Destabilise [ Point Blank Russia L115A1 Fragmovie by Randall ]
Honey Badger Narrates: The Fastass Flying Hummingbirds
Randall - Maturalny Wyścig - Film
The Crazy Nastyass Honey Badger (original narration by Randall)
Honey Badger Narrates: The Slowass Sloth (original narration by Randall)
Honey Badger's Randall: Randall's First Date? (Ever?)
Taylor Swift - Shake It Off (Tyler Ward, KingBach, Toby Randall, Princess Lauren, Reggie COUZ) Cover
Randall - Wybuchowy Meet-Up 2014
Honey Badger Narrates: Gang Flamingo Versus Team Baboon - NEVER SEEN BEFORE
Honey Badger Narrates:The Majestic Lion
Happy Little Pill - Troye Sivan - Cover By Toby Randall
Randall El Justiciero 1x15 - Wanted Dead or Alive (Se Busca Vivo o Muerto) Español Latinoamericano
Randall Thrasher - Metal
Imagine Dragons - Radioactive - Cover By Toby Randall
It's not the hills.
In a typical Californian neighborhood sits a very atypical family. The Gupta family, an Indian family of five, making their crazy way as best as any family can. In this episode, the family is introduced. Sunny, a college student with a serious lack of social life, fights ever constantly with his witty and sometimes eccentric mother Veera. Varun, a stern Indian father, demands the best of his children and is willing to use some unconventional means to attain it. Anjali, the baby girl of the clan, tries her best to live a normal teenage life while battling against her cultural expectations. Last and least, Yash is the adopted and maltreated son fighting for love. After their usual daily activities, the family leaves for an Indian party with their aunt Meghan. Hilarity and despair ensues when Veera is jealous of Meghan's new boyfriend, Meghan tries to kill her mother, and the entire party is robbed.
Keywords: mockumentary, pilot, tv
Can you keep up?
Three college students, Phil, Ed, and Henry take a road trip into Mexico for a week of drinking and carefree fun only to have Phil find himself a captive of a group of satanic Mexican drug smugglers who kill tourists and whom are looking for a group of new ones to prepare for a sacrifice.
Keywords: achilles-tendon-cut, after-dark-horrorfest, amusement-park, arm-cut-off, bag-over-head, bandage, bar, barbecue, bare-breasts, bare-chested-male
A Sacrifice Will Be Made
The Devil's Playground Is Just Around The Corner
Inspired by a true story.
Henry: [lites two cigarettes in his mouth and puts one in Ed's mouth,who is sleeping with his mouth open] Rise and shine, faggot! Wharton, motherfucker, Wharton! Whoop-whoop, Wharton!::Ed: [coughing from the cigarette] You're gonna be the first dealer on your block with an MBA.::Henry: Yeah, fuck all that, man. I'm getting out of pharmaceuticals. Human cloning is about to explode, dude. Keep everything offshore, do your marketing on the Internet.::Ed: Promise me you won't clone yourself.::Henry: You know, when you get out of Stanford, man, I could use you on my team. What do you say? Feel like been a rich son of a bitch?::Ed: Is that really the best we can do?::Henry: What? Get rich?::Ed: Yeah.::Henry: We could do worse.
Ulises: Just look at the evidence, that's all I'm asking. look. They robbed a grave last night. They stole a child's body! it's for Santillan's Nganga! they're preparing it for his arrival.::Captain Ramirez: Listen, you asked me to listen to your story. and I have. Forget about your partner. This isn't Mexico City; this isn't even Mexico. This is the border. The border has no memory. Remembering here... gets you killed.
Henry: Welcome to the Turd World brother!
Henry: [in a fake preaching voice] Imagine a land, if you will, where a man can be a man. A land where he can indulge in all those animal urges, far from the petty judgments of parents and teachers and less-enlightened peers. A land where he can ride the demon!::Phil: Yeah!::Henry: Behave bad!::Phil: Bad!::Henry: Whatever he goddamn well pleases,and no one gives a shit, including the cops.::Phil: Tell it, Brother Henry!::Henry: I'm talking real freedom, my friend!::Phil: Real freedom!::Henry: Not this overregulated bullshit that passes for liberty in our country.::Phil: Hell, no!::Phil: !Vamonos a la frontera! [Let's go to the border!] Arriba Mexico!::Henry: We leave right now, we hit Manzanita right about the time the strip joints open.::Phil: I'm gonna get laid.::Henry: You're kidding? I finally convinced our upstanding minister's son to get his cherry popped.::Phil: Pop!::Ed: Let's pray he doesn't contract an STD.::Henry: Worrywart.::Ed: [opens his wallet and hands Phil some condoms] Fellas, say hello to the senoritas for me.::Henry: Come on. man. You're not gonna hang around here. All right? All the poonsies are hooked up or singing "Kumbaya" with the art fags.::Ed: Any other time. I'm there, all right? I just have a lot on my mind.::Henry: You want a Zoloft, man? I think I got one.::Ed: I just wanna chill.::Henry: Chill when you're dead, man. As your "personal physician", I insist you put that big brain of yours to rest and go a little nuts, okay, for once.
