NSA : Documentary on the Secret Intelligence Agency NSA
[395] EXCLUSIVE: Two Top NSA Veterans Expose Shocking History of Illegal Spying
Die NSA - Die Fabrik der Spione (Doku)
Through a PRISM, Darkly - Everything we know about NSA spying [30c3]
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: 'I don't want to live in a society that does these sort of things'
Mikko Hypponen: How the NSA betrayed the world's trust -- time to act
Richard Ledgett: The NSA responds to Edward Snowden's TED Talk
How the Government Tracks You: NSA Surveillance
MoTrip ft. Elmo - Guten Morgen NSA (Videopremiere) - Insider (2.4)
Last Week Tonight With John Oliver: General Keith Alexander Extended Interview (HBO)
Land unter Kontrolle - Doku über NSA-Überwachung in Deutschland #Dokumentation #deutsch
Gregor Gysi zu ISIS, Ukraine, NSA, TTIP, Rente, Mindestlohn, Bildung 25.06.2014 - Bananenrepublik
NSA Whistleblower - Jesselyn Radack & Thomas Drake | London Real
Documentary Inside NSA - Discovery Channel
An Unlikely Hero in a Chaotic World
Narrator: [Opening narration to Repo Chick] In the last years of the Cold War, the former Soviet Union developed a new weapon of mass destruction. Harnessing the awesome power of the Earth's own gravity, these GD-34 GROWLER bombs were smaller and more destructive than any battlefield munition previously deployed. In the late 20th century, the largest repossession company was GMAC, General Motors Acceptance Corporation. With the deregulation of the banks, GMAC and other less scrupulous companies were able to sell mortgages to poor people who couldn't possibly afford them. As the economy collapsed, repossession corrections became the United States' only non-military growth industries. Meanwhile, six GROWLERS remained unaccounted for.
Opening placard: [Opening placard] The story you are about to see is true... Only the dimensions have been changed... To protect the innocent.
Aunt de la Chasse: Since our last meeting, Pixxi, you have been arrested how many times?::Aldrich De La Chasse: Well, it's been eighteen, hasn't it? Eighteen times.::Repo Chick: Come on, pops, you know how it is. It's those fucking Beverly Hills cops. They be lying at my probation hearing, they be lying wait outside our gate.
Grandma De La Chasse: Holding up with strangers!::Aldrich De La Chasse: Hookups, mother. They call it "hooking up." Hookups.::Grandma De La Chasse: That's right.::Repo Chick: Oh, grandma, those are lies. I knew all five of those boys.
Grandma De La Chasse: Yes, get a job or you'll be disinherited.
Repo Chick: Why did you pick up the phone if it's the wrong number, asshole?
Lawyer: But the law says...::Sixsixsix: The law can go suck my ass. Right, Pixxi?::Repo Chick: Alright 666, take it easy. Let's hear what the jerk has to say and then if we don't like it, we'll just throw him down the stairs.
Lawyer: [to Pixxi] You're an adult. Yes. Over eighteen, twenty one presumably?::Sixsixsix: Don't go there.
Lawyer: When your family said that you were disinherited, did they offer up any sort of deal, a resolution to be un-disinherited?::Repo Chick: [unintelligible]... job.::Lawyer: I'm sorry, I didn't hear you.::Repo Chick: [Emotional] They told me to get a job!::Sixsixsix: [to lawyer] You bastard!
Sixsixsix: [to the tow truck driver] Hey! Hey! Hey! Frankenfuck! What the hell you think you're doing?
The story takes place in a alternate postwar period, in 1996, where Japan is divided. Hokkaido is ruled by the "Union" while Honshu and other southern islands are under US authority. A tall tower was built on Hokkaido, which could even be seen from Tokyo. In the summer of 1996, three middle-school students make a promise that they'll cross the border with a self-constructed plane and unravel the tower's secret, but their project was abandoned after the girl, Sayuri Sawatari, became mysteriously ill and transferred to Tokyo. Years later on the brink of another war Hiroki Fujisawa finds out that Sayuri had been in coma since then, and he asks Takuya Shirakawa to help him finding a way to wake her up.
Keywords: 1990s, alternate-timeline, anime, foreign-occupation, violin, year-1996, year-1999
Against all odds, a promise will be kept.
Hiroki Fujisawa: [Narrating] Now, those days are long gone... Our promised place was beyond those clouds.
