Real SCIENCE of zombies and resurrection - Sci Guide (Ep 14) - Head Squeeze
This Easter, Ross Exton discusses whether or not it is scientifically possible to bring someone back from the dead. The Haitian Zombies: http://skeptoid.com/...
Daniel Arsham illustrates the Easter Islands for the Louis Vuitton Travel Books 2013
Artist Daniel Arsham travels to the Easter Islands for the new edition of the Louis Vuitton Travel Books, available at http://vuitton.lv/11F1PRN. Daniel Arsh...
Vlog | Easter Sunday | April 5, 2015
I was in a very vloggy mood yesterday and put together quite a long video sharing how I spent my Easter. I hope you enjoy it! Check out my blog (link below) to see more about my week. Thanks for watching ☺
WIR Blog Post - http://www.organizedjen.com/week-in-review-march-30-april-5-2015
Recent Videos:
Lifestyle Favorites | March 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAXwJ5jzNx8
Vlog | Grandma's
GTA 5 NEW "Niko Bellic" Easter Egg & GTA 4 Exotic Export Missions Found! (GTA 5 Gameplay)
GTA 5 NEW "Niko Bellic" Easter Egg & GTA 4 Exotic Export Missions Found! (GTA 5 Gameplay) - GTA 5 NEW Niko Bellic Easter Egg!
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GTA 5 Secret Underwater Military Gear – Nuclear Missiles, Army Tanks & MORE! (GTA V Easter Egg)
GTA 5 Secret Underwater Military Gear – Nuclear Missiles, Army Tanks & MORE! (GTA V Easter Egg) - Secrets & Mysteries In The GTA 5 Waters!
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► Subscribe For More: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=MrBossFTW
► MrBossFTW Apparel & Gear: http://ambitiouscustomprinting.com/collections/mrbossftwapparel
ZacCoxTV: https://www.youtube.com/user/ZacCoxTV
"Black Ops 2" COVE Hijacked "EASTER EGG" Details Explained (Vengeance DLC Tac-Insert Secret)
What do you guys think of this "EASTER EGG" on Cove?! Pretty cool right? Check out all of the links below & SUBSCRIBE if you are new Look into it more here: ...
The beauty of : Siege of Shanghai (BF4 cinematic) Ep.3
●►music : Ross Bugden-parallel : http://bit.ly/1jYgYcg
●►The third episode of the new series called "the beauty of"
●►If you liked the video, leave a like & a comment and I'd really appreciate a sub
●►GAMING CHANNEL : http://bit.ly/1vvCLN0
●►MUSIC CHANNEL : http://bit.ly/1palxkH
●►VLOG CHANNEL : http://bit.ly/1palJQU
●►Twitter : http://bit.ly/1sjtYjb
The beauty of : Caspian Border (BF4 cinematic) Ep.2
●►music : Ross Bugden-Without Limits : http://bit.ly/1jYgYcg
●►The second episode of the new series called "the beauty of"
●►If you liked the video, leave a like & a comment and I'd really appreciate a sub
●►GAMING CHANNEL : http://bit.ly/1vvCLN0
●►MUSIC CHANNEL : http://bit.ly/1palxkH
●►VLOG CHANNEL : http://bit.ly/1palJQU
●►Twitter : http://bit.ly/1sjtYjb
Travel Vlog | Southampton, Long Island | June 24 - 28, 2015
I vlogged during our trip out to Southampton, Long Island for a family reunion. Please visit my blog for pictures and my trip recap. Thanks for watching ☺
Trip Recap Blog Post - http://www.prettyneatliving.com/trip-recap-southampton-2015
Recent Videos:
Don's Cook Nook | Perfect Grilled Chicken https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aW5DBFB6eho
Vlog | Father's Day Weekend | June 20 - 21, 2015 https://
Natsko Seki illustrates London for the Louis Vuitton Travel Books 2013
Artist Natsko Seki travels to London for the new edition of the Louis Vuitton Travel Books, available at http://vuitton.lv/103GXXD Chéri Samba speaks about t...
Chéri Samba illustrates Paris for the Louis Vuitton Travel Books 2013
Artist Chéri Samba travels to Paris for the new edition of the Louis Vuitton Travel Books, available at http://vuitton.lv/105afzJ Chéri Samba speaks about tr...
Inverness, Scotland
This clip was taken March 7th 2010 from a high elevation. It shows the City of Inverness (capital of the Scottish Highlands) , Moray Firth (estuary) and the ...
Jean Philippe Delhomme illustrates New York City for the Louis Vuitton Travel Books 2013
Artist Jean Philippe Delhomme travels to New York for the new edition of the Louis Vuitton Travel Books, available at http://vuitton.lv/105exXP. Jean Philipp...
I'm an Evil Hacker | Solo Shangri La Easter Egg!!! Part 1
So this is a fun little hack to let us do the shangri la easter egg solo! I hope you enjoy!
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Louis Vuitton City Guides 2013 :: Paris Saint-Germain-Des-Prés (English Version)
PARIS - SAINT-GERMAIN-DES-PRES © Louis Vuitton Malletier / Des Quatre Producer: Mathias Vayer Director : Romain Chassaing Music : Etienne Ross Paris, Saint-G...
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GTA 5 Online: Underwater Submarine Location Guide (GTA V)
GTA 5 Online - Underwater Submarine Location Guide! (GTA V) ▻ Please Leave A Like & Comment! ▻ Subscribe For More: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center...
Tenerife Holiday Vlog 2015
So we spent a couple of days in Tenerife and decided to start a vlogging channel. It seemed like a good idea at the time! Here we explore the beaches and fine Tapas Tenerife had to offer as well as enter Tenerife's famous 'Siam Park'. I would definitely recommend Tenerife as the holiday destination if you're looking for a relaxing couple of days in the sun!
EDITOR: iMovie
CAMERA: Canon 1200D DSLR
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What Scientific Evidence Has Led Astronomers To Conclude The Universe Had A Beginning Just As The Bible Says?
