Honduras Delegation: Contrasting Models of Development

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Community-led Development vs Top-down Development Sponsored by Alliance for Global Justice and Task Force on the Americas November 8-16, 2014 As the current Honduran government imposes ruthless neoliberal measures supported by the US government including large-scale mining and other natural resource extraction projects, communities organize their own spaces and solutions in direct resistance to this economic…

¡Estamos a favor de la Tierra, contra el Imperio!

En Colombia manifestantes exigen paz y justa y un fin al robo de sus recursos naturales

Declaración de la campaña, ‘”Por la Tierra, Contra el Imperio” de la Alianza para la Justicia Global (AFGJ, por su siglas en inglés- www.afgj.org) Traduccion por Adrian Boutureira Sansberro Para leer en inglés, hace clic aquí Firme la Promesa a Resistir por la Tierra, Contra el Imperio La Tierra se está muriendo. La Tierra no…

Support Kickstarter funding for Memorias del Fuego!

A film about disappearing stories of women who fought in Nicaragua’s Sandinista Revolution, and their continuing struggles for justice. Project by Jenny Murray and Laura Tomaselli of Brooklyn, NY Memorias Del Fuego is a feature-length documentary film about the disappearing stories of women who fought to win Nicaragua’s Sandinista Revolution. We shot the first portion…

Join the “For Earth, Against Empire” Campaign

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Sign the FOR EARTH, AGAINST EMPIRE Pledge of Resistance! Click here to read and share the “Stop the Wars, Stop the Warming” statement and learn more about the People’s Climate March, this September in New York!  Learn about AfGJ’s Peru Delegation for the December UN Climate Summit  Versión en español Earth is dying. Earth is…

One of Many Saturdays in Prison – Colombia


by Camilo Insuasty-Obando (Para leer el original en español, haga clic aquí) Camilo is an independent journalist and the son of Colombian political prisoner Liliany (Lily) Obando.  When he wrote this article, Lily had been released from her jail cell at Buen Pastor Women’s Penitentiary and was finishing the remaining months of her sentence in…

Help the People of Gaza!


The Alliance for Global Justice is launching “Friends of the Palestine Red Crescent Society” a project intended to fundraise for medical and humanitarian aid to Palestine from the United States. Please visit the web site at: http://friendsprcs.org/ We formed Friends of the Palestine Red Crescent Society because of our anguish at witnessing the humanitarian crisis…