Funny As Hell by Adam Ferrara ( 2009 )
Alerte Evasion - Antonio Ferrara , fait sauter la prison - [FR]
Alerte Evasion : Antonio Ferrara Fait Exploser Une Prison - Reportage complet
Marco Travaglio vs Giuliano Ferrara a Bersaglio Mobile
Travaglio VS Ferrara sulla trattativa Stato-Mafia [Parte1di2] (La7, 27Ago2012)
Travaglio vs Ferrara: "Sei un somaro!" Bersaglio Mobile 18 07 2014
Ferrara: Mi rompo i coglioni
Giuliano Ferrara - La mafia? L'essenza della Sicilia, un potere sociale in quell'isola maledetta
Ferrara Ti...
La lite tra Ferrara e Travaglio a Bersaglio Mobile
Happy in Ferrara [We are happy from...]
Ferrara Città' del Rinascimento e il suo Delta del Po "UN LUOGO DELL'ANIMA"
Processo mills: un grande travaglio smonta le tesi di giuliano ferrara - linea notte 16feb,2012
Allegedly based on a true story, this film follows the life of Toshi, a Japanese man living in America and working with the New York City police. After being recommended for undercover work, Toshi decides to go after a gang lead by Hawk. Hawk and Toshi soon become friends, although Hawk's second-in-command, Tito, is suspicious of the newcomer. Will Toshi be able to bring the gang down, or will his cover be blown before he can finish the assignment?
Keywords: female-nudity, independent-film, new-york-city, police, sex
The toughest city in the world deserves the toughest cop.
After disposing of a familiar looking face, Bond is sent to recover a communication device, known as an ATAC, which went down with a British Spy ship as it sunk. Bond must hurry though, as the Russians are also out for this device. On his travels, he also meets Melina Havelock, whose parents were brutally murdered. Bond also encounters both Aristotle Kristatos and Milos Colombo. Each of them are accusing the other of having links with with the Russian's. Bond must team up with Melina, solve who the true ally is and find the ATAC before it's too late.
Keywords: 1980s, action-hero, agent, assassin, automobile, bare-chested-male, based-on-novel, bathrobe, blockbuster, bond-girl
Bond Has Everything - James Bond Agent 007 Is Back
Bond for thrills in For Your Eyes Only
My name is Bond - James Bond
Bond for action in For Your Eyes Only
Der neue Bond '81 [The new Bond '81] [German poster]
Bond for the ladies in For Your Eyes Only
No one comes close to JAMES BOND 007
Bibi: Him? He thinks I'm still a virgin.::James Bond: Yes. Well, you get your clothes on... and I'll buy you an ice cream.
[Bond walks into a Greek Confessional Booth]::James Bond: Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.::Q: [Removing disguise] That's putting it mildly, 007!
James Bond: The Chinese have a saying; "Before setting off on revenge, you first dig *two* graves"!::Melina: I don't expect you to understand, you're English, but I'm half Greek and Greek women like Elektra always avenge their loved ones!
James Bond: What did Columbo whisper to you at the restaurant?::Countess: That you were a spy, and to find out more about you.::James Bond: And have you?::Countess: Have I *ever*.
James Bond: I love a drive in the country. Don't you...?
Tanner: You were supposed to question Gonzales, not let Miss Havelock perforate him!::James Bond: I quite agree, sir.::Frederick Gray: I'm afraid we have to inform the Prime Minister that Operation Undertow is dead in the water. Why... she'll have our guts for garters!
Columbo: You may need this.::[returns Bond's pistol to him]::Columbo: I'm a good judge of man. You have what the Greeks call "thrausos" - guts!::James Bond: [points his gun at Columbo] So have you, Mister Columbo.
Blofeld: Think twice 007, it's a long way down.
Tanner: I think we're having a bit of trouble with the line, Madam...
[last lines]::The Prime Minister: [over the phone] Ah, Mr. Bond. I wanted to call you personnally and to say how pleased we all are that your mission was a success. Thank you.::Parrot: Thank you, thank you.::The Prime Minister: Don't thank me, Mr. Bond. Your courage and resourcefulness are a credit to the nation. Denis and I look forward to meeting you. Meanwhile, if there is anything I can do for you...::Parrot: Give us a kiss, give us a kiss.::The Prime Minister: Well, really, Mr. Bond.::Tanner: I think we're having a little trouble with the line, madam.::Frederick Gray: [to Q] You idiot. Get on to him.::Q: 007. 007.::Frederick Gray: Bond! Have you gone mad? What's going on? Bond. Bond! BOND!
