Seleucid Kingdom----Ptolemaic Dynasty-----Macedonian Cleopatra VII
Total War Rome 2: Seleucid Faction Unit Overview
The Seleucid Empire
Let's Play: Total War Rome 2 Seleucid Empire
Let's Play - Rome: Total War - The Seleucid Empire - Episode 01
Rome 2 Radious Mod- Seleucid Empire Part 1
Episode 10 -- Seleucid Empire and Helenistic Culture in Iran
Total War: Rome II - Seleucid Faction Introduction + Overview!
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➜ Total War - Rome 2 - Seleucid Empire Planning
Rome 2 Divide Et Impera Mod- Seleucid Empire Part 1
Rome Total War - The Seleucid Empire Campaign Part 1
Rome 2 Divide Et Impera Mod- Seleucid Empire Part 2
Rome 2 Radious Mod- Seleucid Empire Part 28
Seleucid Kingdom----Ptolemaic Dynasty-----Macedonian Cleopatra VII
Total War Rome 2: Seleucid Faction Unit Overview
The Seleucid Empire
Let's Play: Total War Rome 2 Seleucid Empire
Let's Play - Rome: Total War - The Seleucid Empire - Episode 01
Rome 2 Radious Mod- Seleucid Empire Part 1
Episode 10 -- Seleucid Empire and Helenistic Culture in Iran
Total War: Rome II - Seleucid Faction Introduction + Overview!
rome total war Seleucid Empire vs Rome (julli)
➜ Total War - Rome 2 - Seleucid Empire Planning
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Rome Total War - The Seleucid Empire Campaign Part 1
Rome 2 Divide Et Impera Mod- Seleucid Empire Part 2
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Rome 2 Radious Mod- Seleucid Empire Part 3
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Rome 2 Radious Mod- Seleucid Empire Part 57
Rome 2 Radious Mod- Seleucid Empire Part 56
Let's Play Rome 2 Total War Seleucid Empire Episode 16!
Rome 2 Radious Mod- Seleucid Empire Part 55
The Seleucid Empire ( /sɨˈluːsɪd/; from Greek: Σελεύκεια, Seleύkeia) was a Greek-Macedonian state that was created out of the eastern conquests of Alexander the Great. At the height of its power, it included central Anatolia, the Levant, Mesopotamia, Persia, today's Turkmenistan, Pamir and parts of Pakistan.
The Seleucid Empire was a major center of Hellenistic culture which maintained the preeminence of Greek customs and where a Greek-Macedonian political elite dominated, mostly in the urban areas. The Greek population of the cities who formed the dominant elite were reinforced by emigration from Greece. Seleucid expansion into Egypt was abruptly halted after decisive defeats at the hands of the Roman army. Much of the eastern part of the empire was conquered by the Parthians under Mithridates I of Parthia in the mid-2nd century BC, yet the Seleucid kings continued to rule a rump state from Syria until the invasion by Armenian king Tigranes the Great and their ultimate overthrow by the Roman general Pompey.
Cleopatra VII Philopator (Ancient Greek: Κλεοπάτρα Φιλοπάτωρ; Late 69 B.C.E. – August 12, 30 B.C.E.), known to history as Cleopatra, was the last pharaoh of Ancient Egypt.
She was a member of the Ptolemaic dynasty, a family of Greek origin that ruled Egypt after Alexander the Great's death during the Hellenistic period. The Ptolemies, throughout their dynasty, spoke Greek and refused to speak Egyptian, which is the reason that Greek as well as Egyptian languages were used on official court documents such as the Rosetta Stone. By contrast, Cleopatra did learn to speak Egyptian and represented herself as the reincarnation of an Egyptian goddess, Isis.
Cleopatra originally ruled jointly with her father Ptolemy XII Auletes and later with her brothers, Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV, whom she married as per Egyptian custom, but eventually she became sole ruler. As pharaoh, she consummated a liaison with Julius Caesar that solidified her grip on the throne. She later elevated her son with Caesar, Caesarion, to co-ruler in name.