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周杰倫【聽爸爸的話】詞/曲:周杰倫 iTunes download:;=zh 周杰倫再度令人驚艷之作,呼應自己的歌,男生小時候要聽媽媽的話,女生長大了要「聽爸爸的話」,在談戀愛時,明明是兩個人對於愛情的不對等而埋怨,女生有時候卻搬出爸爸來當分手的藉口,可是男生卻也以孝順為理由,聽媽媽的話,不能輕言放棄,誓言追回女生! 【Jay Chou FansPage】 【JVR Music Official Site】 【JVR Google+】杰威爾音樂
▲手寫的從前 詞:方文山 曲:周杰倫 濃濃的純愛風,以「手寫」來表達校園的初戀 ▲MV介紹 這種抒情歌充滿了濃濃的純愛風,以「手寫」來表達校園的初戀,手寫的情書,傳遞的青春的溫度與純粹;令人嚮往;而這首歌最特別的就是第一遍以簡單的鋼琴伴奏,襯著周杰倫輕輕吟唱,彷彿在空盪的校園教室裡,安靜回憶著當時的初戀情景;間奏之後二段主歌截然不同,讓人意想不到,鼓聲一進之後曲風變饒舌,彷彿將時空拉回到初戀現場,那個曾經一起彈琴的公園、糖果店的青澀微甜 ★「哎呦,不錯哦」數位下載&試聽 Digital download & streaming 【iTunes】 【Spotify】 【KKBOX】 【myMusic】 【Omusic】 【Hami+音樂】 【FETnet-900】 ★【手寫的從前】鈴聲下載 中華電信:手機直撥700→按4→輸入代碼828296 遠傳電信:手機直撥900→按4→輸入代碼289617 ▲趕快加入周杰倫粉絲頁 【Jay Chou FansPage】 【JVR Music Official Site】 【JVR Google+】杰威爾音樂 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
▲周氏情歌「算什麼男人」要男生勇敢追愛 (特別演出:林依晨/Darren邱凱偉) 周杰倫攜手林依晨MV耍浪漫 羅密歐與茱麗葉的故鄉取景 唱出男人內心的極度疼痛 ★MV介紹 About this music video 最新主打「算什麼男人」MV邀請了周董出道時期拍過他「雙截棍」MV的女主角林依晨再度合作演出!兩人不僅在MV中有精彩的對手戲,空檔時更開心話當年。而合作拍攝「算什麼男人」MV,在林依晨眼中,周董算是什麼樣的男人呢?她說:「周杰倫是企圖心很強、很有能力的人。」為了歌曲的意境,周杰倫早在今年2月就遠赴義大利拍攝對嘴畫面,讓這支「算什麼男人」MV更加精彩可期! 為了歌曲的意境,周杰倫早在今年2月就遠赴義大利的Verona(維洛那)以及佛羅倫斯拍攝MV對嘴,Verona是莎士比亞名作「羅密歐與茱麗葉」的故鄉,當地觀光景點之一的「愛情鎖牆」也入鏡其中,因應MV劇情,周董拍了在牆上解開鎖的畫面,日前在台北拍攝MV時,不忘把當時的鎖帶入劇情中。此外周董也把義大利Verona的浪漫帶回台北,林依晨在台北拍攝MV時,站在陽台上的一幕就彷彿是等待羅密歐的茱麗葉。雖然時隔9個月,周董依然沒忘記要讓兩地拍攝的MV合理串連劇情,周導用心處處可見! ★數位下載&試聽 Digital download & streaming 【iTunes】 【Spotify】 【KKBOX】 【myMusic】 【Omusic】 【Hami+音樂】 【FETnet-900】 【算什麼男人 鈴聲下載】 中華電信:手機直撥700→按4→輸入代碼828291 遠傳電信:手機直撥900→按4→輸入代碼289612 ★更多周杰倫的訊息 Connection to Jay Chou 【JayChou FansPage】 【JVR Music Official Site】 【JVR Google+】杰威爾音樂 【JVR Music Official Youtube】 ←現在訂閱Subscribe Now ★繼續觀賞 More videos 【鞋子特大號 官方完整MV】 【哎呦,不錯哦 播放清單】 ﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊
★首波主打【鞋子特大號】"Extra Large Shoes" MV 周氏幽默加上錯位藝術 時尚卓別林讓大家會心一笑 生活再無聊 幸好我們還有周杰倫! ★更多周杰倫的訊息 Connection to Jay Chou 【JayChou FansPage】 【JVR Music Official Site】 【JVR Google+】杰威爾音樂 【JVR Music Official Youtube】 ←現在訂閱Subscribe Now ★MV介紹 About this music video 雖然大手筆拍攝MV對周董來說已經不是新鮮事,每張專輯的每首歌曲都會拍攝MV也只是基本款,但周杰倫在乎的是好還要更好!總是在構思如何帶給歌迷驚喜的視聽享受!當很多人只標榜造型的多變、場景的絢麗…,周董早已掌握得如魚得水,更重視的是MV的創意與內容。周杰倫說:「MV有很多巧思在裡面,比方說我們製作了超大的擦鞋工具箱、還有超大的鞋子,花了很多錢在搭景,但每個場景卻只出現在MV幾秒而已,我們花很多心血就是要把最棒的呈現給歌迷。MV有黑白默片的感覺,玩一些錯位的視覺效果,希望歌迷看了MV之後,都能會心一笑!」 周杰倫希望藉著這支有趣的「鞋子特大號」MV,讓所有朋友都能感染到「幽默」的能量以及開心的重要!如同歌詞中「幽默是這世上最好的禮物」,「幽默」可以在人與人之間感染,也是人與人之間最好的禮物。世界再悶、生活再無聊,幸好我們還有周杰倫!周杰倫最新專輯「哎呦,不錯哦」12月10日起全台7-11及各大唱片行開始預購。相關新聞: ★繼續觀賞 More videos 【鞋子特大號MV花絮】 【30"預購廣告】 【10"預購Teaser A】 【10"預購Teaser B】 【專輯拍攝花絮】 ﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊
周杰倫與昆凌於Selby Abbey教堂舉辦的婚禮畫面,背景音樂就是杰倫為走紅毯時所創造的音樂,由當地弦樂團演奏 Jay Chou and Hannah Quinlivan wedded at the Selby Abbey, Yorkside on 17 Jan. 2015 Background music composed by Jay Chou for his wedding 詳細新聞: 【Jay Chou FansPage】 【JVR Music Official Site】 【JVR Google+】杰威爾音樂
