Oh It Behoved Me
The Hilt in the Night
Though My Heart May Falter
I've Yielded to Fate
Such Peace in Her Slumber
Though She'll Never Wake
Black Swan Rising,
Spreading Wings
Forlorn by the Light of the Day
Take Me, Wraith of Witchery
Take This Pain, Oh Take Me Away
Oh It Betrayed Me
The Mirage so Fierce
Cursed and Tarnished Thine Name
Yet She Hath Nay Wrought
Foes Are Here My Dagger
As We Fell from Grace
Into Infinty
Taunted Was the Night
Dreary Was the Hour
And Here We Lay
Like Broken Arrows
Our Names Forgotten
And the Altarns Torn
Sunk Us Deep into the Soil
Shrive Yourselves Abhornig Us
Sunk Us Deeper into the Earth
Sunk Us Deeper
Seal Us from the Sight of Man
No Son of Man
Would Stand in Here
Solemn Before Thou
Haughtly Before Death
And Here We Lay
With Gold Adorned
Your Beauty Forgotten
Alone and dressed by night
Cold winds were filled with fright
And I, the woeful wonderer, with sin upon my shoulders
Would you show me how to feel, how to hurt and how to bleed
Like the rose thorns through my heart,
Every moment rips me apart
I would give my everything, if I could fly, if I had wings
And when I end my mortal days, you'll be flying above my grave
My mortal child of night, you'll be gone by first dawn light
As I saw you in my dreams, my angel with broken wings
Let me rest upon your arms, safe from world and safe from harms
Like the blaze of thousand sunsets, that sears upon your soul
My darling before you came,
My days were dark and filled with pain
But there's time for every flame,
To burn out in the dark...
One day my fallen one, you'll spread your wings and learn to fly
I am the shameless lust in you
I am the vanity of man
I am forever strength in you
I am the one to lift the hand
I am the jealous tongue, the poison dart
I am the lost one, anger in your heart
I am the hunger, plague and strife
The virtue stained
I am the bitter tear you hide
And pride regained
I am the armour, flame and torch
I am selfpity blinding you
I am the spear, blade and the shield
I am the warlust of the fool
I am the vicious lies and frauds
I have been watching every move
Lost is my name, yet known by all
I shall relieve your pain
"Lost is my name, yet called by all"
I shall release your rage
I am the jealous tongue, the poison dart
I am the lost one, anger in your heart
I shall betray and bend all rules
You're mine and arrogant
I'm in the hate of disapproved
And fall of man. The fall...!
In the Misty Summer night
On the Brightness of It's Breeze
I Saw a Maiden Fair, White
Heard Song Among Her Weeps
Was Not From Tribe of Mine
Couldn't Understand Her Words
Her Eyes, Like Flames They Shined
The Curse Was Cast on Me
The Song Was Full of Longing
From Her Love She Was Apart
My Tears Started Falling
Understood Her with My Heart
In the Verses of Her Longing
The Spells Were Cast on Me
On the Marshlands I Was Drowning
By the Singing of a Tree
Wanted to Dry Her Tears
To Sing Her Smile Alive
But a Bear
Would She Not Fear
The Rougher Side of Mine
This Maiden 'neath the Trees
With Widows Pain That Sears
And a Bear
She Did Not Fear
As She Saw Me Drowning There
And If on Misty Summer Night
You'll Hear Her Sing and Moarn
It's Maiden of the Forest
Who's Thirsty for Your Soul
By the Branches of Enchanted
The Spell Will Cast on you
Under Bog You Shall Be Drowning
In a deep blue sea of her dwelling grief
She's breathing the pain that flows in her eyes
Like the deepest fear that you've always felt but never shown
And as you cover me with the wings of sorrow
I shiver from cold
My pain, my sorrow, it walks with me, it lives through me
Like the darkest moment of an autumn night that lives in me
"...Oh how beautiful she is
Angel Who Seduced Me
Angel Who Betrayed Me
Angel Who Offered Me My Cross to Bear
Life Is Full of Agony
Life Is Full of Hate and Pain
Better Off is Child Who'll Never Breath
In Forever Sleep
Dream On My Child
In a Dream I Hear You Cry
You're With Me Every Night
Whenever You're Suffering, You're Pain Is With Me
All the Hate That Fills the Air
All the Pain We Call Our Lives
"... Alas, do not fear the wounds in my flesh, but embrace me, for in my heart is the wound that doeth the bleeding..."
Contemptio in nomen tuum
Incendere in infernus
Dance for me your last
Before I wither and die
Your shivering lips to me
It's for you I bleed
Cover me with beauty
As I carry my chains
I'm drowning in your cruelty
But lust rips my veins
Symphonia carnalis (bella et permunt hostilia)
In tenebrae aeternum (pulcher sicut tua)
Kiss away my tears
And I'll suffocate you
Awoke my fears
It's for you I bleed...
Hold this beast in thine arms - For christ
Don't fear my wounds and scars - I shall suffer
If wounded by a thousand swords - For you
"It's like throwing oil into my flaming soul, waking up at nights, alone, with memories of you..."
