Alexander the Great - "Documentary "
Alexander the Great - National Geographic
Iron Maiden - Alexander The Great (with lyrics)
Alexander the Great and the Situation ... the Great? Crash Course World History #8
01/04. Discovery: Conquerors: Alexander the Great.
Alexander the Great VS The Indian Raja
Is This Alexander the Great's Tomb?
Mystery Files - Alexander the Great
ULITMATE BATTLES - ALEXANDER THE GREAT - Discovery/History/War (documentary)
IRON MAIDEN-Alexander The Great-(High Definition - Lyrics)
Battle of Gaugamela, Alexander the Great
Μέγας Αλέξανδρος - Alexander The Great Full Movie 1956 with Greek Subtitles
Alexander the Great - Encyclopedia channel
History of Alexander the Great
Abe, a 20 year old white kid, married his high school sweetheart Laura, 19, African American, AFTER getting her pregnant and moving in with her against his parent's wishes. After their son was born with cancer of the eyes, Abe lost his job, his insurance, and his faith in God. Wanting to do something to help his family, he decides to break into the home of Lance "The Dance", a former boxing champ, knowing something of value would be there. Lance was flashy, flamboyant, and filthy rich BEFORE killing a man in the ring and spiraling out of control until he lost everything except his wife, but that's about to change. Vowing never to be violent again, Lance gives his life to Christ, but ends up in a position that could, potentially, be the toughest fight of his life...saving Abe's.
Keywords: boxing, breaking-and-entering, christian, faith, fighter, forgiveness, redemption, reference-to-jesus-christ
The fight begins with faith and ends in forgiveness.
Alexander 'The Great' is used to having his asylum cell to himself and does not take kindly to sharing this world with a new cellmate. Companion takes you on a journey through the mind of a schizophrenic megalomaniac struggling to hold onto his world perception and lengths he'll go to to protect it.
Aliens appear at the UN and invite Earth to join the Galactic Federation, there is a catch though, Earth has one year to send a team of it's best fighters to represent the palnet in an unarmed combat tournament. The fate of the Earth depends on the tournaments outcome.
Keywords: action-hero, alien, beating, black-belt, blood, blood-spatter, boxing, brawl, brazilian-jiu-jitsu, capoeira
The UK's first sci-fi/action/martial arts feature film
Fighting for the planet
McCurdy: Have you heard about the trials?::Silvio Simac: Does a bear shit in the Vatican! What::Silvio Simac: do you think our chances will be::Silvio Simac: against the aliens?::McCurdy: Minimal::Silvio Simac: Chances of surviving and coming back::Silvio Simac: heroes?::McCurdy: Negligible... but it will be one hell::McCurdy: of a trip!::Silvio Simac: Where do I sign up?::[Mc Curdy and Silvio Simac lock hands in a handshake]
Comander X: Before the Alien visitors departed they left as gifts, items of their technology: The Towers were seeds that when planted in damp soil would grow within minutes into colossal structures using the elements that they found in the Earth.::[We cut to a helicopter view of Docklands now completely dominated by a colossal alien tower that dwarfs Cannery Wharf and the other surrounding buildings which are tiny in comparison, the base of the Alien building is over half a mile wide. COMMANDER X is obviously way over his head]::Comander X: They are apparently living organic metal structures... go figure!
Alexander the Great was the world's most powerful warrior. Reign is a 21st century science-fiction retelling of the legend of this Macedonian king. A visual masterpiece, Reign tells the story of Alexander's's triumphs through engaging characters, intricate plots and glorious battle sequences.
Keywords: alexandria-egypt, allegory, anime, character-name-in-title, chosen-one, city, egypt, fictional-war, geometry, goddess
Alexander the Great was the world's most powerful warrior. Reign is a 21st century science-fiction retelling of the legend of this Macedonian king. A visual masterpiece, Reign tells the story of Alexander's's triumphs through engaging characters, intricate plots and glorious battle sequences.
Keywords: alexandria-egypt, allegory, anime, character-name-in-title, chosen-one, city, egypt, fictional-war, geometry, goddess
All star adaptation of Jonathan Swift's satirical tale about a normal man who, after returning home following eight years of absence, relates fantastical tales about how he was thought to be giant in the Land of Lilliput, but was only six inches high in the Land of Brobdingnag. He also tells of his visit to the floating island of Laputa populated by scientists who are so obsessed with reason that they act with no common sense. Finally, he tells of his journey to the land where his disturbing likeness to the bestial Yahoos and his inferiority to the intelligent horses there makes him question the very worth of his humanity.
Keywords: based-on-novel, captain, character-name-in-title, father-son-relationship, flashback, giant, horse, horse-actor, husband-wife-relationship, king
Emperor of Lilliput: Well, you weren't exaggerating... he's a whopper!
Emperor of Lilliput: Good plans, boys, but I don't think we should actually murder him. You were so keen on killing Mother last year and now I miss her dreadfully. You're both too impulsive!
