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IBM z/OS and the Mainframe: More Valuable than Gold
My first application in COBOL running on the IBM z/Os
Installing z/OS on hercules
Como instalar un mainframe de manera local con Hercules y Z/OS
A Mainframe z-OS Demo: How Secure Shell Can Bypass RACF Security Controls
Getting Started, z/OS Access
DB2 for z/OS RUNSTATS Profiles Skill Builder
What's new in z/OS 2.1 - IBM Training
Western Civilization runs on z/OS
z/OS Communications Server Overview
DB2 for z/OS Best Practice: Utilities Part 1
IBM Data Set Commander for z/OS Overview
Dragon Ball Z: Os melhores jogos da franquia!
Dragon Ball Z - Os guerreros mais fortes do Universo, o despertar dos Sayajins [ Dublado ] Cap. 011
Highlighted here is the value of the IBM z/OS operating system, the IBM z/OS Management Facility (z/OSMF), and the mainframe. Take a look at some examples of...
My first application developed in COBOL running on the IBM z/Os!!! :p.
How to install and run z/OS on Hercules. More info at:
En este video se ilustra paso a paso la manera de poder instalar y configurar un emulador de mainframe Z/OS de manera local Aquí les dejo mi cuenta de twitter para que se puedan comunicar conmigo y decirles como bajar el Z/OS Recuerden la unica manera de poder comunicarnos es siguiendonos mutuamente
Dave Rivard, System z Channel and Product Manager at SSH Communications Security, demonstrates how SSH keys can bypass RACF.
The Compuware Workbench provides a modern user interface for our industry-leading mainframe developer tools, reducing the learning curve for those new to mai...
This video introduces RUNSTATS Profiles, and demonstrates how to set, use, update, and delete. Course Links: DB2 10 for z/OS Database Administration Workshop...
This session discusses what new in z/OS. We will highlight the many items that have been incorporated in the OS to take advantage of the functions and features of the most recent servers such as the IBM zEC12 and zBC12. z/OS enhancements designed for: - Improving Usability and Skills - Scalability and Performance - Improving Availability - Self-Managing Capabilities - Integrating new Applications and Supporting Industry and Open Standards - Enhancing Security - Networking Brought to you by IBM Training
Are you relatively new to the area of mainframe networking and want a better understanding of the Communications Server component of z/OS? Have you heard of ...
This webcast reviews recommendations for the use of various DB2 for z/OS utilities. It highlights parameters and maintenance levels you should be aware of wh...
Note: For the best experience, it is recommended to watch this video in full-screen mode. IBM Data Set Commander for z/OS, the new product name for IBM ISPF ...
a serie dragon ball z possui uma infinidade de jogos em diversas paltaformas como o ps2,snes,ps1,xbox e ps3. neste video tento abordar algumas das principais...
DragonBall é propriedade da TOEI ANIMATION, Ltd. e licenciado pela FUNimation Productions, Ltd... Todos os direitos reservados. DragonBall, DragonBall Z, DragonBall GT e todos os logotipos, nomes de personagens e distintivas semelhanças respectivas são marcas registradas da TOEI ANIMATION, Ltd.
Tutorial para aprender a administrar DB2 en un sistema mainframe bajo Z/OS.
This is a short clip introducing the new product for z/OS that provides a modern browser based interface to system programmers for managing z/OS.
See how the database administrator (DBA) at a fictional company uses IBM Query Monitor and Optim™ Query Workload Tuner to improve customer satisfaction and r...
Learn how to view WebSphere MQ resources on z/OS.
mais um video sobre minha opiniao :D.
Formação Arnaldo Baptista: Mellotron, Órgão Hammond L100, Clavinete Hohner, Violoncelo e voz. Sérgio Dias: Guitarras Régulus e Fender Stratocaster, Violão 12...
This is a short demo by Ed Woods of IBM Corporation of the new OMEGAMON XE enhanced 3270 user interface.
This webcast reviews recommendations for the use of various DB2 for z/OS utilities. It highlights parameters and maintenance levels you should be aware of wh...
Curious about Test Driven Development on the mainframe? Yes, it's possible and yes it's efficient. View this discussion and demo by technical experts and learn how you can test your z/OS programs with no waiting in line for the test server! To learn more after viewing the tech talk visit
This self-paced audio-visual course provides an overview of the System Automation for z/OS 3.4 functional differences as they relate to implementation and ad...
DragonBall é propriedade da TOEI ANIMATION, Ltd. e licenciado pela FUNimation Productions, Ltd... Todos os direitos reservados. DragonBall, DragonBall Z, DragonBall GT e todos os logotipos, nomes de personagens e distintivas semelhanças respectivas são marcas registradas da TOEI ANIMATION, Ltd.
This video is an introduction to a new course that we just announced: ESD2 z/OS health check and trouble shooting z/OS now provides an integrated solution ap...
This webinar recording covers the methods used to automatically order jobs to Control-M for z/OS: Newday and User Dailies. Topics include best practices to help reduce problems and a discussion about the new methods using the Enterprise Manager to automatically schedule jobs on the mainframe. For more information on the monthly webinars, and to register for upcoming webinars, see the Control-M Communities page
Writing efficient SQL queries will improve the performance of your business applications. Given the declarative nature of SQL, there is usually more than one...
Writing efficient SQL queries will improve the performance of your business applications. Given the declarative nature of SQL, there is usually more than one...
In this Best Practice, Sheryl Larsen, the DB2 for z/OS world-wide evangelist shares many of the insights she has gained in writing efficient and well perform...
Running applications in a data sharing environment generally follows the same best practices as running any DB2 for z/OS application. Applications have a rol...
This presentation is from a set of recommendations developed by reviewing multiple DB2 customers environments. Many customer environments can benefit from th...
For more info: or Listen as James Governor, Principal Analyst and Founder, RedMonk, and Kevin Stoodley, IBM Fe...
Debata kandydatów na miejskich radnych z osiedli Kolejarz, Prochowa, Asnyka - część I relacji: autoprezentacja, pytanie od Chojnice TV o najpilniejsze zadania do rozwiązania w okręgu wyborczym. Zaproszeni byli kandydaci z okręgów nr 1, 7 i 18. Do sali w Przedszkolu Misiowa Akademia przybyli: Kazimierz Drewek (KW Chrześcijański Ruch Samorządowy), Antoni Pastwa (KW Chrześcijański Ruch Samorządowy), Bogdan Węgliński (SLD), Bogdan Kuffel (KWW Arseniusza Finstera), Dariusz Folerzyński (KWW Arseniusza Finstera), Andrzej Dolny (KW PiS), Marcin Wałdoch (KW PiS). Nagranie powstało 13.11.2014. Chojnice TV transmitowało debatę na żywo.
This presentation is the second of a three-part series detailing the set up process for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) application. This secon...
This presentation discusses the principles of IP Routing as they apply to z/OS, the z/OS implementation of static routing through the TCP/IP profile, and dyn...
Faaaaaalaaaeee colegõões blz!? kkk xD! Segundo episódio da saga do war z! Agora q o bichu pega! Ta siniistro cumpádi! Assistam e se surpreendam com a minha n...
Description 2) Hands on Lab Overview 3) E4D and z/OS Connect Configuration (10:53) 4) Node.js (31:55) 5) BlueMix (38:02) A Lab tutorial on how to take an existing IMS transaction and expose it as a RESTful service so that you can suse them in various applications (e.g. Mobile, JavaScript, or cloud-based application) How does it perform? We achieved over 34,000 TPS through z/OS Connect with the IMS Mobile Feature Pack driving IMS Transactions Innovating with IMS Systems of Record. Using IMS, Websphere z/OS Connect, IMS Explorer for Development, IMS Mobile Feature Pack, IBM Bluemix #InnovatingwithIMS
Unboxing smartfona LG Optimus S z systemem operacyjnym Android w wersji 2.2 i ekranem dotykowym. Darmowa bramka SMS -
Unboxing smartfona Kyocera Milano z systemem operacyjnym Android. Telefon posiada standardową klawiaturę QWERTY. Niska cena z pewnością zachęca do wypróbowania smartfona Kyocera. Darmowa bramka SMS -
EJ 460.079/080 vyjíždí z depa po provozním ošetření směr olomoucké přednádraží a zpět do osobního nádraží na vlak Os 3735
V Wiosenne Spotkanie z Wojskiem w Wyszkowie - pokaz uczniów Liceum Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego z Zespołu Szkół nr 2 im. Mikołaja Kopernika w Wyszkowie :)
V Wiosenne Spotkanie z Wojskiem w Wyszkowie - pokaz uczniów Liceum Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego z Zespołu Szkół nr 2 im. Mikołaja Kopernika w Wyszkowie :)
Cleyton Melo Produção Se inscreva para mais vídeos loucos! Pagina-
like em
Dos Lunas Columbia Z ridden by Juliana Ball in the Low A/Os (1.30m) at the Oaks Blenheim!