Don't leave me here
Don't leave me now,
While I 'm breaking down
Don't push me away
Don't turn away like there's nothing to say
I am burning
I know it hurt's too much
I am yearning
I 'm longing for your touch
Don't look away
My life would be done,
If you'd be gone
Just let me stay
Just let me hold you here,
It's so cold and I fear...
I 'm still burning
I hurt you so much
I 'm still yearning
I 'm still longing for your touch
Tear after tear
Tear me apart
Tear after tear
"To Save One's Soul, We Need Nothing More Than Regret, And This Shall Become The Fall Of Man"
I have cursed thy grace in heavens
For such torments given to my heart
Such pain to pay for feelings
What throne of thorns inside I've felt
"O lo', as the morn breaks
And yon is the memory of thine warmth
O lo', as the morn breaks
Deluge of tears upon frozen soil"
...but this one last night
Would I repent
Her thrashed innocence
For whence we fell
...but this one last night
Wish morn delays
Sole bitterness
For whence we fell
I have slept with fiends and serpents
For such pleasures given to our flesh
Such balefulness we all have felt
At the Dawn I Rose
Just to Behold Her Grace
And I Sighed
Before the Beauty
That Veiled So Tenderly
The Death Inside of Her
And atthe Dawn I Spoke
With Words She Could Not Hear
And Snow, It Fell
So Full of Misery
Like the Blood From Thy Heaven
Like the Feathers of Divine
So Softly She Slept Away
That She Could Not See the Day
And the Darkness, that Fell with It
And at the Dawn I Wept
As I Hold Up Her Hand
Against My Armour
With Blood Her Hair Was Stained
And Her Eyes, Shut so Beautyfully
In the Middle of the Darkest Woods
In the Silence of It's Darkling Deeps
Where the Shadows Weep You Embraced Me
And the Time Became Infinity
So Take My Hand Child, Follow Me
We'll Hide the Pain that Screams in Me
And I Shall Return
When the Frost Sets the Leaves Aflame
When the Tides of the Darkness Rise Again
I Shall Return
When All of Creation Weeps in Pain
When the Strorms and the Rain Are Here Again
I Shall Return
Into Your Arms
All the Wounds You Bear Inside
We Bear Them in Our Autumn Hearts
The Words I Speak Are Soaked with Filth
And Night Becames Our Enemy
Just Close Yer Eyes and Come with Me
Her innocence lay
Shred with a lie
Sweet lips decay
Forever mine
Grandeur of hilt
Do not bear guilt
Eyes wide to see
Your madness in me
In the lanterns pale and sulphur air
My senses frail, no longer mine.
Solace of rage, blinding embrace
My sweet heart to bleed apart
Foil too painful, shent and wreakful
To hear or bow to any god's law
Their eyes so hollow so hollow
Their words so shallow so shallow
Her innocence ravished, by whom is this done?
Such cowardly curse, second to none
My demons ensnared me with torture and strife
And now it all ends here by god or a knife
I'm beyond horizon, on the ocean of flame
I'm numb and paralysed never feeling the pain
No one can hurt me now, I've left all behind
In thy beloved arms
I'll drown myself to rest
And upon your ivory skin
My dreams will softly drift
No sweeter touch
From the angels wing
As the tender kiss
Yer lips gave to me
In thy beloved arms,
My dear
I'll drown
My deepest fear
And as we watch
The sun pass a sleep
Nay sound from the forest,
Just a tender weep
Here, my beloved one
Here is my heaven
Angel beside me
And her eyes to drown into
In thy beloved arms, my dear
I kin I can't forever be
But this moment,
how short the time could be
It us forever, a sweet infinity to me
4. Painless
What painful
The chalice
She drank so
There was his arms
Around her
Naked body
She still
Tastes his lips
With her
A fragile rose
Was her heart
Still was the night
That peaceful night
When he arose
To walk away
You, speak to her,
Speak not of love
When all she had
Forever gone
Fall with her
Bleed with her
Betray her
Shred her soul
"Misera nobis
Dies illacrimo"
Still is the night
Silent the echoes
Into the void
She drowns
Oh let the ocean
Devour her
"To save one's soul, we need nothing
more than regret, and this shall
One, sinful man
One of all unkind
In the times ere gone
Wretched, was bound
No gracious wisdoms
Couldn't turn his mind
For regret and shame
He turned a blind eye
Let the disbelievers
Throw the first rocks
Their deeds shall not show
Stake burns for whores
In the children's heart
Feet aneath the earth
With bloody hands
And backs berend
Come let as gather
to torment this man
For to sin he felled,
of being humane
With one man's faith
Should all of his kind
Shrink on their knees
With humble mind
For one man's sake
Tell, my dear, if known
They'll build a stake
For one sinner's soul
For what is sin?