Simple truths for the ways of the world.
The top-selling Grammy-winning album of 1975 brought to you by Earth, Wind & Fire and its founder/writer/producer Maurice White is now a motion picture of all sorts.
There are two sides to every hit record!
Where were you when the stardust hit the fan?
At overcrowded Westgate Penitentiary, where violence and fear are the norm and the warden has less power than guards and leading prisoners, the least contented prisoner is tough, single-minded Joe Collins. Most of all, Joe hates chief guard Captain Munsey, a petty dictator who glories in absolute power. After one infraction too many, Joe and his cell-mates are put on the dreaded drain pipe detail; prompting an escape scheme that has every chance of turning into a bloodbath.
Keywords: battle, escape-attempt, evil-man, explosion, fire, fistfight, gunfight, informant, inmate, machine-gun
Mark Hellinger's POWER PACKED PICTURE! (re-release print ad - mostly caps)
MEN CAGED ON THE INSIDE..driven by the thought of their women on the loose!
HUMAN DYNAMITE! Told the Raw, Ruthless "KILLERS" Way!
Raw! Rough! Ruthless!
Man hate! Woman love!
Gallagher: It'll only make things tougher for everybody else.::Joe Collins: I don't care about everybody else.::Gallagher: That's cemetery talk.::Joe Collins: Why not, we're buried, ain't we? Only thing is, we ain't dead.
Gallagher: Those gates only open three times. When you come in, when you've served your time, or when you're dead!
Dr. Walters: [to Captain Munsey] That's why you'd never resign from this prison. Where else whould you find so many helpless flies to stick pins into?
Dr. Walters: Force does make leaders. But you forget one thing: it also destroys them.
Captain Munsey: Just remember there's no reward for bringing 'em back alive. Not in this jungle.
[last lines]::Dr. Walters: Nobody escapes. Nobody ever really escapes.
Warden A.J. Barnes: [At the meeting in the Warden's office] But it's not as easy as all that, Mr. McCollum. This prison... this prison has almost twice as many men as it was built to accomodate. There's not enough work to keep the inmates occupied.::McCollum: Why not?::Warden A.J. Barnes: The world we live in. Yes, we can give them real work. Teach them trades. Produce things. But the civilian manufacturer says we're competing with him. Trade unions say we're putting their people out of work. Nobody wants to help. Not us.::McCollum: [Scoffing] Manufacturers. Unions. You might as well blame the weather! What you're really saying is, you can't handle the situation!::Captain Munsey: Excuse me, sir. I don't think you quite understood what the Warden meant. It's not only a matter of controlling the men. He wants to help them.::McCollum: Munsey, what this prison needs is absolute discipline - not charity! Your loyalty to the warden doesn't change the fact that he may be getting too OLD for his job.::Dr. Walters: Age, Mr. McCollum, is a matter of arteries, not years.::McCollum: It's a pity, Walters, that you're a better philosopher than you are a doctor, but I'm getting tired of you in both roles! I was sent here today for one reason: to tell you that if there's any more trouble, if this prison isn't brought under the strictest control, there'll be an immediate change in practically all personnel. We don't want to be bothered any more! Is that clear, Warden?::Warden A.J. Barnes: [Meekly] Yes.::McCollum: Clear to you, doctor?::Dr. Walters: Oh, absolutely. You can't be bothered. Well, that simplifies everything. The great Public [turning to scowl at McCollum] - and its servants... You put up prisons, thick walls, and then your job is over. Finished. But is it over? You and your "patent medicine" remedies. [Paraphrasing McCollum] "Change the Warden." "New personnel." "Absolute discipline." Do you know what this prison is, Mr. McCollum? One big human bomb! And you say, "Kick it, and it'll be quiet. Smash it, and it won't explode."::McCollum: [Turning to Captain Munsey] Munsey, what do you think of the doctor's viewpoint?::Captain Munsey: I think, sir, that on occasion, the doctor becomes unduly alarmed.::McCollum: Warden?::Warden A.J. Barnes: [Stammering] I... I... I don't know.::McCollum: I do. Like so many dreamers... and drunkards, the doctor's emotional words are empty. [Addressing Dr. Walters] What's your solution?::Dr. Walters: All I know, is that when people are sick, you don't cure them by making them sicker. By your methods we send a man back to society a worse criminal than he was than when they sent him to us.::McCollum: Platitudes, doctor. I'm waiting for your solution.::Dr. Walters: For men like you, Mr. McCollum, there will never be any solution.::McCollum: [Angrily reacting to Dr. Walters] Wait a minute...!::Dr. Walters: All you want is "destroy" instead of "build." What we need here is a little more patience, and much more understanding!::McCollum: We've been patient too long. And as for understanding, I'm positive the purpose of my visit cannot be MISunderstood. You'll remain here, Warden, only as long as there's no further trouble. Good day [turning to glare directly at Dr. Walters]... doctor!::Captain Munsey: I'll see you to the gate, sir. [Captain Munsey and McCollum leave the Warden's office]::Warden A.J. Barnes: I've been Warden here for such a long time. [Sitting down, dejectedly] I wouldn't know where to go, what to do...