Hiroki Fujisawa: [about Sayuri] She always said she felt like she was losing something. At the time... I was in middle school, and couldn't understand what she meant. But... those words had a strange effect on me.
Hiroki Fujisawa: [Narrating] At the time, we were drawn by two things: One was our classmate, Sawatari Sayuri... The other was the giant tower across the Tsugaru Strait. I was always looking up at that tower, I felt that something very precious waited there, I yearned to go there... One day... One day... I will go there.
Hiroki Fujisawa: [Narrating] Back then, I felt that this place, this time would last forever. The tower I admired that lay beyond the clouds... became the place of a precious promise. At that moment we weren't afraid of anything. But in reality, the world and the flow of time kept on going all around me.
Sayuri Sawatari: The sun... is taking its time setting...::Hiroki Fujisawa: [Narrating] That was a really special summer. But the world around me would betray me again and again after this. Since that day three years ago, I haven't seen Sawatari once.
Sayuri Sawatari: The chill wind seemed to blow from the depths of space, and the scent of a different universe was present.
Sayuri Sawatari: The sky, the clouds, the ruined city... No matter how far I walk, nobody appears.
Hiroki Fujisawa: [Narrating] Once I got to my room and shut the door, it felt like the bones in my body were tearing through my skin... as I was overcome with an intense, heartfelt pain.
Hiroki Fujisawa: [Narrating] Living alone, the nights seemed to last forever. When I couldn't pass the time effectively, I went to a nearby train station and pretended to wait for someone.
Hiroki Fujisawa: It's as if I've spent my days holding my breath under cold water... It's as if... It's as if...::Sayuri Sawatari: It's as if... I'm the only one left in the world.
NSA : Documentary on the Secret Intelligence Agency NSA
[395] EXCLUSIVE: Two Top NSA Veterans Expose Shocking History of Illegal Spying
Die NSA - Die Fabrik der Spione (Doku)
Through a PRISM, Darkly - Everything we know about NSA spying [30c3]
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: 'I don't want to live in a society that does these sort of things'
Mikko Hypponen: How the NSA betrayed the world's trust -- time to act
Richard Ledgett: The NSA responds to Edward Snowden's TED Talk
How the Government Tracks You: NSA Surveillance
MoTrip ft. Elmo - Guten Morgen NSA (Videopremiere) - Insider (2.4)
Last Week Tonight With John Oliver: General Keith Alexander Extended Interview (HBO)
Land unter Kontrolle - Doku über NSA-Überwachung in Deutschland #Dokumentation #deutsch
Gregor Gysi zu ISIS, Ukraine, NSA, TTIP, Rente, Mindestlohn, Bildung 25.06.2014 - Bananenrepublik
NSA Whistleblower - Jesselyn Radack & Thomas Drake | London Real
Documentary Inside NSA - Discovery Channel
Das Verrückte an der NSA mit Volker Pispers - Mitternachtsspitzen 16.11.2013 - Bananenrepublik
16 FAKTEN ÜBER DIE NSA - Faktastisch
NSA Gegenmaßnahmen
Quellcode entschlüsselt: Beweis für NSA-Spionage in Deutschland | Panorama | NDR
NSA Blackmailing Obama? | Interview with Whistleblower Russ Tice
Edward Snowden, v 1.0: NSA Whistleblower William Binney Tells All
The NSA and the 9/11 Deception
USB-Sticks:Datenschutzkatastrophe! NSA manipulierte Prozessoren?!
NSA spies on prominent Muslim-American, Snowden files show
NSA stole data from millions travelling through Austria
C-SPAN Callers On The Future Of The National Security Agency (NSA)
National Security Agency- What are they up to with the Narus STA 6400?
Travel Alert, Iraq Prisons, Al-Qaida, Embassy Closures, Yemen, Egypt, Israeli Settlements (2013)
NSA Records Every Single Cell Phone Call Made In The Bahamas
France Demands Answers from Obama over NSA Spying
NSA records every cellphone call in the Bahamas
James Clapper Declassifies More NSA Documents
► NSA Intercepts Google And Yahoo Traffic Overseas
Army Packing Hack: How to Pack Luggage Like a Pro for Travel || Space Saving Military Style
Obama visit Sweden President Barack Obama defended anew the United States' surveillance programs.