"CARS TOON - MATER´S TALL TALES"..., Mater´s - funniest stories !!! :o) Please give me a "LIKE"..., thank you very much !!! :o) SUBSCRIBE: ENGLISH: Here you can see the very coool kids movie about Mater, Lightning McQueen and friends from the Wii Game "Cars Toon - Mater´s Tall Tales" !!! ;o) DEUTSCH: Hier erlebt ihr die lustigen Kinderfilm - Geschichten von Lightning McQueen und Hook aus dem Wii Spiel "Car Toons - Hooks unglaubliche Geschichten" !!! ;o) FRANÇAIS: Vous pouvez voir ici les films pour enfants à partir de jeu de Nintendo Wii "Cars Toon - Les bagnoles animées" !!! ;o) ITALIANO: Potete vedere qui i ragazzi film da gioco di Nintendo Wii "Cars Toon - Le incredibili storie di Carl Attrezzi" !!! ;o) NEDERLANDS: Hier ziet u de kinderen films van Nintendo Wii Game "Cars Toon - Takels Sterke Verhalen" !!! ;o) ESPAÑOL: Aquí puede ver las películas de niños de juego de Nintendo Wii "Cars Toons" !!! ;o) POLSKI: Tutaj zobaczysz bajkowe historje z Nintendo Wii gry "Cars Toon - Bujdy na resorach" !!! ;o)
Fala ai galera do youtube estou trazendo um video de Dragon Ball Z,muito épico espero que gostem deixa seu like e se inscreve no canal para ficar ligado valew!
Odjezd Osobního vlaku 5832 (Kolín - Praha Masarykovo nádraží) ze stanice Lysá nad Labem dne 7.3.2015.
Największe blokowisko w mieście stopniowo pięknieje-kolejne bloki są docieplane a stare kotłownie osiedlowe wyburzane i zamiast starych asfaltowych alejek jest nowa kostka..
Pátek 6. března 2015. Rychlík č. 661 přijel do Náměště nad Oslavou včas, ale nějak se neměl k tomu, aby z Náměště i včas odjel. Asi po třech minutách pobytu začala vlakem procházet průvodčí a říkala něco ve smyslu, že na trati "zůstal stát osobní vlak a čeká se, až bude odtažen". Oponoval jsem, že mezistaniční úsek Kralice - Náměšť nemohl být v tu chvíli zablokován uváznutým Os vlakem č. 4809, protože v takovém případě by přeci nemohl Os 4828 přijet do Náměště. Odpověď průvodčí ČD, a. s., byla, že jednak toto ať si vyřídím s výpravčí SŽDC, s. o., která jí toto řekla; a také se ptala "Vy máte režijku, že?", čímž prokázala, že neví, jakou jízdenku mi cca o 20 minut dříve kontrolovala. :-) Asi holt znalost dopravní technologie je v očích některých režijkářů podmíněna vlastnictvím režijky. :-) Os 4809 v úseku Náměšť - Kralice neuváznul, ale normálně jím projel. Ovšem s 31minutovým zpožděním, které vzniklo (snad z důvodu poruchy vozidla?) v Náměšti nad Oslavou (do té doby jel tento vlak včas). A R 661 tedy v Náměšti musel čekat do doby, dokud Os 4809 nedojede do Kralic + následně dojde k odhlášce z Kralic za Os 4809. Tím pádem ale bylo jasné, že R 661 bude po celou cestu do Brna "poskakovat" za zpožděným osobním vlakem č. 4809 a také že se tak stalo. R 661 musel v Kralicích několik minut čekat na příjezd protijedoucího R 664 (který získal zpoždění v Rapoticích při čekání na příjezd protijedoucího, silně zpožděného Os 4809). Rapoticemi projel krátce poté, co došlo k uvolnění mezistaničního úseku Rapotice - Zastávka po dojezdu Os 4809 do Zastávky. V Zastávce se Os 4810 (jedoucí s hnací "Sandrou" 854.025, která prošla na podzim 2014 "najbrtizací") vykřižoval jak s Os vlakem č. 4809, tak i s rychlíkem č. 661. I v březnu 2015 pokračovala dlouhodobá neschopnost správce infrastruktury (SŽDC, s. o.) odstranit rychlostní omezení ve 3. a 5. staniční koleji žst. Zastávka u Brna, takže i 6. 3. 2015 byl rychlík č. 661 nucen courat se Zastávkou rychlostí 20 km/h. V žst. Tetčice musel R 661 téměř zastavit, protože Os 4809 v tu chvíli ještě nedojel do Střelic. Ve Střelicích došlo v únoru roku 2015 k výraznému prořezu křovin, takže okolí lávky nad tratí bylo prakticky kompletně "vyčištěno" od vegetace. V Brně-Horních Heršpicích již (po dlouhé době) nebylo odstavena torzo "krokodýla" 850.021 (v provozu dojezdil počátkem října roku 2011), který údajně byl přemístěn na přestavbu na měřicí/pracovní vůz. Do Brna hl.n. přijel R 661 s 10 minutami zpoždění, vzniklými výhradně "poskakováním" za zpožděným osobním vlakem č. 4809. Ze statistiky zpoždění na Babitronu vyplývá, že Os 4809 byl v úseku Zastávka u Brna - Brno hl. n. veden náhradní soupravou jedoucí téměř včas, zatímco kmenová souprava jela v tomto úseku coby násled č.104809 jedoucí s půlhodinovým zpožděním. Více informací je uvedeno přímo v jednotlivých videosekvencích.
Gostou do vídeo? Não esqueça de dar um joinha! Tem alguma sugestão, crítica ou elogio? Deixe seu comentário! NOTÍCIAS House of Cards: Terceira temporada estreia na Netflix Netflix garante a exibição de mais uma série: Z Nation Primagens de Vai Que Cola – O Filme, com Paulo Gustavo Série animada Hora de Aventura ganhará um filme pela Warner Bros. Viúva Negra, Thor e Nick Fury em mais cartazes de Os Vingadores 2: A Era de Ultron Assista ao trailer nacional dublado de Frozen: Febre Congelante Lady Gaga estará no elenco da quinta temporada de American Horror Story Morre Leonard Nimoy, o Spock de Jornada nas Estrelas Após ter estreia adiada, Dragon Ball Z: O Renascimento de Freeza ganha novo trailer Novo filme do Homem-Aranha contará com o Homem de Ferro ESTREIAS Kingsman: Serviço Secreto Simplesmente Acontece Renascida do Inferno 118 Dias EM CARTAZ Cinquenta Tons de Cinza Sniper Americano Bob Esponja: Um Herói Fora D'Água Tinker Bell e o Monstro da Terra do Nunca Superpai
Criei este vídeo para mostrar tds os vilões que as Super Poderosas Geração Z enfrentaram em tds esses episódios, e tbm fiz pra quem não conhece os vilões.. Espero que gostem e inscrevam-se no meu canal! :-)
This video provides guidance on how to install the user exit needed to gather z/OS SYSLOG data for analysis in IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Log Analysis.
Nie chcemy budowy nowego bloku - mówili zgodnie mieszkańcy os. 3 Maja. Swój protest wyrazili na spotkaniu osiedlowym oraz posiedzeniu Komisji Gospodarki Miejskiej i Komisji Budżetu i Finansów w Urzędzie Miasta Łańcuta. Opinie mieszkańców, stanowisko Urzędu Miasta oraz komentarz prezesa Spółdzielni Mieszkaniowej w Łańcucie można zobaczyć w materiale.
Syncsort MFX for z/OS 2.1 leverages the latest advancements in mainframe technology, including IBM’s zHPF architecture and deeper exploitation of zIIP engines, to help you overcome the challenges of modern mainframe systems.
Prezentace z kurzu cvičitelů
Playthrough de Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team Primeiro Game de PSP no Canal Lembre-se que eu estou jogando pela primeira vez... Então comentem se quiserem, mas não sejam burros em fazer perguntas sobre o jogo ‘-’ Google+: Twitter:
Apple's new Photos app has finally arrived with the latest OS X Yosemite operating system for Macs ... OS X 10.10
The Times of India 2015-04-08... fixes to the OS. You can download the Mac OS X 10.10 ... Discuss New Photos app available in OS X 10.10
CNET 2015-04-08... one OS ... In the server world, the Linux-based OS has revolutionized on-boarding and provisioning.
noodls 2015-04-08It rolled out Wednesday with Apple's latest update to OS X Yosemite, following an extended beta.
Mashable 2015-04-08... OS device family, the Acer Chromebase series, complementing its existing Chromebooks and Chromebox.
noodls 2015-04-08Unlike Chrome OS, CoreOS is not targeted at the consumer space to power dirt cheap laptops.
IT World 2015-04-08OS X 10.10 .3 ... We got to see some of these features when OS X 10.10 .3
IT World 2015-04-08Gheobhaidh go leor daoine a gcéad bhillí uisce ó chomhlacht Uisce Éireann inniu.
RTE 2015-04-08The latest version of Google's mobile OS has been approved for the Google versions of HTC's two latest flagship phones.
CNET 2015-04-08Also new in Microsoft’s new OS release is a new browser, Project Spartan, which will have ...
The Inquisitr 2015-04-08In Microsoft’s case, this new cut-down OS is claimed to come in at only 5 percent of the size of its ...
Forbes 2015-04-08Microsoft releases a new OS and, roughly a year later, a hefty service pack arrives with a raft of ...
Engadget 2015-04-08An expected OS update today will bring a new Photos app for Mac computers and launch an online ...