Free Uncopyrighted Music - YONAS - Love Me Again (prod. sean ross) - "non copyrighted music"
Free Uncopyrighted Music - YONAS - Love Me Again (prod. sean ross) - non copyrighted music
Click Here For Daily Music Uploads:
Hello There Everyone
This channel and everyone that is a part of it love "Glitching" with a Passion. We not only find a lot of "Glitches but we also like using other peoples "Glitches" so if you want me to show people "Glitches" you have found or ju
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He Doesn't have to die well die again that this!!!
Fed up of your zombie dieing or having to kill him to travel to a different location? well you don't have to do that anymore. If you can lure him onto the bus you'll notice the bus will still move, this keeps the zombie from dying and having to start a new round. It's good if you're wanting to use the box or go to a different location, I hope it
The Story of the moon easter egg!
I guess I need to clear up some things. this video will be interactive, PLEASE ask any questions in the comments and I'll try to respond!
Dark Souls 36: Bob Ross
RIP Bob. :C Hi, I'm Rawrquaza, and I do LPs of games like Risk of Rain, Starbound, Dark Souls, Wanderlust; Rebirth, and other games that I find fun or people...
Real SCIENCE of zombies and resurrection - Sci Guide (Ep 14) - Head Squeeze
This Easter, Ross Exton discusses whether or not it is scientifically possible to bring someone back from the dead. The Haitian Zombies: http://skeptoid.com/......
This Easter, Ross Exton discusses whether or not it is scientifically possible to bring someone back from the dead. The Haitian Zombies: http://skeptoid.com/...
wn.com/Real Science Of Zombies And Resurrection Sci Guide (Ep 14) Head Squeeze
This Easter, Ross Exton discusses whether or not it is scientifically possible to bring someone back from the dead. The Haitian Zombies: http://skeptoid.com/...
Daniel Arsham illustrates the Easter Islands for the Louis Vuitton Travel Books 2013
Artist Daniel Arsham travels to the Easter Islands for the new edition of the Louis Vuitton Travel Books, available at http://vuitton.lv/11F1PRN. Daniel Arsh......
Artist Daniel Arsham travels to the Easter Islands for the new edition of the Louis Vuitton Travel Books, available at http://vuitton.lv/11F1PRN. Daniel Arsh...
wn.com/Daniel Arsham Illustrates The Easter Islands For The Louis Vuitton Travel Books 2013
Artist Daniel Arsham travels to the Easter Islands for the new edition of the Louis Vuitton Travel Books, available at http://vuitton.lv/11F1PRN. Daniel Arsh...
Vlog | Easter Sunday | April 5, 2015
I was in a very vloggy mood yesterday and put together quite a long video sharing how I spent my Easter. I hope you enjoy it! Check out my blog (link below) t...
I was in a very vloggy mood yesterday and put together quite a long video sharing how I spent my Easter. I hope you enjoy it! Check out my blog (link below) to see more about my week. Thanks for watching ☺
WIR Blog Post - http://www.organizedjen.com/week-in-review-march-30-april-5-2015
Recent Videos:
Lifestyle Favorites | March 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAXwJ5jzNx8
Vlog | Grandma's Condo Tour | March 26, 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABDegLw6rYQ
Jen's Cook Nook | Paska Bread | Easter Baking https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0eoVmsF8Mc
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My Blog - http://www.organizedjen.com
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** NEW Sigma Beauty DISCOUNT CODE for APRIL **
Purchase Sigma beauty products, including my favorite makeup brushes, with 10% off your entire purchase by entering the code GLOWGETTER during checkout (good thru April 30, 2015). Sigma will send you a free gift when you spend $30 or more on your total purchase! - http://bit.ly/1nPVHRo
Receive $10 off your first Erin Condren purchase - http://bit.ly/1b64X0Z
In an effort to maintain a positive environment, comments are moderated before approved. While constructive criticism and suggestions are welcome, negative comments with no purpose other than to spread malice will not be approved.
* Description contains affiliate and referral links. This is not a sponsored video. All opinions are genuinely my own. *
wn.com/Vlog | Easter Sunday | April 5, 2015
I was in a very vloggy mood yesterday and put together quite a long video sharing how I spent my Easter. I hope you enjoy it! Check out my blog (link below) to see more about my week. Thanks for watching ☺
WIR Blog Post - http://www.organizedjen.com/week-in-review-march-30-april-5-2015
Recent Videos:
Lifestyle Favorites | March 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAXwJ5jzNx8
Vlog | Grandma's Condo Tour | March 26, 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABDegLw6rYQ
Jen's Cook Nook | Paska Bread | Easter Baking https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0eoVmsF8Mc
Other Places To Find Me:
My Blog - http://www.organizedjen.com
Winnie's Blog - http://www.winniethetzu.com
Facebook Fan Page - http://www.facebook.com/OrganizedJen
Twitter - http://twitter.com/OrganizedJen
Pinterest - http://pinterest.com/organizedjen
Instagram - http://instagram.com/organizedjen
* Please be advised that some of the links provided are affiliate/referral links and I do receive a small commission/store credit if you make a purchase using those links. I very much appreciate your support of this channel in doing so! *
** NEW Sigma Beauty DISCOUNT CODE for APRIL **
Purchase Sigma beauty products, including my favorite makeup brushes, with 10% off your entire purchase by entering the code GLOWGETTER during checkout (good thru April 30, 2015). Sigma will send you a free gift when you spend $30 or more on your total purchase! - http://bit.ly/1nPVHRo
Receive $10 off your first Erin Condren purchase - http://bit.ly/1b64X0Z
In an effort to maintain a positive environment, comments are moderated before approved. While constructive criticism and suggestions are welcome, negative comments with no purpose other than to spread malice will not be approved.
* Description contains affiliate and referral links. This is not a sponsored video. All opinions are genuinely my own. *
- published: 06 Apr 2015
- views: 6481
GTA 5 NEW "Niko Bellic" Easter Egg & GTA 4 Exotic Export Missions Found! (GTA 5 Gameplay)
GTA 5 NEW "Niko Bellic" Easter Egg & GTA 4 Exotic Export Missions Found! (GTA 5 Gameplay) - GTA 5 NEW Niko Bellic Easter Egg!
► Please Leave A Like & Comment!