Cora Lister: [Flashback scene: Tom Lister is in his prison cell, recalling how he had given his wife Cora an exquisite fur coat] Tom... oh, Tom! It's the most beautiful thing in the whole world!::Tom Lister: It belongs on you.::Cora Lister: [Putting the coat on and admiring herself dreamily in the mirror] It makes me feel so... I don't know... like I was "somebody." Oh, Tom...::Cora Lister: [Suddenly coming to her senses] Where'd you get it? Where'd the money come from? Where'd you get it!::Tom Lister: Cora, I stole the money. I juggled the books and took three thousand dollars.::Cora Lister: You? You STOLE? Why?::Tom Lister: Darling, the way we were going, you wanting things - things you ought to have - and me strapped all the time... we were heading for a split-up. Don't you see? I just had to do it.::Cora Lister: All my life, the one thing I've really wanted is a fur coat. I CAN'T give it up. I WON'T, Tom!::Tom Lister: No, darling...::Cora Lister: But what if something should happen?::Tom Lister: Nothing that happens could matter, unless I lost you... [Loud, ominous knocking on door is heard, returning the scene back to Tom's prison cell]
Calypso: [Guards are taking roll call at the prison cells, calling each inmate's name. When he's called, Calypso, instead of a simple "here," answers with a musical verse, sung Calypso-style] "I'm here Mr. Man, I can't tell no lie. And I'll be right here till the day I die."
'Freshman' Stack: [Joe has just been returned to his cell after spending some time in solitary. His cellmates are bringing him up to date on latest developments] About the stool pigeon, Joe, we made arrangements. Everything is okay.::Joe Collins: Everything's okay? What's okay? Nothing's okay. It never was and it never will be. Not till we're out. You get that? Out.
The notorious Jarvis gang robs a bank, one member is killed in the subsequent shootout, they ditch the getaway car, but are recognized at a roadblock as they take it on the lam and are killed in a car chase. The getaway car is sold to a carnival sideshow, where an insurance investigator and some surviving gang members start poking around in search of the missing cash. The investigator tracks down the now-dead Jarvis's girlfriend at a cabaret, and several murders and violent incidents (including a dead body on the rollercoaster) occur as he narrows in on the culprits.
Keywords: based-on-play
A SMILE FOR THE LADIES...A SLUG FOR THE MEN! $300,000 is a lot of money but there's no fortune in it when you get it the wrong way!
High pressure drama of HOT MONEY in a GETAWAY CAR!
Funny As Hell by Adam Ferrara ( 2009 )
Alerte Evasion - Antonio Ferrara , fait sauter la prison - [FR]
Alerte Evasion : Antonio Ferrara Fait Exploser Une Prison - Reportage complet
Marco Travaglio vs Giuliano Ferrara a Bersaglio Mobile
Travaglio VS Ferrara sulla trattativa Stato-Mafia [Parte1di2] (La7, 27Ago2012)
Travaglio vs Ferrara: "Sei un somaro!" Bersaglio Mobile 18 07 2014
Ferrara: Mi rompo i coglioni
Giuliano Ferrara - La mafia? L'essenza della Sicilia, un potere sociale in quell'isola maledetta
Ferrara Ti...
La lite tra Ferrara e Travaglio a Bersaglio Mobile
Happy in Ferrara [We are happy from...]
