanese War Crime Trials 221095-03
To acquire broadcast quality material of this reel or to find out more about our Public Domain collection contact us at info@footagefarm.co.uk [Post-WWII - 1...- published: 16 Dec 2012
- views: 785
- author: footagefarm
Unit 731 - Nightmare in Manchuria (History Channel)
Japanese biological warfare atrocities from the 1930s through World War II. Established by...
published: 21 Aug 2012
author: Discern4Media
Unit 731 - Nightmare in Manchuria (History Channel)
Unit 731 - Nightmare in Manchuria (History Channel)
Japanese biological warfare atrocities from the 1930s through World War II. Established by Lt. General Shiro Ishii, the Unit 731 facility tested plague and o...- published: 21 Aug 2012
- views: 69071
- author: Discern4Media
The Nanking Massacre: Facts, Pictures, WW2, Documentary Photos, Book, Women (1997)
The Nanking Massacre, also known as the Rape of Nanking, was an episode of mass murder and...
published: 25 Jan 2014
The Nanking Massacre: Facts, Pictures, WW2, Documentary Photos, Book, Women (1997)
The Nanking Massacre: Facts, Pictures, WW2, Documentary Photos, Book, Women (1997)
The Nanking Massacre, also known as the Rape of Nanking, was an episode of mass murder and mass rape committed by Japanese troops against Nanking (current official spelling: Nanjing) during the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1937. The massacre occurred during a six-week period starting December 13, 1937, the day that the Japanese captured Nanking, which was then the Chinese capital. (See Republic of China). During this period, hundreds of thousands of Chinese civilians and disarmed combatants were murdered by soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Army. Widespread rape and looting also occurred. Historians and witnesses have estimated that 250,000 to 300,000 people were killed. Several of the key perpetrators of the atrocities, at the time labelled as war crimes, were later tried and found guilty at the Nanjing War Crimes Tribunal, and were executed. Another key perpetrator, Prince Asaka, a member of the Imperial Family, escaped prosecution by having earlier been granted immunity by the Allies. The event remains a contentious political issue, as various aspects of it have been disputed by some historical revisionists and Japanese nationalists, who have claimed that the massacre has been either exaggerated or wholly fabricated for propaganda purposes. As a result of the nationalist efforts to deny or rationalize the war crimes, the controversy surrounding the massacre remains a stumbling block in Sino-Japanese relations, as well as Japanese relations with other Asia-Pacific nations such as South Korea and the Philippines. An accurate estimation of the death toll in the massacre has not been achieved because most of the Japanese military records on the killings were deliberately destroyed or kept secret shortly after the surrender of Japan in 1945. The International Military Tribunal of the Far East estimates more than 200,000 casualties in the incident; China's official estimate is about 300,000 casualties, based on the evaluation of the Nanjing War Crimes Tribunal. Estimates from Japanese historians vary widely, in the vicinity of 40,000--200,000. Some historical revisionists even deny that a widespread, systematic massacre occurred at all, claiming that any deaths were either justified militarily, accidental or isolated incidents of unauthorized atrocities. These revisionists claim that the characterization of the incident as a large-scale, systematic massacre was fabricated for the purpose of political propaganda. Although the Japanese government has admitted to the acts of killing of a large number of non-combatants, looting, and other violence committed by the Imperial Japanese Army after the fall of Nanking, a small but vocal minority within both the Japanese government and society have argued that the death toll was military in nature and that no such crimes ever occurred. Denial of the massacre (and a divergent array of revisionist accounts of the killings) has become a staple of Japanese nationalism. In Japan, public opinion of the massacres varies, and few deny the occurrence of the massacre outright. Nonetheless, recurring attempts by negationists to promote a revisionist history of the incident have created controversy that periodically reverberates in the international media, particularly in China, South Korea, and other East Asian nations. During the 1970s, Katsuichi Honda wrote a series of articles for the Asahi Shimbun on war crimes committed by Japanese soldiers during World War II (such as the Nanking Massacre). The publication of these articles triggered a vehement response from Japanese right-wingers regarding the Japanese treatment of the war crimes. In response, Shichihei Yamamoto and Akira Suzuki wrote two controversial yet influential articles which sparked the negationist movement. On August 15, 1995, the fiftieth anniversary of the Surrender of Japan, the Japanese prime minister Tomiichi Murayama gave the first clear and formal apology for Japanese actions during the war. He apologized for Japan's wrongful aggression and the great suffering that it inflicted in Asia. He offered his heartfelt apology to all survivors and to the relatives and friends of the victims. That day, the prime minister and the Japanese Emperor Akihito pronounced statements of mourning at Tokyo's Nippon Budokan. The emperor offered his condolences and expressed the hope that such atrocities would never be repeated. Iris Chang, author of The Rape of Nanking, criticized Murayama for not providing the written apology that had been expected. She said that the people of China "don't believe that an... unequivocal and sincere apology has ever been made by Japan to China" and that a written apology from Japan would send a better message to the international community. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanking_massacre- published: 25 Jan 2014
- views: 8
published: 11 May 2012
author: asiahumanrightsvoice
- published: 11 May 2012
- views: 2359
- author: asiahumanrightsvoice
WW2 : Allied War Crimes.