Toronto Maple Leafs forward Tyler Bozak wins the faceoff and feeds James van Riemsdyk who scores 4 seconds into the second period on Flyer goalie Steve Mason.
2012-2013 - Toronto Maple Leafs Trade Luke Schenn for JVR.
2BC Now has T-Shirts!: Interested in playing GTA, NHL or Minecraft with the Superbmen? Follow us to Play - Twitter:!/2BCProductions Facebook -
Follow me in Twitter I hope you enjoy and share! Thank you all for your support! TrackList: 1- Anyone Out There (Maduk Remix) ...
Toronto Maple Leafs' left winger James Van Riemsdyk opens up for a candid interview. For more Leafs content, visit
My third montage for JVR.., of the Toronto Maple Leafs... This one includes all his regualr season goals.., plus a few shoot-out goals.., all from the 2013-14 season.. Thanks to my video & pic friends.... and to.. WHITESNAKE.. for the great song..! *PLEASE NOTE: All of the videos done for this profile are for the sole purpose of free entertainment and TML Fan Pump only... and no monies and/or any other profits are made from them... I am also not in any Partnership Programs.., nor do I subscribe to sites for free hits & views... I do not claim rights to the individual video clips and/or the music used... and please read my ABOUT ME section in here for more.. Please message me with any concerns.. I am a mature adult who was also a song-writer/musician.. Thank you..
Fan Page - Facebook - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GARAGEM JVR + DUDUZINHO RISCA ASFALTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOL G4 NAS 17 E FIXA !!! Equiper Risca Asfalto - Eduardo Vasconcelos -;=ts
Fan Page - Facebook - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equipe Risca Asfalto, dando oportunidade de de fazer esse trabalho maneiro, ainda amador mas melhorando cada dias mais graças a DEUS. VAMO QUE VAMO. "Porque se original fosse Bonito Mulher não usava Maquiagem" Risca Asfalto Facebook: Fooxy - Santana João Neto - Polo Edgar - Gol g4 Kiko - Gol Bola
James Van Riensdyk's first 22 Goals of the Toronto Maple Leafs 2013-14 season..., all in order... Thanks to my video friends... and to.. FRANK MARINO..., for the great song..! *PLEASE NOTE: All of the videos done for this profile are for the sole purpose of free entertainment and TML Fan Pump only... and no monies and/or any other profits are made from them... I am also not in any Partnership Programs.., nor do I subscribe to sites for free hits & views... I do not claim rights to the individual video clips and/or the music used... and please read my ABOUT ME section in here for more.. Please message me with any concerns.. I am a mature adult who was also a song-writer/musician.. Thank you...
