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Recent Video

Norman Finkelstein: Gaza After the Massacre

Finkelstein on Gaza After the Massacre

Norman Solomon: What’s at Stake

Imaginary Lines host Chris Spannos interviews Norman Solomon, Executive Director of the Institute for Public Accuracy

Noam Chomsky: On Scottish Independence

On Scottish Independence, Statehood and Power

Jonathan Steele: Ukraine Crisis Escalates as Russian Forces Cross Border

The United States and NATO are openly accusing Russia of sending combat forces into Ukraine as tensions continue to mount

Mohammed Omer: “The Damage is Beyond Imagination in Gaza”

Journalist Mohammed Omer on ceasefire deal & rebuilding

Paul Farmer: Growing Inequality in Global Healthcare at Root of Crisis

Dr. Paul Farmer on African Ebola Outbreak

Vijay Prashad: Blowback

How the Islamic State Grew Out of U.S Invasion of Iraq

Michael Ratner: The Dahiya Doctrine

Evidence of Israel’s Intentional Mass Slaughter in Gaza

Carey Wedler: How I Became a “Self-Hating Jew”

Sometimes you have to ask questions

Jamala Rogers: St. Louis Activist: Decades After 1968 Urban Uprisings

Interview with Jamala Rogers, who was born in Kansas City, Missouri, and witnessed the 1968 uprisings

Norman Finkelstein: Israel Mowing the Lawn in Gaza

Norman Finkelstein spoke on August 17th, 2014 in Princeton, NJ. at the “A Peaceful March and Rally for the People of Gaza”

Phillip Agnew: Activist: For a New Generation

Ferguson Marks Historic Nonviolent Resistance to Police Repression

Arun Gupta: Creating Insurgents

An interview on the media coverage of Iraq

Noam Chomsky: On BDS and How the Israeli Occupation is “Much Worse Than Apartheid”

Noam Chomsky discusses U.S. support for Israel; the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement (BDS); and the blockade of Gaza

Noam Chomsky: “Sadistic & Grotesque”

On Gaza, MIT Professor Noam Chomsky says the debate inside the Israeli government is whether to allow “bare survival” or to inflict “misery and starvation”

Potent Whisper: Potent Whisper Ft. Floetic Lara – Just Wondering

Official video for Potent Whisper Ft. Floetic Lara – Just Wondering

Leon Rosselson: A Song for Gaza: The Ballad of Rivka and Mohammed

The song was written in July/August 2014 as Israel’s bombardment of Gaza slaughtered 2000 civilians, among them hundreds of children

Phyllis Bennis: As U.S. Airstrikes in Iraq Begin, Will Military Intervention Escalate Growing Crisis?

The Pentagon has announced U.S. military aircraft carried out airstrikes in northern Iraq

Mads Gilbert: Solidarity with Gaza

“The heart of the Earth beats in Gaza now. It bleeds, but it beats”

Justin Podur: Dan Freeman-Maloy on the Gaza Ceasefire

Interview on the long history of Israel’s decades-long, disciplined destruction of Gaza and of Palestinian society

Jonathan S. Landay: CIA Admits to Spying on Senate but No Prosecutions to Follow

Interview on the criminality of the CIA’s actions and the growing trend of government surveillance on public employees

Uri Avnery: Uri Avnery on Gaza Crisis, His Time in a Zionist “Terrorist” Group & Becoming a Peace Activist

Fighting in Gaza has resumed after the expiration of a 72-hour truce expired

Noam Chomsky: “A Hideous Atrocity”

Noam Chomsky on Israel’s Assault on Gaza & U.S. Support for the Occupation

John Pilger: Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia

1979. The shocking state of Cambodia after Pol Pot’s murderous regime.

Norman Finkelstein: Gaza Ceasefire

After 1,800+ Dead, What Led Israel to Stop the Assault — and What Comes Next?