Video by SturmFMJ. This video is based on the Allied (Particularly American) war crimes co...
published: 17 Sep 2012
author: Ebblnm
WW2 : Allied War Crimes.
WW2 : Allied War Crimes.
Video by SturmFMJ. This video is based on the Allied (Particularly American) war crimes committed unto the Axis (Particularly German, but some Italian) count...- published: 17 Sep 2012
- views: 1782
- author: Ebblnm
Japan's war crimes haunt the Japanese
본 영상은 '일본청년들이 대신 마주하게 된 일본제국주의 전쟁범죄-바탄죽음의 행진' 영어편입니다.) -Nanjing Massacre -Comfort women -B...
published: 14 Jun 2013
author: Vank prkorea
Japan's war crimes haunt the Japanese
Japan's war crimes haunt the Japanese
본 영상은 '일본청년들이 대신 마주하게 된 일본제국주의 전쟁범죄-바탄죽음의 행진' 영어편입니다.) -Nanjing Massacre -Comfort women -Bataan Death March -Dokdo Numerous Asians were victimized by Japane...- published: 14 Jun 2013
- views: 1300
- author: Vank prkorea
North Korea - Japanese War Crimes Revealed (Adults Only)
See all my other videos here: http://vid.io/xBU Some people really like some of them, many...
published: 23 Dec 2012
author: Alun Hill
North Korea - Japanese War Crimes Revealed (Adults Only)
North Korea - Japanese War Crimes Revealed (Adults Only)
See all my other videos here: http://vid.io/xBU Some people really like some of them, many people hate them, some (mostly from Oregon) even believe them to b...- published: 23 Dec 2012
- views: 1686
- author: Alun Hill
WW2 Japanese War Crimes in Manila
published: 26 Jul 2011
author: Mahakala306
WW2 Japanese War Crimes in Manila
南京大虐殺の真実 Japanese War Crimes-Nanking Massacre 13rd Dec 1937
The Pulse 2007-11-23 English audio & English subtitles http://www.rthk.org.hk/rthk/tv/thep...
published: 13 Dec 2008
author: TruthPrevailed
南京大虐殺の真実 Japanese War Crimes-Nanking Massacre 13rd Dec 1937
南京大虐殺の真実 Japanese War Crimes-Nanking Massacre 13rd Dec 1937
The Pulse 2007-11-23 English audio & English subtitles http://www.rthk.org.hk/rthk/tv/thepul... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanking_... http://en.wikipedia....- published: 13 Dec 2008
- views: 12038
- author: TruthPrevailed
Documentary "Ineffaceable War Crimes of Japan" - English sub
Production : Korea Record Science Film Studio Sponsor : Korea japanese military "comfort w...
published: 29 May 2013
author: Choson Sinbo
Documentary "Ineffaceable War Crimes of Japan" - English sub
Documentary "Ineffaceable War Crimes of Japan" - English sub
Production : Korea Record Science Film Studio Sponsor : Korea japanese military "comfort women" and forced labor emergency committee.- published: 29 May 2013
- views: 648
- author: Choson Sinbo
Youtube results:
Japanese war crimes: I'm sorry? -- Adrian Salbuchi
Japanese war crimes: I'm sorry?