In dieser Folge stellen ich Ihnen die JVR Colors aus Italien vor und zeige diese in einem kurzen Anwendungsbeispiel. Dabei entsteht ein Action Girl auf einem...
Here is a review of JVR Colours paints. These paints are available from ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow me on: Facebook - Twitter - Instagram -
JVR hes one of our top talent on this team.Give a like please :)
Brooke catches up with James van Riemsdyk for an edition of Rapid Fire.
este tema estbo guardado por varios años iva a salir en mi disco mi otro yo pero al final no salio .. se los dejo es un poco romantico.....
Jomaro is een lieve grote reus van 1.80 M hoog. Alles is goed voor hem.... springen, dressuur, buitenritten, enz. Hij heeft een topafstamming: vader is Jonkheer Z ( jetset D ) en moeder Tiffy ( lys de darmen)
Another day full of mix, I hope you enjoy my work! Thank you for your comments and share this video! Take this opportunity to say that the next album is the ...
Delfy is een leuke all arounder. Ze is superbraaf in de omgang, alle kunstjes die op haar worden uitgevoerd maakt ze geen probleem van. pistewerk, springen,... alles is goed!! topdag gehad met Delfy en femke.
七里香詩:方文山曲:周杰倫杰倫與最佳拍檔方文山合作的作品,是一首現代詩的情歌,讓人有一種如沐清風的涼爽,從最後戰役的悲壯、以父之名的磅礴之後,這次反行其道,第一波改走如詩雋永的抒情曲風,也是他欲呈現的一番新意。 【園遊會】 【困獸之鬥】http://yo...
Philadelphia Flyers James Van Riemsdyk sits down and talks about the road to the NHL with Steve Coates.
James van Riemsdyk speaks with the media following practice on Thursday.
David Amber's Interview With James van Riemsdyk Cherry was bang on about PK Montreal Canadiens @ Toronto Maple Leafs NHL 2013-14 Reg-Season Toronto Maple Lea...
NBC hockey analyst Pierre McGuire speaks with Toronto Maple Leafs forward James van Riemsdyk after the 2nd period of the 2014 Bridgestone NHL Winter Classic.
James van Riemsdyk of the Phildelphia Flyers (and former member of the UNH Wildcats) is featured in two brief interviews. The first is from the off-day betwe...
NHL Network's Kathryn Tappen sits downs with Toronto Maple Leafs forward James van Riemsdyk.
Van Riemsdyk scores for a Case of tastykakes! Great pass from Pronger!
Detroit Red Wings goaltender Jimmy Howard and Toronto Maple Leafs forward James van Riemsdyk talk about being selected for Team USA for the Sochi Olympics.
James van Riemsdyk, NTDP forward from 2005-07 and current Toronto Maple Leafs forward, talks about his favorite memories of Ann Arbor during the NTDP Alumni ...
Apparently, hockey players say "obviously" a lot. Featuring: Sidney Crosby, John Tavares, Martin St. Louis, Marc Staal, James van Riemsdyk, Eric Staal, Brad Richards, Nathan Horton, Jason Spezza, Jonathan Toews, Patrik Elias, Nikolai Khabibulin, Ryan Nugent-Hopkins, Roberto Luongo, James Reimer, Drew Doughty, Clarke MacArthur, Ryan Getzlaf, Logan Couture, Tyler Bozak, and Phil Kessel.
To get you in the mood James Van Riemsdyk of the Toronto Maple Leafs joins us to celebrate the launch of NHL 15: the newest generation of hockey games.
A tribute video made for James van Riemsdyk of the Toronto Maple Leafs. Highlights include: 1. Draft Day (2nd Overall 2007) 2. First NHL Goal 3. First NHL Pl...
James van Riemsdyk talks about his dad, Dion Phaneuf, a Rihanna concert, sings Beyonce, This is 40, his Top 5 starlets, rivals + the most honest teammate.
James van Riemsdyk speaks with media following the Leafs 5-2 win against the Islanders on Tuesday night.
