Multimedia: Afrikaner Blood, inside a racist bootcamp
Boer-Afrikaner freedom is coming!
S. Africa evacuation plan: White Afrikaner group fears genocide upon Mandela's death
I, Afrikaner
IDFA 2013 | Trailer | I, Afrikaner
Eugène Terre'Blanche - Afrikaner Resistance Movement (1988)
Apartheid in South Africa - Documentary on Racism | Interviews with Black & Afrikaner Leaders | 1957
x3: Lieber Afrikaner (directors cut)
Afrikaner Genocide
Multimedia: Afrikaner Blood, inside a racist bootcamp
Afrikaner sind zu laut am Telefon - TV Foulaa System
South Africa's Afrikaner community optimistic about future after Mandela
Afrikaner Pride ~ Kleinfontein, South Africa
Multimedia: Afrikaner Blood, inside a racist bootcamp
Boer-Afrikaner freedom is coming!
S. Africa evacuation plan: White Afrikaner group fears genocide upon Mandela's death
I, Afrikaner
IDFA 2013 | Trailer | I, Afrikaner
Eugène Terre'Blanche - Afrikaner Resistance Movement (1988)
Apartheid in South Africa - Documentary on Racism | Interviews with Black & Afrikaner Leaders | 1957
x3: Lieber Afrikaner (directors cut)
Afrikaner Genocide
Multimedia: Afrikaner Blood, inside a racist bootcamp
Afrikaner sind zu laut am Telefon - TV Foulaa System
South Africa's Afrikaner community optimistic about future after Mandela
Afrikaner Pride ~ Kleinfontein, South Africa
Momo, der Afrikaner aus dem Block - Cologne Rulez (FULL HD)
Kontingent 88 - Afrikaner
Fangt den Afrikaner! [Nintendo Land]
Radio 3Fourteen - Attie Schutte - Post-Apartheid South Africa & Afrikaner Self Determination
Kontingent - Afrikaner
Afrikaner - Gesta Bellica
Afrikaner Farmers Migrating to Georgia
Steve Hofmeyr - Afrikaner Speech
Arnold Vosloo Interview 2012 ENGLISH SUBTITLES
Charl du Plessis Afrikaans Interview
Charlize Theron speaking Afrikaans with Dutch speaking Belgian reporter
Charlize Theron Speaks Afrikaans
Charlize Theron on Ellen 10-19-05 part 1
When Louis met the Boer leader - BBC
Sexualdelikt - jenes Polizisten, die den Afrikaner Bakary J. gefoltert haben
The Right Perspective: Theuns Cloete / Boervolk Radio. 1/9.
Steve Hofmeyr interview during Red October march, Pretoria
★ AFRIKANER DIE Niggas werden angekackt und zerwixxt ★ DOKU 2014
Afrikaner EFF member urges whites to share or cry
Cautious optimism as Afrikaner's face future without Mandela
Ein Afrikaner in Mannheim - Schlingensiefs Architekt plant für das alte Militärgelände | Nachtkultur
Eugene Terre'Blanche's Afrikaner Resistance Movement - Rally
Afrikaans Domestic Worker in South Africa
The AWB Return In South Africa
Dagbreek: Silwerskerm - Ek, Afrikaner
Teil 1 von 2 Ein Alter Afrikaner ... HÖRBUCH ..... J. Dose ...deutsch .. FULL AUDIOBOOK german
Dit is 'n MOET dat elke Afrikaner hierdie video moet kyk! 25 minute van die waarheid in Suid-Afrika!
Finweek: "Boer" billionaires - the rise and rise of Afrikaner wealth
Lindie Koorts - DF Malan en die opkoms van die Afrikaner-nasionalisme
Jim Crow and Apartheid (segregation systems in Racist America and the Afrikaner South Africa)
Het Afrikaner Boeren volk is een deel van het moderne Israel.
Bis die Küche brennt - Livestream - Omlett Afrikaner Art...
De Afrikaner is een uniek volk.
Afrikaans en Afrikaner ons Vader gebed met spesiale voorbidding vir Ferdi Mulder
De Afrikaner een Uniek Volk
Afrikaner Voortrekker Liedjies 1
Psalm 118 in Afrikaans vir die Afrikaner in Akapela
Afrikaanse Boodskap vir die Afrikaner Die Bloed van Jesus, die Nagmaal en Afgodery
afrikaanse gesange afrikaner akapela voorlesing 101 tot 130
Afrikaans Afrikaner Die Evangelie, die Christendom se Godsdienste, die Kerk en die Toorn van God
afrikaanse gesange afrikaner akapela voorlesing 164 tot 190
afrikaanse gesange afrikaner akapela voorlesing 131 tot 168
n Afrikaanse Boodskap vir die Afrikaner Die Onnaspeurlike Rykdom van ons Erfporsie in Jesus
Afrikaans vir die Afrikaner aanhoudende, huidige en Konkrete Chemiese Aanval op die Christendom
Afrikaans Afrikaner Die Kardinale en Konfessionele Sonde van die Anti-Chris volgens 1 Johannes
Der dumme Afrikaner
Arianrhod - Afrikaner (Kontingent 88)
Kontingent 88 - Afrikaner
Lache nie einen telefonierenden Afrikaner aus!