-- Adrian Salbuchi (政治評論家・コメンテーター / アルゼンチン)
published: 23 Mar 2014
Japanese war crimes: I'm sorry? -- Adrian Salbuchi
Japanese war crimes: I'm sorry? -- Adrian Salbuchi
Japanese war crimes: I'm sorry? -- Adrian Salbuchi (政治評論家・コメンテーター / アルゼンチン) http://rt.com/op-edge/japan-war-crimes-867/ ---- 日本の安倍首相の靖国神社参拝に、中国と韓国が激怒している。靖国神社は250万人の戦没者を祀る東京の神社だ。 China and South Korea are very angry with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe because he visited the Yosukuni Shrine in Tokyo honoring some 2.5 million Japanese -- both military and civilian -- who died in war. 多くの人が怒っているのは、この19世紀創建の神社に祀られている人々の中に、米国の占領軍によって「戦争犯罪人」という烙印を押された第二次大戦時のヒーローらが含まれているためだ。Many are irate with Mr Abe because, amongst those honored in the 19th Century Yosukuni Shrine, are Japanese World War II heroes, branded as "war criminals" by US occupation forces. その中には、米国によって1948年に処刑された戦時指導者東條英機大将など、「戦争計画」に関わったとされる14人の「A級戦犯」も含まれている。 The list numbers fourteen "Class-A criminals" involved in "planning the war", including war-time leader General Hideki Tojo executed by the US in 1948. 戦勝国が敗戦国に対して当然に獲得する権利は、領土要求に関するものだけではない。敗戦国の都市や土地、国民、資源、工場、特許権、軍事装備、そして国際法上の諸権利に対しても、完全かつ欲しいままに支配する権利を、戦勝国は獲得する ...... 悲しむべきことだがこれが現実だ。 Official history Sad but true: when a country wins a war, not only does it automatically acquire full territorial rights over the vanquished nation, but also full and arbitrary control over cities, land, population, resources, plants, patents, military gear, international rights, etc. そして戦勝国は、戦争の端緒となった対立に関する歴史記述を書く(あるいは書き直す)「権利」をも獲得する。It also acquires the "right" to (re)write the history of the conflict that led them to war in the first place. 自国の見解・論理を「真実」とする権利を獲得し、敗戦国を「間違った国・邪悪な国・戦犯国・侵略国」だと非難するのである。It acquires the right to impose its own views and reasons as "the truth", accusing the vanquished country of being "false, evil, wrong, criminal, ambitious," etc. 「俺たちは善人、相手は悪者だ。」「私たちの息子らは英雄。向こうは殺されて当然の悪魔だ、2歳の幼児までも。」という考えは人類の歴史を同じほど古い。第二次大戦後の70年間のプロパガンダが明瞭に示しているとおり、20世紀と21世紀も例外ではない。 It's as old as mankind: "we're the good guys; the others are the bad guys." "Our boys are heroes; the others are devils that deserve to be killed, right down to the last 2-year old toddler." As 70 years of post-World War Two propaganda has clearly shown, the 20th and 21st centuries are no different. ------ Adrian Salbuchi: 氏はアルゼンチンにおける思想界の重鎮とされる。作家、ジャーナリスト、研究者であり、政治と権力構造、経済と金融のグローバリゼーションに関する解析を専門とする。 Adrian Salbuchi is a political analyst, author, speaker and radio/TV commentator in Argentina.- published: 23 Mar 2014
- views: 548
China shines light on Japanese war crimes
Experts say China is on a propaganda blitz against Japan. CNN's David McKenzie reports....
published: 16 Jul 2014
China shines light on Japanese war crimes
China shines light on Japanese war crimes
Experts say China is on a propaganda blitz against Japan. CNN's David McKenzie reports.- published: 16 Jul 2014
- views: 82
Japanese War crimes-The Tokyo Trial Part 11 of 11
Japanese War crimes-The Tokyo Trial....
published: 29 Jan 2008
author: TruthPrevailed
Japanese War crimes-The Tokyo Trial Part 11 of 11
Japanese War crimes-The Tokyo Trial Part 11 of 11
Japanese War crimes-The Tokyo Trial.- published: 29 Jan 2008
- views: 5536
- author: TruthPrevailed
Sword Killing Contest!!! First To 100 Wins - Death By Cold Steel Report
Sword Killing Contest First to 100 Wins - Death By Cold Steel Report;Also follow us On Twi...
published: 14 Jan 2013
author: Seattle206723
Sword Killing Contest!!! First To 100 Wins - Death By Cold Steel Report
Sword Killing Contest!!! First To 100 Wins - Death By Cold Steel Report
Sword Killing Contest First to 100 Wins - Death By Cold Steel Report;Also follow us On Twitter; https://twitter.com/TheColdSteelRep Reports on Sword, Knives,...- published: 14 Jan 2013
- views: 13800
- author: Seattle206723