Empress of Lilliput: [while passing under Gulliver whose trousers are ragged] Colossus!
Lemuel Gulliver: The bestial Yahoos fight for no reason all. While we on the order hand fight for very good reasons, such as, well, our enemies are weaker than us or we desire all their land.
Lady-in-Waiting: I was wondering if the little gentleman might be for sale.::Farmer Grultrud: No disrespect, my lady, but no amount of money is going to part the two of us.::Lady-in-Waiting: I have here five-hundred pieces of gold.::Farmer Grultrud: Do you want to take him tonight?
Gen. Limtoc: Yesterday we gave him enough to feed a regiment for a week. Now he says he's hungry again!
[Gulliver has just kissed the Empress of Lilliput's hand, covering it with drool]::Clustril: Bring towels and a bucket! [to the Emperor] It seems his lips were a bit... wet.
Adm. Bolgolam: [the Emperor, his sons, General Limtoc and Admiral Bolgolam, Clustril and other s are in the Lilliputian campaign room, discussing Gulliver's 'inventive' way of extinguishing a fire] This is an outrage! He made water in the royal grounds! It's a treasonable offence!::Emperor of Lilliput: But he saved the Empress' life!::Gen. Limtoc: At what cost? Our stepmother may never go out in public again, convinced that she's the laughing stock of Lilliput!::Emperor of Lilliput: But she's not that... [to Clustril] Is she? [Clustril sniggers]
Gen. Limtoc: [Gulliver, who is looking into the window of Lilliputian Great Chamber of War, blows off Clustril's hat] Giant's a bloody menace!
Lemuel Gulliver: [to Clustril] I want you to have this.::[Gulliver gives him his wedding ring]::Clustril: Oh, marvellous! What do I want with your ring, eh? I can't wear it, can I?::Lemuel Gulliver: It's *gold*.::Clustril: [takes it in awe] You always were good to me! You were always my friend! Dad! We're *rich*!::Drunlo: Never mind that, son, never mind that. I think I've found... the other boot!
Alexander the Great - "Documentary "
Alexander the Great - National Geographic
Iron Maiden - Alexander The Great (with lyrics)
Alexander the Great and the Situation ... the Great? Crash Course World History #8
01/04. Discovery: Conquerors: Alexander the Great.
Alexander the Great VS The Indian Raja
Is This Alexander the Great's Tomb?
Mystery Files - Alexander the Great
ULITMATE BATTLES - ALEXANDER THE GREAT - Discovery/History/War (documentary)
IRON MAIDEN-Alexander The Great-(High Definition - Lyrics)
Battle of Gaugamela, Alexander the Great
Μέγας Αλέξανδρος - Alexander The Great Full Movie 1956 with Greek Subtitles
Alexander the Great - Encyclopedia channel
History of Alexander the Great
Alexander The Great from Macedonia - Trailer
Iron Maiden - Alexander The Great - Video Clip
Alexander the Great (Part 1)
ARH Studios Alexander the Great Review
Alexander The Great In Afghanistan With Professor Frank Holt
Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great and the Birth of Hellenism
MACEDONIA. The Tomb οf Alexander The Great. GREECE. (Amazing)
Ο Μέγας Αλέξανδρος 3D-Animation (Alexander the Great) (2006)
1 The True Story of Alexander the Great part I
2 The True Story of Alexander the Great part II
3 The True Story of Alexander the Great part III
4 The True Story of Alexander the Great part IV
5 The True Story of Alexander the Great part V
6 The True Story of Alexander the Great part VI
7 The True Story of Alexander the Great part VII
8 The True Story of Alexander the Great part VIII
9 The True Story of Alexander the Great part IX
10 The True Story of Alexander the Great part X
11 The True Story of Alexander the Great part XI
12 The True Story of Alexander the Great part XII
13 The True Story of Alexander the Great part XIII
14 The True Story of Alexander the Great part XIV
Lazeria Map Collection: Is the Earth Hollow?
Aliens From the Lost Tomb of Alexander the Great?
Ancient Etruscan Deciphered (Vol. I): Lost Tomb of Alexander the Great
Tomb Tape IV: Lost Tomb of Alexander the Great
Artifacts from the Lost Tomb of Alexander the Great, Part 1 of 2
Artifacts from the Lost Tomb of Alexander the Great (Full Length Version)
World's Oldest Authentic Map of Atlantis
Denver Workshop: The Dead Sea Scrolls Mystery
Artifacts from the Lost Tomb of Alexander the Great, Part 2 of 2
1995 ISAC Conference Excerpts: Lost Tomb of Alexander the Great
Alexander The Great Interview
Alexander the Great interview (Danielle Almiranez)
Devon Alexander "The Great " Interview 7th June 2011
Alexander the Great interview
Alexander The Great- Interview
Alexander the Great Interview
Tay a.k.a. "Alexander The Great" Magic Video (Channel 10) Interview
Alexander the Great Interview Final Cut (Joe H. and Evan S.)