Ferrara Città' del Rinascimento e il suo Delta del Po "UN LUOGO DELL'ANIMA"
Processo mills: un grande travaglio smonta le tesi di giuliano ferrara - linea notte 16feb,2012
Intervista a Willem Dafoe e Abel Ferrara - Pasolini - #AskVenezia71
Trailer de Pasolini (HD)
Ferrara: sense the city
[Arrestation d'Antonio Ferrara]
1996 - Fausto Bertinotti e Giuliano Ferrara da Bruno Vespa
Ferrara - "Changing The World"
Ferrara - Love Attack (1979)
#altrochegolpe - Giuliano Ferrara dice la sua verità sull'estate del 2011
Historic City of Ferrara - Italy Travel Guide
Have love & travel to Ferrara!
Travel in Ferrara, Italy.
Ferrara (Italy) - Феррара (Италия), made by
Feel Free
"Medieval town - Ferrara" Steve.luck's photos around Ferrara, Italy (tier architecture history) - Ferrara, Italy
Ferrara, Italy
Tutti dicono I Love You - flashmob proposal Ferrara, Italy
"Everyone's on holidays" Jcastellan's photos around Ferrara, Italy (ferrara diamond building)
Ferrara, City of the Renaissance, and its Po Delta (UNESCO/NHK)
Ferrara Live - 3° Puntata - martedì 13 novembre 2012
Palio di Ferrara - Parade through the city
Not Ferrari, Ferrara (Ferrara, Italy)
Erasmus Ferrara 2012 - 2013
Ferrara (Una rápida visita)
#conlecameredicommercio - Ferrara
New Chipolino FERRARA 3 in 1 system
Ferrara ieri, oggi e domani
Ferrara Live 2014 - Speciale 3 - Una città di ponti
A day at Ferrara Italy
Ferrara listen (help·info) is a city and comune in Emilia-Romagna, northern Italy, capital city of the Province of Ferrara. It is situated 50 km north-northeast of Bologna, on the Po di Volano, a branch channel of the main stream of the Po River, located 5 km north. The town has broad streets and numerous palaces dating from the 14th century and 15th century, when it hosted the court of the House of Este. For its beauty and cultural importance it has been qualified by UNESCO as World Heritage Site. Modern times have brought a renewal of industrial activity. Ferrara is on the main rail line from Bologna to Padua and Venice, and has branches to Ravenna, Poggio Rusco (for Suzzara) and Codigoro. In 2006, due to its important historical significance, Ferrara became the headquarters of the Italian Hermitage Museum. It is the fifth city in the world to have been linked with the Russian museum. From this union was born the Hermitage-Italy Foundation.
The origin of Ferrara is uncertain, it was probably settled by the inhabitants of the lagoons at the mouth of Po river; there are two early centers of settlement, one round the cathedral, the other, the castrum bizantino, being the San Pietro district, on the opposite shore, where the Primaro empties into the Volano channel. Ferrara appears first in a document of the Lombard king Desiderius of 753 AD, as a city forming part of the Exarchate of Ravenna. Desiderius pledged a Lombard ducatus ferrariae ("Duchy of Ferrara") in 757 to Pope Stephen II. After 984 it was a fief of Tedaldo, count of Modena and Canossa, nephew of the emperor Otto I. It afterwards made itself independent, and in 1101 was taken by siege by the countess Matilda. At this time it was mainly dominated by several great families, among them the prominent Adelardi (or Aleardi) family.
Adam Ferrara (born February 2, 1966) is an American actor and comedian who played the role of Chief "Needles" Nelson on the critically acclaimed FX series Rescue Me and is also a co-host on the U.S. version of Top Gear. He also played Detective Tommy Manetti on the television series The Job.
Adam grew up in Huntington Station, New York in an Italian-American family and is engaged to indie actress Alex Tyler, who is also on the cover of his comedy DVD Funny as Hell.
He has performed on Comedy Central Presents and was nominated twice for the American Comedy Award for Best Male Stand-Up. Ferrara frequently performs stand-up at Caroline's and the Comedy Cellar, both of which are in Manhattan. Ferrara also tours often, performing stand-up at the top clubs around the country.
He has performed stand-up several times on The Tonight Show, The Late Show with David Letterman, and Comedy Central. His stand up was featured in Comedy Central's animated series Shorties Watchin' Shorties in 2004.
Performed an hour stand-up special which aired on Comedy Central entitled Funny As Hell, and was released on DVD the same day.
Antonio Ferrara (born April 4, 1912 in San Fernando) was an Argentine professional football player. He also held Italian citizenship.
