About me

SarahRuthDitum_0175I thought I was going to be a journalist for as long as I can remember. Then I had children and thought I was going to be an academic instead (because there’s a stable and lucrative business). Then I crashed out of a DPhil in 2008 and started working at a doomed craft magazine startup that year. I lasted six months before going freelance. I’m currently a columnist for The Guardian and operations editor for TechRadar.com.

I’m also a regular contributor to New Statesman and New Humanist, and my work has appeared in Elle, Psychologies, Runner’s World and many other outlets. I write about feminism, family, fitness and some things that don’t begin with F but I can’t remember right now. And if that’s not enough, you can read more on my blog, Paperhouse (part of the Mumsnet Bloggers Network).

I’ve been interviewed on Sky News Sunrise about dangerous crash diets, and have made several radio appearances: BBC Radio 4 (Woman’s Hour, Word Of Mouth), BBC World Service (World Have Your Say), BBC Radio 5Live (Tony Livesey Show) and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s arts show, Q. If you’re interested in booking me for your show, please get in touch with me via the contact page.

I don’t mind if you say my name wrong, but if you want to say it right, it’s Die-tum.

Portrait by Darren Strange at St Range


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