Contra Costa Times 2015-04-08Yojumen biomyon johungor
Nadeshin urojunikka
Giphun bam chuogur dodumda
Hessare jamdurgon hajyo
Moge gollin gude irumur
Su obshi boruda
Hanbonchum dorabwa jurkayo
Baby say again, baby please say again
Yongso handago dorabwa jurgorago
Tell me where you are jebar nar tonajima
Hanbonman do nor nukirsu ige...
Su obnun narduri jinado (mm)
Sarangun momchwo igejyo
Aphumiran uimirur mollasso
Nunmullo shisodo
Mongduro goin danungor
Baby say again, baby please say again
Yongso handago dorabwa jurgorago
Tell me where you are jebar nar tonajima
Hanbonman do nor nukirsu ige...
Ibyor iran uimirur mollasso
Gasumur mirodo nunmurun namgyo dunungor...
Ooh yeah yeah yeah
Baby say again, baby please say again
Yongso handago dorabwa jurgorago
Tell me where you are jebar nar tonajima
Hanbonman do nor nukirsu ige...
Hyudaepon gadeuk damgin neon jigeum neon dashi yeoreobwa
Wae ireongeolkka neol mannal ttaemada chojohaejyeo
Sumi makhyeowa jeongmal neol johahanabwa
Neomudo sarangseureon geudae mannareo ganeun gil
Bogoshipeunde neomu bogoshipeunde
Malhaji mothaneun babo
Geujeo neol bomyeon maldo mothaneun babo
Neol anajugo shipeunde gobaekhago shipeunde
Wae ireoke gihwega an na
Miniseukeoteu neul akkideon charimsae hwajanghan eolgul
Nal wihan geoni animyeon nuguwa yakssogilkka
Sumi makhyeowa jeongmal na jiltuhanabwa
Neomudo sarangseureon geudae nae mami bo-ini
Bogoshipeunde neomu bogoshipeunde
Malhaji mothaneun babo
Geujeo neol bomyeon maldo mothaneun babo
Neol anajugo shipeunde gobaekhago shipeunde
Wae ireoke gihwega an na
Come to me
Ne jichin mam dodaeche wae geureongeonde
Geureoke seulpeun neol bol su bakke eomneun nae mam
Bogoshipeunde neomu bogoshipeunde
Malhaji mothaneun babo
Geujeo neol bomyeon maldo mothaneun babo
Neol anajugo shipeunde gobaekhago shipeunde
Wae ireoke gihwega an na
Barami burowa noui okeye
Sarchag gideo nunur gamasso
Achimi ongod chorom
Pogunhan maumman jojowa
Noui bargorume machwo oh oh
Nado molle godgo inabwa
Norur nukinungor~ I know~ oh know~
Stand by me ne gyothe
Ne gyothe hangsang nur hamke hejwo
My baby hold me now... yongwonhi
Weiri gasumi dugun gorinun gorka
You better trust me now
Hangsang jikyojurke
Hangsang ganjig heon baren sajine
Sarchag segyojin ni irum bomyo~
Gakai ongod chorom
Tollinun maumman jonhewa
Sujubge dagaon ni nunbiche
Ne gasumi solleo wasso~
Norur nukinungor~ I know~ oh know~
Stand by me ne gyothe
Ne gyothe hangsang nur hamke hejwo
My baby hold me now... yongwonhi
Weiri gasumi dugun gorinun gorka
You better trust me now
Hangsang jikyojurke
Sesange oton mallodo pyohyon hagin himduro
Orejon yonsub heon gumar...
Nor jikyo jurke... (stand by, girl)... hoh~ hoh...
Stand by me ne gyothe
Ne gyothe hangsang nur hamke hejwo
(Nur hamke hejwo)
My baby hold me now... yongwonhi
Weiri gasumi dugun gorinun gorka
You better trust me now
Hangsang jikyojurke...
Mm~ mm~ hoh~ I know~ babe
[Hyung Joon]Cheonhwagildasi naeryeonohgo
Kkeudapal kaseume mudeodugo
Pamsaeweo sseodunpyeonjido pi-ejeoksyeo naerine
[Kyu Jong] Changmuneil tto yeoleobogo
Keudae ireumeul pulleodo
Taedapeotneun belsoriman kwitgae deulrine
[Hyung Joon]Akka-akka-akkaweo na modeungeosi keuriweo
Akkaweo na modeunkeosi kwoeroweo
Akka-akka-akkaweo nan neomalgoneun tareunyeoja
[Young Saeng/Hyung Joon]molla
I'm your man, I'm your man keudaeyeo ttaradatta oneuldo
Naneun oneuldo keudaeman
([Kyu Jong]saenggakhae)
I'm your man, I'm your man keudaeyeo ttaradatta oneuldo
[Young Saeng]keudaega tteonajianha
(I'm your man) I'm your man keorireul tto hemaejyo eodinjido mollayo
Hoksirado tto keudaega
([Young Saeng]nat'analkka)
I'm your man kkumerado moreujyo useumyeon pangyeochulkka
[Hyung Joon] Dasi ch'achaolji molla,
I'm your man
[Kyu Jong]Nungamado keudae seonmyeonhaedo kwitga-e moksori deulryeowado
Keudae hyanggi memdorado imi keudae tteonago
[Young Saeng]Teo manhi teo saenggaknago kagonaseoya arattjyo
Ike paro sarangirkka tteonagan keudaeyeo
[Hyung Joon]Akka-akka-akkaweo na modeungeosi keuriweo
Akkaweo na modeunkeosi kwoeroweo
Akka-akka-akkaweo nan tteonabeorin nisaenggak
[Young Saeng/Young Saeng]tolla
I'm your man, I'm your man keudaeyeo ttaradatta oneuldo
Naneun oneuldo keudaeman
([Kyu Jong]saenggakhae)
I'm your man, I'm your man keudaeyeo ttaradatta oneuldo
[Young Saeng]keudaega tteonajianha
(I'm your man) I'm your man keorireul tto hemaejyo eodinjido mollayo
Hoksirado tto keudaega
([Young Saeng]nat'analkka)
I'm your man kkumerado moreujyo useumyeon pangyeochulkka
[Hyung Joon]Dasi ch'achaolji molla,
I'm your man
[Kyu Jong]Tteonagan niga uldeongeol ara keudaedo ije ji-ungeol ara
[Hyung Joon]Ijen ara namja ijeungeochanha bich'amhajanha
[Young Saeng]Wae nanandwaeni naega nisaramijanha...
I'm your man, I'm your man keudaeyeo ttaradatta oneuldo
Naneun oneuldo keudaeman
([Kyu Jong]saenggakhae)
I'm your man, I'm your man keudaeyeo ttaradatta oneuldo
[Young Saeng]keudaega tteonajianha
(I'm your man) I'm your man keorireul tto hemaejyo eodinjido mollayo
Hoksirado tto keudaega
([Young Saeng]nat'analkka)
I'm your man kkumerado moreujyo useumyeon pangyeochulkka
[Hyung Joon]Dasi ch'achaolji molla,
I'm your man
Oh... shake it up, I'm gonna make it, baby
Hooo! hooo!
Yeah keetai ni todoku ok no henji
Sono toki manatsu ga riaru ninaru
Girl mukae ni iku kara umi made deka keyou
Katsu ita machi wosuri nuke te
Togireru souna kaiwa ni asecchi yau kanji
Taiyou ni make tenai kokoro saikouchou
Aozora kirakira sora
Umi wa blue sky blue close to me
Me kurumeku natsu ga futari chikadu keru
Aozora kirakira sora
Ah~ tsuyoku tada negau yo
Kun wo tsutsumu sora ni boku ganaritaito
Blue kaze ga tsuyoi kara mimimoto desasayaku
Kimi no kaori ni kuratsu toshite
Tsukame nai taimingu wo motte amasu kanji
Gigochinaku mitsu metara kion kyuujoushou
Aozora kirakira sora
Koi mo blue sky blue close to me
Waka chi au mirai kiss de hajime you
Aozora kirakira sora
Ah konna toki matte ta
Mabuta toji tamamano kimi ga itoshi kute
Arifureteru eien deii
Tada kun to aruki taizutto
Aozora kirakira sora
Umi wa blue sky blue close to me
Me kurumeku natsu ga futari chikadu keru
Aozora kirakira sora
Ah~ tsuyoku tada negau yo
Kimi wo tsutsumu sora ni boku ganaritaito
Gu irun hessari bichinun noui shingguron mosub ne nunmangul kajyogan kalka
Oh girl gakkai dagagaltemyon sumi maghil godman gatha jakku dashi dorasoge dwe
Do isang irom andoenunde naui mamul gunyoga nukkil su ig
Dorabwabwa jigumiya gidaryo on gobeg
Show me your eyes and give you my love
Nan niga johungol love you forever
Come to my heart
Listen my song for you boyojulke nol hyanghan mam gobeghalke gudemane wangjarangol
Girl no tonan nunnerin gori namgyojin naui baljagug yophe sujubge soigonhe
Dajimhe hayan nunbidchorom sunsuhage nol saranghagedanun gol
Yagsoghalke onjena nol jikhyojulgorago
Show me your eyes and give you my love
Nan nega johungol love you forever
Come to my heart
Listen my song for you boyojulke nol hyanghan mam gobeghalke gudemane wangjarangol
Nol bomyon dugungoryo suchyoman gajiman
Onurun noege igodman jonhago shipho
Nol saranghe
Show me your eyes and give you my love
Nan niga johungol love you forever
Come to my heart
Bounce with me,
Bounce with me,
Bounce with me...Bounce!!!