GTA 5 NEW "Niko Bellic" Easter Egg & GTA 4 Exotic Export Missions Found! (GTA 5 Gameplay) - GTA 5 NEW Niko Bellic Easter Egg!
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Check out more of my GTA 5 & GTA 5 Online videos! I do a variety of GTA V tips and tricks, as well as funny moments and information content all revolving around around the world of Grand Theft Auto 5: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4P1Iz2th7dUuZBXXYz8Wj5G4gQrM4bf1
Hope you enjoyed this video about GTA 5 & GTA Online! Thanks guys and have an awesome day,
wn.com/Gta 5 New Niko Bellic Easter Egg Gta 4 Exotic Export Missions Found (Gta 5 Gameplay)
GTA 5 NEW "Niko Bellic" Easter Egg & GTA 4 Exotic Export Missions Found! (GTA 5 Gameplay) - GTA 5 NEW Niko Bellic Easter Egg!
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ZacCoxTv: https://www.youtube.com/user/ZacCoxTV
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►Garrett (JoblessGamers) - https://www.youtube.com/Joblessgamers
►DatSaintsfan - https://www.youtube.com/360NATI0N
►MrBossFTW - https://www.youtube.com/MrBossFTW
Check out more of my GTA 5 & GTA 5 Online videos! I do a variety of GTA V tips and tricks, as well as funny moments and information content all revolving around around the world of Grand Theft Auto 5: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4P1Iz2th7dUuZBXXYz8Wj5G4gQrM4bf1
Hope you enjoyed this video about GTA 5 & GTA Online! Thanks guys and have an awesome day,
- published: 26 Apr 2015
- views: 23654
GTA 5 Secret Underwater Military Gear – Nuclear Missiles, Army Tanks & MORE! (GTA V Easter Egg)
GTA 5 Secret Underwater Military Gear – Nuclear Missiles, Army Tanks & MORE! (GTA V Easter Egg) - Secrets & Mysteries In The GTA 5 Waters!
► Please Leave A Lik...
GTA 5 Secret Underwater Military Gear – Nuclear Missiles, Army Tanks & MORE! (GTA V Easter Egg) - Secrets & Mysteries In The GTA 5 Waters!
► Please Leave A Like & Comment!
► Subscribe For More: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=MrBossFTW
► MrBossFTW Apparel & Gear: http://ambitiouscustomprinting.com/collections/mrbossftwapparel
ZacCoxTV: https://www.youtube.com/user/ZacCoxTV
My Facebook:
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►Garrett (JoblessGamers) - https://www.youtube.com/Joblessgamers
►DatSaintsfan - https://www.youtube.com/360NATI0N
►MrBossFTW - https://www.youtube.com/MrBossFTW
Check out more of my GTA 5 & GTA 5 Online videos! I do a variety of GTA V tips and tricks, as well as funny moments and information content all revolving around around the world of Grand Theft Auto 5: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4P1Iz2th7dUuZBXXYz8Wj5G4gQrM4bf1
Hope you enjoyed this video about GTA 5 & GTA Online! Thanks guys and have an awesome day,
wn.com/Gta 5 Secret Underwater Military Gear – Nuclear Missiles, Army Tanks More (Gta V Easter Egg)
GTA 5 Secret Underwater Military Gear – Nuclear Missiles, Army Tanks & MORE! (GTA V Easter Egg) - Secrets & Mysteries In The GTA 5 Waters!
► Please Leave A Like & Comment!
► Subscribe For More: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=MrBossFTW
► MrBossFTW Apparel & Gear: http://ambitiouscustomprinting.com/collections/mrbossftwapparel
ZacCoxTV: https://www.youtube.com/user/ZacCoxTV
My Facebook:
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My Instagram:
►Garrett (JoblessGamers) - https://www.youtube.com/Joblessgamers
►DatSaintsfan - https://www.youtube.com/360NATI0N
►MrBossFTW - https://www.youtube.com/MrBossFTW
Check out more of my GTA 5 & GTA 5 Online videos! I do a variety of GTA V tips and tricks, as well as funny moments and information content all revolving around around the world of Grand Theft Auto 5: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4P1Iz2th7dUuZBXXYz8Wj5G4gQrM4bf1
Hope you enjoyed this video about GTA 5 & GTA Online! Thanks guys and have an awesome day,
- published: 23 Feb 2015
- views: 25867
"Black Ops 2" COVE Hijacked "EASTER EGG" Details Explained (Vengeance DLC Tac-Insert Secret)
What do you guys think of this "EASTER EGG" on Cove?! Pretty cool right? Check out all of the links below & SUBSCRIBE if you are new Look into it more here: ......
What do you guys think of this "EASTER EGG" on Cove?! Pretty cool right? Check out all of the links below & SUBSCRIBE if you are new Look into it more here: ...
wn.com/Black Ops 2 Cove Hijacked Easter Egg Details Explained (Vengeance Dlc Tac Insert Secret)
What do you guys think of this "EASTER EGG" on Cove?! Pretty cool right? Check out all of the links below & SUBSCRIBE if you are new Look into it more here: ...
- published: 06 Jul 2013
- views: 14300
author: MrBossFTW
The beauty of : Siege of Shanghai (BF4 cinematic) Ep.3
●►music : Ross Bugden-parallel : http://bit.ly/1jYgYcg
●►The third episode of the new series called "the beauty of"
●►If you liked the video, leave a like & a c...