Joffrey Lupul gives his new teammate James Van Riemsdyk a tour of Toronto, while imparting knowledge about the city and being a Toronto Maple Leaf. This epis...
Go behind-the-scenes with James van Riemsdyk of the Toronto Maple Leafs as he shares how his dad helped him get to where he is today. Learn more about their relationship and the ASUS Transformer Book Series at For more information head over to: Visit our YouTube channel: Join the community: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Google+:
Joffrey Lupul gives David Clarkson a tour of Toronto with cameos from James van Riemsdyk and Doug Gilmour. In this tour of Toronto sequel, Clarkson reverses ...
A Montage of Draft Day for James Van Riemsdyk.
James van Riemsdyk has overcome odds, obstacles, and doubt to make it to the big show in hockey. His philosophy? "Show people what you're made of. Silence th...
Delos Reyes (JVR), runs the affairs of the city ... Poor JVR ... JVR’s wife, Myrna, used to cook native chicken for me.
Sun Star 2015-03-29The reason given by JVR on the termination of ... Here’s a thought from a Talisaynon about JVR’s case.
Sun Star 2015-03-22The job vacancy rate (JVR) measures the proportion of total posts that are vacant, expressed as a percentage:
noodls 2015-03-19But De los Reyes, popularly known as JVR, threatened to remove Talisay City Police Chief Reycel ...
Sun Star 2015-03-18"My father died of it ... Try to show your character. ’" ... JVR (James van Riemsdyk) has great hands in tight ... terry ... ca. twitter.
Toronto Sun 2015-03-1615 ... "That’s the goal. Any player who plays at this level, that’s what you want ... )" ... JVR ENDS DRY SPELL.
Toronto Sun 2015-02-25JVR is a toddler in governance ... JVR ... JVR's behavior must have caused that concern about his health.
Sun Star 2015-02-23JVR is practically mismanaging the affairs of the city ... JVR’s attitude was a case of changing horses in midstream ... JVR.
Sun Star 2015-02-22He was supposed to deliver the check to City Mayor Johnny "JVR" de los Reyes as advance payment for ...
Sun Star 2015-02-21... such a good, proven player who is in his prime. But JVR is hurting fantasy teams. Not just a little.
Yahoo Daily News 2015-02-19(Source: INS - National Institute of Statistics ) Microsoft Word - PR-rate and no ... Tel/Fax: ... No ... JVR = ... JVR = job vacancies rate.
noodls 2015-02-19... AC Sports, San Remeio Properties, FXC elevator, ASPA Scaffoldings, Crystal King ug JVR-Talisay.
Sun Star 2015-02-12(But) everyone has to take a different approach ... CZECH MATE FOR BOZAK, JVR ... I thought that line was very strong ... LOOSE LEAFS.
Toronto Sun 2015-02-12James "JVR" van Riemsdyk (born May 4, 1989) is an American professional ice hockey left winger who plays for the Philadelphia Flyers of the National Hockey League (NHL).
Van Riemsdyk attended Christian Brothers Academy in Lincroft, New Jersey before transferring out after his sophomore year to move to Ann Arbor, Michigan play for the U.S. National Team Development Program. Before that he played Mite to Bantam at Brick Hockey Club in Brick, NJ. As a youth in the greater NY area, van Riemsdyk was an avid New York Rangers fan.
Van Riemsdyk was drafted second overall by the Philadelphia Flyers in the 2007 NHL Entry Draft behind number one pick and fellow American Patrick Kane, marking the first time in NHL history that two Americans were drafted 1st and 2nd overall in the same draft.
On April 1, 2009, the Philadelphia Flyers announced that van Riemsdyk would forgo his last two years of college eligibility at the University of New Hampshire to sign an entry-level NHL contract starting in the 2009–10 season; he spent the remainder of the 2008–09 season playing for the Philadelphia Phantoms on an amateur tryout contract.
Jay Chou; (born 18 January 1979) is a Taiwanese musician, singer-songwriter, music and film producer, actor and director. In 1998 he was discovered in a talent contest where he displayed his piano and song-writing skills. Over the next two years, he was hired to compose for popular Mandarin singers. Although he was trained in classical music, Chou combines Chinese and Western music styles to produce songs that fuse R&B, rock and pop genres. He composes all his own songs, as well as songs for other singers.
