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southern africa / anarchist movement Monday September 01, 2014 - 16:03 byNobyhle Dube   image 1 image
Comrade Lawrence was born on 7 July 1969 in Kliptown before moving to Ceza in KwaZulu-Natal. He attended Ceza Primary and Nghunghunyone Secondary, matriculating in 1986 with exemption (excellent at that time).
... read full story / add a comment
américa central / caribe / movimiento anarquista Monday September 01, 2014 - 08:31 byTaller Libertario Alfredo López
Para ello proponemos la realización en marzo de 2015 en la región dominicana del primer encuentro constitutivo de la F.A.C.-C. [Centroamérica] (nombre provisional) de individualidades y “delegados” de colectivos ácratas en la región, que sea el punto de cierre inicial para confrontarse y coordinar acciones, ideas e insumos, a partir de los ejes temáticos que emerjan de los colectivos en cada localidad. [English] ... read full story / add a comment
central america / caribbean / anarchist movement Monday September 01, 2014 - 08:10 byTaller Libertario Alfredo Lopez
For all this we propose a constitutive meeting of the F.A.C.-C [-Central American] (Caribbean and Central American Anarchist Federation) in the Dominican Republic in March of 2015. We call individuals and “delegates” of anarchist collectives in the region to join us in this meeting that will be an initial decisive moment to compare and coordinate actions, ideas and supplies based on the topics/themes that would emerge from each collective according to their location. [Castellano] ... read full story / add a comment
internazionale / lotte indigene Sunday August 31, 2014 - 15:18 bycommission international   image 1 image
Alla società civile nazionale ed internazionale,
Alla Sesta nazionale ed internazionale,
Ai media liberi, autonomi ed indipendenti,
Alle amministrazioni del buon governo,
All' EZLN,
Alle basi di appoggio dell'EZLN
[Castellano] ... read full story / add a comment
international / indigenous struggles Thursday August 28, 2014 - 19:00 byCommission international   image 1 image
To National and International Civil Society,
To the National and International Sixth,
To the free, autonomous, independent media or whatever they are called,
To the Good Government Juntas,
To the EZLN,
To the support bases of the EZLN,
... read full story / add a comment
internacional / luchas indígenas Wednesday August 27, 2014 - 23:12 bycommission international   image 1 image
A la Sociedad Civil Nacional e Internacional,
A la Sexta Nacional e Internacional,
A los medios libres, autónomos, independiente o como se llamen,
A las Juntas de Buen Gobierno,
A la EZLN,
A l@s Bases de Apoyo del EZLN,
[Français] [English] [Italiano] ... read full story / add a comment
international / luttes des peuples autochtones Wednesday August 27, 2014 - 23:03 bycommission international   image 1 image
A la Société Civile Nationale et Internationale,
A la Sexta Nationale et Internationale,
Aux Médias libres, autonomes, indépendants ou comme ils s’appellent,
Aux Juntas de Buen Gobierno,
Aux Bases d’appui de l’EZLN,
... read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialismo / guerra Sunday August 17, 2014 - 13:00 byKAF (Fórum Anarquista do Curdistão)   image 1 image
A crise do Iraque já se arrasta há décadas. Tanto o regime Saddam Hussein tanto quanto sob a atual "democracia", desde a invasão de 2003, não há liberdade, justiça social, igualdade e há poucas perspectivas para aqueles que são independentes aos partidos políticos no poder. Além da brutalidade e discriminação contra as mulheres e as minorias, um grande abismo foi criado entre os ricos e os pobres, fazendo com que os pobres ficassem cada vez mais pobres e os ricos mais ricos.