●►music : Ross Bugden-parallel : http://bit.ly/1jYgYcg
●►The third episode of the new series called "the beauty of"
●►If you liked the video, leave a like & a comment and I'd really appreciate a sub
●►GAMING CHANNEL : http://bit.ly/1vvCLN0
●►MUSIC CHANNEL : http://bit.ly/1palxkH
●►VLOG CHANNEL : http://bit.ly/1palJQU
●►Twitter : http://bit.ly/1sjtYjb
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movie,video,cinematics,timelapse,animation,fast-forward,fast-peaced,timelapse,timelapse,timelapse,time,stars,first,lapse,construction,art,video game (industry),milky way,film,,film,trailer,short,movie,short ,cinematic,cinematic,trailer,e3,game,gameplay,e3 2014,2014,ps4,hd,pc,playstation4,video,funny,new,one,epicmusicvn,gaming,xboxone,battlefieldhardline,leaked,easter,xbox,360,eso,ps3,pvp,egg,drama,beta,hardline,full,nh\u1ea1c epic,nhac epic,film,epic music,news,fight,emotion,newgame,score,epic,uplifted,ea,soundtrackbattlefield,battlefield hardline,battlefield,battlefield hardline gameplay,hardline,battlefield (video game series),battlefield hardline ,gameplay,dice,pc,battlefield hardline beta gameplay,battlefield 4,ea,xbox one,bf hardline,battlefield hardline funnymoments,battlefieldtrailer,moments,battlefieldhardlinemultiplayer,xbox360,fps,battlefield5,funny,best,guns,playstation4,games,gaming,trailer,visceral,playstation 3,ps4,preview,battlefield heist,bf4,funny moments,omaha,beta,battlefield hardline heist,battlefield gameplay,battlefield beta gameplay,bfh,hardline gameplay,thieves,electronicarts,leak,e3,ps3,rumor,playstation,omaham,joshshaw,videogame,game,juego,gamespot,gamespot.com,xbone,xbox,cops,explosions,swat,crime,criminal,call of duty,cod,xonehainan,hainan,china,battlefield 4,multiplayer,guide,\u4e2d\u56fd,travel,plane,battlefield 4 gameplay,tricks,beach,playstation 4 (computer),hainan (chinese province),hainan resort easter egg,playstation,'travelogue',insel,hainan resort,easter egg,bf4,tutorial,battlefield,gameplay,new,battlefield 4 (videogame),online,play,dvd,hq,quality,ntsc,ps4,480p,tourism,war,news,war,video,politics,iraq,gameplay,vietnamwar,weapon,weapon,weapons,military,army,gun,war,discovery,live,,navy,technology,battle,new,defence,arms,remix,tank,news,warfare,music,gunslevolution,battlefield 4,levolution,bf4,battlefield,gameplay,bf4 gameplay,new,evolution,bf4 levolution,hardline,guide,battlefield 4 gameplay,darwin,ps4,pc,video game (industry),dieu,battlefield (video game series),dlc,battle,origine,battlefield hardline,bf,games,dice,singe,robbers,cops
wn.com/The Beauty Of Siege Of Shanghai (Bf4 Cinematic) Ep.3
●►music : Ross Bugden-parallel : http://bit.ly/1jYgYcg
●►The third episode of the new series called "the beauty of"
●►If you liked the video, leave a like & a comment and I'd really appreciate a sub
●►GAMING CHANNEL : http://bit.ly/1vvCLN0
●►MUSIC CHANNEL : http://bit.ly/1palxkH
●►VLOG CHANNEL : http://bit.ly/1palJQU
●►Twitter : http://bit.ly/1sjtYjb
additional tags(just ignore it)
movie,video,cinematics,timelapse,animation,fast-forward,fast-peaced,timelapse,timelapse,timelapse,time,stars,first,lapse,construction,art,video game (industry),milky way,film,,film,trailer,short,movie,short ,cinematic,cinematic,trailer,e3,game,gameplay,e3 2014,2014,ps4,hd,pc,playstation4,video,funny,new,one,epicmusicvn,gaming,xboxone,battlefieldhardline,leaked,easter,xbox,360,eso,ps3,pvp,egg,drama,beta,hardline,full,nh\u1ea1c epic,nhac epic,film,epic music,news,fight,emotion,newgame,score,epic,uplifted,ea,soundtrackbattlefield,battlefield hardline,battlefield,battlefield hardline gameplay,hardline,battlefield (video game series),battlefield hardline ,gameplay,dice,pc,battlefield hardline beta gameplay,battlefield 4,ea,xbox one,bf hardline,battlefield hardline funnymoments,battlefieldtrailer,moments,battlefieldhardlinemultiplayer,xbox360,fps,battlefield5,funny,best,guns,playstation4,games,gaming,trailer,visceral,playstation 3,ps4,preview,battlefield heist,bf4,funny moments,omaha,beta,battlefield hardline heist,battlefield gameplay,battlefield beta gameplay,bfh,hardline gameplay,thieves,electronicarts,leak,e3,ps3,rumor,playstation,omaham,joshshaw,videogame,game,juego,gamespot,gamespot.com,xbone,xbox,cops,explosions,swat,crime,criminal,call of duty,cod,xonehainan,hainan,china,battlefield 4,multiplayer,guide,\u4e2d\u56fd,travel,plane,battlefield 4 gameplay,tricks,beach,playstation 4 (computer),hainan (chinese province),hainan resort easter egg,playstation,'travelogue',insel,hainan resort,easter egg,bf4,tutorial,battlefield,gameplay,new,battlefield 4 (videogame),online,play,dvd,hq,quality,ntsc,ps4,480p,tourism,war,news,war,video,politics,iraq,gameplay,vietnamwar,weapon,weapon,weapons,military,army,gun,war,discovery,live,,navy,technology,battle,new,defence,arms,remix,tank,news,warfare,music,gunslevolution,battlefield 4,levolution,bf4,battlefield,gameplay,bf4 gameplay,new,evolution,bf4 levolution,hardline,guide,battlefield 4 gameplay,darwin,ps4,pc,video game (industry),dieu,battlefield (video game series),dlc,battle,origine,battlefield hardline,bf,games,dice,singe,robbers,cops
- published: 10 Nov 2014
- views: 244
The beauty of : Caspian Border (BF4 cinematic) Ep.2
●►music : Ross Bugden-Without Limits : http://bit.ly/1jYgYcg
●►The second episode of the new series called "the beauty of"
●►If you liked the video, leave a lik...