(repeat 2 times)
Bounce with me,
Bounce with me,
Bounce with me,
Bounce with me..
Wilohoolddaen nalboolluh
mwoga nimamae gullyo
Dareun namjawa nan teullyo
naegaen junhwalgohluh
Ahmoori woori mulri eehtsuhdo
geu moouhtshi nal makgoh eehtsuhdo
Gal soo eehtsuh nuh man
Dallyo gagaetsuh hwuhlhwuhl
nalah gagaetsuh
Nuhl ahnah joogaetsuh (joogaetsuh..)
Nae sarangeul batah jwuh nal
saranghanda malhaejwuh
Bounce with me..
Bounce with me..
Bounce! Bounce!
Bounce! Bounce!
Wilohoolddaen nalboolluh
mwoga nimamae gullyo
Naega wonhandaneungeol nuhn ahlgo
I need you..
I want you..
I'll run to you...
Yeah,baby! Yeah,baby!
Ni mameumae mooneul yuhluh
nareul huhlakhaejwuh
Niahnae nimamae naega deuluh
Naeui sarangooloh chaewuh joolgae
bounce with me...Bounce!!!
(Repeat A & B)
Joosunda gasunnuh waeuiddoo
gooonshisunpi halsoo
uhlo suhnae mameulsoom gilsoo
gauhlo suhnae
Nooggilsooga eeh suh niga
Eeshiganeul gidalyo watsuh eejaen
nuhl gatgaetsuh
Just two of us,
wooridan dooleesuh
Haneuleul nalahtsuh mumchoosooga
Eeshi ganeul ggoomggwuhwatsuh nan
jeongmal wonhaetsuh
I need you..
I want you..
Go to you...
(Repeat C,D & E)
Ni mameumae mooneul yuhluh
nareul huhlakhaejwuh
Niahnae nimamae naega
deuluh galsooeehtgae
Nuhwa naega hana dweelsoo
Bounce with me...Bounce!
Bounce with me,
Bounce with me,
Bounce with me..Bounce!
(Repeat 2 times)
Bounce with me,
Bounce with me,
Bounce with me,
Bounce with me,
Bounce with me,
Bounce with me...!
Maeil geoldeon jeonhwa
Bogeo shipdan yaegi
Haru hansigando naupsinun
Motgeonduhha dun neoindae
Jigeumeun nuhmu daleun naega nasuluh
Geunal bamdo geurea
Bapuhdadun nuhndae
Daechea geugoathaesuh daleunguhwa
Haengbokhan nuhrul bwayahae
Unsulpuhgae duluhdaeduhnun uhteoge!
I'm sorry oh my girl
Neomudo byunhaega
Oh my girl
Nuheunnaegamuhmu jalarah nalsogwijima
Cause I know your everything
I'm sorry without girl
Itsulsuga upjana
Oh my girl
Nae geotea itnun naemosupi
Chorahajiangae jebaljalhaejo
Nunwusumi mango
Aego maehun maltwo
Nulbomeon bwajeoldultendae
Jebalnaege eeruljieunma naege!
I'm sorry oh my girl
Neomudo byunhaega
Oh my girl
Nuheunnaegamuhmu jalarah nalsogwijima
Cause I know your everything
I'm sorry without girl
Itsulsuga upjana
Oh my girl
Nae geotea itnun naemosupi
Chorahajiangae jebaljalhaejo
Paljangdo geuroko
Haengbokhan mosupi
Wanbeokhan yeonin dulmaei
Uhtogae eehaeae ohherul
Nunbounnae mosupull
Naegah gureondaego
Sanggak jeohaebwa
Please my Love!
Nuhra saram
(Without Girl)I'm sorry oh my girl
Neomudo byunhaega
Oh my girl
Nuheunnaegamuhmu jalarah nalsogwijima
Cause I know your everything
I'm sorry without girl
Itsulsuga upjana
Oh my girl
Nae geotea itnun naemosupi
I'm Sorry without girl(Without girl)
Never Let You Go
Tteonaji mothago na ajik gidaryeo
Wae geuraeseulkka neoneun wae Say Good-Bye
Don't You Leave me Now
Jakkuman meoreojineun dwit moseub My Love
Wae geuraseulkka neoui majimak (Listen)
Geu miso geu neun bit
Ne moseubeun geudaero inde
Oh-neon wae dareun jiri-eh
Geu nugunga-ege
Midgyeojiji anhende
(In my life ajik wonhago ittneun geol)
Naui yokshimi neomu apseottdeon geolkka
(Baby one more time ije al geot gateun nae mam )
Dorawa jwo nan neol gidarineunde
Never Let You Go
Tteonaji mothago na ajik gidaryeo
Wae geuraeseulkka neoneun wae Say Good-Bye
Don't You Leave me Now
Jakkuman meoreojineun dwit moseub My Love
Wae geuraseulkka neoui majimak (Say Good-Bye)
One Two Three and go
Neoui sajin tae-ugo neoui pyeonjil jjijeodo
Ajik nan seonmyeong hae
So dorawa jullae ireon naega silhjiman
Nae majimak nun mullo My Love
(In my life ajik wonhago ittneun geol)
Neoui maeumeul neomu mollatdeon geol galkka
(Baby one more time ije al geot gateun nae mam)
Ajik na yeogiseo gidarineunde
Never Let You Go
Tteonaji mothago na ajik gidaryeo
Wae geuraeseulkka neoneun wae Say Good-Bye
Don't You Leave me Now
Jakkuman meoreojineun dwit moseub My Love
Wae geuraseulkka neoui majimak (Say Good-Bye)
(rap) Baby you know to back in my arms
Nae sarang eopseo neon sal su eopseo nae mam
Deo apeugi jeone dorawa jullae
Niga wonhandamyeon mwodeunji da hal su ittneun de
Baby you want to listen
To get you back is my mission
Onje deun dorawa niga pyeonhal ttae
Mwodeun malman hae ije naega byeon halke
Never Let You Go
Tteonaji mothago na ajik gidaryeo
Wae geuraeseulkka neoneun wae Say Good-Bye
Don't You Leave me Now
Jakkuman meoreojineun dwit moseub My Love
Oh lucky days...
Bokura no lucky days...
Mou hitome dakede
Nee korewa unmei datte me janai
Taiyou ga nokku shiteru
Kono ai mune hodokete
Sou kimi heto kaihou sareteku
Koi ga yuudachi koe tara te wo hii te kimi to
Kake nuke te iku summer daze oh
Lucky days bokura no lucky days
Kimi to natsu wo forever luck in my heart
Rakkii nadakeno isshun no kankei janai kara
Hirakou arata na tobira
Massugu guna taido mo
Sou mukureta hoo ppeno shoku mo
Kanari tsumi fukai
Kono ai kimi dakedayo
Nee honki de nankai mo ie ru
Daremo jama sasenai
Shinsen na tokimeki kagae te irami kaze notte
Rakuen mezase summer drive oh
Lucky days eien no holy days
Kowaii mono wa nai yo luck in my life
Futari dakeno michi shirubesagashitara
Boku to te to te wo tori atte ikou
Kokoro demo
Shizuka ni ame wa aga ri sora ni niji gakakaru
Nandemo kanai souna toki sa
Dandan tsuyoku nareru ai ga tsuyoku saseru
Fuan demo massugu guni aruki daseru oh
Lucky days bokura no lucky days
Kimi to natsu wo forever luck in my heart
Rakkii nadakeno isshun no kankei janai kara
Hirako u
Lucky days bokura no lucky days
Kimi to natsu wo forever luck in my heart
Rakkii nadakeno isshun no kankei janai kara
Romanji (surgeon bong dal hee ost)
chi-yugo nol chiyuryo hae-bwado
gasumun no hanaman chan-nunde
apugo apaso piwo-netdon
sangchoman nae-ge nam-gin chae
ichuryo nol ijuryo hae-bwado sarachiji
ha-nhun dan hansaram no ran-gol
ajunhi wae non morun chok hani
mar-hae-bwa wae kurohke nae gyochul
ttonaryo hae-nnunji borigo boryodo
nan moril su om-nunde
amuri ichuryogo ae-rul sso-bwado
nae nunun onjena noman kio-khago isso
tan hanbonman narul
kio-khagenni darul saram gyoteso
sarakado kakkumun nae saeng-gak hae-junun kol
chongmal nol sarang-hae-ssonnabwa
irohke nol kuriwohanunde
almyonso ttonanun nol bomyonso
chamshi ijun got bboninde
dorawa tashi nae-ge dorawa nan no obshi
saragol su opso
ajikdo nan nege hagopun mal innunde
irohke nol bo near-yo hae-bwado
nan chashini opso
iron mam nae mamul non algo innunji
tto narul nugun-garul saranghandedo
irohke nomanul hyang-hae umjiginun nae mam
tan hanbonman
narul kiokhagenni tarul sarang gyoteso
sarakado kakkumun nae saeng-gak hae-junun gol
chi-yugo nol chiyuryo hae-bwado
gasumun no hanaman chan-nunde
apugo apaso piwo-netdon
sangchoman nae-ge nam-gin chae
ichuryo nol ijuryo hae-bwado sarachiji
ha-nhun dan hansaram no ran-gol
ajunhi wae non morun chok hani
chongmal nol sarang-hae-ssonnabwa
irohke nol kuriwohanunde
almyonso ttonanun nol bomyonso
chamshi ijun got bboninde
dorawa tashi nae-ge dorawa nan no obshi
saragol su opso
Love like this
Hey Girl, ijen neoreul boyeojwo naege
Geuman neoui mameul
Won't you, my girl (my girl)
Hangsang mangseorineun neon jeongmal babo
Jeongmal neoneun babo
O~ malhaejwoyo
Wae, neon moreuni
Neon nal moreuni
Neol wonhaneun nae mam modu da gajyeogajwo
Naege geochim eobsi
Tteollim eobsi your love!