His older brother Nicola Ferrara also played football professionally (including 3 seasons in the Serie A on the same teams as Antonio). To distinguish them, Nicola was known as Ferrara I and Antonio as Ferrara II.
Marco Travaglio (Italian pronunciation: [ˈmarko traˈvaʎʎo]; born 13 October 1964) is an Italian investigative journalist, writer and commentator.
Travaglio was born in Turin and earned a degree in history from the University of Turin. In 1992 he began to pursue journalism as a career. He started out writing for Catholic publications such as Il nostro tempo ("Our time"), then worked under the renowned journalist Indro Montanelli for newspapers such as Il Giornale and La Voce and gained the attention of Montanelli himself who once used to say about him: "No, Travaglio does not kill anyone. With a knife. He uses a more refined and not legally punishable weapon: the archives"
Since 14 September 2006, Marco Travaglio has been a regular guest in the TV program AnnoZero, hosted by Michele Santoro (also mentioned by Berlusconi in the Bulgarian Edict).
Recently, Travaglio has contributed as a columnist to prominent national newspapers and magazines, such as La Repubblica, L'Unità (with his old columns "Bananas", "Uliwood Party" and "Zorro") and Micromega. He still contributes to L'espresso with the column "Signorno'". In September 2009 he contributed to the formation of the independent newspaper, called Il Fatto Quotidiano ("The Daily Fact").
Giuliano Ferrara (born in Rome on January 7, 1952) is an Italian politician, journalist, founding editor of Il Foglio, and TV presenter.
After the militancy in the PCI and PSI, in the 1990s he became a supporter of Silvio Berlusconi.
He came from a family of Communists: his father Maurizio was a communist senator, and Giuliano was active in the Italian Communist Party until his twenties. In 1982, he broke with the party and became vocal as an ex-Communist. He initially gravitated toward socialism, but later moved toward social conservatism. He was in the Berlusconi I Cabinet and founded the newspaper Il Foglio.
In 2008 he ran in the Italian general election on a platform favoring a moratorium on abortion, as part of the "devout atheist" (cognate of Theoconservatism) Italian political current, of which he's one of the most prominent leaders. He also has expressed admiration for Pope Benedict XVI. These views might seem surprising, as he is an atheist and in his Communist period, three of his partners had abortions, although they could be related to his reported experience of Klinefelter's Syndrome. They may also be attributable to his veneration for German-American neoconservative scholar, Leo Strauss, who held a similarly elevated idea of religion as social ethics.
Give me the power
To make a dream come real
Destiny will be denied
The truth will be revealed
Don't listen to their lies
It isn't in their book
What's right - oh, no
People of the legion
The time has come to go
VIsion of the dreamer
Showed the kingdom arose
Welcome aboard
It's time to go
We're leaving
Sailing into the night
We're leaving
History's blistering tales of mankind
Commanding the powers arising within my mind
Mysteries unfolding before my eyes
Controlling the wheel of fortune with my mind
Mind over matter
Mind over matter
My pulsating hand healing those who are wise
Drive by forces ejecting from my mind
Time over time mind over matter of time
Releases the toxins of power from my mind
Mind over matter
Mind over matter
Time over mind over matter of time
Releases the toxins of power from my mind
Mind over matter
Mind over matter
Mind over matter
Where would we be
Without the ability
To let our minds wander
And where could we go
If our emotions were submerged
Down under our souls
Their master control plan will fail
As the young minds prevail
Face to face, eye to eye
Weilding the axe, the mighty must die
Highest mountain, deepest sea
Eternally searching to destroy the beast
Cry of the jackal, is heard in the land
Immortal enemy, has come to challenge man
Secret science out of control
Conjured the serpent, up from below
We are fighting for the earth
We are fighting for the earth
Searching, searching, searching...