●►music : Ross Bugden-Without Limits : http://bit.ly/1jYgYcg
●►The second episode of the new series called "the beauty of"
●►If you liked the video, leave a like & a comment and I'd really appreciate a sub
●►GAMING CHANNEL : http://bit.ly/1vvCLN0
●►MUSIC CHANNEL : http://bit.ly/1palxkH
●►VLOG CHANNEL : http://bit.ly/1palJQU
●►Twitter : http://bit.ly/1sjtYjb
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movie,video,cinematics,timelapse,animation,fast-forward,fast-peaced,timelapse,timelapse,timelapse,time,stars,first,lapse,construction,art,video game (industry),milky way,film,,film,trailer,short,movie,short ,cinematic,cinematic,trailer,e3,game,gameplay,e3 2014,2014,ps4,hd,pc,playstation4,video,funny,new,one,epicmusicvn,gaming,xboxone,battlefieldhardline,leaked,easter,xbox,360,eso,ps3,pvp,egg,drama,beta,hardline,full,nh\u1ea1c epic,nhac epic,film,epic music,news,fight,emotion,newgame,score,epic,uplifted,ea,soundtrackbattlefield,battlefield hardline,battlefield,battlefield hardline gameplay,hardline,battlefield (video game series),battlefield hardline ,gameplay,dice,pc,battlefield hardline beta gameplay,battlefield 4,ea,xbox one,bf hardline,battlefield hardline funnymoments,battlefieldtrailer,moments,battlefieldhardlinemultiplayer,xbox360,fps,battlefield5,funny,best,guns,playstation4,games,gaming,trailer,visceral,playstation 3,ps4,preview,battlefield heist,bf4,funny moments,omaha,beta,battlefield hardline heist,battlefield gameplay,battlefield beta gameplay,bfh,hardline gameplay,thieves,electronicarts,leak,e3,ps3,rumor,playstation,omaham,joshshaw,videogame,game,juego,gamespot,gamespot.com,xbone,xbox,cops,explosions,swat,crime,criminal,call of duty,cod,xonehainan,hainan,china,battlefield 4,multiplayer,guide,\u4e2d\u56fd,travel,plane,battlefield 4 gameplay,tricks,beach,playstation 4 (computer),hainan (chinese province),hainan resort easter egg,playstation,'travelogue',insel,hainan resort,easter egg,bf4,tutorial,battlefield,gameplay,new,battlefield 4 (videogame),online,play,dvd,hq,quality,ntsc,ps4,480p,tourism,war,news,war,video,politics,iraq,gameplay,vietnamwar,weapon,weapon,weapons,military,army,gun,war,discovery,live,,navy,technology,battle,new,defence,arms,remix,tank,news,warfare,music,gunslevolution,battlefield 4,levolution,bf4,battlefield,gameplay,bf4 gameplay,new,evolution,bf4 levolution,hardline,guide,battlefield 4 gameplay,darwin,ps4,pc,video game (industry),dieu,battlefield (video game series),dlc,battle,origine,battlefield hardline,bf,games,dice,singe,robbers,cops
wn.com/The Beauty Of Caspian Border (Bf4 Cinematic) Ep.2
●►music : Ross Bugden-Without Limits : http://bit.ly/1jYgYcg
●►The second episode of the new series called "the beauty of"
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●►VLOG CHANNEL : http://bit.ly/1palJQU
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additional tags(just ignore it)
movie,video,cinematics,timelapse,animation,fast-forward,fast-peaced,timelapse,timelapse,timelapse,time,stars,first,lapse,construction,art,video game (industry),milky way,film,,film,trailer,short,movie,short ,cinematic,cinematic,trailer,e3,game,gameplay,e3 2014,2014,ps4,hd,pc,playstation4,video,funny,new,one,epicmusicvn,gaming,xboxone,battlefieldhardline,leaked,easter,xbox,360,eso,ps3,pvp,egg,drama,beta,hardline,full,nh\u1ea1c epic,nhac epic,film,epic music,news,fight,emotion,newgame,score,epic,uplifted,ea,soundtrackbattlefield,battlefield hardline,battlefield,battlefield hardline gameplay,hardline,battlefield (video game series),battlefield hardline ,gameplay,dice,pc,battlefield hardline beta gameplay,battlefield 4,ea,xbox one,bf hardline,battlefield hardline funnymoments,battlefieldtrailer,moments,battlefieldhardlinemultiplayer,xbox360,fps,battlefield5,funny,best,guns,playstation4,games,gaming,trailer,visceral,playstation 3,ps4,preview,battlefield heist,bf4,funny moments,omaha,beta,battlefield hardline heist,battlefield gameplay,battlefield beta gameplay,bfh,hardline gameplay,thieves,electronicarts,leak,e3,ps3,rumor,playstation,omaham,joshshaw,videogame,game,juego,gamespot,gamespot.com,xbone,xbox,cops,explosions,swat,crime,criminal,call of duty,cod,xonehainan,hainan,china,battlefield 4,multiplayer,guide,\u4e2d\u56fd,travel,plane,battlefield 4 gameplay,tricks,beach,playstation 4 (computer),hainan (chinese province),hainan resort easter egg,playstation,'travelogue',insel,hainan resort,easter egg,bf4,tutorial,battlefield,gameplay,new,battlefield 4 (videogame),online,play,dvd,hq,quality,ntsc,ps4,480p,tourism,war,news,war,video,politics,iraq,gameplay,vietnamwar,weapon,weapon,weapons,military,army,gun,war,discovery,live,,navy,technology,battle,new,defence,arms,remix,tank,news,warfare,music,gunslevolution,battlefield 4,levolution,bf4,battlefield,gameplay,bf4 gameplay,new,evolution,bf4 levolution,hardline,guide,battlefield 4 gameplay,darwin,ps4,pc,video game (industry),dieu,battlefield (video game series),dlc,battle,origine,battlefield hardline,bf,games,dice,singe,robbers,cops
- published: 25 Oct 2014
- views: 84
Travel Vlog | Southampton, Long Island | June 24 - 28, 2015
I vlogged during our trip out to Southampton, Long Island for a family reunion. Please visit my blog for pictures and my trip recap. Thanks for watching ☺
I vlogged during our trip out to Southampton, Long Island for a family reunion. Please visit my blog for pictures and my trip recap. Thanks for watching ☺
Trip Recap Blog Post - http://www.prettyneatliving.com/trip-recap-southampton-2015
Recent Videos:
Don's Cook Nook | Perfect Grilled Chicken https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aW5DBFB6eho
Vlog | Father's Day Weekend | June 20 - 21, 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbksddQHmmg
Packing Organization | Toiletries & Cosmetic Cases | 2015 Travel Series https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBV3D56njOE
Other Places To Find Me:
My Blog - http://www.prettyneatliving.com
Winnie's Blog - http://www.winniethetzu.com
Facebook Fan Page - http://www.facebook.com/PrettyNeatLiving
Instagram - http://instagram.com/PrettyNeatLiving
Twitter - http://twitter.com/PrettyNeatLivng
Pinterest - http://pinterest.com/PrettyNeatLivng
* Please be advised that some of the links provided are affiliate/referral links and I do receive a small commission/store credit if you make a purchase using those links. This does not cost you any extra when you make a purchase. I very much appreciate your support of this channel in doing so! *
** NEW Sigma Beauty DISCOUNT CODE **
Purchase Sigma beauty products, including my favorite makeup brushes, with 10% off your entire purchase by entering the code GLOWGETTER during checkout (good thru June 30, 2015). Sigma will send you a free gift when you spend $30 or more on your total purchase! - http://bit.ly/1nPVHRo
Receive $10 off your first Erin Condren purchase - http://bit.ly/1b64X0Z
Comments are closely monitored in an effort to maintain a positive environment. While constructive criticism and suggestions are welcome, negative comments with no purpose other than to spread malice will be deleted.