-Blink of an eye
For whence once lost
Innocence, 'tis a lie
(So a triumphant death
He suffered proudly
We've lost purity
With his sinful blood)
Sic pereant omnes inimisi tui
Shiver, limbs, my shoulders
The coldness stroke through me
Awaken from my slumber
Her darkness spoke to me
The temptress in the dark
Just lay beside me
Come, torn my aching heart
Just let her breath through me
Driven from my Eden
Bend, with shame as burden
As mornlight stroke it clear
And nought was left but fear
She spoke to me in pictures
Of night 'tis all her essence
What pleasure the night devoured
Shall thorns of light make mar
The temptress in the dark
As you lay beside him
Gone, torn my withered heart
Just let her dream of me
Into the arms of the night
To feel your touch
yet one more time
Wither his heart,
as withered mine
To feel your kiss,
just one more time
Into the arms of the night
To feel your touch
Wither his heart, with mine
To feel your kiss
Just one more time
"...In these times, passion hath become more
than any spirit, haunted or divine;
flesh hath become the image;
In the times of my youth
The spirit spoke to me
Pay heedm and hear the truth
The signs art here to see
Courses of stars unscroll'd
For those who art yiel'd
The sight of time unpass'd
And the roar of battlefield
"Hark ye mortal, thou, who art yield
Bring forth for all mankind to hear
Forth, for all of the circle of the earth
These prophecies nine"
Hark mankind enthralleth
False images of god
I shall reveal the crownless
Symbols of damned unfold'd
Behold, mankind enthralleth
Beneath the wrath devine
The signs of unenthron'd
Under the stormy skies
Hark mankind enthralleth
So glorious in arms
Yiel for the unenthroneth
In darkness so profound
"And the crowd dids't nougth
but mockery..."
Behold. mankind enthralleth
Beneath the wrath devine
The signs of unenthron'd
Under the stormy skies
"Hark ye mortal, thou who are yield
Bring forth for all mankind to hear
Forth, for all of the circle of the earth
These prophecies nine..."
There is nine betrayed kings
And war of their revenge
There is nine of prophecies
Under the oath of silence
"Whence the sun aproach'd
the western end
Of the world,
my oath of darkness was filleth..."
And now whence the war is raging
And banners darkens the skies
See the unenthorned arriving
As all of the battlefield dies
So dreadful to behol'd
As the spirit turned to me
The darkness was unfold'd
O' propheter, it's me!!!
And now whence the war is raging
And banners darkens the skies
See the unenthorned arriving
To feel lust for
For her innocence
Loins hurt for lust denied
Just by the thought of her
Betrayal in my eyes
Just by the sight of her
Come drown him
with your naked skin
First to my god
then onto your grace
The more you want her
More dismay more slander
She will be crucified
For your desires
The seven sacraments
Of pleasures of the flesh
Oh come to me
-Who is this woman
Please touch me
-Deity of lust
Oh, kiss me
-She is your god
Just lay with me
-She is everyone
"If all of our sins can be redeemed,
by the son of man,
then the chalice can be for filled again
You took my hand
And we both were falling
You embraced me
And we both were drowning
Did I feel you here
Ot was I only dreaming
Did I hear you sigh
Or was I only screaming
All is lost but pain
I thought it would be fading
All is lost but hope of you arriving...
I woke again,
arisen with the mornlight
And we both were falling...
Did I feel her now
Or was I only dreaming
Did I hear her sigh
Or was I only screaming
Don't let them turn
The knives deeper in her
And now I am forever falling...
How painful to feel
Her pain and emotion
I heaved a sigh
Of poetic passion
She left again
Gone with the twilight
And now I am forever falling
"Cursed be all those, who preach with a high
voice for the benefit of their hordes.