7 Sekunden Videos Wie ein normaler Afrikaner aufwacht
Afrikaner trägt Eier auf dem Kopf
Süd Afrikaner konvertiert zum Islam in Wuppertal
Afrikaner Farmers Migrating to Georgia
Als Afrikaner gegen Hitler kämpften
Erics Mom fickt mit einem Afrikaner
Afrikaner Nationalism
Afrikaner music
Brandenburg: Schlägerei unter Asylbetrüger. Afrikaner/Tschetschenen,
Frag den Toni #5 Warum sind Afrikaner schwarz?
bejit sarok Apo ( Ein Afrikaner singt für Apo)
Cold Water Challenge 2014 Eschweiler Afrikaner
How to Pronounce Afrikaner
Afrikaner/Boer call of Freedom
Afrikaner B-day Party Zef Style
Israel gewähren Afrikaner kein Asyl
Pogrom gegen Afrikaner in Israel 2014
Afrikaners (including the Boer subgroup ) are a Germanic ethnic group in Southern Africa descended from Dutch (including Flemish), French and German settlers whose native tongue is Afrikaans: a Germanic language which derives primarily from 17th century Dutch, and a variety of other languages.
Their ancestors were Dutch Calvinists, with smaller numbers of Frisians, English, Germans and French Huguenots, and with minor numbers of other European groups (such as Dutch Jews, Scandinavians, Portuguese, Greeks, Italians, Spaniards, Scots, Irish, Polish).
Most Afrikaner families have between 5% and 7% non-white ancestry, such as Khoi African, Indonesian and Indian, as the early Dutch settlement at the Cape allowed inter-racial marriage. During the Apartheid era, race classification was based on appearance and there were many borderline cases.
South Africans of British descent are considered a separate ethnic group from Afrikaners, and their first language is English.
The term Afrikaner as used in the 20th and 21st century context refers to all white Afrikaans-speaking people, i.e. those of the larger Cape Dutch origin and of the smaller Boer origin, who are descended from European settlers who first arrived in the Cape of Good Hope during the period of administration (1652 – 1795) by the Dutch East India Company (Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie or VOC).
Eugène Ney Terre'Blanche (31 January 1941 – 3 April 2010) was a former member of South Africa's Herstigte Nasionale Party who founded the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB) during the apartheid era. During the 1980s and early 1990s, he became known for threatening civil war to maintain white rule in South Africa. After the country's transition to post-apartheid democracy, he revised his stances and urged his followers to push for independence in an independent Afrikaner homeland, which he frequently referred to as a "Boerevolkstaat". Terre'Blanche led the organisation until his death in 2010. He was given several labels during his lifetime, including "white supremacist", "nationalist," and "racist".
Terre'Blanche spent three years in prison for assaulting a black petrol station worker and for the attempted murder of a black security guard in 1996. On 3 April 2010, he was hacked and beaten to death on his farm by two labourers, allegedly over a wage dispute. Terre'Blanche's supporters have said that the murder is part of a larger pattern of anti-white "farm murders" in South Africa.
Steve Hofmeyr (born 29 August 1964) is a South African singer, songwriter and actor.
In 2011 he made public that he supports the Expedition for Afrikaner Self-determination (in Afrikaans Onafhanklike Afrikaner Selfbeskikkingsekspedisie, or OASE). He is an avid pro-Afrikaner but mentioned that he retains a moderate political stance in an OASE public relations video.
In January 2007 there were reports that one branch of the News Cafe restaurant chain would not play Hofmeyr's song Pampoen (Pumpkin). The managing director of the company that owns the franchise denies that this is company policy and points out that many Afrikaans acts, such as Karen Zoid and Arno Carstens have performed at News Cafe.
On 12 May 2011, Steve Hofmeyr released the lyrics to his new song called "Ons sal dit oorleef", which means "We will survive this". The song is controversial, because Hofmeyr has threatened to include the word "kaffir" (the common Arabic word meaning "infidel" used by the British and the Boers in the 19th and early 20th century to refer to blacks in the context of his song, but today a very derogatory name for the black population of South Africa) in the lyrics of the song should a judge rule in favour of Julius Malema. When the presiding judge, Leon Halgryn ruled that "... the publication and chanting of the words 'dubula ibhunu', prima facie satisfies the crime of incitement to murder," Hofmeyr removed the offensive word in his song also, citing that the word would offend his black friends and colleagues. Malema is currently on trial for the singing the song "Shoot The Boer", a song argued to be inciting violence upon ethnic Boers, white South Africans, particularly farmers. Some people see the murder of Eugène Terre'Blanche as an example of violence provoked by this song.