18 September 2014

US House approves Obama plan for military intervention in Syria

By Patrick Martin, 18 September 2014

The bipartisan vote, with majorities of both Republicans and Democrats supporting the White House, is a major step towards a wider war in the Middle East.

Australian police carry out largest-ever “anti-terror” operation

By James Cogan, 18 September 2014

Hundreds of police and ASIO intelligence operatives have launched pre-dawn raids across Sydney and Brisbane.

FBI arrests Rochester man in fabricated ISIS “terror plot”

By Thomas Gaist, 18 September 2014

US prepares for “generational” war in the Middle East

The war for regime-change in Syria

More on the crisis in Iraq and Syria »

Ukrainian and European parliaments adopt EU Association Agreement

By Peter Schwarz, 18 September 2014

The Association Agreement will go down in history as a dirty deal struck between the imperialist powers of Europe and Ukrainian oligarchs at the expense of the working class.

More on the crisis in Ukraine »

US Federal Reserve reaffirms commitment to near-zero interest rates

By Andre Damon, 18 September 2014

US stocks hit record highs after Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen said the central bank would continue to keep interest rates near zero “for a considerable time.”

BC teachers union endorses austerity contract

By Keith Jones, 18 September 2014

The British Columbia Teachers Federation is seeking to scuttle the militant strike the province’s teachers have mounted since mid-June.

Israeli security service reservists refuse to conspire against Palestinians

By Jean Shaoul, 18 September 2014

The refusal of the 43 reservists is the latest expression of growing opposition within Israel to the repression of the Palestinian people.

Holocaust survivors indict Israel’s massacre in Gaza

US appeals court approves Wisconsin voter ID law for November election

By Barry Grey, 18 September 2014

The raft of laws in Wisconsin and other states imposing photo ID requirements and other restrictions on access to the ballot represents an attack on the fundamental democratic right to vote.

Yale chaplain forced out by Zionist attacks

By Fred Mazelis, 18 September 2014

Rev. Bruce Shipman was pressured to quit for pointing out that Israeli government crimes provide ammunition for those seeking to revive anti-Semitism today.

US safety regulators aided GM in cover-up of deadly defects

By Shannon Jones, 18 September 2014

Although it was in possession of reports linking an ignition defect in GM cars to fatal crashes, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration took no action.

Brain damage affects 3 in 10 former National Football League players

By Alan Gilman, 18 September 2014

In a lawsuit brought by former players, the National Football League has admitted that nearly a third of retired players will suffer from dementia, Alzheimer’s and other long-term cognitive diseases.

Gas billionaire purchases Buffalo NFL Franchise for record $1.2 billion

The Ray Rice case and the violence of American football

Brazil’s Workers Party faces tightest election in over a decade

By Bill Van Auken, 18 September 2014

Less than three weeks before the first-round vote, a projected runoff between incumbent President Rousseff and challenger Marina Silva is too close to call.

Floods in South Asia kill hundreds

By Wimal Perera, 18 September 2014

The rivalry among various states in South Asia, rooted in the 1947 communal partition of the sub-continent, has prevented any coordinated effort to control the flooding.

New Indonesian government faces slowing economy, rising social tensions

By John Roberts, 18 September 2014

Widodo’s election promises will be watered down or ditched, as the new government presses ahead with IMF and World Bank’s demands for austerity.

New in Spanish

En su etapa final: La conspiración para la quiebra de Detroit

Por Jerry White, 18 de septiembre de 2014

Luego llegar a acuerdos con los principales acreedores de la semana pasada, el tribunal federal de quiebras se está moviendo rápidamente para aprobar el plan de reestructuración antiobrero.

India: Contratados por obra de la NLC lanzan huelga indefinida

Por Arun Kumar, 18 de septiembre de 2014

Los trabajadores por contrato, quienes conforman la mitad de la total fuerza laboral están exigiendo una permanencia multi-anual.

Peña Nieto y la privatización del petróleo en México

Por Eric London, 18 de septiembre de 2014

El dos de septiembre el presidente de México, en su Segundo Informe de Gobierno hizo valer su proyecto de privatizacion de Pemex.

New in French

Le gouvernement Valls obtient de justesse la confiance de l'Assemblée Nationale

Par Alex Lantier, 18 septembre 2014

L'Assemblée Nationale a voté la confiance à un deuxième gouvernement dirigé par Manuel Valls après la chute, le 25 août, d’un premier gouvernement Valls profondément impopulaire.

Montréal: chasse-aux-sorcières contre des employés municipaux opposés aux coupes dans les retraites

Par Laurent Lafrance, 18 septembre 2014

Des dizaines d’employés municipaux font face à des accusations criminelles, des enquêtes disciplinaires et des suspensions pour avoir protesté contre l’assaut gouvernemental sur leurs pensions.

Le début de la physique moderne

Par Henry Allan et Bryan Dyne, 18 septembre 2014

L'ouvrage de David Whitehouse Galilée – Vie et destin d'un génie de la Renaissance dresse un portrait humain de Galilée, de son époque et de son rôle dans l'avancement et la popularisation de la science.