For they are the weakest in faith, and the
Blindfolded be the slumberer
For pain the blind eye turning
For in a nightmare wanderer
Seeks not to blame or hurt
Blessed be the blasphemeres
For they are the sign of yearning
They are the true believers
They are for faithless burning
Let the fallen heart be strong
In death and woe among
Let the fallen ones dream on
With blasphemer's passion
But cursed shall be the seekers
Who feel the hunger for the truth
For he who holds the answers
He speaks with poisoned mouth
So what's to gain
In this mortal lie
Nothing but the pain
Which we call life
And cursed be the ones who preach
They truly are the hallow ones
Empty are all their believes
Deeper words for shallow hearts
"How could I even speak of love, my dear,
The clouds a weep
A roofless church
The rain it sweeps
The altar burned
The heavens rot
The night she died
"lest we forget"
Lost souls the cried
A shrapnel wound
A shrapnel through saviours flesh
Their hate it burns
Their hate it awe brightness
Still hear them moan
In a bloody mess
Amongst the wolves
The dreadful sheep
Embrace the storm
And fear the death
Gently the gale
Bolting your breath
Embraced the storm
And the children's tears
Through burning fields
The evil's here
Embrace the storm
The breath of hate
It'll all be gone
It'll be all too late
Embrace the storm
Fondle your fear
With human form
It's drawing near
Embrace the storm
And fear the death
Gently the gale
Bolting your breath
Embraced the storm
And the children's tears
Through burning fields
And all the dreams I've ever felt
Failing to reach or comprehend
The essence of you
...And all the times I've feared for you
I've shut the door and passed right through
The flame burns for you
The emptiness in me
Was filled with you within
All the hope you sowed in us
I've crushed and turned to dust
My Flame still burns
Hurting you, I'm bleeding too
With every breath I breathe
With every sight I see
Yet whence I am falling down
You've put your arms around
My flame still burns
Hurting you, I'm bleeding too
Beneath the hollow skies
Your gentle, sunken smile
Slow sway of your white breast
Slumbering breath upon my chest
I've shattered, ripped and torn
But still you came for more
All the pain I've put you through
My flame still burns for you
My flame still burns
I've seen your heart turn into stone
So cold that my tears frozed
I've watched the fire die in your eyes
Fire that was once full of life
All my life I've hunged to my pride
Reprendance sets me on fire
Don't she'd a tear for me
As I did cry for You
Within my last hour - would you hold my hand
Within my last hour - would you share my pain
Within my last hour - would you know my name
Let me hold you here
Let me carry all your pain
Let me hold you near
Shelter from this blood red rain
As I stand here alone, sorrow in my arms
I close my eyes, and see your smile
And this blood red rain, falls all over me
And this blood red rain, burns the wounds inside of me
As you stand there alone, sorrow in your eyes
I close my eyes and hear you cry
My heart is unyielding
My dreams are fulfilled
Yet so full of longing
Without him it's stilled
Untouched by all evil
My truelove and I
My hope and my sole will
His sight so divine
My heart is stern faithful
No tempt or a lie
Never bitter nor hateful
O'er waves chanted sigh
Shamelessly yearn for him
For his heart I know
In the winds my lust burning
In the winds my heart woe
I am your fear of weakness
I'm your guilt and the fault
I grant you all eternal
I grant you all desires
My heart is sheer forthright
Nor guilt neither fault
No shadows of hellwraith
No sin to be found
I am your fear of weakness
I'm your guilt and the fault
I grant you all eternal
I grant you all desires
My heart is unyielding
I am his but alone
Yet so full of longing
Awaits whilst he's gone
My love stands eternal
His touch I desire
Wraiths of all infernal
See who comes over the red blossomed heather
Their green banners kissing the pure mountain air
Heads up high, eyes to front, standing proudly together
Freedom stays thorned on their proud spirits there
Down the hill twining, their blessed armour shining
Like the rivers of beauty yhat flows from each glenn
From the mountains and valleys, to this liberty ralley
out and make way for brave feinean men
I wanted to see the moon
Touch the heaven's roof
More to know than i knew
My soul escaped from the wolf
Máttaráhku kept her own
Mother earth gave my skies
She brathed out my soul
More i see as one who flies
My kinsman the water
Deepriver my brother
My sister the moonlight
Mother mist of the night
Times to come she knows
Lightning stroke her soul
Eyes as blue as the rain
She is the thunder's maid
As a raven in the skies
I saw the mighty storm
Saw seita throw his spears
The thunder spoke with roar
His arms arose like waves
Into holy ánar lake
"as i have took ten lives,
One gifted-one i'll make!"
He looked over earthground
He sought a place all day
A water woumb he found
On his sacrificial bay
With a witchcraft she was blessed
On a poor fisherman's boat
With the spirits she was dressed
Slip under my skin and strangle me
Rip open my wrists and set me free
Seed of the serpent feeds upon me
It eats in us all unless we become free
Pour poison in my veins and I'll still be breathing
Impure with your sin that I'll be feasting
Driven and drowned by your strength eluding
I'll wallow in your cruel caress I'm desiring
Wipe away our fear
Pour your strength in me
Slip under my skin and poison me
Sweet drop in your bane is slowly bemusing
Venomizing the earth, I'll be joining with thee
Elude and to reign, fill the earth, we are breeding
I'll slip inder your skin and strangle you
We'll be crowned to the world join us now you weak fool
We'll be here beyond end we strong, brave and few
So let me into your veins, let me join in you
The sun of the heaven forsaken and weak
Too feeble to melt all your evil and bleak
Crest of light, I have lost, bloody spoil to knee deep
Wipe away all the fear and the weakness in me
Let the world as we know, purify from it's filth
With poisonous teeth all the earth we shall sweep
Take this power of mine, and we'll be shedding our skins
The forbidden fruit tasting sweet from your lips
Wipe away our fear
Pour your strength in me
Kiss me and you'll be serpentized
Kiss me, sweetheart, close your eyes
Kiss me, you shall be my bride
Kiss me and let me hypnotize
I am the tickle in your spine
I am the perversion of mind
I am the first and the last
Oh black raven, my raven;
What have you foreseen.
Dark tidings and woe,
Rich pickings for death.
Let the gods wipe my tears,
With this falling rain.
Let this lake be my graveside,
And woods the golden hall.
Our braves long since fallen,
With the tides of the war.
Our words no more spoken,
I'm ready to fall.
