- published: 16 Apr 2017
- views: 228211
Makam (pl. makamlar; from the Arabic word مقام) is a system of melody types used in Turkish classical music. It provides a complex set of rules for composing and performance. Each makam specifies a unique intervalic structure (cinsler) and melodic development (seyir).
Whether a fixed composition (beste, şarkı, peşrev, âyin, etc.) or a spontaneous composition (gazel, taksim, recitation of Kuran-ı Kerim, Mevlid, etc.), all attempt to follow the melody type.
Turkish makam's closest relatives include maqam in Arab music and echos in Byzantine music. The Turkish makams, the Arab maqams and the Byzantine echos related to the Greek texts and works of music that Arabs translated and developed from the musical theory of the Greeks (i.e. Systema ametabolon, enharmonium, chromatikon, diatonon). Some theories suggest the origin of the makam to be the city of Mosul in Iraq. "Mula Othman Al-Musili," in reference to his city of origin, is said to have served in the Ottoman Palace in Istanbul and influenced Turkish Ottoman music. More distant modal relatives include those of Central Asian Turkic musics such as Uyghur music, muqam and Uzbek music, shashmakom. The raga of (both North and South) Indian classical music employs similar modal principles. Some scholars find echoes of Turkish makam in former Ottoman provinces of the Balkans. All of these concepts roughly correspond to mode in Western music, although their compositional rules vary.
Kondisi Terkini Makam Sayyidah Aminah, Ibunda Nabi Muhammad SAW
Makam Boiler Room DJ Set at Dekmantel Festival
BINTANG DI HATIKU - Apa Yang Gavin Lakukan Di Makam Murti [24 Mei 2017]
Makam - What Ya Doin'
Jelang Ramadhan Pak Jokowi ziarah makam orangtua di Karanganyar dan JK ziarah di Makasar
☪☪ Makam 25 Nabi dan Rasul ☪☪
Makam - Good to You
Makam Angling Dharma dan Jejak Kerajaan Malawapati
[VIDEO] Makam Sayyidah Aminah az-Zuhriyyah r.ha - Ibunda Nabi kita Muhammad SAW di sebuah desa bernama "Abwa", terletak 230 km di sebelah Utara kota Makkah. Sebagaimana terlihat dalam video, makam beliau nyaris tak dapat dikenali, Koordinat GPS: 23°06′33″N 39°05′40″E. Um Sama'ah binti Abi Ruhm menceritakan: "Aku melihat Aminah binti Wahab dalam sakitnya sebelum beliau meninggal... Sayyidina Muhammad adalah seorang anak yang sedang tumbuh. Berusia lima tahun. Berada di kepala Aminah pada saat akan meninggal. Mereka (baru saja) kembali dari Madinah (setelah berziarah ke makam sayyidina Abdulloh Ayahanda Nabi SAW). Setelah mendekati Makkah (masih beberapa jarak untuk sampai), berada di Abwa. Ibunya (Aminah) menatap wajahnya (Saw) dan berkata: "Semoga Alloh memberkahi engkau, Anakku... Wah...
K.P.SREEVASTHAV, a reputed kerala traditional astrologer, located at Alathur in Palakkad district, around 4 kms away from the famous PARAKKATTU KAVU temple, is hailing from a famous astrological family having a lot of successful and victorious followers from all sectors of life, around the world. Here, by the blessings of the Kuladevatha and the holy ancestors, all problems, sorrows and sufferings of the followers, irrespective of their caste, creed or religion, are being solved by analyzing astrologically and offering effective solutions. Predictions are done in english, Tamil or Malayalam languages. Accurate predictions and quick results. Ashtamangala prasnam, tamboola prasnam etc. are also undertaken. Be one of the many successful followers. For more details or appointments contact: Pho...
RCTI Layar Drama Indonesia Youtube Channel : Bintang di Hatiku adalah sinetron terbaru RCTI yang menghadirkan drama keluarga yang menyentuh. Berbeda dari sinetron lain yang menghadirkan kisah romantis atau kisah komedi di dalamnya, Bintang di Hatiku mencoba mengenai drama keluarga tentang empat bersaudara yang berjuang hidup untuk mencari ibu kandung mereka, karena sang nenek yang biasa merawat mereka harus meninggal. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Official RCTI: https://www.youtube.com/user/RCTIOfficialChannel ENTERTAINMENT : https://youtube.com/channel/UCeM5Nksgv9_FXTuZ8jkPJPg INFOTAINMENT : https://youtube.com/channel/UC4yu5KnMvVX_seRuGzKQBZg LAYAR DRAMA INDONESIA : https://youtube.com/channel/UCzTsWuCdVP_vehWyGwPcS3...