NSA, erste Veröffentlichung
New 'rules of behaviour' for the NSA? - World Papers
How NSA cracked the web
Funny UFO Man Needs UFO Motorhome UFO Vehicle To Save The World With Videos ★★★★★
Illegal Spying Below: Activists Fly Anti-Surveillance Airship over NSA's Utah Data Center
Steps of the United Nations (UN) in to rein in NSA surveillance - NSA Spygate
Clapper On Clapper Off
New 'rules of behaviour' for the NSA? - French Papers
AMERICANS HOLD anti spying rally Thousands march in Washington DC against NSA snooping
US privacy watchdog advises NSA spying is 'illegal'
Australia Spied On United States Law Firm
Reportage sur les écoutes mondiales des USA- NSA L'Agence De L'Ombre - 2013
Comment la NSA et les hackers piratent ils nos données personnelles ?
Top NSA Whistleblower: NSA Has The Power To Blackmail Anyone
NSA operation ORCHESTRA: Annual Status Report
Former CIA Spy: NSA And DHS Have Not Prevented A Single Terrorist Attack
President Obama's Full NSA Speech
Bundestag - Debatte zur NSA am 18.11.2013
James Bamford Says NSA "Exploiting" U.S. Citizens With Info About Their Online Porno Viewing Habits
Snowden, Merkel und die NSA - Deutschland als besetztes Land
NSA Surveillance and What To Do About It
Frank Rieger (CCC) im NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss (Zusammenschnitt)
Glenn Greenwald on NSA Bugging Tech Hardware, Economic Espionage & Spying on U.N.
The NSA's search tool is a Google for the world's communications data
THE CIA , FBI and NSA Spying Technology is Free and out in the open , DOWNLOAD IT NOW
An Open Message to the NSA
NSA Created Search Engine Tool To Share Communication Records With Government Agencies
THE CIA , FBI and NSA Spying Technology is Free and out in the open , DOWNLOAD IT NOW
Gollum nimmt Drogen? NSA mag Teletubbis? LenNews
China To Launch Its Own OS, Defying NSA Spying
NSA BND Geheimvereinbarungen
KenFM über NSA und kein Ende
NSA drone hacked in Australian outback
WINNERS DONT DO DRUGS! (NSA plays Slave of God ._.)
Schieb spricht: Wie die NSA das Vertrauen ins Netz ramponiert
Thomas Rid on Edward Snowden and the implications of the NSA leaks
NSA Rally
NSA, MI6, SÄPO och Facebook
PRISM NSA Totalüberwachung aus den USA 12 6 13
All NSA intros (2012 - present)
2013 NSA
Nsa Document, Cops Killing Blacks, Racism, The Real Reason For War In The Middle east
Exempleado de la NSA EE UU necesita a Rusia
Snowden Merkel und die NSA Deutschland als besetztes Land
NSA - FinSpy! The FinFisher Remote Windows backdoor PC exploit system. (+pdf & software downloads)
Full Documentaries - National Security Agency Secrets - (NSA) Special Documentary
The National Security Agency (NSA) is a cryptologic intelligence agency of the United States Department of Defense responsible for the collection and analysis of foreign communications and foreign signals intelligence, as well as protecting U.S. government communications and information systems, which involves information security and cryptanalysis/cryptography.
The NSA is directed by at least a lieutenant general or vice admiral. NSA is a key component of the U.S. Intelligence Community, which is headed by the Director of National Intelligence. The Central Security Service is a co-located agency created to coordinate intelligence activities and co-operation between NSA and other U.S. military cryptanalysis agencies. The Director of the National Security Agency serves as the Commander of the United States Cyber Command and Chief of the Central Security Service.
By law, NSA's intelligence gathering is limited to foreign communications, although domestic incidents such as the NSA warrantless surveillance controversy have occurred.
Dr. Gregor Gysi (German pronunciation: [ˈɡiːzi]; born 16 January 1948) is a German attorney and key politician of the socialist left-wing political party The Left (Die Linke). He played an important role in the end of communist rule in East Germany in 1989[citation needed], and was a main figure in the post-reunification Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS). He is well known for his rhetoric talent and is considered one of the best German public speakers.
Gysi was born in East Berlin, Soviet Zone of Germany. His father, Klaus Gysi, was a high-ranking official in East Germany, and had been Minister of Culture from 1966 to 1973. His mother, Irene, was the sister of political activist Gottfried Lessing, who was married to the British writer Doris Lessing during his exile in Southern Rhodesia. The surname "Gysi" is of Swiss-German origin. Both of his parents were of part Jewish ancestry; his paternal grandmother was Jewish, as was one of his maternal great-grandfathers. One of his maternal great-grandmothers was Russian.
