Ben Schreen


Give your Gift 🐿 IG: benschreen SC: benjamansers

Los Angeles, CA
Inscrit en février 2011
Naissance le 27 avril


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  1. 4 sept. 2018

    Welcome opinions from those who don’t always need to say their opinion.. especially about things that don’t truly matter.

  2. 26 août 2018
  3. 8 juil. 2018

    Congratulations & @haileybaldwin !! 🎉

  4. 26 juin 2018

    Hey guys, do you need some extra help with something you’re going through? Don’t worry, I gotchu. is affordable, and matches you with the perfect licensed therapist. Check it out HERE: ❤️

  5. a retweeté
    14 juin 2018

    Ever wonder what would be like as a musical? Well you're about to find out! @ElmoZapp

    Afficher cette discussion
  6. a retweeté
    27 avr. 2018
  7. a retweeté
    27 avr. 2018

    I made a complete fool of myself today😂 I swear I’m a lot cooler haha You blessed my eyes 😍 and you were so sweet! Thank you! 💜

  8. 22 mars 2018

    Let’s strive to live better, eh?Appreciate your life as good as you can. Do what you can with what you have.. Working on not taking life for granted as much.

  9. 9 janv. 2018

    Rejection Creates Resilience. ❤️

  10. 29 déc. 2017

    Staying fit through the holidays with the home & gym fitness challenges on my new !…

  11. 22 déc. 2017

    "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience."

  12. a retweeté
    16 déc. 2017

    There’s a time to make statements, a time to ask question, and a time to shut up and listen to the experts. Option 3 should be utilized in most cases.

  13. 13 déc. 2017

    Embrace your inner child 🤡 It's one of the best things you can ever do for yourself.

  14. 15 nov. 2017

    Big dawgs don't bark. 🗝

  15. 15 nov. 2017

    "I luh you like a fat kid luh cake. You know my style, I say anything just to make you smile." - ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  16. 30 oct. 2017

    People are too stiff sometimes, for real. Learn to let loose

  17. 23 oct. 2017

    Click the link! Lil serenade for ya 😊

  18. 2 oct. 2017
  19. 20 sept. 2017

    Trying to be more full-ass

  20. a retweeté
    8 sept. 2017

    Never let the things you WANT make you forget the things you HAVE.


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