Love, naege wa. neon, like this.
So Love, gidarin neoran girl
True love, dagawa neon like this.
One Love, neon naege neon naegero
Love, naege wa. neon, like this.
So Love, gidarin neoran girl
True love, dagawa neon like this.
One Love, neon naege neon naegero
Hey Girl! oneul ttara deo yeppeo boyeo.
Nae mamui Key~juin baro neon Girl~
Neol tteoollimyeon, naneun neomu tteollyeo
Sojunghan neo baro naui Baby Baby
Wae, neon moreuni, wae
Neon nal moreuni wae
Neol wonhaneun nae mam modu da gajyeogajwo.
Ttan geon pillyo eobseo
Ojik wonhaneun geon Your Love!
Love, naege wa. neon, like this.
So Love, gidarin neoran girl
True love, dagawa neon like this.
One Love, neon naege neon naegero
Love, naege wa. neon, like this.
So Love, gidarin neoran girl
True love, dagawa neon like this.
One Love, neon naege neon naegero
I need you,
You need me.
Urineun gyeolguk hamkke hal kkeoya
Mangseorijima, naman ttarawa
Ijen yeah
Love, naege wa. neon, like this.
So Love, gidarin neoran girl
True love, dagawa neon like this.
One Love, neon naege neon naegero
Love, naege wa. neon, like this.
So Love, gidarin neoran girl
True love, dagawa neon like this.
One Love, neon naege neon naegero
Love, naege wa. neon, like this.
So Love, gidarin neoran girl
True love, dagawa neon like this.
HEY GIRL, nal parabwa
Neoui twit moseube naneun cheomjeom KNOCK DOWN
PLAY GIRL nae nuneulbwa
Imi mal anhaedo imi CRAZY TONIGHT
Show me now, naegero tagawaseo nal heundeuneun neoui nunpich'
Iru malhal si eoptneun hwansangjeogin cheonyueul
TELL ME, nal weonhandaneun teuthan tteugeoweojin neoui ipsul
Han madiro, babe
Dandarara, dandarara
Dandarara, dandarara
Yeogikkajiran mareun hajimalgo
Dandarara, dandarara
Dandarara, dandarara
Oneul bam nawa DOWN DOWN
HEY GIRL, nan neoreul bwa
Moreun ch'eokman haneun neoui saeppalgan mal (saeppalgan mal)
PLAY GIRL sumgijin ma
Nunch'iroman pwado neoneun, don't worry tonight
Hey boy, relax your mind
Kinjanghajimalgo nal parabwa
Tell me what you want babe, and you just take me
Chasinittge kajyeobwa, BABY BOY
Dandarara, dandarara
Dandarara, dandarara
Yeogikkajiran mareun hajimalgo
Dandarara, dandarara
Dandarara, dandarara
Oneul bam nawa
Neoreul pun nae momi tteolligo isseo
Oneul haruman ni namjaga twigesseo
Chigeum I sungan neol ka'go sip'eo
Ijen naegero wa GIRL
Dandarara, dandarara
Dandarara, dandarara
Dandarara, dandarara
Dandarara, dandarara
(Come on baby tonight)
Yeogikkajiran mareun hajimalgo
Dandarara, dandarara
Dandarara, dandarara
Na-ege seodo na-ege seodo ganjeolhaejin maminde
Eotteokharago eotteokharago haeyo
Neomu adeukhan neomu adeukhan sarang inde
Jeoldae pogi mothaneun shimjangi geudae ingeo jyo
Yeogiseo isseo neoui useum chaja ulkkeoya
Nimam apeugehan nunmureun yeogi naega da jaba dultenikka
Tumyeonghan ni sarangeul jeoldae ijji mothal gireum mandeuro
Bandeushi uri sarangeul dashi chajeultenikka
Niga eopshido niga epseodo jal haenael su isseulkka
Kkumeul kku-eodo hangsang duri yeottneunde
Neoreul dalma-on neoreul dalma-on shigandeureul
Jeoldae pogi mothaneun miryeonhan shimjangingeojyo
Yeogiseo isseo neoui useum chaja ulkkeoya
Nimam apeugehan nunmureun yeogi naega da jaba dultenikka
Tumyeonghan ni sarangeul jeoldae ijji mothal gireum mandeuro
Bandeushi uri sarangeul dashi chajeultenikka
Teongbin sarange gaseum ta-oreuneun seulpeumdo
Neoreul maeumeseo mireonaegi-en bujokhan nareul jaranikka
Heureuneun geu nunmure nameun gi-eok majeo jamkil ttakkaji
I thinking of you whatever you do
Norul hyanghago isso
I just loving you whatever you are
Nega nunul to jamdul tekaji
Gin bam noui mogsorirul dudgopha yeah
Myot bonshig nan suhwagil dulda dallyoga yeah yeah
Jogumdo gakkai noui gyothe gago shipho yeah yeah
Bul kojin ne bang chang are ne mam nwa dugo onun gol
I Thinking of you whatever you do
Norul nukkigo inun nal
I just loving you whatever you are
Nonun onjongil neane isso
Negen nol hyanghan sarangman isso
Jom do modjin namjaga doegopha
Jonboda nan yolshimhi harurul saraga
Sesange johun god modu nege julsu ige yeah yeah
Gurohge norul wiheso dallajyo ganun naingol
Sesange johun god modu nege julsu ige
Gurohge norul wiheso dallajyo ganun naingol my love
I thinking of you whatever you do
Norul nukkigo inun nan
I just loving you whatever you are
Nonun onjongil neane isso
Negen nol hyanghan sarangman isso
On jongil norul senggaghedo naegen mojara
Han pyongseng norul saranghedo ne mam da moth julgoya
I Thinking of you whatever you do
Norul nukkigo inun nan
I just loving you whatever you are
Nonun onjongil ne ane
I Thinking of you whatever you do
Norul hyanghago inun nan (oh baby)
I just loving you whatever you are
Nega nunul to jamdul tekaji
Nae meoriga neomuna nappaseo
Neo hanapakke nan moreugo
Tareun sarameun pogoittneun neon
Ireon naema-eumdo moreugettji
Neoui harue naran eoptgettji
Tto chu'eokjoch'a eoptgettjiman
Neoman paraman pogoittneun nan
Chakku nunmuli heureugoisseo
Neoui dwaetmoseubeul poneungeotdo nan haengbokiya
Ajik naui ma-eumeul mollado
Kkeutnae seuch'ideusi kado
Niga neomu pogosip'eun nalen
Neomu kyeondigi himdeul naleneun
Neoreul saranghanda ipgae maemdola
Honja dasi tto CRYING FOR YOU
Honja dasi tto MISSING FOR YOU
Baby! I love you! I'm waiting for you!
Neoui harue nan eoptgettji
Tto kieokjoch'a eoptgettjiman
Neoman paraman pogoittneun nan
Honja ch'ueokeul mandeulgo isseo
Naegen sarangiran areumdaun sangch'eokat'a
Neoui yeppeun misoreul poado
Hamkke nan utjido mothae
Niga neomu saenggaknaneun nalen
Kaseum sirigo seulp'eun naleneun
Niga pogosip'ta ipgae maemdola
Honja dasi tto CRYING FOR YOU
Honja dasi tto MISSING FOR YOU
Baby! I love you! I'm waiting for you!