* Description contains affiliate and referral links. This is not a sponsored video. All opinions are genuinely my own. *
wn.com/Travel Vlog | Southampton, Long Island | June 24 28, 2015
I vlogged during our trip out to Southampton, Long Island for a family reunion. Please visit my blog for pictures and my trip recap. Thanks for watching ☺
Trip Recap Blog Post - http://www.prettyneatliving.com/trip-recap-southampton-2015
Recent Videos:
Don's Cook Nook | Perfect Grilled Chicken https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aW5DBFB6eho
Vlog | Father's Day Weekend | June 20 - 21, 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbksddQHmmg
Packing Organization | Toiletries & Cosmetic Cases | 2015 Travel Series https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBV3D56njOE
Other Places To Find Me:
My Blog - http://www.prettyneatliving.com
Winnie's Blog - http://www.winniethetzu.com
Facebook Fan Page - http://www.facebook.com/PrettyNeatLiving
Instagram - http://instagram.com/PrettyNeatLiving
Twitter - http://twitter.com/PrettyNeatLivng
Pinterest - http://pinterest.com/PrettyNeatLivng
* Please be advised that some of the links provided are affiliate/referral links and I do receive a small commission/store credit if you make a purchase using those links. This does not cost you any extra when you make a purchase. I very much appreciate your support of this channel in doing so! *
** NEW Sigma Beauty DISCOUNT CODE **
Purchase Sigma beauty products, including my favorite makeup brushes, with 10% off your entire purchase by entering the code GLOWGETTER during checkout (good thru June 30, 2015). Sigma will send you a free gift when you spend $30 or more on your total purchase! - http://bit.ly/1nPVHRo
Receive $10 off your first Erin Condren purchase - http://bit.ly/1b64X0Z
Comments are closely monitored in an effort to maintain a positive environment. While constructive criticism and suggestions are welcome, negative comments with no purpose other than to spread malice will be deleted.
* Description contains affiliate and referral links. This is not a sponsored video. All opinions are genuinely my own. *
- published: 30 Jun 2015
- views: 2441
Natsko Seki illustrates London for the Louis Vuitton Travel Books 2013
Artist Natsko Seki travels to London for the new edition of the Louis Vuitton Travel Books, available at http://vuitton.lv/103GXXD Chéri Samba speaks about t......
Artist Natsko Seki travels to London for the new edition of the Louis Vuitton Travel Books, available at http://vuitton.lv/103GXXD Chéri Samba speaks about t...
wn.com/Natsko Seki Illustrates London For The Louis Vuitton Travel Books 2013
Artist Natsko Seki travels to London for the new edition of the Louis Vuitton Travel Books, available at http://vuitton.lv/103GXXD Chéri Samba speaks about t...
Chéri Samba illustrates Paris for the Louis Vuitton Travel Books 2013
Artist Chéri Samba travels to Paris for the new edition of the Louis Vuitton Travel Books, available at http://vuitton.lv/105afzJ Chéri Samba speaks about tr......
Artist Chéri Samba travels to Paris for the new edition of the Louis Vuitton Travel Books, available at http://vuitton.lv/105afzJ Chéri Samba speaks about tr...
wn.com/Chéri Samba Illustrates Paris For The Louis Vuitton Travel Books 2013
Artist Chéri Samba travels to Paris for the new edition of the Louis Vuitton Travel Books, available at http://vuitton.lv/105afzJ Chéri Samba speaks about tr...
Inverness, Scotland
This clip was taken March 7th 2010 from a high elevation. It shows the City of Inverness (capital of the Scottish Highlands) , Moray Firth (estuary) and the ......
This clip was taken March 7th 2010 from a high elevation. It shows the City of Inverness (capital of the Scottish Highlands) , Moray Firth (estuary) and the ...
wn.com/Inverness, Scotland
This clip was taken March 7th 2010 from a high elevation. It shows the City of Inverness (capital of the Scottish Highlands) , Moray Firth (estuary) and the ...
- published: 08 Mar 2010
- views: 2387
author: Nigel Cole
Jean Philippe Delhomme illustrates New York City for the Louis Vuitton Travel Books 2013
Artist Jean Philippe Delhomme travels to New York for the new edition of the Louis Vuitton Travel Books, available at http://vuitton.lv/105exXP. Jean Philipp......
Artist Jean Philippe Delhomme travels to New York for the new edition of the Louis Vuitton Travel Books, available at http://vuitton.lv/105exXP. Jean Philipp...
wn.com/Jean Philippe Delhomme Illustrates New York City For The Louis Vuitton Travel Books 2013
Artist Jean Philippe Delhomme travels to New York for the new edition of the Louis Vuitton Travel Books, available at http://vuitton.lv/105exXP. Jean Philipp...
