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Stop the Wars, Stop the Warming– People’s Climate March Sept. 21!!

We are at a crossroads, faced with a climate crisis that threatens ...

No Time for Silence …

The dual tragedies playing out in Gaza and Iraq are graphic reminders ...

McGovern Demands War Powers Vote in Two Weeks, by Tom Hayden

July 11. Rep. Jim McGovern [D-Mass] today introduced a measure requiring a ...

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UFPJ Sponsors People’s Climate March!

Here’s some very exciting news!  UFPJ will have a strong presence in New York City over the People’s Climate March weekend, September 20-22. The whole spectrum of the Progressive Movement – environmental, labor, peace, interfaith, anti-nuclear, racial and economic justice and more – will be back on the streets of New York on Sunday, September 21, […]

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Nuclear Free Future Month is Here!

  NUCLEAR-FREE FUTURE MONTH: TIME TO PHASE OUT NUCLEAR POWER AND START NEGOTIATIONS ON A TREATY TO ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS! Did you know?  –Approximately 16,400 nuclear weapons, most held by the U.S. and Russia, pose an intolerable threat to humanity. The International Red Cross has warned that “incalculable human suffering” will result from any use […]

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Webinar: History and Context on the Crisis in Gaza

Phyllis Bennis delves into the context of the Israel-Gaza conflict, addressing how the history of Israeli occupation fits into the current assault, what the U.S.’ role in the crisis is, and possible chances for a ceasefire.  To listen click here History and Context on the Crisis in Gaza

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“DON’T GO BACK TO IRAQ” by Phyllis Bennis by Phyllis Bennis This is how wars begin. Barack Obama says we’re not going back to Iraq. “American forces will not be returning to combat in Iraq,” he said on June 19th, “but we will help Iraqis as they take the fight to terrorists who threaten the Iraqi people, the region, and American interests […]

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LISTEN: IRAQ – US do no harm! There is NO military solution (Audio)

United for Peace and Justice hosted and recorded an emergency briefing call on Iraq on July 8. To listen, dial 712-432-1219. When prompted for meeting ID, enter: 446-724-667#.  When prompted for reference number, enter: 4# We know that there is NO MILITARY SOLUTION to the conflicts in Iraq and Syria. Our movement needs to organize […]

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Call Your Rep to Sign on to Lee/Rigell Letter Opposing US Military in Iraq

To this point the only organized expressions of Congressional opinion have occurred in the House.Rep. Barbara Lee has taken the lead on this. Last month, when the House of Representatives was deliberating on the FY 2015 Defense Appropriations Bill, she offered two amendments aimed at preventing US military intervention in Iraq. While both amendments were […]

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Action Alert: 3 Things You Can Do to Oppose US Military Intervention in Iraq!

1) Tell Your Member of Congress: Oppose US Military Intervention in Iraq or Syria Oppose the $ 571 Billion Defense Appropriations Bill Congressional Switchboard: (202) 224-3121 2) Call the White House. Let President Obama know you oppose military intervention of any kind in Iraq or Syria and urge him to seek a diplomatic solution. White House […]

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Urgent Update: Free Gaza!

100 women, mostly from Europe and the US, expected to enter Gaza by March 8 to celebrate International Women’s Day in solidarity with their Palestinian sisters in Gaza.  As of now the majority of the delegation has been detained by Egyptian authorities at the Cairo airport or deported. Two of the delegation’s leaders, US Peace Activist Medea […]

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Your Voice Is Urgently Needed! To Advance Diplomacy and Avoid War

The Senate is back in session and will soon be considering the Nuclear Weapons Free Iran Act (S 1881). The clear purpose of this bill is to undermine the promising diplomatic opening to Iran, undertaken by the Obama Administration.  The vast majority of Americans are tired of war and want peaceful solutions to problems. But the […]

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Iran, Israeli Peace Movement & Pressuring Congress

Yesterday, as the nation celebrated the Martin Luther King holiday, inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) began monitoring Iran’s compliance with a historic deal reached Nov. 24 in Geneva between Iran, Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States, to diplomatically resolve the conflict over Iran’s nuclear program. Iran’s Foreign Minister, Mohammad […]

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