Blood and corruption, hideous crimes
Lying leaders, controlling our minds
Cloak and dagger, conspiracy of hate
Oh hear the cry before it's too late
I walk these streets alone tonight
The owl dances in my hand
His eyes are my only light
I fly on to the neverland
I dream of days of long ago
When I was young and free
Tonight I know that I must go
And meet my destiny
Oh cold fire
Burn my dreams
Take me away
Let the darkness end my days
Cold cold fire
Falling, fading away
No laughter, no more pain
Take me back
Take me home
No more slander
No more blind
I'm sick and tired of your systematic lies
Obliterated by the underlying minds
I'll mark the days
I'll set the time
The world is so blind
The sun never shines
I am the ruler
I am the ruler
Ultra vision
Ultra zine
Our swirling mass shall surely be divine
Facilitations for all those who shed their blinds
I see the secret
I see the sign
The world is so blind
The sun never shines
I am the ruler
I am the ruler
Ruthless slander
Wretched blind
I've had it to here with your systematic lies
Obliterated by the underlying minds
I am the future
The rule is mine
The world was so blind
The past now behind
I am the ruler
I am the ruler
I am the ruler
Search your soul
Seek the truth
Shed your fears
Take control
Life could be everlasting paradise
We must be strong, we must unite
Only the strong survive
The task is now
Can we face it
A new age is coming
Will we make it?
Envision the future and fear for your life!
The choice is ours, you must realize
You burnt your bridges I can see
You're like a river flowing free
Missing something that you never lost
New situation, breathe new life
Make it happen, stand and fight
Take your chances now don't count the cost
If your standing accused and you're lost and confused
You don't have to take the blame
When your life's rushing by
I'll lay there beside you
I'll help you to ease the pain
I know I could
I know I would
If you want me
If you love me then I could
You're running scared, I don't know why
You're only seen through the naked eye
If you reach out I will take your hand
I know you've got your quest to bear
I'll take the weight, I'll take my share
Let me show you how to live again
If your standing accused and your lost and confused
You don't have to take the blame
When your life's rushing by
I'll lay there beside you
I'll help you to ease the pain
I know I could
I know I would
If you want me
Revolting, unleash the hounds of hell.
Fall before your pre-made doom, the rebellion cease to quell.
All ends loom, all destinys carry cracks.
Heroic feats defying nothingness are absorbed by the black.
Hail grievance, the guardians of tomorrows victory.
Awaiting patiently to strike and besiege.
Wheres reason, without the art of attack?
Beneath the ashes of the outcome, the logics intact.
Damnations rule, Order through chaos!!!
Disaster brings with it uncouth.
Uncertainties embrace the absolute.
Threatening, the light of a new day, torn apart before it is made.
Avast upheavals summoning.
Annihilation, Pestilance, War and Suffering!!!
Summoning fires! In pieces, divided.
Utopia at last! Mockeries laugh!
Deprivation, inevitable deterioration of victories in past!
Forever shunned, the fate of this world.
Unrivaled kings of all refuse their victor...
Humanity fooled!!!
Strife eager, awaits the coming of its birth.
Like the charge for war announced, sieze the stronghold of the earth.
Appointing, two bizarre methods mege.
Once opposing eye to eye, lower the guards and converge.
Uprising, decievers lurk in the black.
Yet unseen amongst the shadows, ever present essence lack.
Appaling with fire enforce their truths.
But never lose, defy death til the death.
Damnations rule, Strike until ever!!!
Hives cave in! The seventh sign unforsaken!
Abundant strife, for the taking, below!!!
Succumb to storms, your existance is shaking.
Unearthed, unsymphathetic!
judgements rage.
Convictions maze determines future!
Your cetainties, you'll defend!
Eternities to must end.
Divine halls of perished wisdom, the antidote to death.
A fading suns final flames above linger.
The twilight of the new... ages
Forever pacing, the walls within our heads.
Tempted by our dreams invoked from fear of death!
The clouded sources of all passions fade to grey.
Concealed in cryptic message, for what purpose were we made?
Hollow state stale, behind us leave no trails.
To the wolves that gather before us, wonders mankind frail.
Drudgery of past, remains closeing in fast.
Forsight restraint, trusting invisible paths!
Mankind struggles to endure the human form.
Wisdoms barracades await the yet unborn.
Promises of miracles, the denial of defeat.
Within the arms of your angels, our failures will repeat!
Those in darkness never rest.
Within all pain resides the wuest.
Our passion bleeds, crys for dying answers will forever weigh on the
Beyond the sun, where nigh prevails.
The pitch of blackness has won!
The cold forever, freezes starscapes unsuspecting.
Perhaps correcting, the faults the every living planets undergone!
The ice is freezing over, an evolution gone wrong!
Begun! The first of apocalyptic arctic storms.
Shiver! As your fate takes form!
Your blood becomes as ice as temperatures ar decreasing.
Even the strong shall die, no deaths come easy.
The sky is crippled pale to last eternity's void of sun.
At one with howls of hollow frozen emptiness you'll become!