Ed: Hola. Una mas cerveza, por favor.::Valeria: 'Fabor'.::Ed: Pardon?::Valeria: 'Fabor'. the V is pronounced like a B. 'Fabor. Cerbeza'.::Ed: Sorry. My Spanish sucks.::Valeria: At least you can order a beer at a strip club.
Drunk Man in Strip Club: Hey, wait a minute. This is for you. $400. But you already know that. I'm talking to you!::Valeria: Let me go! [Valeria slaps him]::Drunk Man in Strip Club: Fucking bitch!::Ed: Why don't you chill, man? She's no pro.::Valeria: It's okay. I can handle it. It's okay.::Drunk Man in Strip Club: This dickless faggot more your type, Valeria?::Valeria: Fuck off, Gilberto.::Drunk Man in Strip Club: You think you have the balls for this girl? I ask you something. You deaf?::Ed: What the fuck's your problem, man?::Ed: [pulls out a knife and cuts Ed] oh shit! [Valeria gets a bat and hits Drunk Man in the head and knocks him out]::Valeria: [Valeria now tends to Ed's wound in the back of the bar] That was pretty stupid. At least now you have a great story to tell your friends.::Ed: What? That I got my ass kicked?::Valeria: No. How you came to the aid of a poor and defenseless woman.::Ed: Yeah, right. If it ever gets boring around here, you could bat cleanup for the Astros.::Valeria: You know, my ex-husband, he hated the fact that I could handle myself.::Ed: Let me guess. That's why he's your ex.::Valeria: I left him and I moved here to Manzanita.::Ed: Can I buy you a drink later?::Valeria: So you're not afraid of strong woman?::Ed: Only if she's not swinging a bat at me.
A modern day fable, Goose! tells the tale of Randall, a neurotic talking goose, who is kidnapped by Congreve Maddox, the principal of the local elementary school. Maddox plans to fatten up Randall so that he can cook the bird and enter him in a culinary contest in Banff, Canada. But Randall has a savior in eleven-year-old Will Donnelly, a sweet and sensitive boy who stopped speaking after the death of his mother. Will and Randall meet and immediately become best friends - they share a love of butterscotch candies and rude noises. With Randall's help (the goose does consider himself the Sigmund Freud of the goose world), Will begins talking again. Will then becomes determined to prevent his pal from ending up as a side of foie gras. Together with his sister, Emily, and some classmates, Will hatches a plot: They'll kidnap Congreve's mother and arrange a hostage exchange for the goose. When that plan lays a goose egg, Will comes up with an even bolder rescue attempt, enlisting the aid of his beautiful teacher, his dad, and even Congreve's mother. With the stakes high, a wild goose chase ensues with everyone in hot pursuit!
Keywords: animal-in-title
Nina Eberlin comes home to visit her now-divorced parents and while looking through a collection of pictures taken by her father and herself, she reflects on how the pictures illustrate the nature of families. She begins to tell the story of how her parents discovered their son Randall was autistic and how each reacted to that. Her mother had three more kids, all daughters, "the perfect children." The controversy over that and Randall's treatment pulls the parents apart. It also forces Nina and her older brother Mack to re-evaluate their relationship with each other and each parent.
Keywords: autism, based-on-novel
Steve Austin and Jamie Sommers are back. This time Steve is working security at an International Goodwill Games. Oscar goes to his office and is attacked by someone who broke in. Later Steve discovers his security clearance was downgraded. He and Jamie are told of the incident Oscar had and that person knew about OSI security protocols and that person was also bionic. So someone is planning something at the Games. So while Steve and Jamie try to find out. Oscar quits when his nephew was injured and his request that Rudy Wells operate on his is denied. He is later taken captive. Steve then goes to the General and tells him they need to put someone at the games and the best person is Kate, Rudy's latest creation.