I'm an Evil Hacker | Solo Shangri La Easter Egg!!! Part 1
So this is a fun little hack to let us do the shangri la easter egg solo! I hope you enjoy!
So this is a fun little hack to let us do the shangri la easter egg solo! I hope you enjoy!
Keep up with my social media below:
My other channel http://www.youtube.com/RADPLAYS
Twitter- https://twitter.com/#!/RADAUSTIN27
The songs used in most of my videos (if applicable)
Donkey Kong Country Cry of the Chasmal Critter Chain OC ReMix
Vampire Snap (Castlevania - Vampire Killer)
Armored Core 4 Goodbye Thinker OC ReMix
Great Zombie Playlists!!!
Easter Egg Series:
Ascend to the Moon:
Zombie Easter Egg Tutorials:
wn.com/I'm An Evil Hacker | Solo Shangri La Easter Egg Part 1
So this is a fun little hack to let us do the shangri la easter egg solo! I hope you enjoy!
Keep up with my social media below:
My other channel http://www.youtube.com/RADPLAYS
Twitter- https://twitter.com/#!/RADAUSTIN27
The songs used in most of my videos (if applicable)
Donkey Kong Country Cry of the Chasmal Critter Chain OC ReMix
Vampire Snap (Castlevania - Vampire Killer)
Armored Core 4 Goodbye Thinker OC ReMix
Great Zombie Playlists!!!
Easter Egg Series:
Ascend to the Moon:
Zombie Easter Egg Tutorials:
- published: 09 Oct 2014
- views: 828
Louis Vuitton City Guides 2013 :: Paris Saint-Germain-Des-Prés (English Version)
PARIS - SAINT-GERMAIN-DES-PRES © Louis Vuitton Malletier / Des Quatre Producer: Mathias Vayer Director : Romain Chassaing Music : Etienne Ross Paris, Saint-G......
PARIS - SAINT-GERMAIN-DES-PRES © Louis Vuitton Malletier / Des Quatre Producer: Mathias Vayer Director : Romain Chassaing Music : Etienne Ross Paris, Saint-G...
wn.com/Louis Vuitton City Guides 2013 Paris Saint Germain Des Prés (English Version)
PARIS - SAINT-GERMAIN-DES-PRES © Louis Vuitton Malletier / Des Quatre Producer: Mathias Vayer Director : Romain Chassaing Music : Etienne Ross Paris, Saint-G...
A Tourist's Guide to Kampala, Uganda
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wn.com/A Tourist's Guide To Kampala, Uganda
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- published: 28 Jan 2015
- views: 2
GTA 5 Online: Underwater Submarine Location Guide (GTA V)
GTA 5 Online - Underwater Submarine Location Guide! (GTA V) ▻ Please Leave A Like & Comment! ▻ Subscribe For More: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center......
GTA 5 Online - Underwater Submarine Location Guide! (GTA V) ▻ Please Leave A Like & Comment! ▻ Subscribe For More: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center...
wn.com/Gta 5 Online Underwater Submarine Location Guide (Gta V)
GTA 5 Online - Underwater Submarine Location Guide! (GTA V) ▻ Please Leave A Like & Comment! ▻ Subscribe For More: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center...
- published: 15 Nov 2013
- views: 24761
author: MrBossFTW
Tenerife Holiday Vlog 2015
So we spent a couple of days in Tenerife and decided to start a vlogging channel. It seemed like a good idea at the time! Here we explore the beaches and fine T...
So we spent a couple of days in Tenerife and decided to start a vlogging channel. It seemed like a good idea at the time! Here we explore the beaches and fine Tapas Tenerife had to offer as well as enter Tenerife's famous 'Siam Park'. I would definitely recommend Tenerife as the holiday destination if you're looking for a relaxing couple of days in the sun!
EDITOR: iMovie
CAMERA: Canon 1200D DSLR
INTRO: Ed Sheeran - Passenger No Diggity vs Thrift Shop Kygo Remix
Siam Park: http://www.siampark.net/en/
About Dan: A new rookie vlogger
INSTAGRAM: TravelDanRoss
About Sophia: My better half enabling my rookie vlogging
wn.com/Tenerife Holiday Vlog 2015
So we spent a couple of days in Tenerife and decided to start a vlogging channel. It seemed like a good idea at the time! Here we explore the beaches and fine Tapas Tenerife had to offer as well as enter Tenerife's famous 'Siam Park'. I would definitely recommend Tenerife as the holiday destination if you're looking for a relaxing couple of days in the sun!
EDITOR: iMovie
CAMERA: Canon 1200D DSLR
INTRO: Ed Sheeran - Passenger No Diggity vs Thrift Shop Kygo Remix
Siam Park: http://www.siampark.net/en/
About Dan: A new rookie vlogger
INSTAGRAM: TravelDanRoss
About Sophia: My better half enabling my rookie vlogging
- published: 03 Apr 2015
- views: 56
Dr.John Ankerberg Dr.Hugh Ross :The Universe Had A Beginning Just As The Bible Says?
What Scientific Evidence Has Led Astronomers To Conclude The Universe Had A Beginning Just As The Bible Says?...
What Scientific Evidence Has Led Astronomers To Conclude The Universe Had A Beginning Just As The Bible Says?
wn.com/Dr.John Ankerberg Dr.Hugh Ross The Universe Had A Beginning Just As The Bible Says
What Scientific Evidence Has Led Astronomers To Conclude The Universe Had A Beginning Just As The Bible Says?
- published: 14 May 2015
- views: 19
Free Uncopyrighted Music - YONAS - Love Me Again (prod. sean ross) - "non copyrighted music"
Free Uncopyrighted Music - YONAS - Love Me Again (prod. sean ross) - non copyrighted music
Click Here For Daily Music Uploads:
Hello The...
Free Uncopyrighted Music - YONAS - Love Me Again (prod. sean ross) - non copyrighted music
Click Here For Daily Music Uploads:
Hello There Everyone
This channel and everyone that is a part of it love "Glitching" with a Passion. We not only find a lot of "Glitches but we also like using other peoples "Glitches" so if you want me to show people "Glitches" you have found or just simply want us to show others then feel free to show me and we'll show everyone I know :).