Blinding force, frozen power, unleashed upon,
As the skies seize up, chafing icecaps spread like incurable plague.
All forms of life crack unconditioned to withstand the subzero glaze.
Forever lost in the glaciers age, stumbles the memory of the sun's dying
Swallowing terrain!
Evermounting frostscapes rule again.
Uncompromising vortex of suffering forever remains.
Locked within the arctic phase!
Storms coat skylines in grey,
the flames that ruled the surface of the earth submit and fade.
A casualty, of the universal empire,
a million more await the coming...
Of their polar fate!!!
No escape from choices
Annihilation awakened, disease unpacked
Forwarned a thousand times, of your feeble future gaping black
Hellbent for blood of the innocent, souls we violate
Corrupting waves of hell ascending, Satan seals your fate.
Enslaved by Chaos! Your shackled!
Made to suffer and suffer again.
No Name! Retaliation in vain!
Your shackled! No consideration for your pain!
No name! Made to suffer and suffer again!
Hell unbound the onslaught persistent, prevail forevermore
Writh in black as darklords whisper, "Wreck them to the core!"
Stroke the fear, ignite the flesh!
Strive for the rising of a darker sun, adore all the you detest!
Hear the calls of arising demons speak.
They surface in Hordes!!!
Engorge in the fruits of sufferings, Joys!
Overshadowed under might!
Souls sold, to the keepers of obliteration
Kings of nowhere, triumphant mass!
Scars cover the heavens, trinitys mocked at their confessions
Mourn the failures of your gods!!
Without sin, absorb the chaos ever-bloating
Undo the trappings of the fading king!
Overpowered, our force unmatched
The devil and the darkness came today
No longer hope can run away
I turn on you and you turn on me
Roll to the ghetto with the sickestly
And everybody hits the road into the church
A ticket to the chicken in the shiny shirt
Praise to the hutt, proceed me to the one
And everybody here is a friend of mine, yesterday
The devil and the darkness came today
No longer love can run away
I dance in the streets and I raised to cry
And if you disagree I spit in your eye
And everybody hits the road into the church
A ticket to the chicken in the shiny shirt
Praise to the hutt, proceed me to the one
And everybody here is a friend of mine, yesterday
Come together to the joyful sound, all the...
Oh, the devil and the darkness came today
Again we have flag and run away
My flags better then the one next door
She's a busy mama saying: 'I can't more!'
And everybody hits the road into the church
A ticket to the chicken in the shiny shirt
Praise to the hutt, proceed me to the one
I can't forget the love I had
Yes it's true I am so sad
She's so sweet
so tender and so kind
She's my world my ev'rything
And I know that it's a sin that her face is always on my mind.
Now I am walking through the rain
and I'm only feeling pain
I have lost her and there's nothing I can do
In my eyes she was a Queen
Like no one I've ever seen
Now I'm lonely and she's so far away.
Sweet sweet love
oh my sweet love
Sweet sweet love
oh my sweet love.
I hope she will come back to me
'Cause she still has got the Key
The room of love is open all the time
I dreamed of her the other day
It was on the first of may
There I saw her and once I fell in love.
Sweet sweet love
oh my sweet love
Sweet sweet love
A call to war upholds us, uncoiled forces roam.
Throughout before hell feeds us, our colours shone! Shone! Shone!
Unlasting cries of reason, avenge our primal urge.
Becoming, storming nearer, our vicious armies surge!
Veiled in black!
Against all odds are stacked!
Bow below our lightening force.
Thunder Attack!!!
Sworn blasphemous! Ever buckling to our demands.
Redflame leads us! From our shores onto your sands.
Uncreate controlling, unmercy rages free
A savage unfolding, beneath us...bleed!
No win without destruction, no corner left unscathed.
Persevere without obstruction, black triumph, engraved.
Battle won!
Endless damage done!
Handed down through the ages, Amidst a history of everflowing war.
A story of steel that guards all strength within the riddle, Ignores,
demands to cure all flaws.
"Entrust in sword, your very soul!"
Utter the blinded ones, yet to uncover fleshes gold.
Without the aid of metal, in absense of steel, The entire fortune of the
flesh may be revealed!!
The hand that wields tha blade, carries a might
Surpassing the Steel Array!!!
Everlasting, fists of fear.
Triumph etched in stone.
Surpassing the Steel Array, the storm inside us...grows!!!