Bare message, my raven;
To gods I long to see.
Blackbird of the chosen,
Bare this prayer for me.
Oh black raven, my raven;
Bare message for me.
Come closer the foe,
And take my last breath.
Blackbird of the chosen,
Bare this prayer for me.
Let the gods wipe my tears,
With this falling rain.
Let this lake be my graveside,
And woods the golden hall.
Bare message, my raven;
To gods I long to see.
Blackbird of the chosen,
They fill your dreams with butterflies
Smiling as they watch you sleep
Flames devour their tiny feet
They're winged and horned, their halos burn
The floor is crawling, the moon has turned
They laughed with you upon night sky
You don't fell shame or need to hide
... The fallen ones with you tonight...
... Come close your eyes...
... The fallen ones with you tonight...
Come close your eyes
They fill your dreams with demonchrists
Cinnamon Rose and broken hopes
They'll soothe your skin with tender strokes
They'll chain you in a tree of life
The nails of snake teeth pierce your sides
Ice pick arrows through your chest
The clouds aflame, it's raining lead
... The fallen ones with you tonight...
... Come close your eyes...
... The fallen ones with you tonight...
Come close your eyes
The fallen ones...
Clear voice fills the midnight air
... with you tonight
"Closer, come and hold me near
Closer, under, over here"
They'll take you anywhere you like
Souls 'round you...
On a cotton candy horseback ride
... laying bare
Beyond the grace of God and light
You're drifting in...
... the pure starlight
The one, chosen wounds with gesture smiles
They'll let...
... you dream of things divine
The whirl of beauty
The whirl of beauty
The sudden storm
... The fallen ones with you tonight...
... The fallen ones with you tonight...
They'll chain you in a tree of life
The nails of snake teeth pierce your sides
Ice pick arrows through your chest
The clouds aflame, it's raining lead
... The fallen ones with you tonight...
... Come close your eyes...
... The fallen ones with you tonight...
They'll lift you up in ivory arms
Cyclone balloons in dolphin shapes
They fill your dreams
These dreams are full of fun and games
They'll soothe your skin
They're winged and horned, their halos burn
The floor is crawling, the moon has turned
They laughed with you upon night sky
You don't feel shame or need to hide
... The fallen ones with you tonight...
... Come close Your eyes...
Hangman's Lullaby
Laugh, my darling, laugh
Hold your head up now
Just hold me tight
We still have tonight
Sing, my lady, sing
Don't stop humming now
Come close your eyes
Don't want to see his smile
Lit the night with your smile
Charm me again
With those emerald eyes
Charm me again
Hangman's lullaby
Swing, my baby, swing
Come close your eyes
Won't stop humming now
We still have tonight
Lit the night with your smile
Charm me again
With those emerald eyes
Charm me again
Hangman's lullaby
Everything will be fine
And now it's time, kiss me goodnight
Charm me again
With those emerald eyes
Charm me again
Give me a ticket for a airplane
Ain't got time to take a fast train
Lonely days are gone I'm going home
My baby wrote me a letter
I don't care how much money I gotta spend
Gotta get back to my baby again
Lonely days are gone I'm going home
My baby wrote me a letter
He wrote me a letter
Said he couldn't live without me no more
Listen mister
Can't you see I've got to get back got to get back
To my baby, don't you know... don't you know
Give me a ticket for a airplane
Ain't got time to take a fast train
Lonely days are gone I'm going home
My baby wrote me a letter
He wrote me a letter
Said he couldn't live without me no more
Couldn't live without me no more, oh God
Listen mister
Can't you see I gotta to get back gotta to get back
To my baby don't you know... don't you know
Lonely days are gone I'm going home
My baby wrote me a letter
I'm going home my baby wrote me a letter
Lonely days are gone and I'm going home
[hickson:] over here, miss. here he is. he wasn't in he's room at the inn last monday, right, and i
Went looking for him. i found him here in a poor fettle. i thought i'd better fetch you, miss
[prudence:] my god it's him... antracon... my love
[antracon:] their eyes so hollow so hollow
[prudence:] what's happened to you? why are you all covered in blood?
[antracon:] every whore shall burn... every whore shall burn
[prudence:] hickson, help him up to the street and into my carriage. we've...
[hickson:] here we go sir prudence... got to get him out of town. we'll take him to my father's
She... to me she's here
She... to me she's real
Within a weft of night
Her laugher still dances
Around the leafless trees
Her drowsy warm glances
Upon the frozen lake
Still lingering
Within the winter freeze
Just let me drift away
Into dark where she awaits
To me she's real
Just let me sleep away
Without a single voice
Her wreath of dreams I aspire
Her smile bewildering me
I boast aloud my lust
We sleep away to icy crust
With her here there is no apin for me
Just let me drift away
Into dark where she awaits
To me she's real
Just let me sleep away
She... to me she's here
She... to me she's real
Oh temptress on the frostnight
The morn will cast me ruined
How bold are the drifts alighted
Just let me drift away
Into dark where she awaits
To me she's real
Just let me sleep away
[Hickson:] You both all right?