▬▬▬▬▬▬ENJOY THE MUSIC▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Follow: YONAS
Follow: NumberOneSounds
Download lthis Song here: https://soundcloud.com/yonasmusic/love-me-again
Image Credit: http://megalife.com.ua/uploads/posts/2011-04/1302214191_wallpapers_sexy_girls_238_6.jpg
I do NOT take credits for the music. All the credit goes to the (original) creator of the music.
If any producer or label has an issue with any of the uploads please get in contact with me and I'll delete the video immediately. Contacting me via YouTube PM, Facebook or Skype is also possible. We do NOT use Google+
TritanArmy is a Channel that bring you all the latest "gta 5 glitches" with will allow you to enjoy the game a little more than if you play "gta 5 online" legit. If you want to see any "money glitches" "car duplication glitches" or "glitches" in general then let us know in the comments. We also upload "gta 5 online rp gliches, unlimited money glitches, modded vehicles on gta 5 online & many more.
We have everything to cater for your "glitching" needs and much more!
We have taken the time and effort to put together
some Play Lists of all the latest and greatest content.
Free Uncopyrighted Music - YONAS - Love Me Again (prod. sean ross) - non copyrighted music
wn.com/Free Uncopyrighted Music Yonas Love Me Again (Prod. Sean Ross) Non Copyrighted Music
Free Uncopyrighted Music - YONAS - Love Me Again (prod. sean ross) - non copyrighted music
Click Here For Daily Music Uploads:
Hello There Everyone
This channel and everyone that is a part of it love "Glitching" with a Passion. We not only find a lot of "Glitches but we also like using other peoples "Glitches" so if you want me to show people "Glitches" you have found or just simply want us to show others then feel free to show me and we'll show everyone I know :).
▬▬▬▬▬▬ENJOY THE MUSIC▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Follow: YONAS
Follow: NumberOneSounds
Download lthis Song here: https://soundcloud.com/yonasmusic/love-me-again
Image Credit: http://megalife.com.ua/uploads/posts/2011-04/1302214191_wallpapers_sexy_girls_238_6.jpg
I do NOT take credits for the music. All the credit goes to the (original) creator of the music.
If any producer or label has an issue with any of the uploads please get in contact with me and I'll delete the video immediately. Contacting me via YouTube PM, Facebook or Skype is also possible. We do NOT use Google+
TritanArmy is a Channel that bring you all the latest "gta 5 glitches" with will allow you to enjoy the game a little more than if you play "gta 5 online" legit. If you want to see any "money glitches" "car duplication glitches" or "glitches" in general then let us know in the comments. We also upload "gta 5 online rp gliches, unlimited money glitches, modded vehicles on gta 5 online & many more.
We have everything to cater for your "glitching" needs and much more!
We have taken the time and effort to put together
some Play Lists of all the latest and greatest content.
Free Uncopyrighted Music - YONAS - Love Me Again (prod. sean ross) - non copyrighted music
- published: 22 Jun 2014
- views: 774
Blackops 2 Tranzit zombies - How To Travel And Keep Zombie Alive
He Doesn't have to die well die again that this!!!
Fed up of your zombie dieing or having to kill him to travel to a different location? well you don't have to...
He Doesn't have to die well die again that this!!!
Fed up of your zombie dieing or having to kill him to travel to a different location? well you don't have to do that anymore. If you can lure him onto the bus you'll notice the bus will still move, this keeps the zombie from dying and having to start a new round. It's good if you're wanting to use the box or go to a different location, I hope it helped and you can expect a whole heep of videos if you could support me with a like a favourite it's much appreciated.
Blackops 2 Tranzit Glitch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0OATTv6S_I
Campaign Walk Through: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpuKAcsU7F8
Follow Me: https://twitter.com/EcKoxSoldier
Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?annotation_id=annotation_433986&feature;=iv&add;_user=xxeckoxsoldierxx&src;_vid=stpldnipxoa
10,000 subs setup video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kk4mRKEeaTE
Blackops 2 opening scene: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DS-tB5N6n98
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.
wn.com/Blackops 2 Tranzit Zombies How To Travel And Keep Zombie Alive
He Doesn't have to die well die again that this!!!
Fed up of your zombie dieing or having to kill him to travel to a different location? well you don't have to do that anymore. If you can lure him onto the bus you'll notice the bus will still move, this keeps the zombie from dying and having to start a new round. It's good if you're wanting to use the box or go to a different location, I hope it helped and you can expect a whole heep of videos if you could support me with a like a favourite it's much appreciated.
Blackops 2 Tranzit Glitch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0OATTv6S_I
Campaign Walk Through: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpuKAcsU7F8
Follow Me: https://twitter.com/EcKoxSoldier
Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?annotation_id=annotation_433986&feature;=iv&add;_user=xxeckoxsoldierxx&src;_vid=stpldnipxoa
10,000 subs setup video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kk4mRKEeaTE
Blackops 2 opening scene: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DS-tB5N6n98
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.
- published: 14 Nov 2012
- views: 2945
The Story of the moon easter egg!
I guess I need to clear up some things. this video will be interactive, PLEASE ask any questions in the comments and I'll try to respond!...
I guess I need to clear up some things. this video will be interactive, PLEASE ask any questions in the comments and I'll try to respond!
wn.com/The Story Of The Moon Easter Egg
I guess I need to clear up some things. this video will be interactive, PLEASE ask any questions in the comments and I'll try to respond!
Dark Souls 36: Bob Ross
RIP Bob. :C Hi, I'm Rawrquaza, and I do LPs of games like Risk of Rain, Starbound, Dark Souls, Wanderlust; Rebirth, and other games that I find fun or people......
RIP Bob. :C Hi, I'm Rawrquaza, and I do LPs of games like Risk of Rain, Starbound, Dark Souls, Wanderlust; Rebirth, and other games that I find fun or people...
wn.com/Dark Souls 36 Bob Ross
RIP Bob. :C Hi, I'm Rawrquaza, and I do LPs of games like Risk of Rain, Starbound, Dark Souls, Wanderlust; Rebirth, and other games that I find fun or people...