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north america / mexico / indigenous struggles Thursday August 07, 2014 - 09:19 byScott Campbell   image 1 image
Presented by Art Forces, the Estria Foundation and NorCal Friends of Sabeel, the Oakland Palestine Solidarity Mural is a monumental work of public art located in Uptown Oakland on 26th Street between Telegraph and Broadway. The mural pays homage to the history of Bay Area public art and expresses solidarity with Palestinians as bombs continue to fall on Gaza. ... read full story / add a comment
machrek / arabie / irak / impérialisme / guerre Tuesday August 05, 2014 - 23:30 byKAF   image 1 image
La crise irakienne est continue depuis des décennies, tant sous le régime de Saddam Hussein que sous le « régime démocratique actuel » depuis l'invasion de 2003. Il n'y avait ni de liberté, ni de justice sociale, ni d'égalité et peu de perspectives pour celles et ceux qui étaient indépendant des partis politiques au pouvoir. En plus de la brutalité existante et la discrimination contre les femmes et les genTEs ordinaires, un très grand fossé a été creusé entre les riches et les pauvres, rendant les pauvres de plus en plus pauvres et les riches de plus en plus riches. [English] ... read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Εργατικοί Αγώνες Saturday August 02, 2014 - 18:35 byΑναρχοσυνδικαλιστική Πρωτοβουλία Ροσινάντε   image 1 image
Η δικαστική παρωδία που ξεκίνησε στις αρχές του καλοκαιριού για την υπόθεση της επίθεσης με πυροβολισμούς εναντίον των μεταναστών εργατών στην Νέα Μανωλάδα τον Απρίλιο του 2013, ολοκληρώθηκε με τρόπο εξοργιστικό και παράλληλα αναμενόμενο. Το Μεικτό Ορκωτό Δικαστήριο Πάτρας αθώωσε τόσο τον φραουλοπαραγωγό, Νίκο Βαγγελάτο όσο και τους τρεις μπράβους του για την κύρια κατηγορία της εμπορίας ανθρώπων. ... read full story / add a comment
maschrek / arabische halbinsel / irak / imperialismus / krieg Friday August 01, 2014 - 22:34 byKAF   image 2 images
Die Krise im Irak hält be­reits seit Jahr­zehn­ten an, seit sich das Land unter der Macht von Sad­dam Hus­sein oder unter dem „mo­men­ta­nen de­mo­kra­ti­schen Re­gime“ nach der In­va­si­on von 2003 be­fun­den hat. Es gab keine Frei­heit, kei­nen so­zia­len Frie­den, keine Gleich­be­rech­ti­gung und nur wenig Mög­lich­kei­ten für jene, die un­ab­hän­gig von den herr­schen­den po­li­ti­schen Par­tei­en waren.
Zu­sätz­lich zu der vor­han­de­nen Bru­ta­li­tät und Dis­kri­mi­nie­rung ge­gen­über Frau­en und gegen die ein­fa­chen Leute ging die Sche­re zwi­schen den Rei­chen und den Armen immer wei­ter aus­ein­an­der. Da­durch wur­den die Armen noch ärmer und die Rei­chen noch rei­cher.
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indonesia / philippines / australia / anarchist movement Saturday July 26, 2014 - 18:55 byDmitri (republishing)   image 1 image
The 4th annual Melbourne Anarchist Bookfair is an opportunity for all people to read, listen, discuss, share skills and knowledge workshops and talks, socialise and partake in a diverse range of activities around political, cultural, environmental and social justice issues. The bookfair, part of a global network of around 100 bookfairs, is a free event held annually at the Abbotsford Convent (St Heliers Street, Abbotsford).