Clad in chaos, weapons concealed, internal battlefield.
Within the flesh wars are won.
The will to power, becomes the only power, By which all succumb!!
The fury resides in arms reach.
Awaiting disposal!!
The sword remains within the sheath. Left to rust eternally!!
Buckling beneath defeat. Swift demise!!
Feeble scuffle at your feet.
Aimlessly! Mindlessly!
Arise in black, suprise attack!
Forgo the ritual of the dark taking back!
Their rightfull throne, return to home
Forever, left in debt be the legions that fail!
Hell Guide us!
Where all else fail we'll triumph
Just like one thousand times before
We thrive on.... war!!!
A final plea from the heavens
Invokes destruction of the third degree.
A final swoop, a lunge for certain victory.
As mercy'sreign lays withered, magestic gloats unsung
Before the throttled kingdom, revel in our conquest won
Fate unreal until revealed, outpour shock's cruel persuasion
Barbaric ages restoration
Wielding flames of fallen empires, aspire to cease all grace
We applaud your kingdom's failure, and with our joy we seal its fate
Slaves not to the perils bygone, victors of the morning after
Accountable to none, to none! We'll be our own masters
Damnations Morning!
Awake to Heavens falling
Uprise your makers met, fate is calling.
We'll usher you into hell!!
Proclamation! The Wit of fools.
Reviving abhoration, incite the masses cruel
Annihilation! Strike with the devil's tool
Urged by bloodshead then rule!!!
Ignite the trageties!!!
Praise torment shamelessly!!!
Unrap the centuries!!!
Dethrone and fetch to fires,, tomorrow's awakening!!!
Sunrise summons new breath
Nightfall feeds on what was left
Milleniums barely reflect
If I was a working boy (hey ho away we go)
Fill my pockets up with lolly (why is my cheque late,
If I was a working lad (hey ho away we go)
Life would never get this bad (living down the labour)
If I was a working boy I would buy us all a curry
Then we would all enjoy spending a workmans wages
Id be a galiant lad, you could all come round and
All the comforts Id enjoy bringing in a workmans wages
(Hey ho away we go) Up the dole and down the labour
(Hey ho away we go) Once round the equator
(Hey ho away we go) Who finds nowt and who finds
(Hey ho away we go) Why is my cheque late, Sir?
Ive heard the frolicking noise passing by a hangmans
If you had then piggies would fly all in a working day
Ive met the hang-a-man, Sir. Everybody roll home jolly
But theres others Id prefer to give me a working day.
(Hey ho away we go) Up the dole and down the labour
(Hey ho away we go) Twice round the equator
(Hey ho away we go) Who finds nowt and who finds
(Hey ho away we go) All for a working day, Sir
I have seen the factory boys, everybody roll home jolly
They make money, they make noise all in a working day
I am bright with razor wits, everybody roll home jolly
Still you leave me in the briny all for a working day,
If I was a working boy I would buy us all a curry
Then we would all enjoy living on a workmans wages
Id be a galiant lad, you could all come round and
All the comforts Id enjoy bringing in a workmans wages
(Hey ho away we go) Up the dole and down the labour
(Hey ho away we go) Thrice round the equator
(Hey ho away we go) Who finds nowt and who finds
(Hey ho away we go) All for a working day, Sir
(Hey ho away we go) Up the dole and down the labour
What's in a name?
Face on a stage
Where are you now?
Memory fades, you take a bow
Here in the dark
Watching the screen
Look at them fall
The final scene
And we go doot
Doot doot
Look at them fall
Flicker and fade
Gone are the screams
I put them to bed, now they are dreams
And we go doot
Dance. Reflections on a pool
The dancing of a fool
The shining of his art
Dance. The beating of a drum
When four hearts beat as one
The rising of the sun
These doors have all been open right from the start
In matters of the heart
Dance. Clowns in the street
The city is asleep
And no-one hears the beat
Dance. The clowns's turning red
And heroes take a day
These eyes are painted red.
These eyes were blind and empty right from the start
In matters of the heart
Dance. Why are all these faces turning away
Dance. Hear what this body's longing to say
In Matters of the Heart
Dance. Reflections on a pool.
Revisions of a fool
The shining of his art
Dance. The beating of a drum
A million hearts as one
The rising of the sun
These doors have all been open right from the start
In matters of the heart
Dance. Why are all these faces turning away
Dance. Hear what this body's longing to say
In matters of the heart
In matters of the heart