Keywords: bionics, helicopter, marriage-proposal, sabotage, sequel, traitor, wheelchair, world-unity-games
Allan Devlin: What, does a room with this many enemies in it make ya nervous?::Oscar Goldman: You're damn right it does! I didn't spend 30 years behind an OSI desk pushing pencils or shoving pins into Third World hotspots, I was out in the field! I was out in the action...
Jim Castillian: Jim Castillian. That's with two L's [they shake hands]::Jim Goldman: James Goldman. One L.::Jim Castillian: Oh, you're Oscar's nephew. That's right, I heard you were in town. You're training for the games, arent' you?::Jim Goldman: Uh-huh. Runnin' the 400 and the hurdles. Fasted thing on two legs, except of course for Alice Grayson. I never did catch her in four years of college.::Jim Castillian: I used to be an athlete myself.::Jim Goldman: Yeah?::Jim Castillian: Yeah. Not much time for it now, I'm here in the OSI dodging bullets and inner office memos.
Jim Castillian: [about Jaime Sommers] She is looking D.D.G. tonight. [Steve gives him a questioning look] That's drop dead gorgeous.::Steve Austin: Oh.::Jim Castillian: [slaps Steve on the back] Good luck, Big Guy.
Kate Mason: What if I'm not a Jaime Sommers?::Jaime Sommers: Hey, they don't want a clone of me, okay, They couldn't handle it. They've had too many problems with me over the years.
OSI officer: [to Steve Austin] You're not gonna go bionic on me, are ya?
Gen. McAllister: As far as I'm concerned, nobody is snow white. If some foreign power, if some group of terrorists, if some indivudial concern has found out how to build a bionic man or a bionic woman... Just imagine what an army of them would be like...
Jim Goldman: [to himself] Funny stuff, way to go, Jimmy. Really swept her off her nuclear feet.
Jim Castillian: Well, I found Oscar. In the bar at the Watergate hotel.
Oscar Goldman: [Steve and Jaime are trying to take an unwilling Oscar away from a bar] They are cyborgs, would you believe that? And they're trying to kidnap me. I needs some help. Help!::Man in bar: Are you... sure you're his friend?::Jaime Sommers: Oh, absolutely. Listen, don't pay any attention to anything he says, he's very confused. Do I look like a robot to you?
General Dzerinsky: Yes, you have been speaking out rather publically about your former organisation in particular and your country in general.::Oscar Goldman: That doesn't mean that I wanna crawl from one pitt of vipers into another.::General Dzerinsky: That is very good, I must remember it.::Oscar Goldman: Yeah, well, try to remember this! [punches him across the jaw]
A group of road agents are robbing stagecoaches. Bob McArthur arrives to help bring them in and learns that their chief rides a white horse owned by Randall. But when he has the white horse lead him to the gang's hideout, he is captured and the chief tells his men to kill him.
Keywords: hooded-villain, railroad-hand-car, train-robbery
Destabilise [ Point Blank Russia L115A1 Fragmovie by Randall ]
Honey Badger Narrates: The Fastass Flying Hummingbirds
Randall - Maturalny Wyścig - Film
The Crazy Nastyass Honey Badger (original narration by Randall)
Honey Badger Narrates: The Slowass Sloth (original narration by Randall)
Honey Badger's Randall: Randall's First Date? (Ever?)
Taylor Swift - Shake It Off (Tyler Ward, KingBach, Toby Randall, Princess Lauren, Reggie COUZ) Cover
Randall - Wybuchowy Meet-Up 2014
Honey Badger Narrates: Gang Flamingo Versus Team Baboon - NEVER SEEN BEFORE
Honey Badger Narrates:The Majestic Lion
Happy Little Pill - Troye Sivan - Cover By Toby Randall
Randall El Justiciero 1x15 - Wanted Dead or Alive (Se Busca Vivo o Muerto) Español Latinoamericano
Randall Thrasher - Metal
Imagine Dragons - Radioactive - Cover By Toby Randall
,, Frag Movie Epico De RANDALL :p
Randall RG13 Pedal/Amplifier Demo
[YTP]: Randall Is An Alligator
Randall Munroe: Comics that ask "what if?"