In 2014, it will take place from 10am-6pm on Saturday the 9th of August. ... read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / imperialismo / guerra Wednesday July 23, 2014 - 00:06 byFederazione dei Comunisti Anarchici   image 1 image
Continua la guerra nella Striscia di Gaza governata da Hamas, anche se in tutto il mondo continuano le manifestazioni contro le scelte guerrafondaie di Israele. Dalla scomparsa dei tre coloni da Gush Etzion, (colonia per soli ebrei sotto il controllo totale dello stato di Israele in Cisgiordania), Israele ha posto sotto assedio quattro milioni di palestinesi, bombardando ospedali, scuole, ogni sorta di obiettivi civili, distruggendo e saccheggiando case, rubando, effettuando sequestri, ferendo e uccidendo sia in modo mirato che indiscriminato al di fuori di ogni legislazione internazionale. ... read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / imperialismo / guerra Thursday July 17, 2014 - 14:47 byAlternative Libertaire   image 1 image
Da molti giorni l'esercito israeliano bombarda la striscia di Gaza, in seguito al lancio di razzi sul territorio israeliano. Col pretesto di prendersela con i "terroristi", o con "quelli che rifiutano la pace", i bombardamenti colpiscono in realtà la popolazione civile, bambini compresi, e servono a scoraggiare con il terrore ogni volontà di resistenza. [Français] ... read full story / add a comment
machrek / arabie / irak / impérialisme / guerre Tuesday July 15, 2014 - 21:27 byAlternative Libertaire   image 1 image
Depuis plusieurs jours, l’armée israélienne bombarde la bande de Gaza, suite à l’envoi d’une roquette sur le territoire israélien. Sous prétexte de s’en prendre à des « terroristes », ou à « ceux qui refusent la paix  », les bombardements touchent en réalité surtout la population civile, y compris des enfants, et visent à décourager, par la terreur, toute volonté de résistance. [Italiano] ... read full story / add a comment
internazionale / economia Sunday July 13, 2014 - 15:28 bySegreteri Nazionale FdCA
I diversi fattori che al momento sembrano scollegati tra loro delineano il punto di caduta o, almeno, il tentativo del capitale di trovare un nuovo equilibrio internazionale per assicurare una nuova fase di accumulazione capitalistica, in area occidentale (USA-EU). Ciò che viene comunemente definita crisi e che dal 2008 affligge interi popoli sembra non poter uscire dalla propria dimensione monetaria. Una politica monetaria - che vede le banche commerciali protagoniste nella creazione di danaro attraverso il prestito reso possibile dall'aumento del debito - ha una funzione temporale necessaria a proteggere la capitalizzazione del sistema finanziario, ma ha il pregio di mostrare a tutti quali sono le dinamiche del potere finanziario. ... read full story / add a comment
Μέση Ανατολή / Αραβία / Ιράκ / Ιμπεριαλισμός / Πόλεμος Tuesday July 01, 2014 - 21:01 byΦόρουμ Αναρχικών του Κουρδιστάν   image 1 image
Η κρίση στο Ιράκ συνεχίζεται για δεκαετίες, ενώ ήταν υπό την εξουσία του Σαντάμ Χουσεΐν ή κάτω από το «σημερινό δημοκρατικό καθεστώς» μετά την εισβολή του 2003. Δεν υπήρχε ελευθερία ούτε κοινωνική δικαιοσύνη ούτε ισότητα ούτε και μια μικρή, έστω, ευκαιρία για εκείνους που ήταν ανεξάρτητοι από τα πολιτικά κόμματα που βρίσκονταν στην εξουσία. Εκτός από την υφιστάμενη βαρβαρότητα και τις διακρίσεις κατά των γυναικών και των απλών ανθρώπων δημιουργήθηκε ένα πολύ μεγάλο χάσμα μεταξύ πλουσίων και φτωχών, καθιστώντας τους φτωχούς ακόμα φτωχότερους και τους πλούσιους πλουσιότερους. ... read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Εργατικοί Αγώνες Monday June 30, 2014 - 18:34 byΕλευθεριακή Πρωτοβουλία Θεσσαλονίκης   image 1 image
Στις 12/ 2 / 2013 η Βιομηχανική Μεταλλευτική ξεκίνησε να λειτουργεί με αυτοδιεύθυνση και εργατικό έλεγχο. Είχε προηγηθεί ένας πολύμηνος αγώνας των εργατών της, που από τον Μάιο του 2011 βρίσκονταν σε επίσχεση εργασίας και των αλληλέγγυων που στάθηκαν δίπλα τους, στηρίζοντας το αίτημα τους να περάσει το εργοστάσιο στα χέρια των εργατών. Σήμερα, 16 μήνες μετά, οι εργάτες της ΒΙΟ.ΜΕ. συνεχίζουν να δίνουν τον αγώνα τους για επιβίωση και αξιοπρέπεια, αντιμετωπίζοντας σε κάθε βήμα το αφεντικό και τα σκυλιά του, δηλαδή το κράτος και την «ανεξάρτητη» δικαιοσύνη. ... read full story / add a comment