Alexander the Great's heritage - Dr.Tellenbach's interview
Beyond Ringside Interview: Brian Alexander 'The Great'
Alexander The Great- Final Interview
Alexander the Great Interview and Trailer
Interview With Alexander the Great
Biographical Study of Alexander the Great: Porus & Alexander Interview
Interview With Alexander The Great
Dr. Phyllis interview with Alexander T. Great & Darius III (Quality version)
Interview of Panayoti Karousos on TV for Alexander the Great
Dr. Phyllis interview with Alexander T. Great and Darius III (Blooper version)
Biographical Study of Alexander the Great: Aristotle Interview
Interview with Alexander the Great
Biographical Study of Alexander the Great: Ptolemy I Interview
ESPN Segment - Alexander The Great
Alexander III of Macedon (20/21 July 356 – 10/11 June 323 BC), commonly known as Alexander the Great (Greek: Ἀλέξανδρος ὁ Μέγας, Aléxandros ho Mégas from the Greek αλέξω alexo "to defend, help" + ανήρ aner "man"), was a king of Macedon, a state in northern ancient Greece. Born in Pella in 356 BC, Alexander was tutored by Aristotle until the age of 16. By the age of thirty, he had created one of the largest empires of the ancient world, stretching from the Ionian Sea to the Himalayas. He was undefeated in battle and is considered one of history's most successful commanders.
Alexander succeeded his father, Philip II of Macedon, to the throne in 336 BC after Philip was assassinated. Upon Philip's death, Alexander inherited a strong kingdom and an experienced army. He was awarded the generalship of Greece and used this authority to launch his father's military expansion plans. In 334 BC, he invaded Persian-ruled Asia Minor and began a series of campaigns that lasted ten years. Alexander broke the power of Persia in a series of decisive battles, most notably the battles of Issus and Gaugamela. He subsequently overthrew the Persian King Darius III and conquered the entirety of the Persian Empire. At that point, his empire stretched from the Adriatic Sea to the Indus River.
Frank Lee Holt is a Central Asian archaeologist and author. He is an Associate Professor of History at the University of Houston, and is recognized as one of the leading authorities on Alexander the Great, Hellenistic Asia, and numismatics. Holt received his Ph.D. in History from the University of Virginia.
Holt has written five books and almost fifty articles, primarily concerning Alexander the Great and the Hellenization of Afghanistan.
"My son ask for thyself another
Kingdom, for that which I leave
is too small for thee"
(King Philip of Macedonia - 339 B.C.)
Near to the east
In a part of ancient Greece
In an ancient land called Macedonia
Was born a son
To Philip of Macedon
The legend his name was Alexander
At the age of nineteen
He became the Macedon King
And he swore to free all of Asia Minor
By the Aegean Sea
In 334 B.C.
He utterly beat the armies of Persia
Alexander the Great
His name struck fear into hearts of men
Alexander the Great
Became a legend 'mongst mortal men
King Darius the third
Defeated fled Persia
The Scythians fell by the river Jaxartes
Then Egypt fell to the Macedon King as well
And he founded the city called Alexandria
By the Tigris river
He met King Darius again
And crushed him again in the battle of Arbela
Entering Babylon
And Susa, treasures he found
Took Persepolis the capital of Persia
Alexander the Great
His name struck fear into hearts of men
Alexander the Great
Became a God amongst mortal men
A Phrygian King had bound a chariot yoke
And Alexander cut the Gordian knot
And legend said that who untied the knot
He would become the master of Asia
Hellenism he spread far and wide
The Macedonian learned mind
Their culture was a western way of life
He paved the way for Christianity
Marching on, marching on
The battle weary marching side by side
Alexander's army line by line
They wouldn't follow him to India
Tired of the combat, pain and the glory
Alexander the Great
His name struck fear into hearts of men
Alexander the Great
Old School Songs
They called him Alexander
With the best band in the land
He'd topped the bill in Paris
But in Venice it was banned
A pile of dusty gold discs
Were among his claims to fame
There was no-one over sixty
Who didn't know his name.
Alexander you were great
The man the critics loved to hate
You could have been as big as the Beatles or the Stones
Alexander you became
The lonely housewife's favourite name
You could have been the greatest of them all.
The gig was held in honour
Of his golden jubilee
He did not need the money
So he said he'd play for free
He got the band together
Who'd been with him through the years
They rehearsed the Alexander songs
And shed nostalgic tears.
The crowd rose to their feet
When Alexander hit the stage
His face had been rebuilt
So that you could not tell his age
He played all of the old songs
And the crowd sang every word
He danced like Margot Fonteyn
And whistled like a bird.
He came on for the encore
But collapsed against the stand
The crowd was hushed, the doctor came
There was panic in the band
He diagnosed a broken heart
The critics had been fed
Their reviews became