Randall Cobb Career Packers Highlights HD
Joe Rogan Experience #501 - Randall Carlson
Toby Randall - All Of Me - John Legend
Magic - Rude - Cover By Toby Randall
Randall Diavlo RD100 - Black Winter Demo - Metal
Authors@Google: Randall Munroe of xkcd
Red Ice Radio - Randall Carlson - Hour 1 - Cosmic Origins of the Holy Grail & Cycles of Catastrophe
2014.07.11 - Randall's Island
Lisa Randall: Knocking on Heaven's Door - Great Teachers
Julio Cesar Chavez vs Frankie Randall[Full Fight]
Julio Cesar Chavez vs Frankie Randall II
Dimebag Darrell - Randall Clinic - 06-03-1993 Full Lengh video
Grimerica Talks Ancient History, Sacred Geometry, and Climate Change with Randall Carlson
Higgs Boson, Physics and the Real World with Dr. Lisa Randall
Randall & Hopkirk - My Late Lamented Friend & Partner FULL Episode
Randall a Hopkirk TV serial 11 CZ
Randall a Hopkirk 1.---
2014.07.13 - Randall's Island
RANDALL & STRETCH - Rough Tempo LIVE! - May 2013
Randall Carlson Revisits "Where Did The Road Go" to Talk Ice Ages, Atlantis & The Azores Pyramid
JCCC3 - Randall Munroe (xkcd)
Randall a Hopkirk 5.---
Emilia Fox - Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased) S01E01
Randall Carlson on Sacred Geometry, Freemasonry, and more May 3, 2014
Randall i Duch Hopkirka (04) Nigdy nie ufaj duchom
Kanyini with Tjilpi Bob Randall (Uncle Bob) - HD Quailty
Shred Test 2.0 Ibanez Gio/Randall RG1503
Shred Test Ibanez Gio/Randall RG1503
randall j langford ss# 528296532 TRON
Josh Randall accepted ALS Challenge
UCLA safety Randall Goforth talks about defensive progress 8/20/14
Randall Kennedy & Reverend James Lawson
Randall's SS
Home For Sale: 14316 Randall Dr Woodbridge, Virginia 22191
Siren Sandra and Randall -- Duet
Pantera riffs on my Randall
Friday Randall Ice Bucket
Randall tracking request modifications
Home For Sale: 225 1st St Randall, Iowa 50231
Leavenworth Real Estate Home for Sale. $895,000 3bd/1.75ba. - Randall Vickrey
ALS Ice Bucket Challenge | Randall Sorber
Randall Azofeifa no estaría en los plantes del Saprissa
The Muppet Show s05e12 Tony Randall FULL EPISODE 1
Magic Rude Cover By Toby Randall
Medical Marijuana - Glaucoma (Bob Randall)
Randall Key brings the Rage to AOP $5000 Bounty HIll
Randall Villafane #ALSIceBucketChallenge
805 4th Avenue N Sartell MN 56377 - Randall Northey - Premier Real Estate Services
Randall may refer to the following:
Taylor Alison Swift (born December 13, 1989) is an American singer-songwriter and occasional actress. Raised in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, Swift moved to Nashville, Tennessee at the age of fourteen to pursue a career in country music. She signed to the independent label Big Machine Records and became the youngest songwriter ever hired by the Sony/ATV Music publishing house. The release of Swift's self-titled debut album in 2006 established her as a country music star. "Our Song", her third single, made her the youngest sole writer and singer of a number one song on the country chart. She received a Best New Artist nomination at the 50th Grammy Awards.
Swift's second album, Fearless, was released in late 2008. Buoyed by the chart success of the singles "Love Story" and "You Belong with Me", Fearless attracted a crossover audience and became the top-selling album of 2009. The record won four Grammy Awards, with Swift becoming the youngest ever Album of the Year winner. Fearless also received Album of the Year plaudits at the American Music Awards, Academy of Country Music Awards and Country Music Association Awards, making it the most awarded album in country music history. In 2010, Swift released her third album, Speak Now, which sold over one million copies in its first week. She then embarked on the 111-date Speak Now World Tour, which was attended by over 1.6 million fans and has become one of the highest-grossing concert tours of all time. The album's third single, "Mean", won two Grammy Awards for Best Country Song and Best Country Solo Performance. Swift is currently recording her fourth studio album, due for release in the fall of 2012.