Bye, bye, never say goodbye
Ireohke chapji mothajiman
I need you amu maldo mothae I want you
Paraedo dasi paraedo
Niga neomu pogosip'eun nalen
Neomu kyeondigi himdeul naleneun
Neoreul saranghanda ipgae maemdola
Honja dasi tto CRYING FOR YOU
Niga neomu saenggaknaneun nalen
Kaseum sirigo seulp'eun naleneun
Niga pogosip'ta ipgae maemdola
Honja dasi tto CRYING FOR YOU
Honja dasi tto MISSING FOR YOU
moreuneun ch'eokhago cheomjeom nega teo p'yeonhaejigo
kakkeum tareun yeoja bogo saljjak kyeot'nunjildo haebogo
ije toen keot kat'a nega nae yeoja toel keot kat'a
neodo nae maeum al keot kat'a
keureohke mideosseo
karago haji mayo karago haji mayo
dasi han beon nal pondamyeon
Lalalalala~ neol bureuneun noraega
ireon noraega Lalalalala~
Lalalalala~ neol bureneun noraega
ireon noraega Lalalalalala!
chepal tteonajineun ara ijen twaesseoyo
tu beon dashineun geureon mareun marayo
modu ch'ungbunhae ijen naega al keot kat'ayo
dasineun geureon mareun haji marayo
han beon ppunirado chaggu cheonhwado keoleobogo
sarangiran mal hanaro ne mam deulryeobonaeryeo haebogo
kkeut'naejaneun mare cheonbo chilryeottdaneun mare
naega silhreojyeottdaneun keu mare
amu mal mothaedo
karago haji mayo karago haji mayo
dasi keudaega ondamyeon
Lalalalala~ neol bureuneun noraega
ireon noraega Lalalalala~
Lalalalala~ neol bureneun noraega
ireon noraega Lalalalalala!
Lalalalala~ ireohke pulreo bwado
neo pulreo bwado Lalalalala~
Lalalalala~ ireohke pulreo bwado
neo pulreo bwado Lalalalala~
chepal tteonajineun ara ijen twaesseoyo
tu beon dashineun geureon mareun marayo
modu ch'ungbunhae ijen naega al keot kat'ayo
dasineun geureon mareun haji marayo
mochilge keureohge amureohchi anhke
mudeomdeomhage tamdamhage nae kyeot'eul tteonaganayo
meoreochilsurok chomjeom chakajilsurok cheomjeom
keudaeman tteo-olra nan amu maldo amukeotdo
(Lalalalala..... [x5])
Lalalalala~ neol bureuneun noraega
ireon noraega Lalalalala~
Lalalalala~ neol bureneun noraega
ireon noraega Lalalalalala!
Lalalalala~ ireohke pulreo bwado
neo pulreo bwado Lalalalala~
Lalalalala~ ireohke pulreo bwado
neo pulreo bwado Lalalalala~
chepal tteonajineun ara ijen twaesseoyo
tu beon dashineun geureon mareun marayo
modu ch'ungbunhae ijen naega al keot kat'ayo
Babe, come on
Ooh... yeah~ yeah yeah yeah
Mojige usur gorchyo ibgo angyongdo su go
I got you norur wihe neck tile manjigoso
Gudega wonhanun narur mandurge (sarchag) mollaboge
Jepalli narur bakuge
Dubonche bursug natanago shisondo kurgo
You got me shingyong suge hanmadir donjigo
Nege kullyo dunun norur mandurge (jomdo) pajyo durge
Ni ane narur nukige
Memurchage nege kullyo dunun norur meuduge
Nege sodajinun shison noro gage
I love you, take me i just wanna make a style
Hanbon manimyon all right, try oso once more
I just wanna be with you all tonight
Sebonche nunur majuchigo morunchog hago
You move umjigige chonchonhi kullyo oge
Nege daga ganun narur nukige (jaku) dugundege
Jogumshig negero oge
Memurchage nege kullyo dunun norur meuduge
Nege sodajinun shison noro gage
I love you, take me i just wanna make a style
Hanbon manimyon all right, try oso once more
I just wanna be with you all tonight
Shigani dagawasso na jigumiya
Negero gane non nege ora hane
Sorjighan maumur marhe ni kullinun maumur..
Babe, come on...
Babe, come on... ???
Babe, come on... ???
Babe, come on... ???
Babe, come on...
Majimag ije thega dwesso nege dagaga
I want you norur wonhe moshige marhagoso
Imi argo isso noui maumur jongmar kuthnejuge
Ijenun nege pajige (yeah..)
Memurchage nege kullyo dunun norur meuduge
Nege sodajinun shison noro gage
I love you, take me i just wanna make a style
Hanbon manimyon all right, try oso once more
I just wanna be with you all tonight..
Memurchage nege kullyo dunun norur meuduge
Nege sodajinun shison noro gage
I love you, take me i just wanna make a style
Hanbon manimyon all right, try oso once more
Nege marul haji gureni ne gyothe darun saram senggyodanun sashil
modun gol badadurigien nega juggo shiphul mankhum aphun iri doegejiman
Nowa hamke inun gue aphe na honja momudgorimyo soidon gute
Gure norul gunyang bonenge jarhangora senggaghejiman
ne mam nomu apha onungol
I don't wanna love again
Baby I don't wanna love again dashin nal chadji anhgirul
I don't wanna love again
Baby I know noui yogshim mankhum nol cheuji mothan na yeah
Majimag noege hago shiphun mal
gakkumun irohge ne tudgwa darun naui salm
Naege nega jonbuyossonunde
nomu janinhan ne nunbid nal munoturyoji
Nowa hamke inun gue aphe na honja momudgorimyo soidon gute
Gure norul gunyang bonenge jarhangora senggaghejiman
ne mam nomu apha onungol
I don't wanna love again
Baby I don't wanna love again dashin nal chadji anhgirul
I don't wanna love again
Baby I know noui yogshim mankhum nol cheuji mothan na yeah
Imi orejone nol tenassoya henunde nega baboyosso yeah
noui giog hankobone da modu da yeah jiulle
I don't wanna love again
Oh I don't wanna love again
I don't I don't I don't baby
I don't wanna love you can't you see my darling
I don't wanna love again
Oh I don't wanna love again nol cheuji mothan na
Tu cuerpo descargalo
Mi feeling agarralo
Dejate llevar y sientelo
Sin control estamos haciendolo
I told you, you didn't get enough of me
I told you, so this is where you wanted to be
I told you, she never let me see the hotness that sound is provoking me
I told you, that you're like an animal
I told you, I'll have you naked on the floor
I told you, now you can't let me go
There's a hundred people here watching the show
Oh, I like it when you bend it like that
Oh, just stop it baby, keep it right there
Oh, said you want a fantasy
But you never thought that it was going to be me
I am, I am, I am
Damn I want to come but you come before me (2x)
When I watch you, tell me you can hardly breathe
I watch you, the thought of you watching me
Watch you, think if I go too deep
Girl don't you know what you're doing to me
Don't sotp, go ahead and take it off
Don't stop, about them watching us
Don't stop, going to call the cops
But this kiss just go ahead and lock me up
Oh, I like it when you bend it like that
Oh, just stop it baby, keep it right there
Oh, said you want a fantasy
But you never thought that it was going to be me
I can feel it coming on, can't you feel it
Coming on, it's what I really want
Damn I want to come but you come before me
I can feel it coming on, do you feel it
Coming on, it is what I really want
Damn I want to come, but you come before me (2x)
Me miran, me tientan, me matan, me sientan
Mi furia calienta, cualquiera violenta
me piden que mi fuego la tenga,
si quieren que conmigo se venga
me gusta cuando mueves asi, no pares de mirarme asi
De lleno en el extasis
Damn I want to come, but you come before me
I am, I am, I am
Cheongmallo nan mollasseo, TV deuramach'eoreom
Ch'inguisang saenggakhae pun cheok eoptdeon
Neoreul saranghage doedani, ige museun nalbyeorak
Nado moreugesseo ireon nae mameul
Kaseumi tteoryeo sasileun myeo" beonssik
Ireon nae mam somgi ryeo aesseobwattneunde
Meomch'ul su eopseo, keureoni padajweo
Neoreul wihae junbihan naui sarangeul
Baby, neoreul saranghae
Baby, neoman saranghae
Ch'inguraneun mardaesin nan ni
Be the one for you
Baby, nuga mweoraedo,
You're the only one for me
Ojik neo hanaman parabollae
Baby, so lovely... Surely...
You're the one
Maeil maeil sangsanghae naui yeop'e ittneun neo
Saengakmaneuro nan imi haengbokhae
Ijen nun naerineun kyeo-uldo nae sonjapgo hamkkehae
Neoman nae kyeot'e isseo jundamyeon
Neon algo ittni, oneuri ogireul
Na eolmana sonkkoba kidaryeottneunji
Yonggireul naelkke, keureoni deuleojweo
Neoreul wihae junbihan sarangui norae
Baby, neoreul saranghae
Baby, neoman saranghae
C'inguraneun mardaesin nan ni
Be the one for you
Baby, nuga mweoraedo,
You're the only one for me
Ojik neo hanaman saranghalkke
Baby, so lovely... Surely...
You're the one
Sarangiran mal ch'eo-eumiya ireon geol
Dugeungeorineun nae mameul arajweo
Padajweo keurigo malhaejweo neo yeoksi naman polgeorago
Listen to my heart~
Now once again~
Baby, neoreul saranghae
Baby, neoman saranghae
Ch'inguraneun mardaesin nan ni
Be the one for you
Baby, nuga mweoraedo,
You're the only one for me
Ojik neo hanaman parabollae
Baby, neoreul saranghae
Baby, neoman saranghae
Ch'inguraneun mardaesin nan ni
Be the one for you
Baby, nuga mweoraedo,
You're the only one for me
Ojik neo hanaman saranghalkke
Baby, so lovely... Surely...
Yeah, What! (What?) New Exclusive! Double S 501 Let's go!