New in German

Ukrainisches und EU-Parlament verabschieden Assoziierungsabkommen

Von Peter Schwarz, 18. September 2014

Das Assoziierungsabkommen ist ein schmutziger Deal zwischen den imperialistischen Mächten Europas und den ukrainischen Oligarchen auf Kosten der Arbeiterklasse und des Weltfriedens.

Britische Gewerkschaftsbürokratie streitet über schottische Unabhängigkeit

Von Jordan Shilton, 18. September 2014

Die Gewerkschaften haben jahrelang Regionalismus unterstützt.

USA bereiten im Nahen Osten Krieg „auf Generationen hinaus“ vor

Von Peter Symonds, 18. September 2014

Bei einer Senatsanhörung am Dienstag widersprach der höchste US-General Präsident Obamas Versprechen, keine US-Kampftruppen im Irak und Syrien einzusetzen.

Bala Tampoe (1922-2014):
Vom sozialistischen Revolutionär zum Klassenverräter

Von Nanda Wickremasinghe und Wije Dias, 18. September 2014

Der Grund für Tampoes politische Degeneration war der Kurswechsel der Lanka Sama Samaja Party, der 1964 seinen Höhepunkt mit ihrem Eintritt in eine bürgerliche Regierung fand.

Other Languages


Vote No in the Scottish referendum: Fight for a Socialist Britain!

18 September 2014

The Socialist Equality Party’s call for a No vote in the Scottish independence referendum is based on the fundamental principle of the unity of the international working class.

Earlier Perspectives »

SEP Lecture Series

The Socialist Equality Party in the US and the International Youth and Students for Social Equality are hosting this series of lectures by David North, the chairman of the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site.

Scottish Referendum Campaign

Public meetings in Scotland: After the independence referendum, lessons for the working class

18 September 2014

The Socialist Equality Party (UK) invites all our supporters and readers of the World Socialist Web Site to a discussion on the implications of Scotland’s independence referendum and the way forward for the working class.

UK trade union bureaucracy split on Scottish independence

The Scottish referendum: Lessons from Quebec

The impact on Europe of the Scottish independence referendum

More coverage on the Scottish referendum campaign »

Arts Review

Toronto International Film Festival 2014—Part 1
Something different in filmmaking

By David Walsh, 18 September 2014

A number of remarkable films were screened at the recent Toronto International Film Festival, out of a total of 284 feature films and 108 shorts, from some 80 countries.

Common’s Nobody’s Smiling: A murky offering by the Chicago rapper

More on the Arts »

Feature Report

The social crisis behind the rise in Chicago street violence

By Chris Davion and Jeff Lusanne, 16 September 2014


Spain: Catalan pseudo-left intensify pro-independence agitation

By Alejandro López, 18 September 2014

Pseudo-left organizations in Catalonia are attempting to provide a progressive fig-leaf to a reactionary nationalist movement.

Obama uses Ebola crisis to “surge” 3,000 troops into West Africa

By Bill Van Auken, 17 September 2014

Forty five million in poverty in the US

By Andre Damon, 17 September 2014

The social counterrevolution in New Orleans schools
Recovery School District fires 84 percent of staff

By Tom Hall, 17 September 2014

Mediterranean shipwrecks leave over 700 refugees dead, many fleeing Mideast wars

The Bankruptcy of Detroit

Detroit bankruptcy conspiracy enters its final stage

By Jerry White, 17 September 2014

Detroit charged $126 million by law firms and consultants in bankruptcy case

By Thomas Gaist, 17 September 2014

More on the Detroit Bankruptcy »


WMO report: Greenhouse gas levels accelerating at record pace

By Daniel de Vries, 17 September 2014


NSA Spying and the Defense of Edward Snowden

NSA developing real time map of all Internet-connected devices

By Thomas Gaist, 16 September 2014

More on NSA spying and the defense of Edward Snowden »

Workers Struggles

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area teachers in third week of strike

By Phyllis Scherrer, 16 September 2014

UAW holds one-day strike at Indiana auto parts plant

By Kristina Betinis, 16 September 2014

Socialist Equality Party

Public meeting: After the New Zealand election—the socialist alternative to austerity and war

16 September 2014

SEP (Sri Lanka) to hold antiwar meetings in Kandy, Galle and Gampaha

12 September 2014

25 years ago: Strikers jailed in International Falls, Minnesota

On September 15, 1989, 12 of 28 strikers remained in jail in the iron range town of International Falls, Minnesota, while state and local authorities threatened to arrest hundreds more.

More »

50 years ago: Strom Thurmond quits Democratic Party

On September 17, 1964, South Carolina’s reactionary senator, Strom Thurmond, officially quit the Democratic Party and joined the Republican Party in order to campaign for its nominee for the presidency, Senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona.

More »

75 years ago: Stalin orders Soviet army into Poland

On September 17, 1939,two-and-a-half weeks after Poland was invaded from the west by Nazi Germany, Soviet armed forces crossed Poland’s long eastern frontier.

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100 years ago: US peace treaties delay entry into World War I

On September 15, 1914, William J. Bryan, United States secretary of state under Woodrow Wilson, signed treaties for the “advancement of peace” with China, France, Great Britain and Spain.

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