Justin Podur: Taking Action on Gaza

This talk describes the direction of Israel’s – and the West’s – politics on Gaza and Palestine more generally

Vijay Prashad: BRICS

Discussing the recent BRICS conference and the proposal to create a new development bank

Chesapeake Climate Action Network: Stop Fracked Gas Exports

On July 13th, 2014 over 1,000 people converged in Washington DC as part of a growing movement to stop fracked gas exports

Jonathan Landay: The CIA’s Other Spy Scandal

Agency Monitored Emails Between Congress & Whistleblowing Officials

RT.com: Two killed, dozens injured as IDF opens fire on West Bank Day of Anger

Two Palestinians have been killed and over 90 injured in West Bank as thousands marched against the IDF’s assault on Gaza

Henry Siegman: “A Slaughter of Innocents”

Given his background, what American Jewish leader Henry Siegman has to say about Israel’s founding in 1948 through the current assault on Gaza may surprise you

Many Authors: All Life is Connected

The people in this video represent the human family, standing on the side of freedom – for Palestinians and Israelis alike

Ilan Pappe: Who Bears Responsibility for Civilian Deaths in Gaza?

Israeli scholar and historian Ilan Pappe argues the media’s demonization of Hamas provides Israel cover for continuing its siege and occupation of Palestinian territories

Jeremy Scahill: “Global Stop and Frisk Program”

We are joined by investigative reporters Jeremy Scahill and Ryan Devereaux of The Intercept. Last week they published the secret U.S. document along with their new article, “The Secret Government Rulebook for Labeling You a Terrorist.”

Norman Finkelstein: Gaza: Is There Method in the Madness

Interview on the current situation in Gaza

Ilan Pappe: Israel Has Chosen to be a “Racist Apartheid State”

“I think Israel in 2014 made a decision that it prefers to be a racist apartheid state and not a democracy”

Norman Finkelstein: Gaza: Ceasefire or Surrender?

Interview on the current situation in Gaza.

Amira Hass: Turning Point?

Largest West Bank Protest in Decades Raises Spectre of a 3rd Intifada

Sharif Abdel Kouddous: In Gaza, Unrelenting Israeli Assault Causes “Grave Humanitarian Crisis”

Amidst talk of a potential ceasefire, the Palestinian death toll has passed 815 in Israel’s relentless bombings of the Gaza Strip

Joseph Stiglitz: Joseph Stiglitz on TPP, Cracking Down on Corporate Tax Dodgers & New BRICS Bank

Part 2 of a discussion with Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz, a professor at Columbia University and the World Bank’s former chief economist.

Angela Davis: On Palestine and the Prison Industrial Complex

to Davis makes the connections between the violence in Gaza and the struggle for racial justice

Gideon Levy: If Netanyahu Wants to Stop the Rockets, He Needs to Accept a Just Peace

Israeli journalist Gideon Levy argues that Middle East peace will never come until the Israeli government drops its rejection of basic Palestinian rights

Glenn Greenwald: Why Did NBC Pull Veteran Reporter?

NBC is facing questions over its decision to pull veteran news correspondent Ayman Mohyeldin out of Gaza just after he personally witnessed the Israeli military’s killing of four Palestinian boys on a Gaza beach

Stephen F. Cohen: Downed Malaysian Plane Raises Risk of War

Interview with Professor Stephen Cohen on what this incident could mean for the region

Norman Finkelstein: Did Israel Spark Violence to Prevent a New “Peace Offensive”?

Interview on the broader context of decades of occupation and recent events highlighting the expansionist goals of the Israeli government in the Palestinian land under its control

Noam Chomsky: The Gaza Crisis

Interview on the current situation in Gaza

Noam Chomsky: A Conversation with Noam Chomsky

Inteview on a variety of topics

Julian Assange: Fair U.S. Trial for Snowden “Not Possible”

WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange Responds to Hillary Clinton

Julian Assange: About WikiLeaks & Snowden

Assange discusses his new legal bid in Sweden, the ongoing grand jury probe in the United States, and WikiLeaks’ efforts to assist National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden

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