[Prudence:] Yes Hickson. Thank you. You may leave us now. My carriage will take you back to town
[Hickson:] I'd better get going then. Good night sir. Good night miss.
[Prudence:] Now then, feeling any better hmh?
[Antracon/Scoria:] We are there when you dance with the shadows. We are there when you mock the
mirror. We are there when you spread your legs...
[Prudence:] What... my god what has happened to you
[Antracon/Scoria:] I shall claim your soul. Every whore shall burn... Every whore shall burn every...
[Prudence:] Any better now that you've bathed clean from that filthy sour stench? What happened to
you? Nobody knew where you vanished after "Providence" anchored in Southampton. I was worried sick.
[Antracon:] Where am I? Prudence?
[Prudence:] Come here and hold me
[Antracon:] Prudence, I've seen a terrible dream. An endless nightmare... murderings and... I
can't... was it a dream
[Prudence:] Were together now everything will be well again, I heard such terrible rumours of you.
Especially from count Tenheim.
[Antracon:] Count Tenheim? The noble count himself?
[Prudence:] What's wrong my love?
[Antracon/Scoria:] Every whore shall burn!
[Prudence:] No, Antracon. No...
Take a close look inside me
Now tell me what do you see
Sunk here below the calm
And I shall take you deep
Waves of madness
as the darkness collides and whirls around me
core evolving
as the mass of the souls revolving around me
Empty vastness
My sould collised with mist and freeze
Join us here and you shall see
Your lust will set you free
You'll never want to leave
But they won't let you breathe
All unfolding
The shame. the end and one beginning
Here to see
And the horde of shameless soar burning
Flameless heart
My mind collides with mist and freeze
Numb with their heat
In their senseless dance
Chaos they breed
In lucified romance
Children of chaos
They dance here for me
Children of chaos
I feel I know you
I don't know how
I don't know why
I see you feel for me
You cried with me
You would die for me
I know I need you
I want you
To be free of all the pain
You have inside
You cannot hide
I know you tried
To be who you couldn't be
You tried to see inside of me
And now i'm leaving you
I don't want to go
Away from you
Please try to understand
Take my hand
Be free of all the pain
You hold inside
You cannot hide
I know you tried
To feel...
[cinnamon:] want to have some fun sire?
[carla:] i'm as fun as it gets
[antracon:] you
[carla:] sire?
[antracon:] yes you. both of you, come here
[cinnamon:] is there anything we may do for you sire?
[antracon:] sure my sweet ones... there's something you can do for me.
[carla:] well... we can surely help such a gent as you... what do you want
[antracon:] i want you to wither...
Empress Of The Dark
I hold my world against you all
When waves will sweep ten feet tall
And wind will breathe the poison to our souls
When all the battles have been bled
And rest of tearsrops have been shed
And no one has the strength to turn and run
This night is ours the time is ripe
The crude facades of god are stripped
In darkness blessed the sun has died
This world is ours, empress of night
The mark of serpent rises high
Above the blindly rolling sky
And all the brave ones drop their shields in fear
The righteous king will take his fall
The noble breed begs, steals and crawls
And son of man hangs high above impaled
This night is ours the time is ripe
The crude facades of god are stripped
In darkness blessed the sun has died
This world is ours, empress of night
...shall rise the burned, sinner and weak
The quiet, fool, humble and meek
To wipe out all that still stands here unburned
You'll wear the crown of pain
The world shall hail your name
We'll rule the earth for evermore
The fallen ones are rising
Come claim your throne my darling
Darkness shall rule for everyone
Then rise my lowered, stand up tall
The enslaved ones, who yet now crawl
The revolt of fallen one will soon sweep here
So rise my lowered and stand up tall
The misfit ones and hear my call
To rule and shatter all that fills the earth
This night is ours the time is ripe
The crude facades of god are stripped
Forever mine is your heart
Is it cold enough to breathe?
Could I move without the pain?
Did someone call my name?
Is that the sun or does it rain?
When I'm on my feet again
And soar on my wings
Every cloud turns to black
I feel the knife in my back
When you turn to walk away
When you least expect it
It's the closest one to stab
The knives in your back
Beneath the surge it's clear
No fear whence here's no hope
It's everytime I rise above
Oh, when I can't seem to cope
When I'm on my feet again
And soar on my wings
Every cloud turns to black
I feel the knife in my back
When you turn to walk away
When you least expect it
It's the closest one to stab
The knives in your back
Am I asleep or were you here?
I don't want to be awake
I wish that I could speak
But if I could is it too late?