Front page

The experiment of West Kurdistan (Syrian Kurdistan) has proved that people can make changes

[Chile] EL FTEM promueve una serie de “jornadas de debate sindical”

Ukraine: Interview with a Donetsk anarchist

The present confrontation between the Zionist settler colonialist project in Palestine and the indigenous working people

Prisões e mais criminalização marcam o final da Copa do Mundo no Brasil

An Anarchist Response to a Trotskyist Attack: Review of “An Introduction to Marxism and Anarchism” by Alan Woods (2011)

هەڵوێستی سەربەخۆی جەماوەر لە نێوان داعش و &

Contra a Copa e a Repressão: Somente a Luta e Organização!

Nota Pública de soldariedade e denúncia

Üzüntümüz Öfkemizin Tohumudur

Uruguay, ante la represión y el abuso policial

To vote or not to vote: Should it be a question?

Mayday: Building A New Workers Movement

Anarchist and international solidarity against Russian State repression

Argentina: Atentado y Amenazas contra militantes sociales de la FOB en Rosario, Santa Fe

Réponses anarchistes à la crise écologique

50 оттенков коричневого

A verdadeira face da violência!

The Battle for Burgos

Face à l’antisémitisme, pour l’autodéfense

Reflexiones en torno a los libertarios en Chile y la participación electoral

Mandela, the ANC and the 1994 Breakthrough: Anarchist / syndicalist reflections

Melissa Sepúlveda "Uno de los desafíos más importantes es mostrarnos como una alternativa real"

On Sectarianism

Fri 05 Sep, 14:45

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orbituaryofousilawrencezitha.gif imageOrbituary of Ousi Lawrence Zitha 16:03 Mon 01 Sep by Nobyhle Dube 0 comments

Comrade Lawrence was born on 7 July 1969 in Kliptown before moving to Ceza in KwaZulu-Natal. He attended Ceza Primary and Nghunghunyone Secondary, matriculating in 1986 with exemption (excellent at that time).

textPor la Federación Anarquista del Caribe 08:31 Mon 01 Sep by Taller Libertario Alfredo López 0 comments

Para ello proponemos la realización en marzo de 2015 en la región dominicana del primer encuentro constitutivo de la F.A.C.-C. [Centroamérica] (nombre provisional) de individualidades y “delegados” de colectivos ácratas en la región, que sea el punto de cierre inicial para confrontarse y coordinar acciones, ideas e insumos, a partir de los ejes temáticos que emerjan de los colectivos en cada localidad. [English]

textFor The Caribbean Anarchist Federation 08:10 Mon 01 Sep by Taller Libertario Alfredo Lopez 0 comments

For all this we propose a constitutive meeting of the F.A.C.-C [-Central American] (Caribbean and Central American Anarchist Federation) in the Dominican Republic in March of 2015. We call individuals and “delegates” of anarchist collectives in the region to join us in this meeting that will be an initial decisive moment to compare and coordinate actions, ideas and supplies based on the topics/themes that would emerge from each collective according to their location. [Castellano]

arton59514e0ec_1.jpg imageSolidarietà internazionale a* Zapatist@s di fronte alla controrivoluzione in Chiapas 15:18 Sun 31 Aug by commission international 0 comments

Alla società civile nazionale ed internazionale,
Alla Sesta nazionale ed internazionale,
Ai media liberi, autonomi ed indipendenti,
Alle amministrazioni del buon governo,
All' EZLN,
Alle basi di appoggio dell'EZLN

arton59514e0ec_2.jpg imageInternational Support for Zapatist@s against the Chiapas counterinsurgency 19:00 Thu 28 Aug by Commission international 0 comments

To National and International Civil Society,
To the National and International Sixth,
To the free, autonomous, independent media or whatever they are called,
To the Good Government Juntas,
To the EZLN,
To the support bases of the EZLN,

arton59514e0ec_1.jpg imageApoyo internacional a los Pueblos Zapatistas victimas de la guerra de contrainsurgencia 23:12 Wed 27 Aug by commission international 0 comments

A la Sociedad Civil Nacional e Internacional,
A la Sexta Nacional e Internacional,
A los medios libres, autónomos, independiente o como se llamen,
A las Juntas de Buen Gobierno,
A la EZLN,
A l@s Bases de Apoyo del EZLN,
[Français] [English] [Italiano]

arton59514e0ec.jpg imageSoutien International aux zapatist@s contre la guerre de contre-insurrection au Chiapas 23:03 Wed 27 Aug by commission international 0 comments