Jesselyn Radack (born 1970) is a former ethics adviser to the United States Department of Justice who came to prominence as a whistleblower after she disclosed that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) committed an ethics violation in their interrogation of John Walker Lindh (the "American Taliban" captured during the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan) without an attorney present, and that the Department of Justice attempted to suppress that information. The Lindh case was the first major terrorism prosecution after 9/11.
She is currently the homeland security director of the Government Accountability Project, a leading whistleblower organization.
Radack was born in Washington DC and attended Brown University. She was elected to Phi Beta Kappa in her junior year and graduated magna cum laude in 1992 as a triple major with honours in all three majors. Since 1983 when Brown began tracking such data, only one other student has received honors in three concentrations.
Radack graduated from Yale Law School and joined the Justice Department through the Attorney General Honors Program where she practiced constitutional tort litigation from 1995–1999 and then worked in the Department's newly created Professional Responsibility Advisory Office (PRAO) from 1999-2002.
Volker Pispers (born January 18, 1958 in Mönchengladbach-Rheydt) is a German Kabarett artist, who is well known for his political satire. His comic style includes drastic and sometimes sarcastic commentary on current events, especially about the political situation in Germany but also about the politics of the United States since 9/11 and during the Iraq War.
After his Abitur, Pispers moved to Bonn and later Münster where he studied english studies, theology and pedagogy. From 1979 to 1980 he worked as a foreign language assistant in England, where he developed a liking for black comedy.
After returning to Germany, he worked as a member of several children's theatre and cabaret arrangements. His first solo program, Kabarette sich, wer kann, first opened in 1983. In the same year he finished his education and started working as an English teacher. In 1990 he became a member of the ensemble of the Kom(m)ödchen in Düsseldorf and later on its artistic director. However, in 1991, he gave up this position to tour Germany with his solo programs. Over the 1990s he received a number of awards and became a well-known figure in German political cabaret.
Russell D. Tice (born 1961) is a former intelligence analyst for the U.S. Air Force, Office of Naval Intelligence, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and National Security Agency (NSA). During his nearly 20 year career with various United States government agencies, he conducted intelligence missions related to the Kosovo War, Afghanistan, the USS Cole bombing in Yemen, and Operation Iraqi Freedom. In December, 2005, Tice helped spark a national controversy over claims that the NSA and the DIA were engaged in unlawful and unconstitutional wiretaps on American citizens. He later admitted that he was one of the sources that were used in the New York Times' reporting on the wiretap activity in December 2005.
Tice received national attention as a whistleblower in May 2005, after speaking publicly about alleged retaliation by government officials for reporting his suspicions that a DIA colleague might be a Chinese spy, and about the need for legislation to protect whistleblowers.
Tice was terminated by the NSA in May, 2005, just days after publicly urging Congress to pass stronger protections for federal intelligence agency whistleblowers facing retaliation. In September, 2005, the inspector general issued an unclassified report that found "no evidence" to support Tice's claims.
Sabes que elegistes un destino y no te vas a echar atras
Sabes cual es tu camino y no daras un paso atras
Estas contento con tu gente, esa es la verdad
Una familia diferente, a todas las demas
Solo tres letras bastaran, para hacerlos callar
Non servium army n.s.a
Condenados y orgullosos, la respuesta radical
Condenados y orgullosos, amistad y fidelidad
Nuestras consignas estan claras, nunca cambiaran
Dispuestos para dar la cara, frente a los demas
Vuestros insultos dan igual, no escuchamos
Nuestra respuesta es radical, atacamos
Condenados y orgullosos, la respuesta radical
Condenados y orgullosos, amistad y fidelidad
Nuestras consignas estan claras, nunca cambiaran
Dispuestos para dar la cara, frente a los demas
Vuestros insultos dan igual, no escuchamos
Nuestra respuesta es radical, atacamos
Son tres letras que marcan una vida
Es el nombre de la santa familia
Condenada por la envidia de unos cuantos, pero nos da igual
No pediremos perdon
Y es que hay algo que tenemos muy claro
Es que todo el mundo sabe donde estamos
Si tienes algun problema, ven y dinoslo
Te dare la solucion
Envidiosos, rastreros, no teneis valor, sois lo peor
Mierda de gente embustera, engreida
Apunalan de noche y sonrien de dia
Sois como el cuento del rico villano
Que tira la piedra y esconde la mano