Banbok dwineun ilsang soge iksok haejyeo beorin geo-ul sok ne moseub
Amu uimi eopneun, modu gashik ppunin iyagi gata
Shikji anhneun yeoljeong deureul gaseum ane Double S
Ijen modu tteol chyeo beoryeo! I SAY,
Show'em what you wanna say.
Sesange keuge wechyeo. gang ryeol hage How you want it
Jigeum buteo urideul manui It's Real Message
Music O' Double S 501 duryeo-umeun nallyeo beorigo
Say you want it
Want It (Hey! ) x3
Jeongdapi eopneun insaeng soge This Puzzle aneseo nae moseubeun machi
Maro soge ppajin bicheul chatneun geomeun geurimja gata
Urimanui Music-euro jomdeo saero-un shijak
Ijenuen tto dareun dojeon New Generation
Show'em what you gotta do!
Sesange keuge wechyeo. gang ryeol hage How you want it
Jigeum buteo urideul manui It's Real Message
Music O' Double S 501 duryeo-umeun nallyeo beorigo
Say you want it
Want It (Hey! ) x3
Kkeut nal geot gatji anhattdeon ginagil teoneol jinamyeon
Shiryeo-eun jeo haneul wiro nallyeo (ije)
Let's go Together
Sesange keuge wechyeo. gang ryeol hage How you want it
Jigeum buteo urideul manui It's Real Message
Music O' Double S 501 duryeo-umeun nallyeo beorigo
Say you want it
Want It (Hey! ) x3
Sesange keuge wechyeo. gang ryeol hage How you want it
Jigeum buteo urideul manui It's Real Message
Music O' Double S 501 duryeo-umeun nallyeo beorigo
Say you want it
Light on
kwag chan hamsong modunge jogdanghan tonight
yaggane tollim kodaran ullim narul doug tugobge hanungol
Oh what you gonna do nal wihan ridumul jwobwa
just do want you want jungshimen nega soisso
jithun uishime nungwa gunshime gadughan mogsori
Jaije boyojuji
We can take you high
chaorunun sumgyolnal hundunun mulgyol
i sungan jigumkod gamchwowadon gorgeous energy
modu ssodanemyo gasum gadug nol nukkimyo
gonna run into you
Light off tongbin mude hotarhan naman namgyojyo
yaggane shilsu biudon shison
jogumun na umchuryo duljiman
Oh what you gonna do nal wihan ridumul jwobwa
just do want you want jungshimen nega soisso
jithun uishime nungwa gunshime gadughan mogsori
Jaije boyojuji
We can take you high
chaorunun sumgyolnal hundunun mulgyol
i sungan jigumkod gamchwowadon gorgeous energy
modu ssodanemyo gasum gadug nol nukkimyo
gonna run into you
What you wanna do kumkudon shigani dwesso
you don't have to care
jogumshig na ajilteni nophi sonul hunduro
narul hyanghe do kuge oechyo
jujo anji mothage
We can take you high
chaorunun sumgyolnal hundunun mulgyol
i sungan jigumkod gamchwowadon gorgeous energy
modu ssodanemyo gasum gadug nol nukkimyo
gonna run into you
Share my dream with you
narul hyanghan nunbid chanranhan jo bulbid
nega shilmanghaji anhge
let me check this out
i ridume machwo gasum gadug nol nukkimyo
Wake up gochin sumul neshwigo muderulnawa aphesomyon
(Double S 501 passion narul hyanghan noui nunbid)
Count down imi shijagdoen party umag onmomul hundulmyon
(Double S 501 passion norul hyanghan naui nunbid)
Shison kuth balgun jomyong chumul chugo noui mom jomjom to orumyon
Double S passion of music
nukkil su isso jinjong no wonhanun oechim
norul wihe shijagdwesso D-S 501
To say U want ridume machwo chumul chwobwa
No wonhanun gu modungod oh ne goshi doelsu isso
To say U want ridume machwo chumul chwobwa
Alsuisso nukkilsu isso nawa hamke oechyobwa
S 2 501 oechyo do kuge do gakabge dullyo omyon
(Double S 501 passion narul hyanghan noui nunbid)
Power up narul gadug cheunun yolgi du parun hundulmyon
(Double S 501 passion norul hyanghan naui nunbid)
Tojildud hamsong sori twio ogo noui nun jomjom balgaomyon
Double S passion of music
nukkil su isso jinjong no wonhanun oechim
norul wihe shijagdwesso D-S 501
To say U want ridume machwo chumul chwobwa
Na wonhanun gu modungod oh nowa hamke inun god
To say U want ridume machwo chumul chwobwa
Alsuisso nukkilsu isso nawa hamke oechyobwa*
Shison kuth balgun jomyong chumul chugo noui mom jomjom to orumyon
Double S passion of music
nukkil su isso jinjong no wonhanun oechim
norul wihe shijagdwesso D-S 501
To say U want ridume machwo chumul chwobwa
No wonhanun gu modungod oh ne goshi doelsu isso
To say U want ridume machwo chumul chwobwa
My girl
My world's changing
Tto dareun (bye bye bye) mideulsuga eobseo
(tell me why why why) tteollineun neoui moksori
Don't try say it, byeonmyeongttawin deutgi sirheo
Hang sang neon urineun irwojil suga eopdago
Geureoneun niapeseo naega museun mareul hae
Gaseumi malhajanha
Museun mari deo pillyohae
Geurae nan michyeotda, michyeotda
Neoege nan michyeotda, michyeotda
Amuri ppajyeo naoryeo haedo, neo hanabakke boiji anha
(naege neon... MAYBE, MAYBE, MAYBE)
Haneuri jeonghan unmyeong
(naege neon... BABY, BABY, BABY)
Nae modeungeol neoege
(naege neon lady lady lady)
Nae yeope isseojwo (crazy crazy crazy) oh baby
Cuz i'm crazy 4 u
Not again
Eotteoke (how how how) neon dareulkkahaesseo
(dasi try try try) eotteoke sarangi byeonhae?
Charari tatae
Neo animyeon andoeneun nar...
Amuri mworahaedo eojjeol suga eobtjanha
Naege yokhandaedo dasi hanbeon malhalge
Sesange dan han saram,
Geu sarami baro neorago
Geurae nan michyeotda, michyeotda
Neoege nan michyeotda, michyeotda
Amuri ppajyeo naoryeo haedo, neo hanabakke boiji anha
(naege neon maybe maybe maybe)
Haneuri jeonghan unmyeong
(naege neon baby baby baby)
Nae modeungeol neoege
(naege neon lady lady lady)
Nae yeope isseojwo (crazy crazy crazy) oh baby
Cuz i'm so crazy 4 u
Nuneul gamado nae ape (crazy)
Gaseumeul dadado nae ane... (crazy)
Eodilgado neon nae gieoge... (CRAZY)
Neon nae ane isseo
Geurae nan michyeotda, michyeotda
Neoege nan michyeotda, michyeotda
Amuri ppajyeo naoryeo haedo, neo hanabakke boiji anha
(naege neon maybe maybe maybe)
Haneuri jeonghan unmyeong
(naege neon baby baby baby)
Nae modeungeol neoege
(naege neon lady lady lady)
Nae yeope isseojwo (crazy crazy crazy) oh baby
Cuz i'm crazy 4 u
Nan nege nege nege nege ppajingeol
Neol wonhae wonhae wonhae wonhae wonchyugeol
Nan michyeo michyeo michyeo michyeo michingeol
(cuz i'm crazy 4 u)
Nan nege nege nege nege ppajingeol
Neol wonhae wonhae wonhae wonhae wonchyugeol
Nan michyeo michyeo michyeo michyeo michingeol
(cuz i'm crazy 4 u)
Cuz i'm crazy 4 u
Love ya, pretty baby I love ya
I can't get enough of ya
We're gonna fall in love
Oh yeah
Love ya
The way you shake your hair, love it
The guys all stop and stare
Oh you're the answer to my prayers
Love ya, pretty baby I love ya
There's no one up above ya
Why don't we fall in love
Come on and try your love with me
Don't you see
I'll, I'll turn you around
Inside and out, upside and down
Yeah, just give me a chance
Love ya, don't ya know I just love ya
When you're in my arms know ya
You'll fall in love with me
Love ya, want to show you a fine time
Come to see you some sweet time
I wanna take you home
Come on and try your love with me
Don't you see
I'll, I'll turn you around
Inside and out, upside and down
Yeah, just give me a chance
Love ya, come on and live with me, will ya
I'm down on my knees for ya
Oh baby please please please
Love ya, doop bee dooby doo love ya
Love ya, doop bee dooby doo love ya
Nae meoriga neomuna nappaseo
Neo hanapakke nan moreugo
Tareun sarameun pogoittneun neon
Ireon naema-eumdo moreugettji
Neoui harue naran eoptgettji
Tto chu'eokjoch'a eoptgettjiman
Neoman paraman pogoittneun nan
Chakku nunmuli heureugoisseo
Neoui dwaetmoseubeul poneungeotdo nan haengbokiya
Ajik naui ma-eumeul mollado
Kkeutnae seuch'ideusi kado
Niga neomu pogosip'eun nalen
Neomu kyeondigi himdeul naleneun
Neoreul saranghanda ipgae maemdola
Honja dasi tto CRYING FOR YOU
Honja dasi tto MISSING FOR YOU
Baby! I love you! I'm waiting for you!