A la Société Civile Nationale et Internationale,
A la Sexta Nationale et Internationale,
Aux Médias libres, autonomes, indépendants ou comme ils s’appellent,
Aux Juntas de Buen Gobierno,
Aux Bases d’appui de l’EZLN,

textPalestina-Israele, l'attacco militare a Gaza è stato un fallimento rispetto alle aspettative ma anch... 18:11 Mon 25 Aug by Ilan S. 0 comments

La guerra di Israele su Gaza intendeva indebolire Hamas ma renderlo indipendente dall'Autorità in Cisgiordania. Un mese e mezzo è passato ed Israele non riesce a fermare il lancio di razzi di Hamas su Israele. Hamas ha chiesto ad alta voce la rimozione dell'assedio ed il primo ministro israeliano non ha avuto l'appoggio necessario dalla sua coalizione per il necessario compromesso. Per diminuire le perdite e per salvare la faccia Israele con il sostegno degli USA stanno ora delegando la questione a quel Consiglio di Sicurezza dell'ONU di cui Israele non si è curato per molti anni. [English]

textPalestine-Israel, The war assault on Gaza failed to bring the expected results and even back fired* 14:09 Sun 24 Aug by Ilan S. 0 comments

The war Israel started with the Hamas was intended to keep it weaker but independent of the west bank authority. A month and a half and Israel cannot stop the Hamas firing of rockets on Israel. The Hamas raised its demand about the lifting of the siege (closer) and the Israeli prime minister failed go get the support of his coalition for the needed compromise. To diminish the losses and to save face Israel with US backing are passing the decision to the UN security council the Israeli ruling elite evaded successfully so many years. The mounting economic pressures create cracks in the Israeli ruling elite and even the populist coalition party head - the foreign minister, start to promote the end of the 1967 occupation. And the joint popular grass root struggle continue - within Israel at the Arkib Bedouins as focus, Bil'in, Ma'asara, Neby Saleh, Ni'ilin, Qaddum, Sheikh Jarrah, South Hebron Hills. [Italiano]

sorrymigrantx.jpg imageIreland - Migrant X refused an abortion and forced to have a C-section 22:31 Thu 21 Aug by Andrew 0 comments

This is as complete a story about what happened to 'Migrant X' that we are aware of.  Migrant X is a young migrant women who it emerged was refused an abortion by the Irish state despite apparently meeting the grounds of the X-case legislation and instead forced to carry the pregnancy and agree to a C-section.  The pregnanacy itself was the result of rape, Migrant X attempted suicide after being refused the abortion and later went on a hunger and thirst strike.  Once what had happened to her became known there were sizeable pro-choice solidarity demonstrations called across Ireland and at Irish embassies overseas.   We have been given information that the migrant woman at the centre of the current forced pregnancy was 'committed' to a psychiatric hospital following her initial request for termination. It’s already known that the initial request was made when she was 8 weeks pregnant.  It was this crucial period in which she was being held incommunicado which led directly to the Caesarian option being possible to impose as an ‘alternative’ to allowing her to access the abortion she had asked for.

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imageThe Khutsong Tragedy Sep 04 by Lucky Sumione 0 comments

Residents in Khutsong location were neglected by the police many times, and that is why they ended up taking the law into their own hands in late 2013.

imageAnti-militarist United Fronts and Italy’s “Red week”, 1914 Sep 03 by Jonathan Payn 0 comments

The United Front tactic – aimed at uniting masses of workers in action and winning Communist leadership for the working class – was adopted as policy by the Communist International (Comintern) in 1921 and will be discussed later in this series. However, there are important examples of working class unity in action which predate Comintern policy and bear relevance to the united fronts discussion. One often-cited example is the united front to defend the gains of the February Revolution from a military coup in Russia in 1917, which will be discussed in the next article in this series.

Before looking at this, however, there is another example of proletarian unity in action – that didn’t seek to win Communist leadership – which warrants attention; that of a revolutionary worker-peasant alliance. This conception of united front action found expression in Italy’s anti-militarist “red blocs” and it is to these that we now turn.

Part 1: NUMSA and the ‘United Front Against Neoliberalism’

imageNUMSA and the ‘United Front Against Neoliberalism’ Sep 03 by Jonathan Payn 0 comments

The resolution adopted by the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) to form a ‘United Front against neoliberalism’ – as well as its decision not to endorse the ANC in the elections – represents an interesting development in the political landscape, one which activists should look at carefully and engage.