Tyler Ray Ward (born March 12, 1989), is a singer/songwriter and producer known for his covers of hit songs by artists including Adele, Maroon 5, Justin Bieber, and Katy Perry. Tyler is also well known for his original songs such as Everything, The Hardest Thing, The Rescue, Paper Heart and Our Story's Told. Although Ward often sings and produces his own music, he also works with his backing band on many projects and on tour, members include his instrumental band whom he met during a small gig in 2007 along with rapper Eppic, singer/songwriter Alex G and rapper and brother Derek Ward... He has also worked and produced music for many people across Youtube including Boyce Avenue, Megan Nicole and Katy McAllister..
Tyler Ward is best known for his cover with fellow YouTubers, Megan Nicole and Eppic of Eminem's "Love the Way You Lie" which has had more than 17 million views as of July 1, 2012. His first video was a mix of the current top 40 songs of 2008 which has 600 thousand views to date. Since then, Ward has amassed over 900,000 subscribers and more than 250 million views on his channel.
Troye Sivan, born Troye Sivan Mellet (born 5 June 1995), is an Australian child actor and singer. He played Young James Howlett in the X-Men film X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and most recently starred in the film Spud
Sivan was born in Johannesburg, South Africa and lives in Perth, Australia with his parents and three siblings. He is Jewish and is currently being homeschooled.
Sivan has sung at the 2006, 2007 and 2008 Channel Seven Perth Telethon. His 2006 performance included a duet with Australian Idol winner Guy Sebastian. Sivan made it to the grand finals of StarSearch 2007. His debut album, Dare to Dream was released in February 2008. The CD includes five songs "There's a Hero", "Angels Brought Me Here", "Somewhere Over the Rainbow", "Unsung Hero" and "The Prayer". On 20 September 2008, Sivan sang in the opening of Storm the Stage at the Burswood Entertainment Complex. In February 2010, Sivan opened the "We Are The World 25 for Haiti (YouTube Edition)", the collaborative music charity video produced by Lisa Lavie to help raise money for the victims of the 2010 Haiti earthquake.
Randall Patrick Munroe (born October 17, 1984) is an American webcomic author and former NASA roboticist as well as a programmer, best known as the creator of the webcomic xkcd. He and the webcomic have developed a cult following, and he is one of a small but growing group of professional webcomic artists.
Munroe was a fan of the funny pages from an early age, starting off with Calvin and Hobbes. After graduating from the Chesterfield County Mathematics and Science High School at Clover Hill: A Renaissance Program, he graduated from Christopher Newport University in 2006 with a degree in physics. Munroe worked as an independent contractor for NASA at the Langley Research Center before and after his graduation. In October 2006 NASA did not renew his contract and he began to write xkcd full-time. He now supports himself by the sale of xkcd related merchandise. The webcomic quickly became very popular, garnering up to 70 million hits a month by October 2007.
He has also toured the lecture circuit, giving speeches at such places as Google's Googleplex in Mountain View, California.
1, 2, 3, 4,
My name is Randall,
No I don't think I've met you before my friend,
I don't really know you,
But I heard your message on the answering machine,
Think it went something like this,
"Hello Randall,
Heard that you wrote a big hit,
And you're rich now,
Hope you remember the promise you made,
When I taught you everything that you know"
Do run run, do run run,
Randall here they come,
Do run run, do run run,
Randall here they come,
Do run run, do run run,
Randall here they come,
Do run run, do run run,
Randall here they come.
My name is rock star,
Tell me aren't you sick of me yet, my friends,
Cos I am the asshole,
Who thinks that his advise is all you need to survive,
Give me the sound of the crowd,
Give me the people who know all the lyrics,
Give me the face of the kid in the front,
When he realises what the song is about.
Do run run, do run run,
Randall here they come,
Do run run, do run run,
Randall here they come,
Do run run, do run run,
Randall here they come,
Do run run, do run run,
Randall here they come,
Here they come.
Time to tell the truth now Randall,
Time to give it up now Randall,
Time to let us know now Randall,
Please, Randall please,
My name is Randall,
And that can be anything you want it to be,
Do run run, do run run,
Randall here they come,
Do run run, do run run,
Randall here they come,
Do run run, do run run,
Randall here they come,
Do run run, do run run,
Randall here they come,
Here they come,
Here they come,
Here they come,
Do run run, do run run,
Randall here they come,
Do run run, do run run,
Randall here they come,
Do run run, do run run,
Randall here they come,
Do run run, do run run,
Randall here they come,
Do run run, do run run,
Randall here they come,
Do run run, do run run,
Randall here they come,
Do run run, do run run,
Randall here they come,
Do run run, do run run,
Randall here they come,
Do run run, do run run,