In 2000, Chou released his first album, titled Jay, under the record company Alfa Music. Since then he has released one album per year except in 2009, selling several million copies each. His music has gained recognition throughout Asia, most notably in regions such as Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and in overseas Asian communities. He has sold more than 28 million albums worldwide up to 2010. He debuted his acting career in Initial D (2005), for which he won Best Newcomer Actor in both the Hong Kong Film Awards and the Golden Horse Awards, and was nominated for Best Supporting Actor by Hong Kong Film Awards for his role in Curse of the Golden Flower (2006). He produced the theme song for the film Ocean Heaven starring Jet Li. His career now extends into directing and running his own record company JVR Music.
Callin you a longtime night
Face good bye
Time is tryin hard to take you from back my side
We are fading in the moment
Love comes close
We are fading in the moment yeah
Pre Chorus:
But you love and won’t go
And all seem hopeless
But you love and won’t let go ooh
Where do you owe me for the last time
And never let me go
Baby it’s gonna be our last night, it’s all i know
As we’re finding far away please your ..
Where do you owe me for the last time
And don’t let go
We are leaving all behind you and i
Watching wishes turned in night
And ..skies
Pre Chorus:
But you love and won’t go
And all seem hopeless
But you love and won’t let go ooh
Where do you owe me for the last time
And never let me go
Baby it’s gonna be our last night, it’s all i know
As we’re finding far away please your ..
Where do you owe me for the last time
And don’t let go
This is staring me apart finding ..
This is staring me apart
Nililibang ko na lng sarili ko sa kawalann
Naghihintay na balang araw ay aking magisnan
I feel so lonely at madalas akong nagiisa
Kasi di ko magawa na maghanap pa ng iba
Damang dama ko pa ang sakit ng pagkabigo
Diba minahal nmn kta ng tunay ngunit saken lumayo
Madalas akong balisa minsan nama'y tulala
Nakatingin sa langit at minamasdan ang mga tala
At hinihiling na sana balang araw ay dumating
Ang babaeng shang tunay na dapat kong mahalin
Ngunit paano yan ang tanong saking sarili
Kung saan at kung kailan ko mahahanap aking lady
Di ginawa ko na ang impossibleng paraan
Nagpahula sa baklaran pra sa ating kapalaran
Pagod na pagod na ko sa paghihintay
Kung kailan makakamit pagmamahal mong tunay
Chorus I:
You are always gonna be my love
Itsuka darekato mata koi ni ochitemo
I'll remember to love you taught me how
You are always gonna be the one
Ima wa mada kanashii love love songu
Atarashii uta utaeru made
Verse II:
Unang araw ng eskwela habang nakasakay sa jeep
At papasok may babaeng nakasabay
Pag sa unang tingin hindi mo sya mapapansin
Simple lng kanyang dating tahimik pa at mahimbing
Pero may isang bagay na nagtutulak sa akin
Tila gusto ko lapitan at pla kausapin
Hindi na mapalagay at ang tingin ko'y lumalagkit
At muntik na mahimatay ng sakin sha'y napadikit
Bakit ganito ang aking nararamdaman
Di ko alam ang dahilan biglang kinakabahan
Ang pawis ko'y lumalamig ang tuhod ko'y nanginginig
Mga tanong sa isip ay hindi maibigkas nitong bibig
Gusto ko sanang tanongin ang pangalan mo
At bka pwede sunduin sa tirahan niyo
Pero di ko magawa at di ko maumpisahan sinabayan pa to ng traffic at pagbuhos ng ulan
Chorus II:
You will always be inside my heart
Itsumo anata dake no basho ga aru kara
I hope that I have a place in your heart too
Now and forever you are still the one
Ima wa mada kanashii love love song
Atarashii uta utaeru made
Verse III
Third verse nakalimutan mo ako
Lagi mong sinasabi na tuwina lng ito
Ayoko ng lumuha pa
Ayoko ng magisip pa
Ikaw pa rin ang mahal ko
Wlang makakahadlang
Humingi ako ng tawad
Sana ako ay patawarin
Wlang makakapantay
Dahil ang pagmamahalan
Ikaw pa rin sa puso ko
Ikaw pa rin sa isip ko
Ikaw pa rin sa puso ko
Ikaw pa rin sa isip ko
Ibigin mo ako sinta
Minahal kta aking gina
At tulad mo na mahalaga
Di na kta lolokohin pa
Sa magulang na napakalakas
Tuwang tuwa ka sa taka
Pero pagibig ko sinta prang bula na nawala