Neoui harue nan eoptgettji
Tto kieokjoch'a eoptgettjiman
Neoman paraman pogoittneun nan
Honja ch'ueokeul mandeulgo isseo
Naegen sarangiran areumdaun sangch'eokat'a
Neoui yeppeun misoreul poado
Hamkke nan utjido mothae
Niga neomu saenggaknaneun nalen
Kaseum sirigo seulp'eun naleneun
Niga pogosip'ta ipgae maemdola
Honja dasi tto CRYING FOR YOU
Honja dasi tto MISSING FOR YOU
Baby! I love you! I'm waiting for you!
Bye, bye, never say goodbye
Ireohke chapji mothajiman
I need you amu maldo mothae I want you
Paraedo dasi paraedo
Niga neomu pogosip'eun nalen
Neomu kyeondigi himdeul naleneun
Neoreul saranghanda ipgae maemdola
Honja dasi tto CRYING FOR YOU
Niga neomu saenggaknaneun nalen
Kaseum sirigo seulp'eun naleneun
Niga pogosip'ta ipgae maemdola
Honja dasi tto CRYING FOR YOU
Honja dasi tto MISSING FOR YOU
I don't know your name
But it seems that we're all the same
'Cause when I sing to you
You are singing back to me
And we sing in harmony
Harmony, we sing in melody
Harmony, harmony
You and I, we sing in rhapsody
Now there's a moment
I feel so much lighter
In this moment
I can breathe
'Cause what I give to you
Comes right back to me
And we sing in harmony
Harmony, we sing in melody
Harmony, harmony
You and I, we sing in rhapsody
I will tell you all of my secrets
I will tell you all of my chores
All my answers, all my answers
Lie in this song that I sing to you
And we sing in harmony
Harmony, we sing in melody
Harmony, harmony
You and I, we sing in rhapsody
All the night, all the night
We sing in rhapsody
Harmony, harmony
We are just shadows
Crawling through this micro alley
But I am hungry for your love
And I am starving for a better time
But that? s all we got here
That? s all we know
That? s all we? ve become
Our recognition
Yeah well we be walking in
Some kind of direction
In a line with our right foot first
Yes we? re waiting for some material heaven
That will, that will quench our thirst
But that? s all we got here
That? s all we know
That? s all we? ve become
Our recognition
And I don? t know what to do
About holding my head high
I am struggling to breathe through all these
In between times
And I am wondering why
I am wondering why
And I was born into this place
That filters who we are
By what we have done
Yes I know I am a product of this institution
That? s all I got yeah
That? s all I know
That? s all i? ve become
My recognition oh
And I don? t know what to do
About holding my head high
I am struggling to breathe through all these
In between times
And I am wondering why
Lucille, you know how I feel
Put me behind that wheel
Lucille, you know how I feel
Put me behind that wheel
'Cause every waking day's just the same damn thing
I get up and go to work and then I sleep again
It's just my days and oh they never change
I was I could just run away
Lucille, you know how I feel
Put me behind that wheel
Lucille, you know how I feel
Put me behind that wheel
Even if I have to drive all night I don't care
I just might make my way to New Orleans
And maybe I will meet a local boy and we can drown out all the noise
And make a toast to this crazy scene
Lucille, you know how I feel
(Just gimme the keys, Lucille) Put me behind that wheel
Lucille, (I gotta get outta here, I just) you know how I feel
(Gimme the keys to the wheel) Put me behind that wheel
'Cause every waking day's just the same damn thing
I get up and go to work and then I sleep again
It's just my days and oh they never change
I was I could just run away
Lucille, you know how I feel
Put me behind that wheel
Lucille, (Just gimme the keys, Lucille, just gimme the keys) you know how I feel
(I gotta get outta here) Put me behind that wheel
I don't care about it
I don't wanna hear no more
I got no friends here
I just gotta get outta here
I don't know
I just feel it I don't belong here no more
Just gotta get away, so
(oh oh oh oh)
Lucille, you know how I feel
What do I say
On this January day
When all my thoughts have gone astray
But I'm thinking 'bout you
And what do I do
When I'm black and I'm blue
And I'm still loving you
But I know it was meant to end
Oh, I'm missing you
Or maybe I'm just missing who I was
When I was with you
Oh love, oh love
Oh won't you come again
Take me in your arms and hold me
Make me feel new again
And how do I convey
All the words that I could never say
To you when you were around
Oh, I'm missing you
Or maybe I'm just missing how I felt
When I was with you
Oh love, oh love
Oh won't you come again
Take me in your arms and dance with me
Make me feel alive again
Oh love, oh love
Won't you come again
Take me in your arms and hold me
Make we want to laugh and sing
Someday I will ask you if I was a disappointment
I will ask you if you put your hard earned money into a bad investment
You will tell me there are no guarantees but you
Got solutions for security
And I will ask you, I would ask you
How about my dreams
But you say life is a battlefield and you have
Given me the arms
You say I have to fight
I have to keep moving on
Someday I will ask myself if I was disillusioned
I will ask myself, if I have proven
That I made it on my own terms
Yeah I may have suffered some burns but I am
Living my dreams and am who I wanna be
But you say life is a battlefield and you have
Given me the arms
You say I have to fight
I have to keep moving on
On this path that you've tread
On this map, that is yours
Well I have to say, have to say, have to say
That I cant fight your war, I cant fight your war
But you say life is a battlefield and you have
Given me the arms
You say I have to fight
I have to keep moving on
Hey yeah oh oh oh
This is your battlefield
This is my life that you're asking for
This is my life that you wanted much
More then yours
But you say life is a battlefield and you have
Given me the arms
You say I have to fight
I have to keep moving on
The time is coming, It's coming soon
I feel it in my bones, I feel it in my shoes
I was lost, but now I'm found
And all my troubles are turning around
Oh I feel I've getting so close to you
Heaven's holding my hand
And I'm ready to break on through
So I'm tearing down the walls inside
Letting go of all my pride
Making room for the lie
I don't need to hide inside this shell
This shell no more
No more
I don't know my right from left
And I've been going around this bend
So many miles I have roamed
Lately I feel like I'm coming home
Oh I'm getting so close to you
Heaven's lighting a candle
And I'm ready to break on through
So I'm tearing down the walls inside
Letting go of all my pride
Making room for the lie
I don't need to hide inside this shell
This shell no more
No more
Oh no, no, no, no more, no more
So I'm tearing down the walls inside
Letting go of all my pride
Making room for the lie
I don't need to hide inside this shell
This shell no more
No more, No more
So I'm tearing down the walls inside
Letting go of all my pride
Making room for the lie
I don't need to hide inside this shell
This shell no more
No more
No more
This shell
This shell
This shell
Seasons change
They change when you dont seem to notice
All of a sudden, wind grows cold
And then the snowflakes start to fall
It's kinda like when fell in love with you
I, I didnt even notice when you didnt love me anymore
Theres a blue, theres a blue sky on my left and a pink sky on my right
And I'm driving down the 92 where the bridge looks like it touches the sky
And im thinking to myself
Where did all the time go
And why cant I remember
What it was like when I was young
Seasons change
And you grow a little older
Nothing stays the same
The past becomes the future
Seasons change
And you grow a little older
Noone stays the same
And my heart grows a little colder
Im standing in a parking lot
Of some suburban shopping mall
And I'm dressed in my work uniform making friends with all
The vacant cars
And I'm thinking to myself
I gotta make a big decision today and I hope I choose a better tomorrow
Rather then a better yesterday
Seasons change
And you grow a little older
Nothing stays the same
The past becomes the future
Seasons change
And you grow a little older
Noone stays the same
And my heart grows a little warmer
My heart turns a little warmer
Everything turns it turns it turns it turns
Seasons change
And you grow a little wiser
Nothing stays the same
The past becomes the future
Seasons change
Only the cherry blossoms they bloom again (x2)
I fight my demons everyday
They come and go, the ebb and flow
Like the ocean
You think you know me, and you know me
But you don't know
How scared I am
So I lie to make excuses
And I lie to blame everyone else
And I lie to point my finger at you
Rather than change myself
It's just each day goes by so fast
I can't seem to grasp them
And I tend to run away
From my reflection
You see I am so
Petrified to be God-like
So I lie to make excuses
And I lie to blame everyone else
And I lie to point my finger at you
Rather than change myself
(Ahh, Ahh, Ahh...)
So I lie to make excuses
And I lie to blame everyone else
And I lie to point my finger at you
Rather than change myself
So I lie to make excuses
And I lie to blame everyone else
And I lie to point my finger at you
Rather than change myself
(fade out)
So I lie to make excuses
And I lie to blame everyone else
And I lie to point my finger at you
It's easier to fall and harder to stand
It's easier to cry and harder to laugh
And I don’t know how, I don’t know why
But you’re the light on my shoulder when I'm tired
It's easier to run and harder to be still
It's easier to think and harder to feel
And I don’t know how, I don’t know why
But you’re the light on my shoulder when I'm tired
It's easier to hide and harder to trust
It's easier to hate and harder to love
And I don’t know how, I don’t know anything