Due to the language used by the media, the Left, NUMSA’s critics and even NUMSA itself much confusion surrounds the debate – leaving many questions: Is the ‘United Front’ an organisation or attempt to build a new labour federation or political party? Is it an attempt to revive the 1980s United Democratic Front (UDF)? Why NUMSA’s sudden interest in community struggles?

This series, of which this article is the first, aims to clarify these and other questions by looking at the proposal and history of united fronts locally and internationally to clarify key issues and draw lessons that activists can use when engaging the pros and cons of NUMSA’s United Front proposal and if and how they think it should be developed. Part 2: Anti-militarist United Fronts and Italy’s “Red week”, 1914

imageLa sperimentazione del Kurdistan Occidentale (Kurdistan siriano) ha dimostrato che il popolo può cam... Sep 03 by Zaher Baher 0 comments

Ciò che leggerete di seguito è l'esperienza della mia visita di un paio di settimane nel maggio di quest'anno, 2014, nel Nord Est della Siria o Kurdistan siriano (Ovest del Kurdistan) con un mio caro amico. Durante la visita abbiamo avuto piena libertà e l'opportunità di vedere e di parlare con chiunque. Incluse donne, uomini, giovani e partiti politici. Ci sono più di 20 partiti dai curdi ai cristiani, alcuni sono nell'Auto Amministrazione Democratica (DSA) o Autogestione Democratica (DSM) della regione di Al-Jazera. Al-Jazera è una delle tre regioni (cantoni) del Kurdistan dell'Ovest. Abbiamo incontrato anche i partiti politici curdi e cristiani che non fanno parte della DSA o della DSM. Inoltre abbiamo incontrato i vertici della DSM, membri di diversi comitati, gruppi locali e comuni così come uomini d'affari, negozianti, lavoratori, persone al mercato e gente che semplicemente camminava per strada. [English]

imageLa solidaridad Sep 03 by José Antonio Gutiérrez D. 0 comments

Transcripción de una columna de opinión originalmente transmitida por Contagio Radio,

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imageOrbituary of Ousi Lawrence Zitha Sep 01 Tokologo African Anarchist Collective 0 comments

Comrade Lawrence was born on 7 July 1969 in Kliptown before moving to Ceza in KwaZulu-Natal. He attended Ceza Primary and Nghunghunyone Secondary, matriculating in 1986 with exemption (excellent at that time).

textPor la Federación Anarquista del Caribe Sep 01 0 comments

Para ello proponemos la realización en marzo de 2015 en la región dominicana del primer encuentro constitutivo de la F.A.C.-C. [Centroamérica] (nombre provisional) de individualidades y “delegados” de colectivos ácratas en la región, que sea el punto de cierre inicial para confrontarse y coordinar acciones, ideas e insumos, a partir de los ejes temáticos que emerjan de los colectivos en cada localidad. [English]

textFor The Caribbean Anarchist Federation Sep 01 0 comments

For all this we propose a constitutive meeting of the F.A.C.-C [-Central American] (Caribbean and Central American Anarchist Federation) in the Dominican Republic in March of 2015. We call individuals and “delegates” of anarchist collectives in the region to join us in this meeting that will be an initial decisive moment to compare and coordinate actions, ideas and supplies based on the topics/themes that would emerge from each collective according to their location. [Castellano]

imageSolidarietà internazionale a* Zapatist@s di fronte alla controrivoluzione in Chiapas Aug 31 Alternative Libertaire 0 comments

Alla società civile nazionale ed internazionale,
Alla Sesta nazionale ed internazionale,
Ai media liberi, autonomi ed indipendenti,
Alle amministrazioni del buon governo,
All' EZLN,
Alle basi di appoggio dell'EZLN

imageInternational Support for Zapatist@s against the Chiapas counterinsurgency Aug 28 Alternative Libertaire 0 comments

To National and International Civil Society,
To the National and International Sixth,
To the free, autonomous, independent media or whatever they are called,
To the Good Government Juntas,
To the EZLN,
To the support bases of the EZLN,

more >>
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