Pak Jokowi dan JK ziarah ke makam orangtua jelang Ramadhan
☪☪ Makam 25 Nabi dan Rasul ☪☪ Assalamualaikum.....Berikutan ada video gambar makam2 para nabi dan rasul yang telah saya berusaha menyempurnakan setelah mendapat pandangan dan 'feedback' dari para sahabat melalui posting pertama. Berilah pandangan anda sekiranya ada kesilapan yang terkandung di video ini. Semuga ia bermanfaat, dan membawa dgn nya keberkatan buat seluruh umat Islam. Terimakasih dan salam Syawal.... Sarafian Sallah TuahBugis. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Menurut syariat Islam jumlah Nabi ada 124.000 orang, sedangkan jumlah Rasul ada 312 orang berdasarkan hadits riwayat At-Turmudz. Menurut Al-Qur’an Allah swt telah mengirimkan banyak nabi kepada umat manusia. Bagaimanapun, seorang rasul memiliki tingk...
Buy it here: https://www.discogs.com/Awanto-3-Makam-Lone-Dekmantel-Anniversary-Series-Part-2/release/3352210 ----------------------------- Makam FB: https://www.facebook.com/Makam01/ Makam SC: https://soundcloud.com/makam ----------------------------- Dekmantel FB: https://www.facebook.com/dkmntl/ Dekmantel SC: https://soundcloud.com/dkmntl ----------------------------- My FB: https://www.facebook.com/030esar0303/ My SC: https://soundcloud.com/lucas_eb_030esar0303
Makam Prabu Angling Dharma dan Bekas Peninggalan Kerajaan Malawapati di Dukuh Mlawat, Desa Baleadi, Kecamatan Sukolilo, Kabupaten Pati, Jawa Tengah. Download video Angling Darma 1 episode terakhir: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGrOlZNWHW4
Selamat datang di saluran MEIDHANI yang merupakan salah satu channel yang memberikan informasi Seputar on the spot fakta unik lucu kejadian aneh di dunia serta aneh tapi nyata dan video aneh dengan topik video heboh, berita hari ini, berita terbaru, berita unik. Berita Heboh seputar Kejadian Aneh Tapi Nyata, seperti yang ditayangkan di tayangan spot, on the spot trans 7 atau lebih dikenal dengan on the spot terbaru yang berusaha menyajikan Informasi, Berita terbaru dimana Semua disajikan secara kreatif dan menghibur disini Kunjungi MEIDHANIdi https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqGoRnARlREHSSLPZQ3KvUQ....... Terima kasih telah melakukan Like, Comment, share dan subscribe ! MAKAM ''GUS DUR'' AMBLES SAAT HUJAN DERES DAN KAIN KAFANNYA ,,SUBHANALLAH,,,!!! MAKAM ''GUS DUR'' AMBLES SAAT HUJAN DERE...
I see what ya doin
come here
so you think you're ready?
I just need you to...
Baby can you move?
make me groove
show me what you do
make me move
Baby can you move?
make me groove
show me what you do
make me move
baby make me...
you came here to sit or party
tell me what's the deal
gon' get up and shake your body
come and take me there
Ain't nobody else like you
only you got the moves you do
ain't nobody else move like you
only you got the moves to prove it baby
we're gonna have a good time
me and you gon get it tonight
Baby can you move?
make me groove
show me what you do
make me move
Baby can you move?
make me groove
show me what you do
make me move
baby make me...
Don't stop it baby... don't stop till you get it up
Don't stop it baby... don't stop till you get it up
Don't stop it baby... don't stop till you get it up
Don't stop it baby... don't stop till you get it up
I see you against the wall boy
what you waitin for
I want you to take control now
get up on the floor
Ain't nobody else like you
only you got the moves you do
ain't nobody else move like you
only you got the moves to prove it baby
we're gonna have a good time
me and you gon get it tonight
Baby can you move?
make me groove
show me what you do
make me move
Baby can you move?
make me groove
show me what you do
make me move
baby make me...
it's gettin hot in here
just how I like
we gon dance it up
until we see the light
if you feel like I feel
you can get it tonight
but first you gotta make me say
ooooooooooooo make me make me baby
make me say
ooooooooooooo make me make me baby
Baby can you move?
make me groove
show me what you do
make me move
Baby can you move?
make me groove
show me what you do
make me move
baby make me...
Baby can you move?
make me groove
show me what you do
make me move
Baby can you move?
make me groove
show me what you do
make me move
baby make me...
Don't stop it baby... don't stop till you get it up
(baby make me)
Don't stop it baby... don't stop till you get it up
(baby make me)
Don't stop it baby... don't stop till you get it up
(baby make me)
Don't stop it baby... don't stop till you get it up