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This week
2,952Code commits
4,289Issue comments
1,104,007 people in 230 countries* speaking 181 languages power Drupal.
30.2672 -97.7431
DrupalCon Austin
02-06 June 2014
60.1671471 24.9253086
41.7 -91.6
51.5 -0.1
alexpott committed Issue #2336443...
37.8560378 -122.2201821
51.5 -0.1
alexpott committed Issue #2334383...
50.110922 8.682127
57.770126 14.152964
51.5 -0.1
alexpott committed Issue #2334307...
43.0759525 -89.3763983
51.5 -0.1
alexpott committed Issue #1740492...
51.219216 4.402882
51.5 -0.1
alexpott committed Issue #2332551...
45.525974 -73.340668
47.6916511617138 -122.39372460194
51.5 -0.1
alexpott committed Issue #303574 by...
42.358431 -71.059773
jnicola committed Modified code to avoid unused and misnamed...
33.7667329 -84.2894368
20.2932604 85.8428075
Pitabas committed Clean up hook_library() code
41.3 -96
Dave Reid committed Ensure field widget module is reset.
-0.194915 -78.4773921
45.5 13.7
slashrsm committed Merge pull request #8...
Maintainers can give credit to organizations that support Drupal projects

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Drupal 7.31 and 6.33 released

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GNU Global source code tagging system
Translating site interfaces
PDOException: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'title' cannot be null
Drupal mode maintained by arnested
Disabling accidentally deleted modules

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Solr search monitor files in non Drupal folder
https Problem in loading CSS and JS
Non-coder seeking long-term strategy for maintaining site
Automatically upload pictures
MyFonts font

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