Within my misery, I am free
Underneath the fear and dark I am me
When I'm on my feet again
And soar on my wings
Every cloud turns to black
I feel the knife in my back
When you turn to walk away
When you least expect it
It's the closest one to stab
Was there a time, when I was feeling
The time for shade of hope or fear
Sometimes I wonder, am I breathing
When was it when we were dreaming
When did the sun, stop from shining
Remember when I felt the rain
Sometimes I wonder, am I fading
When we were hurting
Did I need the pain just to feel alive
Did I get this numb just to survive
Did I need the pain just to feel alive
Did I get this numb just to survive
Was there a child, who was dreaming
When did I lose the sense of me
Sometimes I wonder, am I sleeping
When stopped I desiring
Did I need the pain just to feel alive
Did I get this numb just to survive
Did I need the pain just to feel alive
Did I get this numb just to survive
Would you please, could someone please
Could someone make me unbroken again
Is there someone I could reach
Could someone make me whole again
Was there a time, when I was feeling
The time for shade of hope or fear
Sometimes I wonder, am I breathing
When was it when we were dreaming
Scoria:] well, sir antracon. she left you like a rotten ship? eternity... is a long time to bare guilt.
[antracon:] how did you get in here? this room is mine!
[scoria:] yours? if you would have defended what is yours. she would still be with you. don't you
Hate how she made you feel like nothing?
[antracon:] who are you?
[scoria:] we were discussing you. why are you taking the blame for her betrayal?
[antracon:] if anyone. i'm the one who has betrayed. i've always felt like i'm not enough for her.
Still, i don't believe she did...
[scoria:] oh yes you do. yes you do, i can feel it. she thinks you are too low for such noble family.
Ah, selfpity... doesn't it strangle you sometimes? such a waste for a man who's grandeur and power
Might rise above all this.
[antracon:] grandeur? my father was a soldier and my mother a low breed spaniard. i shouldn't have
Been worthy enough to wipe miss prudence's boots. let alone ask of her hand...
[scoria:] why doubt thyself? you could be strong enough to lead armies, to rule kingdoms. i could
Show you your true worth. i could sooth that pain of yours.
[antracon:] i want to forget this doubt... this fear. i never want to feel this pain again.
What... what are you
[scoria:] i am the roar of your pride and self-respect, telling you. that it's not your fault. don't
Let them mock. you. i can offer you strength that rises you high above any doubt, agony and
Self-pity. i am the strength inside telling you that those whores out there are better of dead for
Making a mockery out of you and your kind. every damned one of them. just let me release what's
Your beauty is just a veil for the thrones
Abide in your silence, to be alone
All my hopes are burning
Like a candle in the wind
All my life lust draining
I am weary and strained
Embracing, embracing, like drowning
Freezing and hurting
Ghost of your smile still haunting me
I would touch your heart again
If I could feel you here by me
In your eyes, once found ablazed
Dark shadow dances free
Yearning and praying like dying
Freezing and hurting
Ghost of your smile still haunting
So it's dead silent now
No sighing, sighing
And it feels like I'm crushing
Brothers in arms
Falling left and right
Flame of the world
Burning up bright
The machine it grinds
Souls, dreams and skulls
No one survives
It's yearning your blood
Leave the fallen behind
Just let your heart freeze
It's time to bury the dead
Don't look behind
The lost souls they claim
Don't stop the fight
lest we died in vain
The dark closes in
All the stars falling down
Let the battle begin
Let our names to be known
Leave the fallen behind
Just let your heart freeze
There's no time for tears
Leave the fallen behind
Just let your heart freeze
My angel she falls
Deserted down from heaven
In darkness she came to me
You stripped down my shields
You heard all my weeps
Your own heart broken
Laid down my burden
All sins forgiven
We'll find our haven
We'll heal our hearts
Each other's arms
All pain forgotten
Will you be here
When gone is the night
Here in my arms
My angel she falls
Deserted down from heaven
In darkness she came to me
My home my haven
Here in my arms
My little angel
Here in my arms
My sweet angel
Safe from all harms
So gently I'm waken
Here in your arms
You stripped down my shields
You heard all my weeps
Have it healing
Feel it burning
All sins forgiven
We'll find our haven
We'll heal our hearts
In each other's arms
All pain forgotten
Will you be here
When gone is the night
[prudence:] my heart is unyielding i am his but alone yet so full of longing awaits whilst he is gone
[scoria:] hark, such a lovely thing. i can grant you eternal beauty
[prudence:] who's there? who?
[scoria:] join me
[prudence:] where are you!?! are you an angel of god? show thyself!
[scoria:] i can give you infinite wisdom and power you can not imagine
[prudence:] what are you? none godly creatures speaks thus!
[scoria:] i can grant your every dream
[prudence:] my dreams will follow my betrothed antracon
[scoria:] antracon!... is weak, mere mortal and this ocean parts you from him
I can grant you... eternity
[prudence:] one dawn with my beloved antracon is more precious than infinity without him. my soul is his
[scoria:] more is the pity for such a waste
[prudence:] your words are wasted on me, wraith. my heart is full and unyielding!
[i) at the masquerade]
[c.tenheim:] enjoining the evening?
[scoria:] count tenheim. i presume?
[c.tenheim:] at your service my lord...?
[scoria:] you may call me scoria. i've been watching you dance with young baroness prudence, such
A... lovely creature
[c.tenheim:] yes, unfortunately her loveliness is owned by someone rude enough not to even appear
With her. even in such pleasant masquerades as tonight.
[scoria:] well some do not simply have the proper out bringing to attend this kind of pleasures
[c.tenheim:] apparently so, lord scoria. it may be the spanish way to raise sails and let the beauty
Wither ashore.
[scoria:] look at her amongst all this joy, mourning and sighing. wouldn't you like to set those sad
Longing eyes aflame again? to have her and afterwards kiss that swanlike neck goodnight?
[c.tenheim:] i... i beg your pardon, my lord
[scoria:] do not insult me with petty morality, dear count. i know exactly how desperately you thirst
After her. with how much anguish you envy that halfbreed antracon for owning her loyalty.
[c.tenheim:] if only i could open her eyes from that blindness.
[scoria:] i think we have a way to remedy that.
[c.tenheim:] dear sir. are you suggesting that i would do the dirty deed of yours... of god only
Knows what intentions?
[scoria:] my intentions. are merely of setting her free of that endless longing. i'm not asking you
To do anything, but to follow your own desires. few words from a loyal servant of your's will do.
[c.tenheim:] few words. from my servant?
[scoria:] just a word placed in the ear of antracon's crew. he's ship, "providence", is due to
Southampton within few weeks. when it arrives we can perhaps put one of your servants on the
Payroll all we need is few words, like count tenheim has...
[ii) false tidings]
[lawes:]...slept with young baroness prudence.
[hickson:] aye! you watch your mouth gadgie. i can't believe it out off her
[lawes:] that's the bleeding bloody honest truth. by god. mind you. she is the bleeding fiance of the
Owner of this ship and all. didn't stop the mockers or banging her sheets with sir tenheim now did
It? no no...
[hickson:] bloody hell... young sir antracon ain't gonna be at all happy when he'll hear about it...
[iii) at the inn]
[antracon:]...i just can not believe it
[hickson:] well that's what i heard. and the gadgie works for the count and all. well, we better be
Off to london sir. if we are going to be there in decent time.
[antracon:] no... hickson wait... i am going to stay here at the inn for a while. would you arrange a
Room for me?
[hickson:] you're sure sir? ah mean. right, you never kin with this stuff. never kin with the ladies,
Tell you that for nothing sir.
[antracon:] no... she deserved something better... it's all my doing. being away and low breed. all my
Oh black raven, my raven
What have You foreseen
Dark tidings and woe
Rich pickings for death
Let the gods wipe my tears
With this falling rain
Let this lake be my graveside
And woods the golden hall
Our braves long since fallen
With the tides of the war
Our words no more spoken
I'm ready to fall
Bare message, my raven
To gods this prayer for me
Blackbird of the chosen
Bare this prayer for me
Oh black raven, my raven
Bare message for me
Come floser the foe
And take my last breath
Blackbird of the chosen
Ere I falleth, I liveth amongst ye
Now I the fiend, bring the hate amongst ye
Ere I falleth, falleth into depths
Longyng to feel, underworld I have fallen
For ye my black heart now weeps
Ye'll embrace with every dream
Come my child, and fall with me
Forever burns the pain with thee
In vast oceans I have drowneth me
Times on end, I'm dwelling the dreadful sea
Ere I falleth, falleth into dark
The pain alone has ripped me apart
There my sweet child, what is laying apart
There my sweet love, there is my heart
Here my sweet child, what has fallen into dark
Here my sweet love, here is my heart
Alas, where are ye, ye darkeneth my light
As days wore on, I dwelleth in the night
Ere I falleth, falleth in despair
The sun was barely coming up,
my heart was all but slowing down.
but I could barely make out the sound.
It was my personal symphony.
Striking the chords for only me.
There was a coursing all through my veins.
Another chance to get away, oh!
Until this empty place is filled, I'll keep pretending.
Hey! Wait! Knock me down, and I'll get up again.
Oh! Pain! A remedy that can erase your sting.
I'll keep holding, and I'll keep trying,
I feel this fight, it is slowly dying now but i feel painless.
These days and nights blend into one,
but one more night is all I need.
Another chord from the symphony.
To float above the world for now,
to lose control is bliss somehow.
And wring the color from the grey,
another chance to get away, oh.
Until this empty place is filled, I'll keep pretending.
Hey! Wait! Knock me down, and I'll get up again.
Oh! Pain! A remedy that can erase your sting.
I'll keep holding, and I'll keep trying,
I feel this fight, it is slowly dying now but i feel painless.
All these reckless nights, have left me spinning out of control.
Is there not a cure for sorrow?
All these fading lights, have made me search for something more.
Will there be a new tomorrow?
Until this empty place is filled, I'll keep pretending.
Hey! Wait! Knock me down, and I'll get up again.
Oh! Pain! A remedy that can erase your sting.
I'll keep holding, and I'll keep trying, tonight.
Hey! Wait! Knock me down, and I'll get up again.
Oh! Pain! A remedy that can erase your sting.
I'll keep holding, and I'll keep trying,